This is the third part of the story in progress. To truly understand the characters please read the stories in the order listed below. Yes . . you can just go ahead and skip to the naughty bits.
“Keeley had been tied up and extremely abused by her Ex and her dancer co-worker named Shelly. This part reveals how her rescuer and her make their first real sexual connection. They Also reveal that they will both need to yield control to the other in the future . . . once Keeley has healed up more.”
As always this is a completely fictional story and the names are chosen at random. Please keep what should be a fantasy as just a fantasy. Making these kinds of things happen in real life is fraught with real danger and real consequences. Respect the limits of others and make them respect your limits as well. ALWAYS play safe! ALWAYS!
Part one – Not exactly what he had in mind!
Part two – A video reveals she’d askedfor it!
Part three – What to do while waiting to heal!
by Sextified
© 2007 All rights reserved.
Part three – What to do while waiting to heal!
Shelly at least seemed to understand that she might have given Keeley too much of the drug. She almost tenderly arranged Keeley’s body into a more comfortable looking position and covered her with the bedspread. Then Shelly did something on the video that shocked both Keeley and me to our core!
She looked squarely at the overhead camera view and waved . . mouthing my own name silently as she did so! She blew the camera a kiss and began her advance towards Ex. I reached over and stopped the tape and looked at Keeley.
“You know the rest of what happened to you. We shouldn’t watch this other right now. We need to talk and get to bed. Both of us are still in not that too good of shape. Ok?”
Keeley only nodded . . lost deep in her own thoughts. I got in the shower to give her some space and privacy in the cramped apartment. I thought she would appreciate it if I to let her have a few moments to herself before we went to bed.
Any thoughts of sleeping on the couch were gone and forgetten after the comfort we took from just holding each other last night.
I needed the break to absorb what I had just seen and what it means to us . . if there was even going to be an us. I stayed in the shower Until I imagined even the central boiler might be running out of hot water. But eventually I got out and dried off. I grabbed my robe and put it on.
Keeley was in bed with the sheets pulled up to her chin . . . and she sadly pointed at the robe and shook her head.
Damn! She would make me do this. I turned away from her and took off the robe and placed it on the dresser. It was quickly pounced upon by Ruthy. My little guard cat promptly claimed it for her own spot. After several turns around in circles, she settled in with one eye kept on the bed.
Forcedwith nothing else to do but turn around and let Keeley see my large erection, I quickly made my way to the bed.
‘SLOWLY”, she said.
Forced to take my time by the tone in her voice, I bobbed obviously up and down as I finally got into the bed. As I made to pull the sheets upwards she stopped my hand and said, “We need to talk.”
She went first. “I am glad we watched the tape I don’t know if I could have watched it all of the way through alone. Are you still ok with me? Can you be happy with someone who needs that occasionally?”
“Yes . . . I understand what you mean.”
“I am sorry in a way about Ex. Not for what Shelly did to him . . . but for whatever her Sugar Daddy might have done to him. I didn’t fight Shelly to stop her from getting our revenge on him. I just didn’t want her to go to far. I didn’t change my mind or start to have second thoughts about leaving him.”
“I understand that . . . but in a way it had to be done,” I said. “Even if he tries to come back and find you . . the tapes we have of him with those other girls will stop him cold.”
“He won’t be back. He will just try to find some other girl to keep him in style. I am done with that . . period. No more free rides for anyone . . . including you. Not that you would take advantage of it,” she smiled.
“Men can be pigs . . . if you offered it often enough. . . eventually it might change even me. This has to be a partnership . . a strange, flexible, weird kind of partnership . . . but it won’t work any other way. There has to be give and take. Like a pendulum . . . swinging back and forth. Sometimes towards you . . sometimes towards me.”
“Exactly. Its been on my side for too long already. I should have left Ex months ago on my own. Ever since we started to really talk about what was happening to me. I should have trusted you. At the very least I should have got my own place.”
“Shsssssh . . there’s no need for this right now,” I plread with her.
“No, there is. I teased you without regard for what you had been through. Even after I knew the whole story . . . I kept dancing for you. I liked the control I had when I was with you. I liked that I could trust you. I don’t know of a single man at the club who wouldn’t have taken advantage of me the night I got so drunk up there. And I never even thanked you for it.”
