Training Notes: Chloe's Story Ch. 03

The break after round 3 was the same as earlier, 20 minutes to get cleaned up and hydrated. But then I — along with the other girls — would have light duty for 2 hours. First we’d serve dinner to the guys for an hour or so, and then get a chance to eat and rest, and then prepare for round 2.

Martha and Emily had my face and tits cleaned off from my time with Roland. I was seated sipping water and munching on a granola bar. We hear some banging and shouting from outside the room but didn’t mind it much. Probably just the guys tooling on one another about how each had handled his girls in round 1. Suddenly Rainee blew in like a hurricane.

“Hoooooooleeeeee shit!” We girls are not supposed to curse so when one of us does it gets everyone’s attention.

“Rainee?” That was Martha.


“Rainee!” That was all of us together. “What are you babbling about?” Emily that time. I was keeping cool, just sipping the water.

“It’s Rafa. She’s out.”

Emily walked towards her to get her calmed down a bit. “What…What do you mean ‘out’?”

“I mean out of the competition with Chloe, out of the bet, out of the trial…I mean just plain out….of everything.”

Emily said “She can’t be. We’re only half way…”

“Tell that to the doctors at the hospital. They just brought her there in an ambulance.”

Now Martha and I joined Emily. We jumped up and the 3 of us had her surrounded with her back to the door. Things got confusing because — well you know what it’s like when 4 girls all start talking at the same time.

Martha is the toughest of the 4 of us, even though she looks kind of fragile and demure. She was also the senior girl in the room. She called us to order.

“Quiet everyone and let this slut tell us what’s going on. Rainee: what the fuck?” So now Martha was cursing too but this time no one gave it a thought. “Would you please calmly tell us what you mean and what’s going on? You’vegot poor Chloe here scared half to death. Tell us what happened from the beginning or we’ll never understand.”

Rainee broke through the 3 of us, grabbed my water and drank. She sat in the chair I’d been using and tried to control her breathing. Emily and I went to the couch opposite that. Martha stood at the chair beside Rainee.

“OK. It’s like this. Twenty minutes ago Master Josh came screaming out of the Blue Salon, got me in the corridor and said ‘Quick. I need John.’ I figured he just wanted John to get a view of Rafa blowing Baby.” The 3 of us exchanged glances. “Oh…that’s right you didn’t know she got Baby this round. Well she did. I began walking back to find Master. Master Josh said ‘Hurry slut!’ which is totally not like him so I hurried. But right Then Master came out of your room. Master Josh ran to him and whispered. Then Master yelled to me “Get Bethany and Sam” and the Masters ran towards Blue.”

There was nothing to say. We remained quiet.

“The guys were all crowding out the door when I got the girls there. Baby still had no pants on and brushed right by me. He’s HUGE.” She paused, collected herself and went on. “Master Josh was taking the guys down to the library. You gotta understand you”, meaning me, “and Wendy were still busy. It was only like 10 minutes in. So then the doorway is open and we see Master kneeing beside Rafa. She’s on the floor and his fingers are on her neck. Master sees us and calls Beth to do first aid.” Bethany was the only girl in house to have been trained in basic first aid. A single trained girl was the only on-site requirement for a blowjob trial in those days.

“Master told her ‘Her breathing seems OK but rapid; take her pulse, the EMTs will be here in 3 minutes.’ Rafa looks totally out of it on her back — and I mean totally. Bethany rushed in and knees beside her. Master had already called 911; the phone was still in his hand. I hear Master asking Master Robert ‘So what happened?’ He tellshim ‘I don’t know. She was blowing him great. Baby likes her mouth. Then she just popped him out and fell on her side. She…well once before…”

The 3 of us were making sympathetic noises all this time, but I let up when I heard how great she was with Baby. Guess I was still thinking she was my competition.

Rainee went on: “Master Will pushed into the room with the 3 EMTS. So now there’s like 4 masters and 4 naked sluts in the room and one of the sluts is passed out and the EMT guys are like ‘Whoa, what have we got here?’ But Master got them right over to Rafa. Bethany was saying ‘I think she just failed is all.’ The 3 of us girls just stood there watching. Master Robert was still saying something about ‘…once before…’ but our Master wasn’t paying attention. Then like after a minute I could hear the EMT’s saying ‘…just passed out…’ and suddenly Rafa was awake and asked them ‘What happened?’ She was kind of whispering and you could tell she had no idea where she was.”

