My name is Tom, my wife Emma and I had been married for about 15 years before my eyes started to wander a bit. I will admit I screwed up big time. I had an affair with a young woman named Christine from my investment firm. The details of that aren’t really important but what followed after Emma finding out was a winding, twisted journey that led me to my current state. I used to be powerful successful businessman, definitely a bit of an introvert with a somewhat kinky taste in bed. What I am now is a bit more complicated…
Emma and I lived in a nice 4,000 sq. ft. home in California, we had a dog, decided mutually not to have to have kids, great friends and I was a very successful investment banker. So why I decided to throw that away I to this day on a fling I cannot fully answer. I was able to retire in mid-40’s due to my success and sold my firm. I think in a lot of ways it was boredom that led to my dalliances but at this point it really doesn’t matter.
One day I walked in the door after a day at work and was greeted by Emma sitting in our living room with pictures of my affairs spread all over the table. She must’ve suspected something and hired a private eye to follow me I thought. This wasn’t your typical affairs, the pictures presented me in a dog collar on the floor being led on a leash and being spanked with a long wooden paddle among other things.
” I have certain needs that I just never feel comfortable fully exploring with the woman I loved. This means absolutely nothing…” I blurted out.
Emma’s eyes burned a cold blue, a blue that showed the hurt and pain.
Her intensity caused me to freeze.
“All these years of putting my life on hold so you could pursue your career from city to city. All to see you run off with some bimbo. I NEVER said no to any of your desires. I refuse to let you turn me into some shrew always wondering where you are or what you are doing.”
“Emma, I never meant to hurt you and the last thing I want is to lose you. I screwed up big time I will admit that.” I chased through tearful eyes. I did mean it, deep down I wasn’t sure why I did what I did.
“There’s only one way I see of getting through this. You want what is in these pictures? You’re going to get it and so much more than you bargained for but on my terms. TRUE SUBMISSION, not just playing at it for an afternoon or two.
I blushed as I recalled the tight plastic cock cage we used to lock on for an afternoon of teasing and fun. We got it to dabble with but other than a day here or there the thought of wearing a cage and the desire to submit for me was fleeting at best.
“I’ll take your reaction as a yes, well that game is going to become your reality. I want control of my life back, TOTAL control. The only way I see a way forward for us is you are going to listen to me 24/7/365. I simply sat back and fulfilled your dreams for fifteen years and look where that got me. Ultimately I do love you and hope after a while we can return to some semblance of normalcy. Honey it will be demanding and degrading for you but this is the only way we move forward. I understand this is a big commitment so I had a contract worked up…”
“A contract?!” I shouted as Emma dropped what must have been at least 25 pages in front of me.
“It’s either this contract, or a dividend contract, the choice is 100% yours but if you agree the number of choices you have going forward will be few and far between. It won’t be enforceable in court in any way so think of it as a terms of continued marriage contract. Any talking between now and when I grant you permission to speak again and the lawsyers can figure this mess out.”
My mouth went dry as I read through her “terms”.
“Let me hit the highlights for you.”
“1- Tom will no longer have access toany joint bank accounts or credit cards. While he has the right to ask for statements he no longer has the right to make any purchases of any size without Emma’s express approval.”
“2- You will submit to having a cock cage locked onto your genitals at all times. Removal of the cage is solely at Emma’s discretion. You will not mention the cage or request sex at any time.”
My eye’s must’ve said 1,000 words.
“Don’t worry honey we will still have regular sex, just most of the time your dick is going to be replaced with a straw on dildo. You’ll have to learn to live with getting out once a month or so for your fun. I’ll also milk your prostate enough so we don’t have any health concerns.”
“3- You will submit to the following dress code, women’s undergarments including stockings, pantyhose or tights at all times unless permission is granted to remove. Tom will have to get any clothing item approved by Emma prior to wearing it. When Tom comes home from work he will berequired to report to Emma for his evening attire.”
A wicked smile crept across Emma’s lips, ” Let me show you what I have in mind.” With that she wheeled out a metal rack that contained probably about a dozen dresses. All of them in garish feminine designs and colors.
Throughout the years I had loved to buy clothes for Emma and have her wear posh dresses with the finest hosiery for me to grab and rub.
She continued, ” On weekends Tom will serve Emma as her personal maid.” She punctuated the sentence by wheeling out another rack of maid uniforms. Some in pink, blue, black, and yellow. Some in lace, satin, latex, and most intimidatingly leather.
“I will let you read through the remainder of the contract yourself but pretty much the gist is I will own you, when I say jump you say how high. Good behavior and we can revisit these terms in a year or so if I feel you have truly changed and can be fully trusted. Listen I know you don’t want to admit this to me or especialy yourself but deep down you know that this is the best way forward. This may be more extreme that what you would be looking for in a relationship of this sort but this is not completely out of left field for you either.”
