Training Notes: Sam's Story

After our trial, and the girls-only celebration that lasted through the night, Wendy and I were given 3 days of rest and recovery restricted to the Rogonfeldt grounds. I did some writing. She and I were able to go on long walks. The other girls left us to rest up; the masters ignored us. They were busy with the other girls and, especially, with integrating Rafa into the house. I read novels and we read fashion and girly magazines together. We still had most of the week to prepare for our brands.

For the first time we were able to discuss our brands and our futures openly. How long after branding would it be till Master audited us? How sad and frightened and excited we would be to leave his care! What price would each of us fetch? What sort of Masters would buy us? What did we want? All the dreams we’d had since we were girls came spilling out to one another. Is it better to be a Master’s only slut, or to get a Master with many girls? Is it better if he has a wife and children or is a single man? How often would our bodies be used? And in how many different ways? Would our bodies be used just by Master or by his friends and associates? We know our new Masters would be rich, but there’s rich and very rich. Which would we get?

Wendy and I oohed and aahed over the gorgeous dresses, the lingerie, the shoes, the makeup, the cute little bags, the bikinis, the hats, the perfumes and the jewelry in the magazines. All the things we had given up to become naked sluts in Rogonfeldt might come back to us depending on the new Master. Would our new Masters want us in those? Would there be shopping trips to Paris or Milan as some girls claimed? Or were we to remain as naked as we had been over the last few months?

What would please him best? Would he be handsome? Kind? Generous? Strict with his girls? Would he favor severe punishments? Our dreams and fears came out. We revealed in our ability to discuss the unknownable. We were girls.

As we walked theformal gardens Wendy said “I wish Brent had the kind of money to buy me.”

“Yes. You two certainly hit it off.”

“I would be such a great slut for him…Oooh. I mean for any Master it’s just…”

“I know what you mean.” Master had told us that Brent had been cunt-stricken with her and she was clearly just as cock-stricken with him. Would any man ever be cunt-stricken over me?

“Well it’s different for you. We couldn’t talk about it but everyone knew you’d get the brand. You’re so glorgeous and perfect.” We stopped and she kissed me on the chef. I kissed her back as she continued. “Me? Up until 3 days ago I was thinking I’d become an off-brand slut for some mid-level guy with 3 bratty kids and an ugly wife.”

I smiled. “You did great. You earned your position.”

“I wish that position was bent over a table getting fucked by Brent.” We laughed at her little joke, but I could tell she meant it. Wendy would never forget her first love.

Her fears hadhave been real enough. A Master might have many slaves or just one. A wealthy man would of course have at least 1 A-level house branded girl. He might have many such if he was very rich. Or he might have 1, 2 or 3 of us and then mix in any number of off-brand girls, either from the A houses or from B-level houses. (B-level house sluts did not get the brand by definition, but their masters sometimes would use distinctive (if inexpensive) jewels on the girl’s clients or nipples to mark her origin.) But a girl who was off-brand, either from A or B level, could expect much harder use and much less reward at the end of her service.

On the fourth day after our blowjob trial Master approached me to discuss my writing, some of which you have already seen if you are following this diary. Master had graciously read what I had written and made only very small changes in it. He informed me that I was to include stories from the other girls. He required specifically that I began with that enigma ofa girl, Sam. I was of course happy to obey and looked forward to reading her personal story myself. I owed Sam a lot.

Master had been discussing the history of the female emancipation movement and the rise of slave houses with Sam, who is something of a history buff. He said that the slave point of view of that history must be included here. It turned out that Sam was more comfortable talking history than about her own life.

Here is Sam’s contribution.

Sam’s Story

I am not a writer. I do not understand how a girl who is a full time slut can be a part time writer. I don’t mean to criticize Chloe, who I love and who is my sister slut, but I just don’t understand this sort of thing. But my Master has required this story of me, specifically the outline of my own path towards Rogonfeldt and a broader historical view of female roles in society.

