Training Nova Ch. 03


Note to readers: this chapter focuses on some hidden public play. Feel free to skip this if that’s not your thing.


When Nova woke up the next morning, Will was already out of the bed. She went into the bathroom and was surprised to find a few things laid out next to a note that simply read “for Nova.” She freshened up and used the toothbrush and put on the short, silky robe he’d left for her.

“Good morning, Nova.”

“Hi, Sir. Thanks for the stuff…it was a nice surprise.” She flipped the hem of the robe.

Will had been waiting for her in the room when she returned and patted the bed, encouraging her to get back into it. She was sitting up, her back resting on a pillow propped up on the headboard.

He leaned over and kissed her softly. Then, without a word, he brought the heavy leather collar towards her. She held up her hair for him so he could easily put it on.

Once the collar was in place, he brought over a bed tray with legs with coffee, juice and a nice breakfast prepared for her on it. He’d laid it out nicely, complete with a linen napkin.

She started eating, noticing immediately that he hadn’t brought silverware. Everything was easy to eat with her fingers and he’d even buttered a bagel for her, so she didn’t need a knife.

He sat at the foot of the bed chatting with her as she ate, watching her. She was trying to be nonchalant and relaxed. But, she was constantly aware she was barely clothed and wearing a collar. It made her feel a bit like his pampered pet…which was maybe what he wanted?

She couldn’t deny last night was fucking amazing. She’d never cum so hard or so often–and was a wet ball of jelly in between. She loved how he concentrated on her. None of her boyfriends had ever been that focused on her. He seemed to be learning quickly how to push her buttons.

Eventually, the conversation came around to what they would do today.

“Did you…uh want to do sothing today, Sir?” She smiled, hoping breakfast wasn’t the end of their date.

“Are you up for a different type of adventure today? Something I’m guessing you haven’t tried?”

She liked the sound of this. Their relationship wasn’t going to be boring, that’s for sure.

“Definitely, Sir. Last night was amazing…I’d love to try something else with you.”

“Good girl. I’ll clean this up while you get dressed. I’m going to tease you in public. But, only we’ll know.”

She blushed, feeling a bit less confident about today, but not wanting to back out.

“Ok, Sir. I’ll be ready in about 20 minutes.”

“Perfect. Come downstairs when you’re ready.”


She came downstairs a few minutes later, Wearing the dress she’d had on last night. She’d left the collar in place, guessing and hoping he’d remove it before they left.

He was sitting in the living room, doing something on his phone. He smiled when she stepped into the room.

“So, pet. Today I’m going to give you a few tests…a few little things I’ll ask you to do. I want you to show me you’ll obey even when it makes you uncomfortable. It’s about trust and obedience. What do you think?”

“It sounds…exciting, Sir. I’ll do my best.”

Will stood and walked over to her and removed the collar, setting it on the coffee table.

He reached into the top of her dress, pulling it aside slightly so he could see her bra. Then, he lifted the hem of her dress to look at the sexy matching panties she’d purchased for him only yesterday.

“You look amazing, pet. Just a couple of small details and we’ll head out. Lean over the chair.” He pointed towards the armchair.

Was he going to fuck her before they left? She didn’t think so. Maybe another spanking?

She nervously turned towards the chair and bent over the arm, her ass pushed out towards him.

He flipped up her dress onto her back and pulled her underwear down to her knees. She kept her balance but was surprised by his actions. She had to keep reminding herself he was her Dom–not her boyfriend.

She felt him write something on her back. After, she turned her head back and saw him preparing a butt plug with lube. It was a cute one with a small pink jewel. He pushed his lubed finger into her ass and swirled it around. Then slipped in the plug. She noticed it went in easy–much easier than last night. She thought it was mostly her being more relaxed today.

Then he rubbed lube on a funny looking pink vibe. It was like an egg vibe, but had a smaller egg attached to it by a sort of tube. He reached between her legs and slide the larger egg easily inside her. She was already wet from thinking about this trip and allowing him full access to her body.

The final toy he added was a butterfly shaped vibe that rested on her clip and had small belts to hold it in place. Afterwards, he pulled up her panties and let her dress fall down to its normal place.

“Now,pet. I’ll just test everything before we go.”

He held up his phone and opened an app. He tapped something and she felt the butt plug begin to vibrate.

“Ohh.” She moved her butt a bit, unintentionally.

He smiled. Then turned the plug off and tapped something else.

