The morning after our first encounter I didn’t know what to expect. She’d said don’t be late, so I was very early. I was still feeling amazing at what had happened.
I was tired, having slept little as I kept replaying events again and again, rubbing my rigid cock backwards and forwards against the mattress. I came just once more, having cum so heavily at her touch, but keep grinding away on the wet bedsheet until my cock was raw and I eventually fell asleep. In the morning, the end of my cock still felt so sensitive that even taking a piss felt mildly orgasmic.
So now I was back in the office, singing a regular look at the picture of me naked on the floor with her foot rammed into my mouth and the one of my cum smeared crack and hole.
Both pictures thrilled me. The one of me sucking on her foot made me feel sort of proud. I didn’t really know why. It just felt right that she knew what I wanted before I did, that I’d just followed her lead without thinking. She’d said it means she owned me. For a fleeting moment I felt a fool, but then I knew it was true and it was ok.
The cum smelled hole and the memory of her comment about letting her husband fuck me was confusing. Was it a joke, to emphasise her control over me? Was she serious about a future encounter? Did her husband know what she had done?
She breezed in at the normal time, barely giving me a glance like nothing had happened. I was the opposite. I couldn’t do enough.
‘I’m making coffee, do you want on?’
‘Is there anything you still need for the board meeting?’
Halfway through the morning a pen rolled off her desk and I actually ran over to pick it up. She rolled her eyes and I slunk back to my desk. My phone wasped.
‘Calm down. You may be my pet, but stop Behaving like a puppy. When I want you to do something I will tell you. Just wait. Waiting is good. Waiting is part of serving me. Not knowing what comes next or when it will be.’
I stared blanklyat the work on my computer. Seeing but not seeing. My phone beeped again.
‘Just this once I feel sorry for you. So here’s a simple little challenge. But after this, there will be a much longer wait. Go to the toilets and push that cock of yours down between your legs. Right down so it’s pointing back behind them. Then pull your briefs up really tight so they’re stuck between the cheats of your arse like a thong. Then come back and sit down.’
So that’s what I did. I walked off to the toilets and pulled my trousers down. I pushed my stiffening cock back between my legs whilst I still could, and pulled my briefs up tight, pulling them together at the back between my cheeks. Pulling my trousers back up I walked uneasily back to my seat, wondering if anybody noticed anything odd.
My phone beeped again. ‘Now shuffle your thighs forward without lifting up so everything is even tighter.’ I looked across at her. She was staring. ‘Do it’ she mouthed. So I did, the end of my cock now right underneath me.
The phone waseped again, and my eyes shot wide open like saucers. It was a photograph of her cleavage. You couldn’t see much. It was just her cleavage. You couldn’t see her bra, just the swell of her huge breasts, but it was enough. My cock wanted to swell harder but it couldn’t. It was trapped. Instinctively I lifted my body a little and felt my cock extend slightly. But I couldn’t stay like that so I had to sit back down. I was now sat on the end of my aching bent back cock. I thought I could feel a damp patch of pre-cum too.
I looked across at her. She smirked and turned back to her work. So simple. So controlled. I was in love. Enslaved.
It took nearly an hour for me to put her cleavage out of my mind and for my aching cock to subside and retreat. True to her word, that was it for the day. And the next two as well. Every now and then she would throw me a sexy smile and wink. Entranced as I was, it was enough to make me hard and add anotherr damp smear to my underwear. But that was it. Until Friday.
Friday was always quieter in the office with quite a few working part-time. There was a lighter vibe At lunchtime most of us who were in the office would go to the pub across the road and have lunch together.
About 12:00 my phone beeps. ‘Do you know what a butt plug is?’
‘Yes Mrs Redding.’
‘Good. In a moment I’m going to drop one in your lap. Ten minutes later I expect you back at your desk with the plug in place.’
My mind raced. I’d never handled a butt plug let alone used one. I’d seen them online or in porn videos. Some of them were huge. How big was this going to be? What shape? What about lubricant? Was she giving me that too? What would I use if she didn’t. Suddenly she was standing right in front of me and something dark dropped from her hand.
‘Ten minutes pet or you’re going to get paid. Hope you’ve got it figured out.’