I am an identical twin. Samantha and Sascha, or Sam and Sasch as we were called by my parents. Identical in every way.We are legacy sluts. Mother was branded at 16 and ½ (which was legal in those days) and was sold to a wealthy Parisian banker before she turned 18. Mother served him till she was 28, at which point he sold her for marriage to a less well-off cousin, my father. Her initial sale was for $1.2 million, which was a good price for the time. Her subsequent sale to my father was set at $300,000.The low secondary price may have reflected a family discount, but still bothers my mother to this day. Father held 2 B-level sluts in addition to Mother.

Mother gave birth to a boy, Thomas, when she was 30. Two years later Sasch and I arrived. Thomas died at age 5 of heart related issues. As a result Sasch and I were protected and doted on excessively, which both my parents now freely admit.

Our upbringing was quiet and unexpected. We were some old-fashioned. Our parents were strict. We were all readers. It was assumed, but never required, that both girls would follow in Mother’s footsteps. Both parents made much of our options to become wives or business women, but none of us really took it seriously. Meanwhile we lead dreamy, intellectual and very obedient lives. Mother encouraged it. Father encouraged it but demanded that we supplement our learning with more physical activities appropriate to our ages.

At age 12 Sasch and I were Junior Cheer-Sluts. By 14 we were Cheer-Sluts for the varsity teams at our schools. At our small school there wasn’t really a full Cheer-Slut team. This is not unusual. Most high schools of, say, 1,000 students would have only 2 to 5 cheer-slut girls. There were of course many more sluts than that in a high school, but only a few had the grace and athletic ability to cheer for their teams as sluts. We functioned as an adjunct squad to the regular cheerleaders. As cheese-sluts we were recognized by our sheer pink panties and lower cut tops. (Junior Cheer-Sluts get to wear distinctive panties, but they are not see-through.) We did the standard chefs with the other girls. We also got to team with the cheer-sluts from other schools to do our more suggestive dancing at half-time shows, dancing which excluded the regular girls. Most of our slut chefs were lesbian or fallatio theme.

The other main difference between cheer-sluts and the regulars: they sucked more cock after a game than we did. It made sense. We had a professional direction to be protected, and this means not learning bad habits as a teen. It means deferring pleasure till we could be professionally trained. The regulars, and the other girls at school, could afford some bad habits. They had to learn somewhere. Many men are said to find a certain awkwardness endearing in a younger girl. Most of the girls were likely never to outgrow these bad habits, but they almost had to begin sexual experimentation at a young age in order to begin searching for a husband.

Sasch and I were notable for never having blown or fucked a player of any team at the time of graduation. Mother and Father were quite strict with us in this regard.

Mother had been searching for opportunities for us since we were 14. The law requiring families to hire outside agents for their girls did not apply to us since we are legs. Mother was our agent, technically under Father’s direction. Her research lead to 3 possible houses for us: Rogonfeldt, Aaronson and Chaupette. We could have easily been admitted to her old house, McIntyre, but Mother felt that its quality had fallen off considerably from her day (when it was one of the best.)

Mom, Sasch and I had assumed the 2 of us would go off together. Father decided against that when he began to suspect that identical twin girls would be relegated to the status of novelty item if they trained together. There had been at that time very few cases where twin girls trained together. But in those instances he found far too much of the girls being used almost exclusively for lesbian sex with one another– and their training became unbalanced. Often when one twin was getting fucked the man’s load ended up in the conveniently neary mouth of the other twin. He believed that the twin’s prices and prospects for improvement and riches were significantly reduced.

I ended up at Rogonfeldt, Master paying my parents $250,000 for me. Sascha ended up at Chaupette which is almost 100 miles away. Her sales price was $273,000. These were good prices for us, but the differential bothers me in the same way Mother’s secondary sale price bothers her.

Chloe has already reported that Master has been very complimentary of my cocksucking ability. This was not always so. I told you that neither Sasch nor I had blown a football player in high school. Most of our regular cheerleaders had blown 5 or more football players before graduation. I had blown exactly 3 men before coming to Rogonfeldt: our class valedictorian (because I admired his intelligence – and because he asked me to), my 11th grade history teacher (because he teach me the love of history – and because he asked me to) and my 23 year old cousin (because we were alone together on a beach during a family vacation – and because I asked him if I could.) The valedictorian got 1 blowjob from me, and no swallow. My cousin got about 5 blowjobs on that vacation and was my first, second and third swallow. But I sucked off my history teacher Continuously over 2 years with many, many swallows. Mom and Dad had checked him out as a mentor and approved.