“Ummm.” The egg vibe inside her buzzed to life.

“Good…one more…”

“Ohhh…mmmm,” the butterfly vibe on her clip teased her. Then a final couple of taps and all three sprang to life.

“Uh…mmmmmm.” She grabbed the arm of the chair for balance and closed her eyes. “Sir…that’s a bit intensity…with…all..three.”

He turned them off. “Perfect, pet. Let’s go.”


In the car, Will told her about the number system he wanted her to use to inform him how turned on she was. Basically, a zero was not at all and a 10 was getting very close to orgasm. He told her he’d just say “number” to her and that’s all he needed as an answer.

He drove her to a supermarket thathad everything from groceries to clothes to housewares. He got a cart and he led her towards the women’s clothing.

Nova had never done anything like this before–going out in public wearing sex toys. But, him having the controls made it even more interesting. She wondered what he had planned, but enjoyed not knowing. It was up to him what happened next which was a bit scary but very exciting. She just needed to trust him.

About halfway there, he turned the butt plug on low. Nova liked the feeling, but it was subtle and not teasing her in the right place to move her towards an orgasm. But, combined with the situation, it made her a little bit wetter.


“4, Sir.”

He turned it off.

They got to the clothes section snd Will selected three dresses he wanted Nova to try on.

“Try these on, pet. Step out and show me how you look in each one.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Nova stepped into the dressing room and hung up the dresses on the hook and slipped her own dress off.

She half turned to look at her back in the mirror. He’d written “toy” on her lower back above her ass.

Suddenly, the egg vibe sprang to life in her pussy. She jerked slightly in response, but immediately replaced her composition and continued putting on the dress her Master had picked out for her.

It looked good on her. It was a yellow and white low cut sundresses that went to just above the knee. She stepped out of the booth to see him waiting for her. She did an exaggerated pirouette for him.

“Nice, pet. Number?”

“Five or six, Sir.”

He nodded, “go try on the other ones.”

The second dress was actually really sexy. It was a tiny black number with laces up the front, so the white lace bra was peeking out. You’d have to go braless to wear it properly. It really hugged her curves and she figured you’d only ever wear something like that to the club or maybe a party.

As she was admiring herself in the mirror, the butt plug vibe joined the egg in teasing her from inside, making her a bit more wet than the situation had already.

She stepped out of the booth and Will looked her up and down and had her turn around for him in the dress. Then he stepped forward and adjusted the laces on the front of the dress. If she hadn’t had a bra on, her nipples would have barely been covered wearing it this way.

“Number, pet?”

“Six…seven, Sir.”

He nodded and leaned over so he could whisper in her ear–not that the bored attendant had paid any attention to them up to this point and no other customers were nearby. She was glad. She didn’t want to not call him Sir and get punished, but would have felt odd calling him that here.

“Go inside and try on the last dress. Don’t step out until you’ve cum. Use your fingers if you need to.”

She nodded, looking around quickly and feeling much more nervous. She didn’t think she’d orgasmed anywhere away from her house or a hotel since college. Even then, it was maybe in a car or a tent while camping.

Then in his normal voice, “can’t wait to see the last one.” He was smiling like a cat that got the cream.

“Of course, Sir.”

As she stepped back into the booth, the butterfly vibe on her clip sprang to life adding it’s distant teasing hum to the other two. Now she was on fire.

Nova quickly slipped the dress off and sat on the bench almost naked. She pressed the butterfly against her to get a better angle and used her other hand to pull the egg a bit, making it slide forward and back.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror and it only excites her more. She couldn’t believe she was sitting in her underwear in a store making herself cum for a guy she barely knew.

How did he already have this hold on her? Why did she want to please This guy? Every command from him made her tingle and throb. He was scratching an itch she only recently discovered she had.

She rubbed herself and came hard. She had to struggle to be quiet. She was always noisy in the bedroom and wanted to cum loud and cry out. But, she managed to contain herself as the orgasm washed over her.

She stayed still a moment, catching her breath. Then she slipped on the third dress–a kind of classy red A line. The vibes were still all buzzing and teasing her.

She stepped out to her new Master looking flushed and a bit unsteady from her orgasm, still breathing heavily.

He twirled his fingers, telling her to turn around and took his time looking her up and down. Nova felt he was unnecessarily taking his time.

“Obviously, you look incredible…but I’m on the fence about this one. Go ahead and change back into your clothes and do *anything* you need to before you come out.” He turned to double underline his meaning.