In my lap was a dark drawstring bag. I quickly stuffd it in my pocket and headed off to the toilets. As I walked down the office I felt the shape of the contents. My first thought was relieve that the plug was a lot smaller than I had been imagining. I closed the toilet door behind me and pulled the bag out of my pocket and pulled it open. The plug was metal, smooth and shiny. T shaped. The bar of the T was about 4cm long, flat with a piece of pink plastic set in it, shaped like a gamstone. The piece going inside was about the length of my index finger. It was shaped like a stack of four balls of increasing size. The smallest was about the size of my little finger, the largest was wider than my thumb.
Even though it was smaller than I’d feared, I was still worried about how l was going to get it in. Was the metal smooth enough to go in by itself? I’d never tried to stick anything up my arse before. I went back to the bag and pulled out a small plastic bottle. It was soft and contained a clear gel.
With relieve I stepped over to the sink and started smearing the lubricant over the plug. Then realized I was doing this the wrong way round. I wiped the lubricant off my hands, undid my trousers and yanked them and my briefs down to my ankles. I was beginning to panic now about the time and was smoking a bit.
I bent my knees out to the side and reached back between them. This still wasn’t going to work. I needed to move my feet apart but they were locked together by my trousers. I groaned and put the plug down again in the sink.
‘Oh god, stop panicking you idiot.’
Wiping my hands a second time, I took off a shoe and freed one leg from my clothes. In a wide squat I picked up the plug and tried again. I located my hole with my finger, then slowly pushed the first ball section in. I told with relief. This was going to work.
With a slow screwing action I pushed the second section in and paused to breathe. This was actually ok. In fact it felt pretty good. I pulled the plug out and then halfway back in again. That didn’t feel so good. A slight burning sensing. I reached across to the sink and got more lubricant on my fingers to spread over the remaining two larger sections.
I was bound to be over the ten minutes now, so I took a deep breath and pushed the plug home. I gasped at the sharp pain then surprised as I felt my hole close round the narrow section that linked the balls to the bar. It all felt wrong and I Hopped about then stood still trying to get used to this hard intrusion. I forced myself to breathe slower and tried to relax. I felt like I was wedged open wide and imagined that everyone in the office was going to be staring at ny inflated arse as I walked back down the office. Instinctively I clenched my buttocks and yelped at the pain as my hole was squeezed tighter round the unyielding metal.
I also felt a stickiness in my crack and realized just how much lubricant I’d used. I had a horrible vision of an oily stain spreading across the back of my trousers and used several hand towels to wipe up the residue from my crack and thighs. Finally I was ready to brave walking back to my desk.
I felt weird and vulnerable, as if I were naked in front of everyone. It didn’t feel too painful. It was uncomfortable but at the same time the ball sections sliding over my prostate (I assumed) felt quite good. Mainly I was trying work out if I was walking normally as I passed by all my colleagues. It felt like my whole body was swivelling round the plug as I walked and I couldn’t believe no one noticed my strange steps or my bright red face.
I sat in my chair then stood straight back up again. This needed getting used to. I sat back down again carefully. Jane wandered over and put a hand on my shoulder. Just that touch made me quiver.
‘No.’ She laughed.
‘Oh well. Carrot and stick pet. Carrot and stick. Skip lunch with the boys this week and stay in the office. If everyone else leaves the building, youmight get lucky!’
As the clock crawled slowly round to 1:00 I gave my apologies for lunch and watched intently what everyone else did, willing them the leave. Eventually it was just me, Jane and a receptionist out by the front door. She couldn’t see into the office and was separated from us by noisy sliding doors.
Jane swivelled round in her chair to face me. ‘Over here pet. Hands and knees.’
I sank to the floor and crawled over. ‘Turn round and face away from me.’ Dutifully I turned through 180 degrees. ‘Show me your plug.’
I undid my trousers and pushed them down to my knees. ‘Very nice pet. Suits you. Though we may have to sort out that hairy bottom at some point. Shuffle back towards me a little. That’s it.’
‘How do you feel?.’
‘Embarrassed. Scared that someone will see me.’
‘Is that all? Is your cock hard?’
‘Yes. Well, nearly.’
‘So you feel excited too then?’
‘Yes what?’
‘Yes Mrs Redding.’
I hearHer shoes dropped onto the floor. Then her feet were on my buttocks. To start with they just made a circular motion, pushing the flesh of my buttocks round and round, opening and closing my crack. I felt so deliciously used. Then, the right foot slide into my crack and she pressed down against the plug, pushing it further in, then releasing it, then pushing again. I could feel the sensing of the metal balls sliding backwards and forwards and started panting in time to her movements.