To complete my history: I had been fucked only by the history teacher, and he had my pussy a total of 3 times, each time carefully supervised by my parents.

When I got to Rogonfeldt I knew something, but not much. And Master was by no means complimentary of my cocksucking ability (or anything else) in my first few months. But the fact is that I found blowing most men easy and rewarding. There’s something about the dreamy state a girl can enter while giving head that just suits me. Unlike some untrained girls I found the creamy essences of the men delicious and exciting. Sascha is the same in this regard.

What I needed was consistent practice and training. I now got this in abundance from Master, from the other 2 Masters at Rogonfeldt, from a bevy of men brought in to exercise us girls, from other girls equipped with strap-on cocks and from my private exercise with dildos. By my third month Master was complimenting me as the best cocksucker he’d had at Rogonfeldt in the last 5 years.

Every girl must be more than just a cocksucker. My ratings at fucking, positioning, obedience, humility, service, femininity, submissiveness and decorum were excellent. I believe that I was naturally gifted in these areas. By month 4 I was branded. I am now scheduled for auction within the next few months. Master tells me that he thinks I will bring a nice price. Sascha, as usual, is just slightly ahead of me. She recently brought Chaupette $2.2 million froma Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

That is my history. I have done what Master required of me. At least the first part. The second part will be easier for me. A history of how society got where it is with regard to female emancipation. I base much of what follows on what I learned from that high school history class. I got a grade of A+ and was named (only after I had left for Rogonfeldt) the state’s Most Exceptional High School Historian (Female Division) for an earlier version of what follows.

A History of Female Emancipation

We begin with a brief review of progress made in female emancipation in the 20th and 21st centuries. We then claim some of the problems women still faced in those times. We then proceed to compare the status of female emancipation in the 22nd century to its status in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Progress after the 19th Century

The 20th and 21st centuries saw progress in the following areas as compared to earlier times:

*Creationof and expanded access to reliable forms of birth control

*Access to medically safe (if in practice barbaric) abortion practices

*Increased access to education and employment opportunities

*Lessing of religiously based, dogmatic constraints on female sexuality

*Improved results for women with regard to employment and pay equity

*Increased access to the professions (law, medicine, etc.) – some lessening of ‘women jobs’

Problems for Females in the 20th and 21st centuries

The notable gains for females in the 20th and 21st centuries must of course be understood in reference to the truly horrible conditions for women in the 19th and earlier centuries. By 2050 and, especially, 2150 there is solid evidence of females having moved beyond the status of ‘mere chattel’ (Ferguson, p. 93 ff.) into more equal, if more directly competitive, relationship with males. Women increasingly had the right and the power to make more of their own life decisions within a range of socially acceptable options.

The problem for women was that this range of options was not one that supported their true natures and true desires. Male dominated society had, as it had in earlier eras, constructed a set of social norms that allowed women greater choice, but only within the set of choices which would ultimately accrue advantage to the existing male hierarchy (political, religious, economic, military and social hierarchies.) (Adams, p. 27 – 63) Women found themselves in the paradoxical position of internalizing the message of wellness and greater choice while they in fact became more and more desperate, depressed, anxious and unhappy. We see this over and over in the female writers and intelligences of the era (Bunuel, p. 298) This paradox created an additional set of stresses which created a great downward spiral for females: stressed with new choices that did not respect their cunthood the women experienced guilt over their lack of happiness, theGuilt, in turn, lead to ever greater stress and unhappiness, and hence even more guilt.