“Then Master and Master Robert were crouched above her talking to her, but we couldn’t hear them or see her any more. The EMTs brought in the wheeling stretcher and boom she was gone out the door with them. Last I heard was Rafa saying ‘But I’m fine now!’ Master asked Master Robert if he was going with Rafa to the hospital but he said ‘No’ which we all thought was a little Weird, all due respect to Master Robert. So our Master got Bethany to go with her in the ambulance. Sam and I had to run around and find a dress for her to leave in so those guys didn’t have heart attacks themselves.”

I smiled at the thought of a naked Rafa and a naked Bethany riding to the hospital with the 3 guys. But I guess they just had Rafa’s body to check out on their way down. And with the kinds of dresses available to us at Rogonfeldt, I figure they still got a pretty good look at Bethany too.

Now Rainee sped up her speech even more. Sweat was rolling on her face and tits — the slut was going to need a shower before dinner as much as I did. Picture the following coming out of her mouth as almost one long run on sentence delivered fast and nervous:

“So Rafa and Bethany were gone and Master Robert was like: ‘What do we do now?’ Me and Sam are trying to be invisible so we don’t get booted out. Master Will looked over like he wanted us out but before he could speak Master and Master got into it. It was like:”

Master: “We go on with the trial.” He checked his watch and said “We’ll have a 30 minute delay till dinner.” (Rainee was imitating his voice. We got it but she wasn’t really very good at it.)

Master Robert: “But how? Baby didn’t get to finish her. Plus there are no other unbranded sluts to use.”

Master: “Rules say we can use a branded girl as a substitute if one of the girls goes down.” (I’m guessing his ‘goes down’ really was the ‘no pun intended’ kind. He tends not to joke about these things.) Master was quiet for about one second and then turned to us and nodded to Sam.

Sam went and knelt at his feet. “Yessir.” (We all knew what she had agreed to.)

Master: “Sam you were on for a workout tomorrow with those 2 boys. Gonna have to run you instead tonight and you can have tomorrow off.” He looked over at Master Robert and said “She’s my best cocksucker so the guys won’t have any beef. Probably disappointed for a minute about missing your girl — but once they feel Sam’s mouth they’ll be fine.” (It was funny hearing Raineee imitate Master’s use of the word ‘cocksucker’ — I think she enjoyed it.)

Master Robert: “I see. Sam? Is that the girl?” He paused and looked away apparently satisfied with Master’s plan. He looked nervous and said “aaaaah…..about that bet.”

Then Master Will jumped in: “Yeah. Sorry about that. But my girl wins 3 good blowjobs to 2.” I guess he means you Chloe.

Master Robert: “No, no! The guys were supposed to vote. No finish means no vote means no winner. The bet is off. My girl could not finish for medical reasons. Beyond my control.”

Master Will wanted to fight it out with Master Robert, you could see in his face. But Master John stepped in and settled it. He was soft in his speech the way he gets. “I agree with Robert. The bet is off. Why it was almost an act of ….”

Master Robert: “That’s right! An Act of God! That’s what caused her condition, an Act of God. No bet!” Master Robert now looked relieved and Master Will looked angry, but our Master gave him that look and he backed off.” We girls know the look. (We do indeed.)

Master Robert: “Still it’s a shade for her. A shade for the slut. It was her 2nd time you know.” He was saying this for Master but I felt like he was angry at her for failing or whatever happened. You could just see it.

Master Josh: “Second? I didn’t know. That’s sad for the girl. Means she will never…”

Master Robert: “Never get to the brand. A girl gets 2 shots at a Yellow Dress. And no Yellow means no brand.” Now he let the anger out. “It pisses me off. I had a $2 million girl right there — easy.”

No one said anything then. We kind of looked away from whatever Master Robert was up to.

Master: “What happened on the first one?”

Master Robert: “Same thing. Same Act of God I guess.” He chuckled but looked a little confused when he repeated that phrase, a little nervous. “It was her 5th guy of the night and she had done extremely well till then. Got into sucking the 5th guy and passed out after about 3 minutes. Funny thing is she made it longer with Baby, and that dude is packing some serious heat for a girl’s throat. Plus Rafa had already blown him. Maybe 3 months back she got hired out to a party his crew ran. Did him great that night.”

Suddenly our Master realized he had 2 sluts, me and Sam, just standing there drinking all this in. He came to us then, told me to come and update you all, and told Sam to update Wendy and the girls in the White Salon. “Sam’s gonna blow the 3 guys Rafa would have had in Session 2. Master wants you, Martha, to be the second for helping Sam. Chloe, you keep Emily. Wendy will keep Juliette and Kathy. I’m still running for Master. He gave me the cell phone in case Bethany calls from the hospital.”

