For a long time now I have been reading stories on this site but haven’t contributed any of my own. I’d like to think their are still many of us who prefer the thrill of what our own imaginations can conjure up by just reading well crafted words . . . than the forced dull thrill of blatant stereotypical sexual images of a standard XXX photo or video.
Years ago I used to visit lots of Men’s clubs and Always seemed to be attracted to the women who had a real vulnerability and slight quirkiness about them. Nothing turned me off more than the obligatory blonde whose personality was as fake as their overlarge surprisingly enhanced breasts. Because I am truly a nice guy . . . admittedly extremely horny nice guy . . . I ended up making friends with lots of the dancers who put something of their real selves on stage for all of us to see.
Notice I said friends . . . not that I took a different one home every night for wild unprotected and uninhibited sex. I said friends . . f-r-i-e-n-d-s. Just like in real life, the typical dancer in Men’s clubs can be any combination of nice, funny, traitorous, evil, dumb, vindictive, sweet, gentle, cruel, victimized, sexy, neurotic, insane, beautiful, confused, smart, manipulative . . . and occasionally honest as well.
To say that they are all one thing or another is wrong. But for the most part they ARE all out there to make money. If you go into the Gentleman’s Club arena mindful of that fact . . you can have some really interesting experiences.
Some dancers happen to be more up front about their real life situation than others. Those few are the ones who I always seemed to develop a real connection with. I would prefer to spend my time and my money with a honest happily married dancer with two kids . . . than the most sexy, vitality bombshell that promised everything to everyone . . . but delivered nothing but purposeful cruel heartache to everyone around her. That is the kind of dancer that management, custoMers and even other dancers avoid and despise. Even if I had absolutely NO shot of EVER getting together with them in my bed . . the ones who opened up and showed part of who they really were got my attention. Much to the confusion of all of the bimbo barracudas that seems to try and take over most clubs.
Because I am a generally nice guy . . . and had more spare cash in those days than I seem to have now . . . I actually became good “club friends” with lots of the girls. I got to learn more about them and what went on behind the scenes than even the guys who actually “dated” some of them outside the club. Being a good listener . . . able to give a shoulder to cry on when appropriate . . . and having a relatively reliable B.S. meter . . . allowed me to enjoy going to the clubs relatively unscathed for a long, long time.
Not to say that I didn’t get taken on a few unfortunate occasions. But all in all I learned more about some aspects of women’s thoughts, desires, hopes andexpectations in a few short years there than if I had done the typical Saturday night trolling in the flashy downtown upscale pickup bars.
The reason for this long drawn out preface is to explain where SOME of the sources of ideas for my stories come from. They are NEVER the TRUTH . . . I wouldn’t embarrass or betray anyone in that fashion. They are simply stories. Not what I have done. Not Necessarily what I would want done to me. Not even at times what I would want to see done to someone else. Just stories that seem to write themselves based on what I have seen in the clubs, seen on video, and read on sites like this one.
I just want to give a little something back to those that have taken the time to write . . . and those who still prefer their pictures in their own heads rather than what has come to inundated most of the web these days.
[Required disclaimer: Everything in these stories is not true and did not happen. Names are picked at random. Do not screw up your life trying to do these things for real. Always protect yourself and your partner. Respect their limits and make them respect yours. Have fun and explore together . . wisely!]
Not exactly what he had in mind! by Sextified
© 2007 All rights Reserved Do NOT publish on any other site without prior written permission.
One of the nice things about having a dancer for a Girlfriend is that you know they are ready to try just about anything. I always say JUST about anything because you can screw up a good thing by trying to take advantage of too often. Balance works! Believe me!
I had met Keeley at one of the nicer clubs in town. She wasn’t your typical dancer. I found out she once had a good daytime job. A job that she liked and had spent a lot of money going to college to get qualified for. She started dancing about halfway through college right after she met her longtime sleaze of an ex-boyfriend.
