I gripped the key in my hand so hard that it was biting into my skin, I could see the door at the end of the hallway and know that this was it. If I turn back now I will never be able to move forward, I had dreamed of this for years and now I had the opportunity to make this fantasy a reality. The advertisement had said choose your own destiny, live the hidden fantasy and make your dreams a reality. I was looking at it as an opportunity to sample a fantasy, to delve into a lifestyle without making a commitment. It was my opportunity to make sure that this was really something I wanted and something that I could handle or if this was forever meant to be only a fantasy. Something to play with in my mind without any real consequences, the things you accept in a fantasy are painless, the only sensing is the eroticism of the act. Anyone can stand to be able or whipped within the realms of their mind, did I dare to try it in reality.
The emailed instructions had been concise andit was clearly stipulated that I must follow the instructions without any decoration. Even the slightest decoration from the guidelines would have repercussions, all repercussions would be painful and extreme.
I had studied the rules for weeks, I had practiced the poses for hours. For the last three weeks I had forced myself to sit in specific poses not allowing myself to lift my head, forcing myself to concentrate and teaching my body to accept sensing deprivation. I knew that physically I was ready but my concern was that emotionally I could tip the balance either way, I would either while and shrink away never daring to delve into my fansies again or I would wholeheartedly embrace my fantasy and crave it constantly never again to be satisfied with out it.
I squared my shoulders lifted my chin and walked to the door, my stomach churned and my heart beat frantically but I couldn’t turn away. I slipped the key into the lock, turned it and gently pushed the door open. I stepped into the darkened room, there was a slight chill in the air and I felt my skin prickle. I moved to the left side of the room as instructed, I slipped of my shoes and placed them in the designed basket. My courte was beginning to wain, it was time to strip, I had a limited amount of time to be in position, hesitation on my part would bring about repercussions.
So with fingers that trembled I slowly removed my clothes and placed them into the designed basket. I had followed the rules and instructions in the email to the letter, my whole body had been waxed and buffed to perfection, I wore no make up, no moisturizer and no perfume, as demanded in the email my body was in a completely natural state. I was starting to panic I was sure my time was running out, I needed to get myself to the white circle in the middle of the room and into position to wait for the master.
I knelt to the floor, curled my toes to a pointed position, aligned my back perfectly straight, my arms bent and running flat against the top of my thighs, my palms face up and my fingers together in perfect alignment I dropped my chin to my chest then took several large breaths in and out to relax myself and waited and waited. I started to count my own heart beat, just to have something to focus on, my stress levels started to rise I could feel panic setting in and then just as I was reaching the point of flight I heard the key turn and the door eased open.
I struggled desperately to keep my head down, the urge to look up to get a glimpse of my fantasy master was overwhelming. The silence was deafening and the fear of the unknown was causing my muscles to tighten and cramp, how much longer could I hold this pose, I begged myself to stay strong not to show any weakness, not to give in to my fears. Warm breath whispered at my ear and finally the tap to my Shoulder, this was the signal to drop to the second position. Without hesitation I bent my upper body to the floor, stretching my arms out in front of me, my right palm laid over my left, my fingers aligned and my thumbs tucked in.
I feel his eyes on me burning into my back but he remained silent, this form of sensing deprivation was torture, there was no blindfold and yet I could not see, my ears were not plugged and yet I could not hear, my mouth was not gagged and yet I could not speak, my body was not bound and yet fear kept me immobilized. How did a man I had never met in person take so much control from me, how had he so easily reduced me to this.
I felt a sharp pain at the base of my neck it was brief but it was there, then I felt a pointed object slowly trace down my back following the line of my spine, it wasn’t painful but it wasn’t comfortable.
The point stopped just as it reached the cream of my backside, he just held it there taunting me, the anticipation of what was to come made my whole body quiver. He must have noticed my movement, an indication on my part, the point moved and I heard the swish and then I felt it. A sering pain across my right arse chef, a few seconds later it turned to a red hot burn and then slowly faded to a bearable warmth. I involuntarily gasped with the pain and heard his first audible noise in the form of a rumbling chest chuckle.
The point returned, this time pressing into the ball of my right foot. The pain was intense and yet the ache was felt at the juncture of my thighs. My body wept with the erotic sensing, I felt the moisture pool between my legs and my nipples peaked painfully. I wanted to scream, to beg, but to beg for what, for the master stop, no he had barely began, to beg for more, for more of what or would I beg for freedom. There was nothing binding me here, I was free to leave, all I had to do was call out STOP and it was over and I could walk away no questions asked but I knew that that word would not pass my lips, what scared me was that I knew he knew it too.
The final tap to my shoulder came and I rose gracefully to my feet in a well practiced and well choreographed movement, I was proud of my graceful achievement. I stood my feet together, my back perfectly straight, my shoulders back and my hands claped behind my back, my chin still rested on my chest, I had not succumbed to the overwhelming urge to look to the master.
