My Female Boss Takes Control Ch. 03

Today had already blown my mind. I’d never stuck so much as a finger in my hole before today, but the steel butt plug my boss Jane Redding had dropped in my lap at twelve was still firmly embedded in my arse.

Dispite several drinks I could still taste the first experience of eating my own cum. My ‘lunch’ had turned out to be her letting me wank over her foot and then clean it with my tongue.

These two ‘firsts’ had left me in a daze all afternoon. Just last week my life had been normal. A geek with a sporadic love life and a persistent, but unfulfilled lust for my big breasted boss. In one week she had outed me as a bullbling submissive, had me strip in front of her, spanked my bottom and milked me.

I could claim that she had explored a weak moment and then held me with blackmail pictures she’d taken. But as the afternoon went on I knew that wasn’t true. I could have gone and taken the plug out, but I hadn’t. Although the area round my hole was getting sore, the strange feeling of fullness and the constant semi hard-on made me feel I’d been reborn as some strange sexual creativity. And, quite simply, the plug was still there because she hadn’t told me I could take it out.

Being allowed to spew my cum out over her beautiful foot had felt like a privilege that overcame the humiliatingly rapid speed with which it had arrived. Although my initial hesitation, having to lick her foot clean again had been an honourable duty.

The truth was that I was I sitting here plugged and awaiting unspecified punishment because I wanted to be. I wanted whatever form of intimacy she would grant me. I felt lucky. I still didn’t understand what was in it for her. She had talked about me serving her. But so far she’d just had her feet licked and sucked whilst I’d got to cum twice. Both occasions had demonstrated her control over me, but was that it? What had I given her?

Did she just enjoy the manipulation, the challenge of finding out just how far she could push me? Was she just reeling me in for something more intense, tugging me gently but firmly onto the hook? Was I about to experience a sadistic need to hurt me?

My being ephant jerked me out this contemplation and I snatched it up to see my next instruction. But it was just a mate calling me to a pint and game of pool at the pub. I cried off, saying I had work to finish.

‘You are turning into a right teacher’s pet. Your loss.’ I smiled. Yeah. Too right. And my gain.

Despite trying to pay attention to what everyone was doing, I didn’t actually cotton on to the fact that by 4:30pm we were the only ones left in the building. The penny dropped as I watched my boss walking back down the office from the reception area. Then I knew. Her expression and the way she walked had changed. The way she spun a set of office keys around her finger said, now it starts, now you are mine. And it’s going to hurt.

As she walked towards me I stood transfixed. I felt I should bedoing something different, but I didn’t know what. Half way down the office her eyesbrows arched as she stared at me. What did she expect me to do? Was I supposed to be striping as she walked towards me? As I she reached me I detected the slightest downward glance at the floor and it finally dawned on me. At the last moment, I dropped down on to all fours just as her feet came to a halt in front of me.

‘Good,’ she said, dismissively. As you might when someone had finally achieved something rather simple and obvious. Then silence again. But now that I was on my hands and knees I was instinctively back in the groove. I leaned my head down and kissed the top of each foot where it was exposed from the shoe.

I raised my head back up but didn’t look up to her face. I stared straight forward at her knees. I was like an obedient dog standing perfectly still. They weren’t elegantly knees. Or particularly shaped legs. Her body, apart from her mammoth breasts said power and controlather than glamour. I’m not sure how long I held that silent, unflinching pose. It was like a test I was determined to pass.

‘I gave you ten minutes to insert the plug and return to your seat. You took 27. That’s 17 blows. I’ll deduct 3, for the number of seconds you held out before cumming at lunchtime. That makes 14. That’s the price you have to pay.’

‘I know what you’re thinking. It isn’t fair. A boy who’d never even put a finger up his arse before was never going to manage a butt plug in ten minutes.’

‘But fairness isn’t the issue here. The issue is you doing what I tell you. That’s the lesson you have to learn. That’s why there’s a price to pay. Do you understand pet?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘Good. Think about that lesson, through the pain. Think about these feet you love so much, through the pain. Think of the wonderful parts of me you haven’t worshipped yet, through the pain. Think of the rewards to come, if you learn to do what I tell you. Without hesitation. Without question.’

The office keys fall to the floor beside me, making me jump.

‘If that isn’t what you want Darren, grab those keys, stand up and walk out now.’

She paused, ‘if it is what you want, ignore the keys and crawl at my feet.’ She backed four steps away from me.

‘Are you going to walk or crawl?’

I swallowed hard, but it was an easy choice really. I closed the gap between us, leaving the keys where they were on the floor behind me.

‘Good boy. Listen carefully. Crawl down to the disability bathroom and go inside. Empty your pockets onto the trolley bed. Take that belt from your trousers and put it on the trolley too. Strip naked. Put all your clothes in one neighborly folded pile. Shoes at the bottom, then socks, briefs, trousers and shirt at the top. Have you got that?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘What goes at the bottom?’

‘Shoes Goddess.’

‘The top?’

‘Shirt Goddess.’