Rainee took a breath then. The shine of excitement was wearing off her face.

“I hope you got all this Cause I stayed too long already.” She peeked out the door to the clock in the corridor and said back to us “You girls still have about 20 minutes till we serve dinner.” And Rainee was gone.

Martha kissed us both, rolled her eyes, whether at Rafa or at Rainee’s hyperstatic account of the night or at anything else I couldn’t say. She left to find Sam.

Emily and I looked at one another, astonished. My emotions were running pretty high. First we all felt terrible that Rafa had got sick, and hoped it was just a temporary thing. Against this I felt, and there’s no other way to put it, that I had wanted to beat the bitch at our competition. I wanted it for myself of course — a lot. I wanted everyone to say I was a better cocksucker than her. I also wanted to win the $20,000 bet for Master — a lot. I knew he didn’t need the money, and that the house didn’t need some increase in prestige from a silly bet. The problem was what happens to our prestige if I lose the bet for him! I couldn’t bear that thought! So I probably wanted it more for that reason than I wanted it for myself. Now neither would happen. Added on to this was the incredible news that Rafa was now unbrandable because she could never be awarded a Yellow Dress. What must have been her life’s dream had been destroyed while I was on my knees in the Green Salon. It was a lot to take in at once. No wonder Rainee had been like “Hoooooooleeeeeeeee ……”

Emily knew. “Keep your eye on the big picture Chloe. Master never wanted the bet, never cared about the $20,000. Besides if you give your best performance tonight you’re price might rise 200 — or 300 — or $500,000. Focus there. Focus on the one cock you can please, and you will please Master.”

She kissed me and hugged and we both cried but just a little. It was all just too much. Then she hustled me into the shower to get ready for our dinner service. She would be the only one available for my hair and makeup when we got out. Emily made it work.

When Emily and I got to the service room just off the dining room we found the other 6 girls waiting for us. By rights Sam should have been deciding things because she was now the lead house girl. But she had taken on Rafa’s Session 2 guys and understandably had other things on her mind. Not to mention that this kind of decision making was not her forte. Rainee and Martha took over and made Our assignments. There would be 13 men for dinner: 4 masters and the 9 guys in the trial. Me, Wendy and (now) Sam would be the primary servers; the other girls would back us up. Only the 3 girls in the trial would approach the table to serve a dish or fill a wine glass. All 8 of us were nude and could expect touches, fingers, pokes, slapses, tickles, dirty comments, etc. as we worked. But it was easy labor. The girls from the kitchen staff had already brought the hot dishes to the huge serving sideboard in the dining room. Our job would be to walk them another 8 feet to table, cursy, smile cutely and stand back till a drink needed to be refreshed.

When we filed in the men were standing around with drinks. We got to our spots and knelt in a line for them to inspect. There wasn’t that much interest at the start. I think things were a bit on the subdued part because of what had happened to Rafa and because of Master Robert’s bad mood. I glanced at Baby who stood with Master silently watching us all. A black man named Brent eventually broke the ice by going straight over to Wendy to feel her tits and ass a bit. The 2 of them seemed to be the talk of the evening because of how much he liked her. For us girls it went without saying that Wendy would like him: black, hunky, an extrovert who paid her attention. It seemed as though he really did like her and he whispered and laughed with her as he felt her up. He looked like a goofy teenager with a crush.

The guys were allowed to take pictures during the time before dinner service, their only opportunity of the night to document the girls They had and the girls they would want to have. A few of us were brought forward and put in a pose, but nothing too extreme. One guy put me and Kathy in a 69 position on the carpet but we didn’t really have time to eat each other’s pussies to orgasm. Then a white guy they called ‘Snook’ announced that he wanted all the fine Rogonfeldt asses on display for a shot. He seemed to be the live wire in the group of men. The other guys seemed to enjoy watching him act up as much as they enjoyed watching us. Course they had already had some pretty good eyes of us girls.

We got handson the wall, backs arched, asses and pussies popped, feet spread as he and the others took group photos of the Rogonfeldt sluts. After, some guys wanted upshots of Martha’s cunt and got them. Brent took a series of just Wendy in different poses. Then Master called them to the table and we began.

I was assigned 4 of the guys at the head of table — which means responsibility for Master, Baby, Marvin (my first guy of the night) and a white man named Ham. Sam was in the middle of the table and got Master Josh, Joe (my second, and not my favorite), the jokester named Snook and a black guy named Willy. That means the girls had reserved Wendy for the far end of the table where they knew her new ‘boyfriend’ Brent would be seated. Wendy had 5 guys: Masters Will and Robert, Roland (my 3rd), a black boy named Jeff and her Brent.