He was the one who actually convinced her to start dancingin the first place. He worked construction, drive a nice car but always seemed too broke to help her out. Going to school full time and working nights at a multiplex movie theatre kept her broke. When her old car finally gave out she asked for some help from her Ex to repair it. He suggested she enter one of those amateur night dancer contests to get the cash for a real mechanic instead.
They had been inside a few of the clubs before . . . mainly entering in them almost at closing time after a long night of drinking, dancing and listening to bands downtown. Afterwards they would go home and have terrific sex . . . although they were usually too drunk to remember what they did while having sex. I am sure you can relate to that feeling in some way! 😉
Well she was really broke and finally agreed to do it . . . for him mainly . . but also for herself. She had to get pretty hammered to go out on stage that first time . . . but once out there she really enjoyed herself. At thistime you are probably more than ready to hear what she actually looks like.
Keeley is a tall thin redhead with a classic ballet dancer’s body.
Her breasts are on the small side but have perfect nipples that swell erotically when she gets excited. Most of her areolas are a pale pink color but darken on the edges in a way I haven’t seen on very many women. Keeley hips are somewhat slimmer than most men would like . . . but she is very womanly . . . and her curves promise to only get better with age. Her long curly dark red hair contrasts nicely against her pale white and sometimes rosy skin. Very few freckles . . just enough dusting here and there to enhance and interest you in why they are where they are! 😉
But to me the most beautiful thing about any women is her face, her eyes and the emotions you can read just by looking at her. Keeley had very vivid green eyes and a slight whimsical elfin smile. In my mind . . PERFECT!
You could read what she was thinking and feeling just by looking at her. If she wouldn’t look at you . . you knew something was wrong. The moment you got to look at her squarely in the face you knew exactly how she was feeling. What caused her to feel that way you might have to drag out of her . . . but what she was really feeling was always plain to see . . . if you just took the time to care and to really look.
So how do I enter the picture? VERY carefully!
Keeley went on to dance regularly after winning third place in that amateur content. Just enough money to get her car going . . . but also enough to get her started on the road that traps so many women in the dancing lifestyle.
She did quit her legitimate job and finished her degree by working just a few hours a week dancing at night. When she finished college she thought she could get a good paying job in the field she was trained for. Problem was she never interned for a company the last two years of college. The only job she could get that sheActually wanted were the low paying entry level kinds. The college debt she had wrung up before she started dancing was huge. So she put off her career to dance full time to try and pay it off quickly . . . with the thought to maybe going on to get her Masters degree if she could.
This is where the evil ex comes in . . . goes out . . and I finally enter the picture.
The ex was living the life Now. A very sexy, very horny girlfriend coming home every night with loads of cash. They got a better place to live. He got a better car to drive. He got a new motorcycle to drive. The more money she made – the less he worked. When he got laid off at his construction job he didn’t both to look seriously for another job. Finally he just stopped looking all together. And he encouraged her to work more and more shifts.
She didn’t like it . . . but she thought she loved him and was safe with him!
Well his freeloading ways got to both of their finances. And as happens with dancestors a lot . . . one of Keeley’s dancer friends needed a place to stay to get away from an abusive boyfriend. So now the boyfriend had TWO sexy women sharing their expensive apartment . . and a lot of time to think about all of the possibilities. ALL of them! 😉
Men, including me, can be such pigs at times. Just chalk it up to the baser side of human nature. As far as Keeley knew they had Always been faithful to each other. That wasn’t true on his part . . . but she honestly believed that he had been faithful too her.
They had always had a good sex life . . . with him leading the way and pushing her boundaries as much as he thought he could get away with. Even getting her to regularly do things she didn’t enjoy very much . . . and even getting her really hammered to get her to do the things she hated as well. You don’t remember much when you are halfway passed out and feeling no pain. Having fansies and roleplaying them is one thing . . acting on them in real life . .. without any real choice was quite another.
Ex had a plan. He had a good plan. Getting Keeley blind drink had always worked before and he felt confident it would work again. He had saved some money from what he was skimming off the top of her pay and he “inflated” a few of the their bills.
He then told both girls to take a rare Saturday night off and he would treat them to a night they would always remember. And unfortunately for Keeley . . . he did just that.
