As always this is a completely fictional story and the names are chosen at random. Please keep what should be a fantasy as just a fantasy. Making these kinds of things happen in real life is fraught with real danger and real consequences. Respect the limits of others and make them respect your limits as well. ALWAYS play safe! ALWAYS!
Not exactly what he had in mind! Ch.04 by Sextified © 2007 All rights reserved.
Part one – Not exactly what he had in mind!
Part two – A video reveals she’d asked for it!
Part three – What to do while waiting to heal!
and now . . .
Part four – I prove that I have control by NOT being tied up!
Uncharacteristically I woke up first. I was still tired and sore . . . but my mind was awake and alert. Keeley was breathing softly. I could feel her breasts press into my chest in an even rhythm. I could also hear my cat, Ruthy, moving around in the kitchen somewhere. I decided that my cat was responsible for thenoise that had woken me up at least a full hour before my normal time.
Keeley’s sleeping face looked contented and relaxed despite the late afternoon hour. It was so nice being with someone who was used to my crazy night shift schedule.
I caught myself thinking, “With someone?” Everything felt so right with her in my arms. The moment seemed timeless. It was like we had actually been living together for the entire six months I had known Keeley. Hell! This felt so good it was like we had been together for six YEARS at least! But just how many days HAD it was? I started to record what had finally brought me to having my very own, very sexy redheaded dancer gloriously naked with me in my bed.
Shelly, Ex and Keeley had gone out on the town last Saturday night. While they were out partying and getting very drunk, I had been working an extra shift, filling in for a vacationing co-worker. When the parties finally got back to Keeley’s old apartment, Ex had quickly blindfolded Keeley and tied her up. After “warming” her up for a bit, Ex invited Shelly to have a turn with her. Shelly had plans of her own. The self-righteous, vengeful, blonde bit drugged and tied up Ex . . . so that he was forced to watch her go brutally after Keeley’s helpless body.
Shelly put Keeley through hell, all the while teasing Ex that he would be next.
And she did just that . . . after getting Keeley to agree to help her in her double revenge. The girls managed to move Ex off of the floor and tied him securely to the wrong iron bed frame. Shelly then announced that Keeley could only watch what was going to happen next. Shelly bullied Keeley into the bound position Ex had just been for the previous two hours. As Shelly let a cuffed and tied Keeley sip a drink she held out for her . . her charge suddenly fought to free herself as she realized she was being drugged again.
The blonde then told Keeley that Ex was going to be turned over to Shelly’s ex-sugar dady. Her old man had some peculiar ideas of his own! He planned a special kind of revenge on the man who had dared to damage his “property”.
Shelly forced the rest of the drug down Keeley’s throat and ball gagged her again. But Shelly miscalculated just how thin Keeley is . . . and just how potential the drug was . . . and Keeley blacked out and lost part of her memory of the Evening.
After Shelly had finished brutalizing Ex, she kicked him off the bed and tied him up on the floor again. She did manage to get a dazed Keeley back on the bed somehow. Shelly packed all of her own belongings and set them by the door. While she was waiting for Keeley to recover a bit more from her drugged state, Shelly ransacked the apartment and took what ever cash or valuables she wanted.
Keeley finally struggled through her drugged fog to hear Shelly’s final instructions. Pack your stuff. Call Sugar Daddy. Call a friend to get you out of here and someplace safe. Take a month off ofdancing and figure out what you are going to do with your life. You won’t have a real a choice about taking time off. It will take at least that long for the cruels I inflicted on you to heal.
“But make sure you take my magic bag of adult goods and use them WITH someone who cares about you!” Shelly said as she was walking out the door.
I hadn’t forgetten about the bag at all . . . not one bit . . . but Keeley might have. Well, obviously I was the one Keeley had called to help her. We had been more than just flirting while she danced for me at her club. I had been more than just massaging her neck, back, shoulders and legs in the VIP room between her sets, too. We had teased each other mercilessly . . . but we had actually been talking as well . . . even honestly sometimes!
That’s a rare interaction between a dancer and her customer . . . but it does happen!