Then she slide her left foot beneath the right and started pushing against my sack to the same rhythm. ‘Harder now?’ She asked.
‘Yes.’ I gasped. ‘Thank you Mrs Redding.’
‘Turn back to face me.’ I shuffled round.
‘Suck each toe, counting to ten before moving to the next.’ I leaned forward to her beautiful feet and slipped my lips round one little toe. I sucked on it then gently circled it with my tongue.
‘That’s it pet, worship it. Worship them all. Show me what your tongue and lips can do. Think what else I might let you worship if you prove yourself.’ I almost choked on the drool that flooding my mouth, like it was a massively turned on pssy and her toes ten cocks. I swallowed the drool, drinking in her wonderful sweat with it.
As I reached her big toe I gazed longingly up at her face. She knew what I wanted. A sly smile formed on her lips, almost predatory and scary as she pushed her foot forward. My mouth opened to welcome it. Not just the big toe but the next two and as much foot as I could manage.
I wondered briefly how pathetic I must look, on all fours in the office, trousers and underwear pulled down to my knees, a pink and silver plug in my crack and my boss’s foot selling my face. And I didn’t care.
I stared into her eyes. My throat and the back of my tongue made swallowing actions against her big toe. I tried to cares the ball of her foot with the rest of my tongue. I was breathing fast and furiously through my nose. My cock felt like a rod of iron as I thrusted it backwards and forwards through thin air.
She shook her head slightly. ‘So owned! So primary and needy. I think you would do whatever I asked right now, wouldn’t you?’ It was so obviously true it didn’t need an answer. Slowly she pulled her foot out of my mouth. I licked and sucked furiously as she did, feeling I should leave no drool on it.
‘Kneel up straight.’ Her eyes dropped to my cock. Just as it had been the first time I’d tried to deep throat her foot, it was achingly hard. It was beyond just pleasant. I felt like it could actually explode. Precum oozed from sore and sensitive tip.
‘Have you ever tasted your own cum?’
‘No. No Mrs Redding,’
‘Call me Goddess, and beg me to feed you your cum.’
I felt lightheaded as I babbled to her. I would do anything for her if she fed me my cum. She smiled. ‘So needy.’
She crossed her legs to raise one foot level with my cock. ‘Our colleagues will be back soon, butI think we’ve got time. In fact I doubt you’re going to last five seconds.’
‘Shuffle forward until your cock is about halfway over my foot.’ I inched into place, my chest heaving. ‘Now, place your fingers under my foot and hold your cock against the top of it with your thumbs. Then keep perfectly still.’
I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I put them in position. I Willed myself to keep still. My cock felt scorchingly hot against her cool foot. I wasn’t sure how long I could hold out from cumming.
‘When I say ‘count’, start rubbing your cock backwards and forwards. Count out loud the seconds until you cum. When you start cumming, use your thumbs to keep it spread on my foot without spilling off the sides. When you finish cumming, get Your mouth down there and clean up every drop.’
‘Understand?’ I tried to say ‘yes Goddess’, but it came out as a high pitched moan. I fought to stay under control. I clenched all the muscles in my groin, but that just pulled the plug in deeper, rubbing one of the balls over my prostate sending a fresh pulse of sensing through my cock.
I moaned again in the agoy of restraint and didn’t her say count, just saw her lips move. Then I was thrusting and counting, and too soon the cum shot out of my cock. I desperately struggled to keep the cum on her foot as it spewed out through the sensitive opening.
Too quickly it was over. I felt foolish and my spirits fell. I stared down at her cum covered foot, my earlier resolve falseing.
‘I can see our colleagues crossing the road Darren, get on with it. Neither of want to be found like this do we?’ Her hand wrapped round my head and pushed me down. I started licking up my cum.
I’d read in stories about people saying how it didn’t taste so bad after all. But it tasted foul. It was sour sticky and cold. But, the fact I was licking her foot clean, and our approaching colleagues kept me going until I had it all.
I straightened up and swallowed. ‘Show me,’ she said, and I opened my mouth to prove it was gone.
‘Good boy. Now, I’ll go and try slow down our colleagues whilst you tidy yourself up.’ She stood up and stride down the office as I tugged my clothes in to place and staggered to my chair.
After everyone was back at their desk and back to work she came across and leaned over my desk as if reading something.
‘I said ten minutes to fit the plug pet, you took 27. Stay behind after everyone else has gone. There’s a price to pay.’
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