Shelly, the irstwhile roommate, was a short, busty, rubenesque blond with very large breasts. She kept her hair cut boyishly short . . . but that was the only boyish thing about her. Her bedroom blue eyes, deep voice and teasing manner always kept her busy at the club. And because she wasn’t too scrupulous about what she said . . . or had to do . . to hook her clients . . she always seemed to make lots more money than Keeley. Shelly was as much a physical as well as spiritual opposite of Keeley as there ever could be.
After a long night of seeing bands at the rock clubs, stopping at really expensive ultra trendy places to eat, and alcohol flowing freely at each and every stop . . . he finally had both Shelly and Keeley primed and ready to go home. A quick final cab ride to their swanky high rise apartment and everything was working to plan.
Once home, Ex whispered to Shelly to go put on something sexy and wait a few minutes while he got a surprise ready for her. Shelly had an idea what was going on and quickly agreed. She knew that Keeley didn’t have an interest in girls . . . especially her for that matter . . . but Shelly always wanted to see Keeley forced into something. She was only staying at their apartment because she had helped Keeley learn the ropes when Keeley had first started dancing. She knew Keeley was a little submissive from flirting with Ex that night . . . and it made her very wet to think of being in control of her.
By the time she heard some moaningcoming from the other bedroom she was anxious and excited to get started. And she had more than a few toys to take in there with her.
What Shelly saw when she quietly pushed open her “roomates” bedroom door surprised even her a bit!
Even though the candle light was dim she could easily see that Keeley was already stretched out naked on the bed. Her long red hair had been pulled up into a ponytail and her eyes covered in a black leather blindfold. Each arm was attached to the headboard with a rope tied to a soft furry velcro cuff. The arms were tied out just short of being fully extended. Her long pale legs were held open by a spreader bar at the ankles. The bar itself was also tied loosely to the foot of the bed . . Keeley wasn’t going anywhere fast . . and for the moment she didn’t look like she wanted too.
Ex was also naked and down between her legs busy trying to bring her to the edge of an orgasm with his mouth . . . one that he fully intended she wouldn’t rEach for a long, long time. Keeley always seemed to like a little bit of denial and the extra charge it always brought to her delayed orgasms. He liked to keep her on the edge as long as possible . . . and really only finally consenting to pushing her over the edge because he was afraid of what she would do to him if he left her high and dry.
Sweet Keeley may be . . . but deep down she had the true temperature of a redhead . . . and once crossed even he didn’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
Keeley was getting closer and closer to her climax when Ex pulled away and started to move towards her breasts. She moaned in protest but he quickly placed his hand over her mouth. Shelly by now had recovered over her surprise at seeing Keeley so laid out and vulnerable. For her it was a dream come true and she quickly came up with a plan of her own.
Shelly brought another candle to the table beside the bed. Ex noticed her for the first time and was very appreciated of her chosenoutfit. A bright blue stocking and garter set enclosed her strong thick legs and shaped wait. A matching half bra struggled to contain her large breasts with her dark and very large areolas pushed up and out for him to see. Her nipples had hardened in excitement and he could clearly see wetness forming on the totally shameful folds of her pussy.
He also noticed the large bag she was holding in her right hand . . . and that her left hand had lowered to begin to play with herself. Ex motioned with a free hand for Shelly to turn up the stereo playing dance music up a bit louder. He brought his knee up to Keeley’s crotch to rub against her mound. While she was moaning in renewed excitement he attacked her breasts again . . . lightly biting on each nipple . . . slowly back and forth . . . one after the other in slow ageing succession.
Keeley never noticed the volume getting louder. She was much too distracted to notice something so far away from her world of frustrated pleasurere. With the volume now sufficiently loud to cover any straight noise, Shelly quickly emptied out the contents of her magic bag. She lovingly took out each implementation and mimed its purpose silently to Ex.
This was going even better than he had hoped for . . or so he thought.