She awarded me one of those elfin smiles as she reached for my suddenly twitching cock. She said, “I can’t thank you properly the way I really want to right now . . . but this can be a start.”
Keeley lightly ran her fingers along the shake of my cock. She smiled and grasped it firmly and gave the middle a good hard squeeze. The head flared in response. “I have wanted to do that for sooooo very long. I knew you were pretty big when I pressed my body up against you while dancing . . . but I had no idea it would be so beautiful! It curves upwards just a bit. It’s actually wider across isn’tit . . . I mean, it’s a little oval isn’t it”
“Kinda . . . it’s always been a little bit that way.”
“That has some possibilities.”, she grinned. She fondled me all over down there . . pushing and pulling . . . seeing how much it could be moved in each direction when hard. “Flexible little guy isn’t he!”
“I don’t know about little . . . . MY ex had a hard time taking it sometimes . . . but you can pretty much do whatever you’d like with it.” I didn’t look her in the eye when I said that to her.
“Her having trouble taking it I can understand . . . but what do you mean about the other?”
“You will understand better if you squeeze the shake hard again . . . as hard as you can”
“Seriously?” Her hand tightened again . . . and then went tighter . . . and even tighter still. “That has to hurt at least some. What if I angle it downwards and squeeze even tighter?”
We hold each others gaze as she struggled to get a reaction out of me . . . and all I feel was pleasure. “See? My ex never understand. She thought I liked pain and was some kind of freak. It feels good to me . . . it doesn’t hurt . . really.” Her eyes stayed glued to mine as she squeezed my throbbing cock as hard as she could.
“I believe you”, she said as she let go. Then she scratched the length of the shaft lightly with her nails. My cock jumped in response. “But its still so sensitive!” I moaned slightly as she repeated the motion. Then she rubbed her nails along the underside of the circularized head and I practically leave off the bed.
“Don’t DO that!”
“Sorry . . . so sorry . . . what did I do wrong?”
“Its just too sensitive there when I get excited. It actually hurts sometimes. I can keep an erection for as long as you need it . . but just before or after I come the head is just too sensitive. Sorry . . . I can’t control it.”
“Sorry! You have a dick the size I have always wanted . . . its has shape that has all sorts of wonderful possibi. . I can treat it any way I want to and it likes it . . . and I can tease you endlessly. And you say your sorry!” She gave the shake another good squeeze and started a serious set of up and down motions with her hand gripped tightly around the shake.
I moaned and my hips bucked upward involuntarily. Keeley raised herself and moved downwards to get closer to my crotch. She winced in pain as her body protected the sudden movement. Concerned I said, “You don’t have to do this right now. I can wait.”
“But I can’t! I’m fine . . . I just want to get a closer look . . . and to do this.” With those words she lowered her head and began licking my shake. She wet its entire length with her tongue. It grow slick as she deliberately drooled as much saliva onto it as she could. Her hand kept up its pressure as she slowly moved her fist up and down. She allowed me to buck up into her hand . . increasing the friction on the upstroke . . decreasing it on the back stroke.
I was in heaven. She seemed to understand exactly what I needed. Long minutes passed and I began to slightly quicken the pace. Keeley lowered her head more and licked at my sad balls. I had shaken there last week so it was still mostly smooth. One ball entered her mouth and she swirled her tongue around it. She repeated the action on the other ball and both of them tightened upwards as she released them.
I was breathing more heavily as she raised up her head to try to engulf the head of my cock into her mouth. A wince of pain reminded her . . . and us . . that there were something beyond us. Healing would come in time . . . for both of us.
Keeley gently but firmly licked the head of my cock. I twitched a bit . . . but since she was keeping enough pressure on my shake it felt good . . . not overwhelming. She slowly worked her way around the head. Her mouth open slightly and most of the head made it into her mouth. Her tongue began to play with the slit there . .. the precome began to coat her tongue heavily. A low moan escaped from her and her body shivered along the entire length of her body.
“More,” she said after she raised her head up. “Are you getting close?”
I looked away from her eyes . . . not able to look at her.