But for her crazy relationship with her legs of a boyfriend . . . and my own bitter dividend still crippling me emotionally . . . we would have tried to make a go of it somehow several months back. It had taken something tragic to finally bring us together. Something like the night Keeley was double crossed by the two people she lived with.
Enter me, the so called knight in shining armor. I picked up Keeley and some of her belongings after she called me. I barely got out of there without kicking the shit out of Ex myself. Once she was safely in bed at my apartment, I went back to get the rest of her stuff. I had to use a truck I borrowed from the company I worked for. Ex was long gone by then and there was no sign of how he had gotten out of there. It took me almost all of Sunday and late into the evening to get her stuff into a storage unit.
On my last trip I also took all of Ex’s recording equipment AND all of the tapes he had secretly made of women over the years. Glancing through some of the tapes . . . they looked highly illegal to me. The women looking very drugged, as if he had taken advantage of them against their will. I made a copy of the Saturday night’s episode onto a spare VHS tape I found. The tapes I took home with me but the expensive equipment I just dumped into the storage unit for the time being.
So it was very late Sunday evening by the time I got back to my apartment. Keeley and I finally talked for a while. She let me examine her closely to make sure the damage those two had done to her wasn’t permanent. That’s VERY hard for me to do. To see someone you care for hurt that badly . . . and to be so intimate but unable to do anything more than just comfort them . . . is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Well, maybe I would on Ex! 😉
So we finally got some sleep . . . . ironically spooning together naked in my bed . . and both of us just too damn tired and sore to do anything other than sleep.
Monday afternoon we woke up just before my first night shift of the week. Some of Keeley’s normal spirit seemedto have returned. I had an interesting time with her in the shower . . . but other than a bit of mutual groping . . . nothing sexual happened. Already exhausted I went to work and staggered back home after a grueling twelve hour long shift.
When I got home, Keeley and I talked more about what we both needed to do next. We decided to make a go of it, but we both realized it would be a long time Before things were ever “normal” in our relationship. Whatever “normal” means these days.
Keeley also broke down and realized that she needed to watch the tape of her attack. She wasn’t going to be able to move forward until she learned exactly what had happened to her. For two hours she had completely blacked out and remembered nothing. I wasn’t going to be able to help her as much as I needed to . . unless I saw the tape as well. Tough, tough, tough thing to have to do. Especially if we both admitted to each other beforehand that we might actually get turned on seeing some of thescenes on the tape.
Keeley and I both got aroused at times . . . if at different parts occasionally. We also were very disturbed at what happened . . . and with ourselves. I can’t really explain my feelings while watching it. I do know that by watching it together . . . we grow closer together in some strange way.
Keeley was extremely surprised that for most of the two hours she’d blacked out, she was actually a VERY willing participant. Shelly had promised Keeley that whatever she allowed her to do to her sexy little dancer’s body . . Shelly would do the same to Ex’s body in revenge.
Ex had tied up Shelly at a hotel room two months earlier and had his way with her. He had fucked her everywhere as hard as he could and bruised her so badly that Shelly had to quit dancing for weeks and weeks.
Ex had also purposefully made it so indisputably obvious what had happened to her that Shelly lost her meal ticket. An older man that kept Shelly in the style she had grownVERY accustomed to. When her sugar daddy cut her off without a dime, Shelly had come to stay with Keeley and Ex. Poor Keeley thought she was doing her coworker a favor! All she had really done was invite another person into her home that was just waiting to abuse her.
Shelly was a very manipulative BITCH . . . and proud of it to! The thing that surprised me most on the tape was that Shelly had known that the attack was being recorded. I got the shock of my life when she waved at the camera and mouthed my name at the lens. Shelly knew in advance that Keeley would call me and that I would gladly take her in.
The phone call she gave me later that first day . . just “checking in” on Keeley . . . should have tipped me off sooner.
After Keeley and I watched the tape, we went to bed and talked about our reactions to it. Although my somewhat weak protests, Keeley insisted that she wanted to at least explore my body as thoroughly as I had explored hers the night before. “It’s only fair, right?”