I heard his sudden intake of breath and I knew that he too appreciated my grace, my heart swelled with pride and my back straightened just a little more. Praise is such an important dynamic, regardless of experience or personal knowledge of the master.
I sensed him moving away from me and I heard him opening and closing drawers, when he returned it was the heat radiating from his body that caught my attention. He stood behind me for several minutes his hot breath warming the base of my neck and Then without any warning I felt them cold metal encasing my wrists and the click of them closing echoed around the room. Reality suddenly hit me, I wasat his mercy, I opened my mouth instinctively ready to call out STOP!!!
Just as I was about to utter the dreaded word a large warm hand palmed across my stomach, the fingers spanning from hip to hip, their warmth was soothing, his voice low he whispered at the base of my right ear. “Breathe slowly in and out, release the fear building inside you and embrace the heat and excitement that runs within your blood. I can smell your excitement, you cannot deny it your body will not allow you. You need this to continue, your body craves a master, all of your fears are only in your mind, they are not within your body and soul.
The warmth from his hand and his soothing tone help me relax and my fears begin to dissipate,
His other hand moves and glides up my arm over my silken skin to rest at the base of my neck. His fingers curl and close gripping my hair and my head is suddenly jerked upright. I still cannot see him but I feel him blow a breath of warm air across my breasts and his tongue reaches out and skims the inner rim of my ear. The sensing is breathtaking and my back arches involuntarily, his fingers tighten in my hair a warning to be still.
The email instructions were clear, no movement allowed unless instructed by the master, so I hold myself in check not daring to move. Thoughts run through my mind frantically, if I was to move what would he do, my excitement is beginning to override my fear and although I know there will be repercussions I cannot help myself and I strain against his hold anticipating reprisal, desperately wanting to experience his ultimate control.
The hand on my stomach moves and in a heartbeat it rises to my right breast, his fingers close around my peaked nipple and he twists violently. The pain is excruciating and my body mistakes in agony but he does not release me. Instead he pulls tighter on my hair and tips my head back further putting pressure on the muscles in my neck and forcing my breasts to rise and liftTowards the heavens. I should have known better than to test him, I suddenly realize the foolishness of my actions, he will not allow me to control this scene. What I am to experience within this room will be of his choosing not some manufactured scenario that I imagine for myself.
The pain in my right nipple has dulled to an acceptable ache but the pressure he is causing on my neck is reaching the point of distress, I cannot move and the pain from this unnatural position begins to creep lower down my back towards the muscles between my shoulder blades. Just as I approach the point of becoming him to release me he looses his grip on my hair and releases my nipple. Ahhh the blood rushing back into my nipple increases the pain tenfold and I scream. I had no idea that this would happen and the sensing is shocking, I feel my knees began to buckle just as an arm snakes around my wait to support me and again I heard him whisper “Breathe through it, I will not allow you to succumb soeasily and be warned I will NEVER allow you to have any amount of control”.
He stealies me and I again stand upright and hold my position, I still cannot see him it is frustrating and yet stimulating, not knowing who it is that commands me has my senses on high alert and my body is humming. I feel his foot slide between my feet, his feet are bare and for some reason feeling his bare foot against my own sends an erotic tingle straight up my leg to the apex of my thighs.
Again my body weeps in anticipation and I feel the mood see and flow onto my inside thigh.
He forces my legs apart enough to place his whole foot between mine and then nudges my feet silently telling me to spread my legs, I react too slowly to his command and again his fist tightens in my hair as a warning. I gasp and quickly spread my legs to an acceptable width fearing another painful reprimand.
The hand that had cruelly tortured my right nipple moves slowly down my body skimming across mystomach, his thumb nail drags across my lower abdomen from hip to hip causing all of the muscles in my stomach to contract. I know where he is heading, my mind is reeling and my body stressens at the thought of a strange touching me so intimately, do I want this? Every nerve in my body is alive and quaking and I gasp as his hand cups my sex, his fingers delve between my folds seeking the hidden bundle of nerves that with just one stroke will send my body up in flames. His fingers glide through my juices but he slows making me wait, my body dips and arches trying to force the contact, I cannot stand the waiting, my heart beats frantically and I silently beg him to complete me.
Seconds that pass seamless like minutes and then he is there he squeezes my clip between finger and thumb trapping it painfully and I know what is coming, the pain is beyond description I crave and yet dread the final release that will tip me over the edge. Sweet hyperical age awaits me and my body begs forhis mastery. Ahh it is too much, my body shakes violently and as he releases me a tidal wave of sensing engulfs me and an orgasm of mammoth proportions rips through my body, my mind goes blank and I collapse into the arms of my fantasy master.