“I don’t like the idea of dressing like a woman.” I whimpered.
“Honey it’s all or nothing. You have bought me clothes through the years and dressed me up like your little doll and it’s time I return the favor. It is simply an all or nothing deal, no half measures. “
She was right, deep down this excited and terrified me in equal measure. I had dabbled with crossdressing as a teen but grow out of the phase, deep down though I was always fascinated with seeing my partners in the prettiest dresses, softest hosiery and highest heels.
“If you consent there is a pile of clothes and shower accessories in the bathroom. I want you to remove all your body hair below your neck and put on the clothes. I’ll be in shortly to help you.”
The optionssounded some crazy but I was convinced that this would be short lived. Plus in the deep receipts of my brain this idea turned me on. I grew up with four older sisters and always found a forceful woman attractive.
” I love you and don’t want to lose you. I understand I hurt you bad and want to make this right, whatever that takes Emma.”
” Good but Emma seems a bit familiar for our new relationship. So many of the other titles seem so unrefined too, I’ve been doing some thinking and from now on I am MAITRESSE to you. Maybe you’ll earn the right to call me Emma again but it doubt it will be anytime soon. Now get in that shower!” She punctuated those last words with a swat from the riding crop that emerged from behind her.
As I showed and applied Nair to my body hair Emma came in the shower to hold my genitals. ” Don’t get used to this, you won’t be feeling skin down here for a long, long time. “
With that Emma produced a shockingly short metal chatity cagethat couldn’t have been any longer than two inches. After working the ring around my balls she slide the tube over me I heard a soft click.
“There now I believe you are sorry. But not nearly as sorry as you will be, let’s get you finished and dressed.”
As I stepped out I examined the new clothes Emma held. She slide a pair of powder blue satin panties over my legs as it settled on my cage it clung surprisingly tight. She rolled up a pair of white floral tights and had me step into them. It caused my groin to stir as she slide them up my legs but the cage offered no room to grow. After she settled the control top just above my belly button she pulled out a white slip. After the slip she produced a wide white petticoat that settled just below my genitals. I was legitimately afraid of What was to come next. She spun around producing a dress that made me gasp. It was a powder blue satin maid dress with bows everywhere. It had a high lace peter pan collar, it could not even beginto be construed as anything a normal woman would wear. As she dropped the dress over me I heard a zipper and a weak schnikt noise which caused me to spin around.
“There, no need to worry about you trying to break the rules behind my back.” She held up a small brass key signing that i was now locked into the maid dress! She then knelt down opening a shoe box that produced a matching pair of powder blue 3 inch pumps. As i lifted my feet up and slid them into the shoes I was not surprised to hear two small schnikt noises. These were locked on as well. The dress was embarrassingly short, ending at my mid-thight with the petticoat poofing it out. Due to that fact I was unable to even see my feet. I stuck my leg out the back to the side to get a view of the locked heels and exam my tights a little closer. They were semi opaque with swirling flowers printed on them. I will admit between the shoes and tights, only the fact that I knew it was my leg led me to believe this was not awoman’s leg.
“I’m not going to give you girly boobies or makeup yet, although the day will come when you will beg me for those. Tomorrow we can begin your lessons on how to walk in high heels. I do apologize but it is quite late, I need satisfaction and you need to get used to your new attire so you will be sleeping in all of this tonight. You will typically sleep in tights, my intent is to keep you in those except when you’re in the shower so I hope you enjoy them. But unless you are disobedient the heels and dress will come off most nights.”
That was an unpleasant development, but at least I wouldn’t be forced to sleep in these shoes. Des
“I don’t think its proper that we share a bed anymore it so I prepared a cot in the guest bedroom for you.”
This was disappointing but not exactly shocking. Emma ordered me onto my knees at the foot of what used to be our bed but I guess for the foreseeable future was now her bed alone. As I got to my knees Emma barked her orders.
“You didn’t want my cunt so now you won’t get it. You may beg to lick my ass. Every night before bed I expect you to get on your knees and beg to lick my ass.”
“Please maitresse may I lick your ass.”
“Yes you may.” Emma replied. The idea repulsed me but I thought after playing this game for a bit things will be back to normal and it will be like it never happened. I licked and sucked at her back hole, it was distinctly tangy and upon catching a view of myself in a floor length mirror I was deeply ashamed. Here I was a man in my late 40’s, distinguished business man licking his wife’s asshole locked in a sissy maid dress. After about 20 minutes Emma shuttered to satisfaction. I was hoping for some semblance of reciprocation but as I would learn on almost all nights there would be none of the sort.
“You are dismissed for bed.” Emma said.
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