As she turned towards the changing booth, he tapped his phone and all three vibes went from a gentle buzz to a ferocious scream. She almost stumbled at the change and looked back to see him grinning widely.

Nova practically ran the last few feet into the booth and pulled off the dress. She began frantically using her fingers to cum and orgasmed at least twice before he turned off all three vibes at once.

She relaxed for a few minutes, then put her own dress back on and tried to look composed coming out of the changing room.

Will was chatting to the attendant when she came out.

“There you are, pet. I was just telling Sandra here what a great selection they have. I think we’ll take the first two anyway. Do you want the third one Nova?”

Her mind was a bit foggy, but she made an effort to look calm and collected. “If you like it, Sir.”

Sandra looked a bit surprised at the word “Sir”, but said nothing.

Will smiled at Nova. “Perfect, pet. We’ll get all three as a little reward.”


They headed out to a small strip mall with about a dozen shops and restaurants. He parked the car in front of a jewellery store and led her in, turning the butt plug vibe on low.

It was a small jewellery store specialising in original works by the artist/owner. It was an eclectic mix of traditional, goth, steampunk and Celtic designs.

Will headed straight to the back counter of the empty shop. An attractive woman jeweller stepped away from a work area behind the counter and stepped over to him.

“Nova, this is my good friend, Emily. Emily, this is my new trial sub, Nova.”

Nova felt suddenly a bit small and embarrassed. She hadn’t expected anyone other than Will knowing about their dynamic–at least not so soon.

“Hi, Nova. You’re in good hands with Will. If anything, he’s a bit too soft. Your ass won’t have half the welts it would with some other doms I could name.”

Nova smiled awkwardly and smiled.

“She’s pretty. Hopefully I’ll get to see more of her sometimes?”

Will laughed. “We’ll see. Too early to tell yet.”

Emily looked Nova up and down, then back at Will. “So, what are you looking for today?”

“A necklace. Something silver to symbolise ownership.”

“Ok…I have a few good options…” She kneeled down and brought out a display box with burgundy fabric with at least 20 pendants of varying types with a few matching rings and earnings displayed next to them.

Nova stepped closer to stand next to Will as he looked over the choices on offer. She wasn’t sure what he had in mind. This case seemed to have a lot of abstract shapes that almost looked like something recognized.

He pointed at one that looked kind of like Saturn from its South Pole–a small sphere surrounded by a circle.

Emily pulled it out and put it on a chain, stepping out from behind the counter to put it around Nova’s neck.

Will lifted the pendant off of Nova’s chest to look at it, then held it for her to see. The look on his face was a bit undecided.

“It’s a good choice…subtle. Let me show you something more direct.”

Emily pulled out a pendant that looked like a small circle held by other circles on either side. Looking at it closer, Nova realized the two circles holding it weren’t perfect circles, but we’re slightly misshapen.

Emily put it on a chain and added it to the other around Nova’s neck.

Like before, Will lifted it up and looked at it. “This is perfect. Excellent choice, Emily. I’ll take it.”

Emily took both necklaces off of Nova and boxed up the second one. As she was ringing up the sale she asked Nova if she got the symbolism.

“No…they look like something, but I couldn’t guess what.”

Emily smiled. “That’s the idea. No one besides you two will get it. But, I think you’ll notice they look a lot like closed handcuffs.”

Nova looked at them and immediately saw it.


Will led her across the car park to a coffee shop. As they neared the cafe, he turned off the butt plug vibe, giving her a reprieve.

They ate lunch, Nova wanting to talkAbout what just happened, but not wanting to broach it. Will seemed to be intentionally steering the conversation to any topic other than today.

As they sipped their coffees, she finally asked about the necklace.

“I’m going to give it to you today and ask you to wear it whenever you’re not wearing the collar. If we both decide after our trial period to continue our relationship indefinitely, the necklace is yours. I only want it back if you decide not to continue after our trial.”

“What does it mean…to you, Sir?”

“I want you wearing something 24×7 to remind you’re my sub.”

“May I have it now, Sir?”

He smiled, “will you accept it as a symbol of your submission to me?”

The words had a powerful effect on her. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He opened the box from the store, removed the necklace and stood up to put it around her neck. She lifted her hair to give him access and he put it in place.

It felt somehow heavy and warm on her skin. The symbolism giving it special feeling.

“It’s official, pet. You’re mine.”


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