Hey all – Quick recap: The cuckoldress here asked her cuckold to write out his top fansies, so she could then play them out with her lover, just to rub it in. She’s now invited the cuckold’s work crush from his previous job to join in, and it turns out this crush is a switch. Please read “The Fantasy List” chapters one through three if you want to get caught up on plot. If you’re Just here for the kinky sex, though, there’s a lot of that too. Everyone is over 18 years old as always. And of course, it’s just fantasy…but let’s hope it’s filtered fucking hot fantasy.
Clyde had the clean sheets on the bed in a few minutes. After that, he took a seat in the antique bedroom chair against the wall opposite the bed, next to the master bathroom door. Abria and Marcus had left the bathroom fan on after the shower, and its low hum just obscured the conversation happening in the dining room below, between Marcus, Abria, and Selena. Although the anxiety, arousal, terror, and general cuckold angst roiling the pit of his stomach, he was glad for the time alone to collect his thoughts.
Nothing Abria had done had violated the agreement they had about their cuckolding relationship. They’d agreed she could choose her lovers, although she usually kept Clyde up to speed on who she was talking to. Her private conversations with Selena were an anomaly — although, given how this all played out, he could see why she hadn’t said anything. Clyde felt plenty of things, but he didn’t feel betrayed, he realized. Over the years, he and Abria had worked their way up to a fairly intense power exchange relationship. It worked, in part because it fed both Clyde’s natural masochistic tendencies and Abria’s sharply sadistic desires, and anyway, it never got boring.
What he hadn’t expected was the rush of emotion he’d felt talking to Selena again. He hadn’t thought about her much since he’d left his last job, and anyway, they were both with other people —
The bedroom door opened and Marcus stepped inside, along with Abria, leading Selena by the hand. Selena carried a cup of ice cubes in the other hand; she set it on the Victorian end table near the door.
“Just like I asked,” Abria said, and glanced at the bed. “Fresh sheets and everything. You’re such a good boy, Clyde. I’m too mean to you sometimes.”
She dropped Selena’s hand, crossed the room, and kissed him. Clyde’s stomach turned over.
She straightened up and put her hands on her hips. She’d thrown on a pair of tight pink running shorts and a baggy t-shirt, her hair just about dry now.
“So here’s what’s going to happen, my dearly beloved cuckold,” she said. “We’re going to cross another item off your Fantasy List today. Because Selena decided to take Some pain and humiliation for you, you’ll get to watch, although of course you won’t be able to participate.”
She kissed him again, and Clyde’s penis jumped in the cage.
“Such is the plight of a caged cuckold,” Abria said. “Selena and I have obviously talked about this, and she’s excited.”
A slight blush colored Selena’s cheats. She kept her eyes on the floor, pursued her lips, her hands claped demurely behind her back.
“See, I asked Selena to make a Fantasy List, just like Marcus and I made you write one out,” Abria said. “The difference, though, is that Selena gets to live out her fansies, while you only get to watch.”
Clyde sent, closed his eyes. Abria laughed.
“Yeah, that’s the reaction I was hoping for,” she said. “Come on now, baby, would you have it any other way, little pain slut you are?”
Clyde ran his tongue across his teeth and looked away. She gripped his chin in her hands and kissed him hard, authoritative. The way someone in charge of a military might kiss.
“Don’t answer that question,” she whispered in his ear. “I’ll be back to you in a second.”
She stood again, and turned to Selena, who raised those dark, innocent eyes to meet Abria’s gaze. Clyde recognized the look Selena had on her face. It was the look of someone deep in subspace, someone who wasn’t sure where this was going to go but who couldn’t turn this particular train around just now. She had her fingers played out as wide as they’d go against her thighs — a nervous habit of her Clyde remembered well — and even beneath her conservative blouse, he could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
Abria crossed the room and kissed her again, slower, gentler than she’d kissed Clyde.
“You still want to do this for me?” Abria asked.
“Yes Mistress,” Selena whispered.
“You want to be a good girl for me?” Abria asked.
“Yes Mistress,” Selena said.
“You want to follow my orders, even if they hurt or they humiliate you?”
Selena swallowed. “Yes Mistress.”
“You remember your safeword?”
“Yes Mistress.”
Abria nodded. “All right. This first one won’t be so hard. Go undress my cuckold for me.”
Selenablinked, then looked past Abria for the first time, and she and Clyde made eye contact, before they both looked away.
“Undress him, Mistress?”