‘Good. Every item out of order is two extra blows.There is a wide black hairband on the trolley bed. When you are naked, stand exactly in the middle of the room facing the door. Put the hairband round your head, covering your eyes. Then hold your hands together out in front of you like this.’ She demonstrated a pose. It was kind of like a religious status, a prayerful monk. Except I’d be naked, so not that religious.

‘Have you got all that?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘Off you go. Don’t let me down.’

I smiled as I crawled down the office. ‘Don’t let me down.’ I was setting myself up to be punished, but I wasn’t to let her down! But I did crawl into the bathroom and followed her instructions.

As I took the belt from my trousers I did begin to feel scared. During the afternoon I had imagined her putting me across her knees and spanking me with her hand. I’d watched so many porn videos of exactly that. But she was obviously going to use my belt. That was surely going to hurt a lot more.

But I didn’t deviate one bit from her instructions and soon my pocket stuff was on the trolley bed with my belt. My clothes were folded and stacked exactly as described and I was stood still, naked and blindfolded. Hands together in front of me, in the centre of the room.

It’s actually harder than you think to stand still and straight when you’re blindfolded. I found myself making tiny steps to keep my balance as I waited in the dark. I began to lose track of how long I’d been waiting. Could you actually lose your balance just standing still in a blindfold? God she was good at this.

My cock couldn’t make its mind up and didn’t get more than half-mast. Waiting naked for my Goddess was sexy as hell. But the belt was scary.

Eventually the door slide open and I heard her shoes on the hard floor. She said nothing. I think she walked all the way round me once. I could feel myself blushing at the imagined inspection. Did she approve? She took my hands and began to wrap some material round my wrists. It didn’t feel tight at first, but then she wrapped it round the section between the wrists and tied it, cinching the whole thing down.

Then she guided my bound wrists above my head. Standing me in the centre of the room wasn’t a matter of a controlling neighborness as I’d assumed. It placed me directly below the hoist that was used to help wheelchair users on and off the toilet. I heard her fasten the clip on the end of the hoist to the clothes round my wrists.

She stepped away to reach for the control and then my wrists were pulled slowly upwards. The hoist was very slow, but eventually I was right up on the tips of my toes, like a ballerina. I could bear just a fraction of my weight through my toes, the rest was stretching my arms out. The hoist finally stopped.

She moved behind me and, putting a hand on each side of my Waist, she pulled me back against her. Her jutting breasts arched my back slightly. My toes danced around for to give some small amount of support. Her mouth was by my right ear. I could feel her breath on it.

‘Don’t make a sound unless I ask you a question. Anything else more than the sound of a breath means an extra blow. Do you understand.’

I was confused for moment but answered, ‘Yes Goddess.’ Her left hand slid gently round until it was flat against my stomach and held me in place against her. Her right hand fingertips slip slowly up my side and she started to gently stroke my stretched out armit. I stifled a moan.

‘Careful pet,’ she whispered. I’d never remotely considered my armit to be any kind of erogenous zone before, but this soft stroking felt incredible. My head swam. My cock was instantly hard and I lost my balance, teetering to get my toes back under me. She held me tighter until I had my balance again, but dependent on her support.

She whispered in my ear again, ‘who owns you?’

‘You do Goddess.’

‘It’s wonderful, isn’t it?’

‘Yes Goddess it is.’

She hold us both still for amoment and then slowly licked my ear. I began to shake like a cartoon figure with a deep fever. My rock hard cock danced around almost painfully. I pictured a string of precum swinging from the end.

‘It wouldn’t take much to set you off would it?’

‘No Goddess.’

‘But that isn’t what we’re here for is it? It’s lesson time pet. Do you remember everything I’ve said?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘That’s good. Should just be the 14 blows then. Let’s see.’

She reached for the hoist control and lowered me down so my feet were flat on the floor. There was even a bit of slack to rest my arms.

‘Move your feet apart wider than your shoulders.’

As I followed her instruction, I heard her drag something across the floor and place it between my legs. Some sort of box that keep my feet apart. The room went silent again. Was she behind me now, or in front? She was behind me. Her fingertips ran gently up over my ribs, did a couple of laps round my nipples before returning to my wait. She pulled me back against her body again. With my legs spread I was slightly lower this time and she leaned her head forward to my right. She pushed between my head and arm, pushing by head to the side. Her left cheese pressed against my right.

‘Are you scared pet?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘Of the belt?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

She paused for a moment, holding us both still. ‘Would you like to try and reduce the pain? It will be a gamble pet. What do you think?’

The thought of the belt tearing into my skin terrified me. I pictured ugly red welts and blood.

‘Yes please Goddess.’

‘Here’s the deal. I’ll touch you for two minutes. If you cum, it will be the belt as promised. Plus an extra two on the end of your cock. If you don’t, I’ll use my hand instead. To give you a chance, I won’t even touch your cock.’

‘What do you think? Is that a deal?’

‘Yes Goddess. Thank you.’