Ex was so distracted that he almost let Keeley go over the edge for her first orgasm of the night. He quickly pulled off of her breasts and pulled his knee away from her crotch. Keeley moaned in frustration and started to speak. Ex quickly spun around and placed his cock in Keeley’s mouth and began to kiss his way slowly downwards. Keeley relaxed and started to take what she could of his cock down her throat. She moaned in anticipation as Ex began to get closer to her dripping sex.
Shelly had almost finished her preparations and signed to Ex that she had forgotten something and would be right back. She quickly ran to the kitchen and made a pitcher of mixed drinks and found two glasses. She filled the first one to the halfway mark. Very carefully she poured a small amount one of her own little concoctions . . . from a bottle that had been in her magic bag . . into the second glass. This she then also filled to the exact halfway point as well. With everything placed on a large tray . . . and her little bottle safely out of sight . . she quietly made her way back to the bedroom.
She placed the tray on the floor out of the way of any potential action and brought the treated glass to Ex. He broke off his slow sensitive clitoral torture to nod his approval. She held it out for him to take a sip and then carefully and precisely placed it back on the tray. Ex was delighted to be served by such beautiful an appreciated accomplishment. After taking a look at the arrangement of toys he pointed at the large strapon harness. It was a very tight fitting complicated looking affair. Shelly nodded and went to put it on. Ex redoubled his efforts on Keeley . . . but had to take his cock out of Keeley’s mouth when he saw that Shelly was in the harness much faster than he had expected.
Shelley’s white skin, large breasts, very erect nipples, blue garter and thick black leather harness excited him very much. Almost too much. He didn’t want to come just yet . . . but he had to put his cock back into Keeley mouth to shut her up. Once he came . . . he knew Keeley would expect to be pushed over the edge. As long as he could hold out . . . she thought, no she had been trained even . . to wait for her own pleasure after his.
Shelly waved at Ex again to get his attention on the matters at hand. She was holding up several dildo attachments. The first was about 5 and half inches long and was about his own penis” size in width. The second dildo was a bit wider and about eight inches long. Ex pointed to the first one . . . and then a really huge monster on the floor. It was 12 inches long and twice as thick as his own cock. The latex was a rather unnatural purple color.. . but had realistic thick veins rippling down its length.
Shelly seemed to understand him and attached the first smaller artistic cock to her harness. She then picked up the monster and a bottle of strawberry flavored lube. Placing the monster and the lube carefully on the bed Shelly leaned down over the foot board and raised ex’s head up away from Keeley dripping snatch. She kissed him hungrily on his lips and tasted Keeley’s juices on him. She shudder in anticipation and whispered in Ex’s ear.
Slowly they both lowered their heads down. But this time it was Shelly’s lips that kissed and sucked on Keeley. Ex had a closeup view of the first time Keeley ever was eaten out by a woman. It was too much for him and he had to pull out of Keeley’s mouth completely. He asked her to lick his balls for him in a stern voice. Keeley never noticed that the mouth didn’t leave her pussy until after he had actually spoken.
Ex leaned back down to get a better view, while Keeley busily applied herself to his balls and the outside of his shake. Seeing Shelly began to stick her tongue deep inside of Keeley was getting to be much too much for him. Try as he might, he knew he was going to pop soon and then the fun would be over. He would have to let Keeley come and nothing he could do would make her shut up. Their apartment walls were thick . . but not THAT thick!
His breathe was coming faster and faster when he spotted a solution. A large rubber ball gag was in Shelly’s pile of toys. He tapped on Shelly’s shoulder to look at where he was pointing. They carefully exchanged mouths on Keeley’s clip and Shelly went to get the ball gag. It had a heavy leather strap to secure it to Keeley’s head . . and the large ball was soft and pliable and once securely in place it would keep any noise from escaping her lips.
When Shelly returned with the ball gag, Ex pulled away completely and moved off the bed. Keeley was not ready for this . . . and even as drunk asshe was she knew this had gone on long enough. Ex quickly took the ball gag from Shelley and leaned down to Keeley’s ear. He was ready he promised. He wouldn’t tease her any more. He was worried about the neighbors hearing them. Would she wear something to keep her from being heard if he promised to take care of her right away?
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