“You heard me, girl,” Abria said. “I want to show you why I cuckold my husband. I want to show you a thing or two about how to have good sex, now that you’re free from the awful, boring sex you had to put up with for five years. And I also want to show you why I had you brought that cup of ice up here. Go undress my cuckold for me.”
Selena blinked, then nodded, and approached Clyde. She kept her eyes on the floor until she stood in front of him.
They locked eyes and he felt it, deep in his gut.
She was going to see the chatity cage. She was going to see how small his penis actually was. She was going to see him fucking naked. The very thought turned his legs to mush.
Abria made her way behind Selena and gave her a smack on the ass, before jumping on the bed behind her with Marcus.
Selena jumped and yelped — it wasn’t a hard spank, just unexpected — and it seemed to break her trance.
“Stand…stand up,” she whispered to Clyde.
Clyde did so, his mouth dry, his mind on the years they’d spent showing up for work, day after day, working on projects together, seeing each other as equals.
No more, apparently.
Selena reached down, for the hem of Clyde’s shirt, and lifted it over his head and arms, then tossed it on the floor.
She ran her eyes over his bare chest, and again she bit her lip without thinking, chewed it as she stared down at his belt buckle.
The chatity cage. She was going to see it. He closed his eyes, torn between hot humiliation and terrified humiliation.
“Abria –” he began, as Selena reached for his belt buckle.
“Silence cuckold,” Abria said, and she and Marcus giggled from the bed.
Selena undid his belt; her small knuckles brushed the cage’s hard surface beneath his jeans as she did. She had to have felt that.
His pants tumbled to around his ankles.
“Step out of them,” Selena whispered, with slightly more confidence now.
Clyde waited a moment, and then he did so, kicked them towards a far corner.
“Abria please –” Clyde tried again, as Selena hooked her fingers into the waistband of his underwear, sending pleasant shockwaves up his torso and down into his groin. “You know how I –“
“Cuckold, you know I can kick you out, right?” Abria said, as Marcus throw an arm around her. “I’d be quiet if I were you.”
Selena slipped his underwear down to his ankles as well.
Clyde closed his eyes, felt the blood rush to his face, then opened his eyes again.
Selena wasn’t looking at him; she had her eyes on his caged penis, her head cocked, brow slightly furrowed, the disappoint smile playing on her lips.
“Well?” Abria said from behind her. “What do you think, girl?”
“I guess I’ve seen pictures of chatity cages before,” Selena said, her voice low. “I just…”
She paused, looked up at Clyde, eyes full of concern now.
“Does it hurt?” She asked.
Clyde blinked. “I mean…only when I try to get hard.”
Selena nodded. “And what about…I don’t know I’ve read that…”
She gestured towards Clyde’s balls, bulging from beneath the small stainless steel cage.
Clyde looked away, his face hot, sweat standing out on his forehead and cheats. Somehow, Selena’s sympathy was more humiliating than any cruel or sadistic pleasure she might have taken in this.
“You got used to the ache,” Clyde said.
“But there is an ache?” Selena asked. “I think I read about that.”
“Yeah I mean…it happens sometimes,” he said.
He looked back at her and they locked eyes.
“I’m sorry Clyde,” she said, a small nervous smile on her lips now. “I don’t want to make it worse for you I –“
“You’re going to make it worse for him,” Abria said, bouncing up from the bed behind her. “You already have, and that’s my favoriteItem part.”
Selena looked at her feet, but she didn’t look unhappy either.
Abria bent and slipped the anklet off her ankle, and Clyde caught his breath.
That anklet had the key to his chatity cage on it.
“Selena,” Abria said, as she took the key between two fingers. “If you go to the top drawer of the vanity, there should be a gag there, and also some handscuffs. I want you to bring them both to me.”
Selena blinked, and looked away from Clyde, then nodded. “I will.”
Abria gave her another light spank on the ass. Selena let out another cute yelp. “You will…what, girl?”
“I will, Mistress,” Selena said.
“Good girl,” Abria said, then turned to Clyde. “Now, as for you…sit back down in the chair. And get that underwear away from your feet. You’re going to be naked for this.”
“Yes Abria,” Clyde said, and did as she asked.
Abria smiled to herself as she put the key in the lock on Clyde’s chatity cage.
“You think you get to call me something other than Mistress?” Abria asked, snickering to herself.
“I…whatever you want,” he said. “Mistress.”
“That’s better,” she said, turning the key in the lock.
Behind her, Marcus stood and began to strip.