That led to our first encounter . . of sorts. She explored my body . . . well, mainly my cock. She learned a few of its idiosynchrocies. It was quite a bit bigger than Ex’s. But she knew that already when she had rubbed her body against it while dancing for me. I loved it when she slip the full length of her long smooth legs against my shake during a dance at the club. Even with me being fully clothed, it had been a struggle for me not to come right there in the VIP room.
She also found out that my cock liked to be squeezed, even as hard as she might could sometimes. It was amazingly flexible at it’s root even when fully erect. I had moaned in pleasure when she pushed it from side to side at extreme angles while she was jacking me off. She did find its Achilles heel though . . can a cock have a heel? I know it can be attached to one!
The head of my erect penis was so overly sensitive that it brought a sensing so like pain that I could neverstand it even being touched lightly!
Even with all of that stimulation . . . including a well placed finger . . . she still couldn’t make me come. Sensing her frustration . . . and feeling mine even more . . . I finally admitted to her that I couldn’t come from her ministers. Undaunted she kept right with it and got me to finally talk some more about what had happened during my dividend.
Amazingly she put me at ease with her words . . . looked deep into my eyes . . and just asked me to come for her.
I fairly well covered her and myself with my come. She pointed my flexible erection all over herself. She had my come on her face, lips, breasts, belly, pussy and legs. She surprised me by being able to open her sore jaws just enough to let the head of my cock inside her mouth. Then she tried her best to suck the rest of my come out of me.
When she finally lifted up, she grabbed me by the back of my head and neck with both hands. Then she kissed me with her sloppy mouth. I knew right then that we were going to be completely compatible sexually.
Her very sore body was just beginning to come down from her own aroused state. I promptly . . . and very carefully . . tried to get her off by going down on her. She tasted wonderful and I didn’t mind that she seemed almost covered with my come down there. She proved that she was just as nonchalant about it by rubbing whatever come had landed on her breasts and belly into her smooth, pale white skin.
Since I knew she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to come, I used her own tactic on her. Keeley had tried masturbating several times after her attack and found out that she could’t come on her own. I captured her eyes with mine and just asked her to “Come for me.”
I used a few more tricks of my own to send her the rest of the way over the edge. I just kept her there . . . rolling her along in an extended orgasm. I already knew she liked a bit of delayed/forced/extended gratification. To my surprise, she held my hand locked against her clip as she pushed herself hard to the very limits of her own endurance.
When she finally removed her hand and began to come crashing back down . . . I teased her clip just one more time with my tongue to send a deep shudder through her body. I wanted to remind her that I was marginally the boss. At least for now. Not that I always would, could or wanted to be the boss of her twenty-four hours a day.
So we curled up afterwards and messily spooned our way into sleep. That was very late Tuesday morning. And here it was early Tuesday afternoon. I had only a couple of hours before I had to go work another 12 hour shift. And my morning ection was right on schedule . . throbbing with an equal need to come and pee!
A soft stirring beside me reminded me that I was not alone. Keeley’s hand wandered downwards and possessessively searched for my cock. Once she had it firmly in hand she opened up her green eyes and smiledup at me. “I still can’t believe I am here with you . . like this!”
“I still think I am dreaming. I woke up early just to look at you for a while.” I said trying to be romantic.
“Liar! You needed to pee and just didn’t know how to get up out of bed without waking me up!” She laughed.
I laughed too. “Are you still ok with what we did last night. No regrets?”
“It was a relief. I was worried for a while that neither of us was going to be able to come. I know how hard it was for you . . . and for me as well. I just don’t think I could have copied with it if neither one of us hadn’t gotten off. I looked in your eyes and knew how important it was for both of us to come . . . and came . . and came . and came!” She giggled a bit as she played with some of the evidence on both our bodies with her free hand.
“I REALLY look forward to getting to know the rest of your body better soon.” I said teasingly.
Keeley looked serious for a moment. “Its stillgoing to be a while, you know?” She held up a wrist and showed me an ever darkening and widening bruise. “You were so very gentle last night. I didn’t think my body was capable again of feeling that way down there. I can’t even touch myself there without it hurting me really badly. You did a lot more than just touch me down there. How did you manage to do it?”
