My high heels clicked down the hall to the guest room where I saw a small green army surplus hammock in the middle of the room. As I laid down I wondered to myself why had I so meekly accepted Emma’s terms? This was insane I am sleeping in a French maid dress and a cock cage. I think deep down I felt terrible for cheating on Emma and felt I deserved some of this.
I slowly drifted off to sleep but was awoken shortly after with a shooting pain in my groin. What followed was the worst night of sleep of my life. Between the cot, cage, high heels, tights, and this ridiculous dress I got very little sleep. I reached down and felt my imprisoned sex, aside from a small slide to pee out of the front to pee out of and some slots in the sides for cleaning there was no way to gratify myself. Its almost as if the cage was custom made to fit me as there was not a centermeter to grow.
The next morning I awoke to several sharp slapses on my tightened thigh. “Up its time to start your training, were going to start with some traditional classroom learning so follow me.” Emma barked. I arose very unsteady in the heels, as I followed Emma I noticed she was fully dressed in a tight black pencil skirt, white blouse, sheer black pantyhose and 3 inch heels, her hair was in a bun with bright red lipstick. She looked positively delicious. Between my fitful night of sleep and all the windows blinds being shut I had no idea what time it was. As I looked around for a clock I noticed that they were all removed from the house. I later realized this was all done to disorient and break down any resistance to the training I was enduring.
As I turned the corner I saw a students desk and blackboard setup in our great room. “Take your seat young lady.” As I sat I realized this was a desk designed for a small child which made Sitting very uncomfortable and on top of that my dress was very unmanageable.
“Now were going to go through your average weekend. I expect you to wake at about5 am, you will shower, shake, and dress yourself in the outfit I laid out for you the previous evening. You will then attend to whatever chores I have written out for you until 8 am where you will cook me and serve breakfast in bed promptly at 8:30. I will probably require your tongue at that time. After breakfast you will assist me in the shower and dress me for the day. When you are in the house you will pretty much have to ask permission for everything. For the time being you have free permission to speak but that can be removed for bad behavior. This includes bathroom breaks, water breaks, food, and pretty much anything that isnt directly serving me. As far as how…
I cut her off, “Maitresse may I please use the bathroom, I badly have to go.”
“I will allow it but when we get back we will cover the proper way to ask for permission.”
My feet were already killing me from being locked in these heels overnight. I discovered to my humiliation that I was going to haveto sit to pee from now on with the cage on.
When I returned she continued,” Where were we? Right! the proper way to ask a question of your maitresse. Please stand.” I rose as quickly as the awkward desk and heels would allow. “Now when you have a question I expect a cursy” with that she grabbed the edges of her skirt and pulled them out nodding to have me do the same with “my” skirt. “One foot goes behind the other and you bend at the knees.” I followed suit feeling completely ridiculous. Maitresse walked over with her crop and required me to continue cursy correcting my form with slashes from the crop. I must curtsied at least 100 times before I met her satisfaction, my thighs burned both from exertion and the crop.
“After you cursy I also expect you to drop to your knees and kiss my feet before you ask. Today so that you learn the point you will lick them.” Emma flashed a smile as she said this, this was something we often included in our games. I lowered to my kneesand lapped at her high heels as she whispered good girl. This went on for about half an hour before she granted me permission to return to my desk.
For the remainder of the morning I learned of my new household tasks and was shown the proper way to complete them. Especially torturous was the high heel training. For well over an hour I was made to walk up and down the hallway perfecting my feminine stride. Emma’s crop stung my thigh whenever my stride fall short of perfection. She would often demonstrate and have me replicate her graceful stride. Mine fell well short of graceful and I soon grew
Emma touched my should towards the end and said,” Even my feet are a bit sore, how about we make you a bit more comfortable.” My spirits rose from the sign of compression and affection but were somewhat dashed when Emma ordered me into high heels later in the day. I was then made to massage her feet and then ordered to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
After her massage I was dismissed to the kitchen to prepare maitresse’s lunch. A delicious turkey sandwich and tomato soup for her while I was allowed to eat an undressed salad and white bread. After lunch maitresse ordered me onto my knees again where I served her ass. Afterwards I was allowed to shower and donned another uniform, this one the more traditional maid look but fully made out of latex. This was accompanied by semi opaque black pantyhose, a tight thong, and a pair of chunky heeled ankle boots.
At the end of the first day I was more exhausted than I had been in my entire life. So much so that despite attempts to get hard they only briefly woke me from my slumber that night. I felt my spirit getting broken and deep down a previously odd thought crossed my mind. I enjoyed this, while I had expected to be miserable and simply enduring this I found the loss of responsibility to be somewhat freeing and even found myself enjoying the embrace of my pantyhose. I think at this point I was still hoping this would be a short lived but as I was to find out my life was about to be transformed.
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