Again, something heavy dropped into Clyde’s gut, some potential mixture of extreme anxiety — the kind of thing he’d had his whole life, anytime anyone else might be able to see his penis — and overpowering arousal.
Abria was strict about keeping him in chatity. She usually went at least a few days or a week before she let him out. He’d never imagined she’d unlock him today.
Although, by the looks of it, she had an ultimate motive for his unlock today. This wasn’t going to be about his pleasure, at least not directly.
She’d told Selena she wanted to teach her about sex…
Abria slipped the chatity cage off his penis. Clyde couldn’t help himself; he told himself; he told relief.
Abria giggled between his legs, ran her hands along the insides of his thighs. “Mmmmmmm, does that feel good baby?” She whispered.
It did. In fact, it didn’t just feel good. It felt explosive. He kept his eyes closed a moment and just enjoyed everything — Abria’s hands on his thighs, the brush of her head against his knee, the fucking tumble of her scarlet hair against his skin — before he opened them again.
Selena stood above him, the handscuffs in one hand, the dildo-gag in the other.
Clyde groaned. He hated the dildo gag. It didn’t point outward…it pointed *inward,* meaning he’d have a dick in the back of his throat for however long Abria wanted him to wear it. She didn’t use it on him often, because he knew he didn’t like; it was usually a punishment.
“Were these what you were looking for, Mistress?” Selena asked.
“They were exactly, girl,” Abria said, and sat back on her heels, her hands still on his knees. “And you can see how much he likes them. I want you to handcuff him to the chair first, and then gag him.”
Selena looked between them, then nodded. “All right Mistress, yes. I will.”
She made her way behind the chair and knelt behind Clyde, then took his hands and placed them in the handscuffs.
“That doesn’t hurt does it?” She whispered in his ear as she did. “I don’t want it to hurt.”
He felt her hot breath in the hollow of his collarbone and it made him shiver.
“No,” he told her.
“But make it tight enough so he can’t get out of the chair, girl,” Abria said, an amused, cocky smile on her lips as she did.
Selena did so, although Clyde could feel her hands tremble as she did.
“All right, girl,” Abria said. “Now for the gag.”
Selena nodded. “This looks…cruel.”
Abria shrugged, the same smile still on her lips. “He’s used to it.”
Selena nodded, pursued her lips. “Will it hurt him?”
“No,” Abria said. “But he won’t be talking until we take it out of his mouth. He won’t be moving from that chair either, now that you’ve handcuffed him.”
Abria paused, raised her eyesbrows expectedly. Selena nodded, then leaned over Clyde.
“Open up,” she said, and Clyde did so.
She put the dildo gag in his mouth, and reached around the back of his head to fit the clasp.
Again, there was the smell of Selena’s shampoo and again the crush of memories of all the time they’d spent together as friends, milkly crushing on each other and saying nothing about it as they’d worked to make rich people richer. Beneath that, though, was the extremely pleasant smell of Selena’s body — her sweat, her arousal.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered to him again as she pushed the dildo into his mouth, depressed his tongue, and put it in the back of his throat. “Is that too tight?”
“It’s fine girl,” Abria said, and laughed. “And here you tell me you want to learn to be a switch. You have to understand he’s going to suffer. That’s the point.”
A *switch*? Selena?
She locked the dildo gag in place and then stood back.
Now, all three of them — Selena, Abria, and Marcus — were staring at him, handcuffed to the chair, a dildo gag in his mouth, his miniscule penis freed from the chatity cage, but still only half-hard between his legs.
Marcus had started stroking his dick.
Clyde closed his eyes, unable to make eye contact with any of them.
He heard Abria laugh, followed by a chuckle from Marcus.
“Looking good, bitch boy,” he said, and surprised as he ran a hand up and down his own member.
“So…Selena,” Abria said, and laid her head against the inside of Clyde’s right thigh, her hair played out and teasing against the sensitive skin there. “I told you I wanted to show you a thing or two about sex. And I also wanted to show you why I cuckold my dearly beloved husband.”
She reached up and cupped Clyde’s balls, then ran her nails along Clyde’s half-hard shake. Clyde’s blood turned to electricity; he trembled in the chair.
No. Abria couldn’t be this cruel. She just could not. She knew how he felt about this.
About being compared.
“You might notice Clyde is…not quite hard yet,” she said, as she wrapped a hand gently around his penis and began to stroke. “His penis is a bit…shy, should we say, babe?”
She looked at him when she said it, and Clyde looked away, face on fire with shame.
Abria laughed. Between his legs, he could still feel himself stiffen. It had been a week since Abria had taken him out of the chatity cage.