The arms that support me are strong and heavily muscled, although I still cannot see him I can feel his warm breath below my ear and his bristled five o’clock shadow is abrasive on the back of my neck. I began to relax and enjoy this simple moment of tenderness after such an explosive climax. He must have sensed my moment of relaxation and very gently began trailing soft kisses from the point of my shoulder up towards my neck. Just as I saw with the pleasure of it he sinks his teeth into the corded muscle in my shoulder causing me to flinch violently and moan with the pain. This moment of pain is enough for him to force me to regain my senses and for him to reestablish his mastery.
I hear a whirring noise and wonder what it could possibly be, I hear a click and instantly the strain on my arms is gone, the handcuff on my left wrist opens and my arms drop to freedom. However my freedom is very short lived, the master vigorously rubs my arms encouraging circuitry and eliminating the risk of cramp. When he is sure that the muscles in my arms are warmed he again traps my wrists, taking them both in front of my body and snapping the handcuff back in place on my left wrist. It is such a relief to have my arms in front of my body, why is it that having your arms cuffed behind your back increases your sense of vulnerability?
Again my sense of relief is short lived, the master raises my arms above my head and attaches the cuffs to something above my head. The whirring noise begins again and I realize my arms are being hoisted up lifting me until I am at full stretch almost needing to raise myself up onto the balls of my feet, the whirring stops.
I hear a clicking sound and soft lights turn on creating an eerie glow around my body. The masters warm breath is back at my ear, my heart is beating frantically in my chest as once again the excitement begins to build. When he speaks his voice is thick with excitement and I realize that he is just as effective by the growing sexual tension as I am. “I need the glow of the lights on your body so that I can see how nicely your skin pinks for me, by the time I am finished, the glow from your body will equal that of the lights.”
When he moves away from me I hear another click and I am suddenly overwhelmed by the music resonating around me. I have know idea what the music is but I can feel it reaching into my soul lifting me teasing my senses. For several minutes I am left suspended surrounded by music and enchanted by the eerie glow, then I feel it, something soft, swishing across my shoulders so gently that it almost ticles, then it moves across my breasts down to my stomach and then up the left side and down my right, it cares me continuesly swishing over my skin warming me in an incredibly erotic way. Then just as quickly as it had begun it ends and the music slows, I breathe deeply trying to slow my heart rate and continue my balance and awareness of what is happening around me.
The speed and the beat of the music change again and I feel my heart rate begin to increase, I am waiting and waiting I know that something is going to happen but I have know idea what and then I feel it. Something lashes against my shoulders it leaves a slight sting in several places and then lower across the top of my backside the same. It keeps moving high, low. left side, right side there is no pattern and I have no idea where it will sting each time, I can feel my skin begin to heat and tingle almost at a slight burn, the tempo of the music increases and so does the speed and intensity of each lash. My mind begins to fade in and out, the music waves around me, I feel my body begin to overheat and just as the urge to scream hits me itstops.
His breathe is at my ear, his voice echoes around me “breathe through it, in through your nose out through your mouth, think about the action use it to relax yourself. In through your nose out through your mouth.” His voice is so low and soothing I cannot help but concentrate on what he is saying and my body responds involuntarily to his chant. My surroundings Become clearer I hear the music and I feel my own heart beating in my chest. I am unaware of how much time passes before reality returns and I remember exactly where I am. I should be panicked and afraid and yet I am not, I feel peaceful and safe as if my fantasy master has evolved and become my protector.
I notice the lights become brighter, I had been unaware that they had dimmed and again the music becomes louder, faster more intensity and I know that this is it the climax the truth to my fantasy and I begin to pray to myself, that I will endure it, that I will survive the wrath of the master and not succumbto weakness and call stop. I feel my arms being lifted and I am stretched to my maximum height my feet barely touching the ground enough to support my weight and then it begins.
A kiss of something to my right arse chef, instant white hot fire that fades to a delicious burn, it moves to my left shoulder,my right shoulder back to my left, it lands faster and faster and faster.
I cannot predict its movement up, down side to side, the burn begins to blend together inside my body and out, there is no longer pain, just a burn and I feel myself floating towards something.
I am lifting floating, I can no longer hear the music, I can no longer feel the landing of the lash just a delicious burn that engulfs my body.
The weight leaves my arms and I feel myself tip forward my chest and stomach are eased onto a soft padded surface, I am bent at the waist. My legs are forced apart by a bare foot and in a moment of sheer ecstasy he enters me. One thrust and he sheaths himselff within my heated flesh, filling me and seating himself to the hilt and I cry out overtaken by the most powerful orgasm I have ever experienced. He continues to thrust, over and over pounding into me and I feel myself climbing again, desperately trying to reach for that sweet ageing release. Still now, after all that I have endured he will not allow me any control and he keeps me clinging to the edge of madness, thrusting deep within my body.
I feel his arms begin to shake and hear a growl growing low in his belly rising to rumble through his chest. Just as I get to the point of desperation his hand moves and his thumb flicks over the tiny bundle of sensitive flesh within my folds and I shatter into a million pieces and he roars in exultation.
In my mind I reject at the success of my fantasy for I have endured my master.
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