My service was pretty uneventful. Master and Baby whispered to one another back and forth and ignored me completely. Marvin took the opportunity of Master’sDistraction to run his hand up my thigh and finger my pussy while I served him duck. The big guy Ham slapped my ass a few times and pinched my nipples.

The real action was with the other 2 servers. First Brent was doing everything but fuck Wendy on the table at the far end. He was enjoying making her squirm and enjoying the catcalls and rude comments coming from all directions — especially from Master Robert, who offered to clear his place so Brent would have a flat surface to lay her down, and Snook, who ignored Sam’s charms as she served him to keep a running commentary on the 2 love-birds.

Snook: “Maybe he’s going to purchase her after John gets her well trained.”

Brent: “She’s trained fine now little Snooky. Can come home with me tonight if John allows it.”

Snook: “Can you see Brent if he could afford a slut like that?” He paused to time things for the audience. “Maybe he’ll buy the whole lot of these sluts. Open his own house. He can make Wendy his lead girl.”

Brent: “I’m going to give that a lot of thought Snooky. You feel free to come over and watch how I do the girls when it happens.”

Snook: “What do you think a cunt like Wendy will cost you Brent?”

Brent: “Oh, I dunno, maybe a couple of mil.”

Snooky howled with laughter and asked “Two million? Are you insane? You see the bitch right? My sister got better titles than she does.”

Brent laughed too and added “Yeah, but I already fucked your sister enough. Time now for some of this pure white farm girl pussy.”

With that he fingered Wendy again as she served wine to Master Robert. She jumped and nearly spilled the wine, which got Robert smiling for the first time, and got the whole table, except for Master and Baby, howling even louder.

The boys eventually calmed down and we were able to finish dinner service. The only other conversation I think worth repeating happened at my end of the table.

Baby was deep in conversation with Master wheren Marvin said to the guy named Ham, “Nice way to spend an evening. Couple of blowjobs and a great meal. All served up by some very fine sluts.

Ham said “And we get paid.”

Marvin snorted at that and said “Yeah. You know I got $20K non-taxable from this work last year? Not bad considering my next alternative was night manager at MacDonald’s.”

Which I thought was pretty funny.

Dinner service was ending. Rainee rang a bell and we lined up again to file back to our salon assignments. We’d get an hours rest first, and some food and drink for ourselves. Meanwhile Master would hear our preliminary evaluations from the guys, and he would assign each of us a rotation of guys for Session 2. The men would turn to business while we rested.

Back in the Blue Salon changing room Emily and I shared some cold chicken salad and fresh water. We still had 50 minutes till Session 2 began and we curled up together on the couch. There was little to say. Now that I had finally seenn all 9 guys it was natural to wonder which of them I’d get in Session 2. But I didn’t. I knew I’d draw Baby. Master wouldn’t let me escape the cock that chased Rafa out. To do so would be to invite the idea that he was frightened of Baby. The only question was which slot Baby would get.

Emily’s boobs felt so nice and soft and warm against mine laying there together on the couch! Her hand brushed over my ass from time to time. We kissed a bit and then I was out sleep.

Emily watched over me and woke me with 20 minutes to go. She took me in the shower and then made me pretty for the boys. I was ready.

I can go quicker about some of Session 2. I mean I tried to give you every suck, pinch and swallow for Session 1. And I won’t say Session 2 was anticlimactic — Because every one of my boys climaxed and there’s a boatload of cum in my belly to prove it. In fact my highlight reel was about to need updating. But everything was colored by Rafa’s going to the hospital, whichwas going to be the big news of the night no matter how I performed. So there!

My round 4 blowjob was Ham, the big white guy I’d served at dinner. Ham was the quiet type for sure. He never said a word to me, just watched me as I approached him, knelt, kissed and licked and started sucking. He shifted back and let his fingers interlace behind his head, his pelvis elevated to give me better access to his hard cock. I paced him and I paced myself. I sensed he wanted all mouth and gave him that. At 10 minutes I began sucking harder and faster. At what I figured was 15 minutes I took the swollen head of his cock in my throat for the first time. At maybe 18 minutes I throated him and snaked my tongue out to lick his balls. Ham gave me an ‘aaaah’ — the only sound he made the whole time. I constricted my throat and lapped inside with my tongue. At 19:30 — the boys were timing him — he blew his load straight down my throat. He slide the cock out of my mouth, stood, pulled up his drawersand walked away. The crowd was almost as quiet as him, giving me merely a ‘Missed a drop slut.’ But I hadn’t.


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