“Its just something I have Always been able to do. Kinda like what I learned about massage or Shiatsu. Your body is always sending out signals. You have to learn to totally shutout what your own body is saying and wanting. Only then do you have a chance to listen to someone else’s signals. When I give a massage to someone . . . especially someone I care about . . . I completely drift away. I am not there. My hands are not there. They actually become part of the other person’s body . . . and they just seem to know things.”
I continued, “When I went down on you last night . . . it took me a moment to feel you there . .. I mean REALLY feel you there. Then I just somehow feel everything you were feeling. I wanted to please you so much, I could actually feel where you were hurting before I even got near the crueles. Even the ones that can’t be seen yet. As you got more and more excited, I could sense how much your body could take. When you finally came, you moved your body in a way that would have had you screaming in pain earlier . . . but now it was pleasure instead . . . just enough more of the pleasure than the pain to make things work out right. A body in perfect balance.”
Keeley giggled some and squeezed the shake of my cock hard. “That’s the second longest speech I’ve ever heard you make!”
“How ever you did it . . . I am grateful,” she said seriously. “I don’t seem to be nearly so sore this morning. I actually think I can get stuff done today . . . instead of just sleeping and feeling sorry for myself.”
“Just don’t over do it,” I warned seriously. “What are you going to do today?”
“Sit down and figure out what I need to do. And make a few phone calls. Mostly my folks. Maybe the housemom at the club. I need to let them know I’ll be off a while. Figure out my bills. See how much further behind I am going to be in the month or so I’ll probably be off my feet. With your special kind of help, I might be ready to go just a bit sooner.” She lightly squeezed my shake in thanks.
“Don’t worry about rent or bills for this place,” I said. “Its small enough as it is. I couldn’t justify making you pay anything for sharing this tiny apartment. Besides Ruthy seems to like you. She gets lonely when I am at work. She’s a good cat . . . but I work too much for her tastes.”
“So I really don’t have to pay you while staying here?”
“Nope . . . when we get OUR place . . . we will have to share expenses. As long as you can stand the cramped quarters here . . and the company . . . you are welcome to it. Hell! Besides . . . if you look like this good every morning you ought to be charging ME!”
Keeley blushed in a way that only true redheads can . . . and she blushed all over.
Without saying another word Keeley slip over on top of me. She did look slightly less uncomfortable in her movements. As she held herself above me, she arranged herself perfectly along my length. The feeling of her weight setting down upon my body was indescribable. She reached up with both hands and held my face. One finger crossed over my lips as I began to speak. A soft “sshhhhh” escaped her lips.
She just held my face looking in to my eyes . . . and I feel a slight wetness drip onto my cock.
“I like this,” she said. “Hell, I love this . . . and you!”
“I can feel you dripping down there!” My cock began twitching. As I reached for her face she grabbed my wrists. She raised them up to the headboard. She wrapped each of my hands around a vertical bar. She tugged back against my forearms to check my grip.
“They stay there. I needto learn some trust. Well, I already trust you . . but my body has yet to learn to trust anyone again. Imagine your hands are tied. PROVE to me you have the kind of self-control you say you have!”
“You won’t move them . . no matter what I do to you?”
“They will stay there where you put them . . . no matter what.”
She smiled that elfin smile I had so loved even from the first time I saw her, “You might regret that!” With that she reached over and grabbed her night shirt from the edge of the bed. She made a long twist of the thin material. I saw that she was going to blindfold me with it. A groan of worry and desire escaped my lips.
I was going to be blindfolded just like SHE had been. My hands were free. My legs were free. But I would be blindfolded. The tape was still fresh in my mind and I moaned louder in sudden disappoint and lust. Then I understand . . or at least I thought I did . . . something that even she hadn’t fully realized herself yet.
Keeley needed to regain control. If I understand her NEED right . . . everything on that tape would happen to BOTH of us again in the coming weeks. EVERYTHING!
My face must have shown its panic, worry and anger. Not like this! Not like this! I wanted something special with Keeley. Something I needed more than life itself it seemed. Keeley sensed my body tightening and the enormous pain that was flowing through my body. Pain that was no less real despite its source being purely psychological. Alarmed she laid back down on my body. Her hands, just finished from tying the blindfold in place held my face again.
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