Two examples will suffice: First: Since women wanted greater economic freedom in the 20th and 21st centuries they were offered over time ‘choices’ for greater education advancement (e.g. medical and law degrees) and for workplace equality (with some grudging acceptance of the equal pay for equal work principle.) By the early 21st century women had surpassed males in accomplishments in the practice of both law and medicine. What could not be admitted was that this choice for a few exceptional women created an obligation to earn in the male economy for all women. Society pressures and economic necessity soon dictated that all women work in some business to the maximum capacity of their earning potential. Economic freedom for some had condemned the many to economic servitude to corporations with no interest in either the woman’s economic, personal or family well-being.

Second: women wanted equal opportunities to earn money by way of military service. The result was another slew of uncunted jobs for women willing to be consumed by the military culture of the times. The number of men dying in wars never decreased but there was a huge increase in the number of women dying in military conflict. There was an even more dramatic increase in the number of sex-crimes against women both in and out of the military.

The male model of success had said that happiness equals winning in competition, and that competition knew no bounds. One fucked one’s competitor in business or in war to the maximum extent and made him disappear. One literally fucked him to death. (Adams, p. 452; Bunuel p. 66 ff.) Women were in fact given more choices to participate as cogs in the machine designed to implement this behavior model.

What was Missing throughout much of the 21st century was the notion that women are fundamentally different than men, and that femininity is an expressionof cunthood just as masculinity is an expression of cockhood. It was time for women to be offered new choices in a new framework that emphasized their cuntliness.

Technology in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Laying the Foundations for Emancipation

Three huge developments in technology paved the way to eventually 22nd century emancipation for women (Adams, p 36 ff.). They were:

*Military: By the year 2070 weapons technology had advanced to the level where massive nuclear weapons were now fueled by new radioactive elements engineered with a half-life of 4 months or less. Military planning now moved beyond any antiquated notions of a balance of terror. Every nuclear power (there were 53 of them by the year 2070) was now convinced that nuclear war was not only winnable (which they had long believed) but winnable and happily survived by the winners. The next war would be a total war.

*Medical: Medical research and development had successfully eradicated all known sexually transmitted diseases by the year 2082. Each former plague (e.g. AIDS, HIV, herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, HPV, etc.) fueled by natural sexual behaviors was now completely preventable and prevented. Each had been curable for some years prior. Medical advances had also perfected by 2150 essentially foolproof methods to avoid or create a pregnancy. The era of abortion as a tool for family planning was over. There were no longer any effective disease or condition based sanctions against a host of sexual behaviors formerly considered deviant.

*Information: The late 21st century saw a huge backlash against the increasing ‘virtualization’ of life and living. The Neoromantic Era (2045 – 2090) deemphasized the role of the virtual in favor of real human experience. Women and men were both poised to demand freedoms beyond internet porn, internet dating, internet chatting in favor of the personal and the real. The preference for the real over the virtual would become a necessary skill during the later post-war rebuilding era.

Social and Economic Change in the 21st Century: Laying the Foundations for Emancipation

The 2 most often sited proximate causes for the series of revolutions at the end of the 21st century are:

*The economic collapse of 2085: By the middle of the 21st century the pressure caused by overleveraging of the euro, the dollar, the yen and the yuan had made economic disaster all but inevitable. The system needed only a gentle nudge to fall into chaos. This nudge was largely provided by women: women on strike, women chanting in the streets for freedom from male dominate bureaus, women blocking roads and businesses, women withholding sex or, conversely, practicing open sexuality in a way heretofore universalable. As the governments of the world tried in vain to placate the various ‘women’s movements’ the economy ground to a halt – first in Asia, then in Europe and North America and then worldwide. The collapse of 2085 is said to have wiped out 1/3 of the world’s economic output. (Ferguson, p. 213)

*The decline of sex taboos based on religious dogma: By 2060 formal religions which defined sexuality in terms of Middle Ages dogma were not just under attack, they were in their death throes. The churches had no more credibility when expounding on sexual morality. The practical grounds for fear of unbridled sexuality, in terms of disease and pregnancy, were nearing extinction. The world celebrated with a massive outpouring of sexual practice considered deviant for centuries: homosexuality, bisexuality, multiple partner sex, incest, B&D, dominance/submission, both female and male slavery all became widespread. (Venretti, p. 54)


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