“What’s wrong? Am I not doing it right for you. He seems to like it!” She said as she gave the shake Another hard squeeze.
“No. It’s perfect. You’re perfect. I . . . I . . . . just can’t come.”
“Can’t or won’t?” She never broke her rhythm as she asked, “I know you can masturbate . . . we’ve talked before about how we both do it. I KNOW you can come. I know you NEED to . . . I can feel it down here.” She used her free hand to cup my balls. “What do I need to do to help you?”
“I worry. About everything. You know my ex cheated on me. You know she tried to get pregnant by me during the dividend. She even tried to do so after the dividend. She wanted to trap me into a lifetime of child support. She would have used that and our child to torque me forever. But she ended up getting pregnant by HIM instead of me.”
“The only way I made it out of the relationship was to have complete control of my cock. I couldn’t sleep with her no matter what she did to me. She would have put a hole in the condoms if she had thought about it . . . and if we had been using them. She even stopped taking the pill Without telling me. I made sure that I slept lightly enough that she didn’t put me inside of her when she thought I was sleep. You’ve seen what I wake up with in the mornings!”
“I lived that way for six months . . while she went back and forth between me and her “boyfriend”. The dividend finally went through and I still couldn’t get away from her. She wanted me to support her . . . by soaking me for child support . . .even after having ruined us both financially.”
“When we tried to reconcile . . . after I moved here to get away from her . . . she was already pregnant.”
“I did fuck her hard when I finally found out about it. She had sworn to me over and over that she was through with him. She swore she wasn’t pregnant by him. I held off from EVERYTHING she tried to do to make me come inside her. For two months I held back. When she finally began to show . . . her breasts getting bigger and her stomach swelling slightly . . . I KNEW it wasn’t mine. She still wouldn’t admit it. She tried desperately for us to make love so she could try to claim it as mine. But I had kept dates of the last time I had come inside of her.”
“When she finally did admit to what she had done . . . that she had tried to entrap me into raising another man’s child . . the next time she teased me I let her have it. I spent the entire night fucking her. I made her come so many times she became me to stop. I finally came inside of her and flooded her with everything I had. And in the morning I kicked her out.”
“How am I supposed to trust anyone with something sointimate again?” I asked to know.
Keeley looked up a me and giggled slightly. Stung, I started to pull away from her. She saw the look in my face and anxiously said, “No , no . . . you don’t understand. That’s the longest speech I have ever heard you say!”
The look in her eyes assured me she was laughing at what it had taken to finally get me to open up. Her hand had never stopped stroke my cock. I relaxed back into the bed. “You KNOW me . . you never trusted HER. Look at me . . . really look at me,” she pleaded.
I finally looked back into her eyes. She said, “I want you! I trust you! You know I am on the pill. I am not ready to have kids. I want to wait until my life is back under control. If I was going to have them it wouldn’t be with someone just like you . . it would be with you. I want you to come. I want your come everywhere. My mouth. My face. My pussy. My ass. All over my breasts. I want you to cover me with it.”
I groaned and pushed up harder against her hand. She placed her fingers in her mouth and then lowered them to my balls. She found my hole beneath there and teased it with her slick fingers. She worked her index finger inside of me and matched the rhythm she was using on my shake. As I pushed upward I pulled myself off her finger. As I came down I buried it deeper inside of me.
Keeley’s mouth returned to the head of my cock. Her grip tightened on the shake even more. Her swirling tongue felt wonderful. I was getting closer and closer . . . but I still couldn’t get over the edge. My cock was actually getting painfully large . . . the skin scanning and stretching painfully as it ever had with blood.
I was at a stalemate. A perfect plateau . . . until I looked at her eyes. She was pleading. Trusting. Anxious. Voracious.
“Please come for me,” she said in that strange voice of hers.
The first spurt rocketed out of my cock and landed on my chest and shoulders. A second followed even higher. Keeley kept up her assault but lowered her head back down to my cock. She pointed the spurts at her face and mouth. She angled my stiff cock towards her breasts . . the movement felt wonderful as my shaft continued to empty itself onto her.
She pushed my stiff cock downwards even farther and streams of come covered her belly and ran onto the folds of her pussy and down her legs.