“He does have some trouble getting it up,” she said, and rested her head on his thigh again. “He gets anxious, especially around other people. And especially around my lovers, which I think is very much warranted.”
Marcus snickered behind her.
“But even when he does get hard…”
She took him in her mouth. Clyde rolled his head back, bit down on the dildo in his mouth, eyes fixed on the ceiling. He couldn’t remember the last time Abria had blown him.The warmth and wetness of her mouth, the teasing smoothness of her tongue as she the circled the head of his penis…
He stiffened in her mouth, tried to thrust further back into her throat.
Abria took her mouth off of him and stroked his saliva-slick penis for a moment or two, now standing at attention at its full four inches.
“…even when he does get fully hard, you can see, he’s a bit…lacking,” Abria said, and giggled.
“I guess I wouldn’t know,” Selena said, and Clyde kept his eyes down now, his stromach, so he didn’t have to look her in the face. “Although…I do think my husband was bigger than that.”
“Probably,” Abria said. “It really stands out when you compare him to Marcus.”
Abria gestured for Marcus to stand near the chair. Clyde would not have minded just then if he’d burst into flames right then or if the floor had opened and swallowed him whole.
Here, Marcus’s dick was just about at eye level with Clyde — a full two-and-a-half inches bigger than Clyde’s small penis, at least.
“Oh wow,” Selena said, and he could hear the pleased shock in her voice despite her best efforts. “That is…I see.”
Abria laughed at that. “Unfortunately for Clyde, there are just some things he can’t do, even though he wants to. So he lets me do them with Marcus.”
She pulled herself up and sat on Clyde’s knee, then took Marcus’s cock in her mouth, made a slow up and down on the girly shake. Marcus told in pleasure.
“Fuck, woman,” he whispered.
“Mmmmmmm,” she said, as she took her mouth from his dick. “There’s just more there. As you’ll see here in a bit, girl.”
Abria turned and looked back at Clyde’s penis, hard and small and useless, twitching against the open air for attention he knew it would never get.
“But,” she said. “We *do* still have to get Clyde back in his cage, don’t we? That’s why I had you brought up the ice, Selena. I want you to ice his penis down and put the cage back on.”
“You want…me?” Selena asked.
“Yeah,” Abria said. “I’ve got a cock to suck. But he should shrink right down with a bit of that ice. And then we’re going to talk about you, girl.”
Clyde looked up. Selena moved towards him with the cup of ice. She didn’t look like she was taking a rush of sadistic glee in doing this to him, but she didn’t look *unhappy* either.
Abria slide off his knee, stood, and pushed Marcus back onto the bed, where she kept her lips wrapped around his dick. Just the sight — so soon after Clyde had gotten to feel Abria’s mouth — and the fact that Marcus got to feel that whenever he wanted, lit Clyde’s blood with envy.
“I’m sorry,” Selena whispered, as she knelt in front of Clyde and took one of the ice cubes in her hand. “I know this won’t be pleasant.”
It wasn’t, but Clyde was also used to it. Abria would use the ice to get him back in the cage from time to time, when she was feeling mean.
Selena paused, maybe realizing — as Clyde was — that this was the first time she was actually going to touch him in an intimate way. She took his balls in one hand — a warm, soft hand at that — and then pressed the ice cube against his penis with the other. There was the usual sting as she rubbed the ice up and down the length of his penis — a length he was painfully aware of just now, as he could see Abria deepthroating Marcus on the bed just over Selena’s Shoulder.
“Wow,” Selena said, and now she was holding the chatity cage in her hands, looking at it with honest curiosity. She iced down the stainless steel too, Clyde realized with a sinking heart. “This looks super uncomfortable. Like, you wouldn’t be able to get hard or anything in this. I’m sorry I have to put this back on you.”
Behind her, Abria took her mouth off Marcus’s dick and said, “Are you, girl? Tell the truth.”
Selena didn’t say anything, but kept her eyes down as she took Clyde’s — now shrunken — penis in her hands and began to tryto force it into the chilled cage. Her hands felt good, even if they were still cold from the ice. He could feel himself attempting to grow hard again at her touch, but he was only met with the chilled metal of the chatity cage as she scrunched his penis back into it. She locked it and then sat back on the floor in front of Clyde. She caressed his tigh with one thumb and looked up at him, handcuffed to the chair, unable to speak for the dildo gag in his mouth, and she brushed a lock of dark hair out of her eyes, tucked it behind the ribbon hairband.
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