As the last spurts began to just dribble out of me, she lowered her head down and managed to get the whole head into her mouth. She gasped a bit around my cockhead as she felt the pain in her jaws. I bucked up helplessly as she swirled her tongue just ONCE around the head and pulled off.
I groaned loudly and reached down to pull her upwards to keep her from doing that again but there was no need. She had made her point and brought her come covered face and lips to my face. She grasped the back of my head and kissed me hard on the lips for the first time. She was puzzled at my lackof resistance. Pulling away from me she looked for my reaction.
“I don’t mind,” I said. “You on me. You in me. Me on you. Me on you. Me in you. Nothing we do between us matters. I’ll do anything to please you . . . because I know you will do anything to please me. I really don’t have any hang ups at all. I’ve just lacked someone I can trust to explore with.”
“You taste wonderful!”
“Can I see if you do, too?”
“You can’t be serious!”
“Don’t doubt me . . . don’t ever doubt what I say . . . especially when we are doing things like this.”
With that said I gently helped her lay back down on the bed. I moved between her legs and began to ever so gently move my hand up and down her folds. I kept my touch light. Constantly feeling her flesh and trying to read the signals her body was sending out. I got a sense of how connected we were beginning to become.
Her lips parted open and a thin stream of wetness seen out.
She shuddered and I placed my lips betweenn the folders. My come was all around and over her mound and she knew it. I plugged my tongue in just under her clip. My lips lightly pressing against the base of her clip . . . my tongue tasting her juices for the first time.
I glanced upwards to see her fingers rubbing my come into her breasts and nipples. Occasionally she would bring one hand or the other to her lips. I pulled my tongue out and swirled it around her swelling clip. She moaned and placed a hand on the back of my head. I pulled up slightly to look at her again and deliberately let her see me wet one of my fingers in my mouth.
She shivered on my tongue as I moved my finger to her lower entrance. Her juices were flowing freely now and between my saliva and what had dripped downwards I easily slipped the tip of my finger inside down there. Keeley arched up into my mouth and I increased the pace of my tongue on her clip. In slow firm circles I ran my tongue around her little button.
As she bucked upwards IStiffened my finger for her to impale herself back down upon. Up and down her hips rose and fell. A tap on my shoulder let me know she was getting close. I looked into her eyes as they began to glaze over slightly.
“Please come for me,” I said and she moaned loudly. Biting her lip she kept her scream inside and she flooded my hand.
I held her in place as her she thrashed in pleasure. I placed my index finger on her clip and rolled it back and forth. She bucked upwards violently and a short scream escaped her mouth. I kept her thrashing around on the bed . . . only my weight on her legs seemed to keep her in place. All of her sore muscles seemed to be forgotten in her password. I kept a close eye on her beautiful face. It was unbelievable to me that I was seeing her like this.
I kept my finger rolling back and forth. Varying the pressure and direction. Judging she was almost at her peak I applied a steady motionless pressure. She bucked upwards against me and let out adeep grunt. Her body shook and vibrated endlessly. Judging that she was at her limits I started to ease off of her clip.
Her hand flashed downwards to capture mine . . . and hold it steady against her cunt.
Keeley whimpered and moaned. This was beyond her limit. She was letting me know I was expected to push her sometimes. It was only a few seconds later that she removed her hand and her body arched backwards into the bed. A sight escaped her lips.
Looking at her face as I deliberately flicked her clip with my tongue once.
Keeley’s eyes flashed open in protest that she had had enough . . . but she caught the smile on my lips . . . she now understand that turnabout was fair play.
“Come up here,” she said. Pulling me upwards, her breasts were still heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Once I was laying back correctly with my head on my pillow, she pulled up the sheets and comfortabler up over us. She snuggled closer to me and seemed to find a comfortable spot.
I started to speak and she placed one finger on my lips.
“Shssshhh . . time to talk later. Just hold me like you did last night . . . don’t let me go.”
For an answer, I kissed her gently on her lips and turned her over to spoon with her like the night before. She drew my right hand to her lips and gently sucked and licked my fingers. She felt my cock began to stir Again against her.
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