She pulled away from me and slide the band off my eyes. AFer a moment, her hands appeared in front of me, one holding a phone. I watched her set a two minute countdown and set it going. She tossed the phone on the trolley bed and yanked the band back down over my eyes.

Her hands were back at my wait as she stood against me as before. Her hands started climbing up my sides again until they reached my armpits.

‘You’re such a sexy guy Darren, aren’t you? A real stud hidden inside that shy geek.’

Her fingers twirled round in my underarm hair, gently brushing my skin.

‘I can smell your heavily sweat Darren.’ She took an exaggerated breath. ‘Such a sensitive musky smell. You’re getting me wet sweetheart.’

I’d expected the staking hands, but the sexy talk and compliments took me by surprise. I knew it was an act, but I wanted to hear it so much I was thrilled by it. My cock was throbbing. My body started to understand against her as I desperately tried to think of the belt and pain rather than my sensitive, needy cock tracting out midair circles.

‘Oh yes Darren baby. That’s it. Let’s hump.’

She began to understand in the opposite direction to me. She was grinding her shaft against my right buttock. Her hands slide to my chest and she groped my pecs. Her hips switched from round and round to a masculine up and down. Her hands slide sideways and she started to roll my nipples between her fingers and thumbs. It was like we’d swapped sexes.

‘God I’m soaked Darren. My clip’s rock hard. You must be able to feel it. Are you going to cum darling?’

Her hands ran down over my stomach, fingers pointing down and thumbs out to the side. They touched together in my pubes and she held me. Now she was banging backwards and forwards into me as if she could fuck me. I frantically squeezed every muscle in my groin to stave off my building orgasm. My arse gripped the solid plug. It hurt but I didn’t care, I just needed to shut off the route from my balls to my cock.

I was in some kind of zombie state now. My body felt like it wanted to pump the room full of cum, whilst what remained of my consciousness thought clung desperately on to control.

When her phone started playing a demented jingle I almost screamed in relief, stifling the sound at the last moment. She stopped banging into me. Her hands slid up my body my body and hugged me.

‘Well done pet. That was quite impressive. I think I need a moment. Don’t go away.’

She laughed and silenced the phone. I heard the door slide open and closed and then there was silence. My cock still throbbed slowly. I was scared that I could actually still come, but gradually my pulse and breathing calmed. I wondered whether she had paused before leaving the bathroom. It felt like she had. What did she do? Had she took my clothes again?

Then she was back and immediately I felt a change of mood. ‘Lesson time! Let’s get these out of the way. She seemed to bend down and heard her move the pile of clothes. At least they were still there.

I gasped as her fingers suddenly rubbed along the underside of my cock a couple of times.

‘Let’s have this back at full attention. Make the lesson more memorable.’

Her fingers brushed against my side as she moved behind me. I was expecting her say something about my punishment first, so I was completely unprepared when her hand crashed into my left buttock. The blow stung like hell, but there was barely time to process it before the next blow landed across my right buttock. The impact she managed was incredible. Was she some kind of tennis pro? I even wondered how much worse the belt could have been than this.

She didn’t pause until she had landed three blows on each side. We were both breathing heavily.

‘God this is good isn’t it?’ She paused for breath. ‘I love this pet. This is part of how you serve me darling. The way you had to fight your body not to exploit. Your submission. The fact you’re still hard even now. It makes me wet sweetheart.’

‘I want you to share that pet, for the last few blows.’

There was a rustle of clothing and then the sound of wet flesh. ‘I want you to smell how turned on your submission makes me pet, I want you to taste it. Her fingers were on my face. Slimy and wet. The sweaty musk of her arousal made my cock jerk. Smearing it over my nostrils wasn’t enough. She pushed two fingers up into my nose, swiveling them back and forth to spread her cent inside.

The fingers made a return trip to her pussy. ‘Stick your tongue out.’ She wiped one side of her four fingers across my tongue and then flip them over to wipe the other side too. ‘There we go pet. Now you can share the whole experience.’

Funny use of the word share I thought, before her blows started again. Both buttocks were really sore now. Each blow felt like a burn. I was inhaling her musky scent in fast heavy breaths. My eyes were welling up beneath the hairband as she finished the second batch of eight.

‘Good boy,’ she said stroke her hand down my back. I winced as it continued over my singing hot bottom.

‘Now, what was the lesson you’ve just learned?’

‘To do exactly what you tell me Goddess.’

‘Without hesitation or question.’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘Say it.’

‘I’ve learned to do exactly as you tell me without hesitation or question Goddess.’


I heard the camera sound from her phone. ‘I’m going to send you a picture of this angle red bottom, so you’ve always got a little reminder.’

‘Now you’re going to wait here a few minutes while I tidy up and get ready to go.’

I could hear her bustling round the room. The box was pulled from between my feet and I was able to stand up straight with my feet together. The pain across my bottom had distracted me from the muscle strain from standing so long with my legs apart. Now I groaned at the pain from my stiff thighs and calves. My arms were tired too and feeling a little numb from reaching so long abovemy head. The soreness round my hole from wearing the plug was beginning to compete a bit with my singing buttons. I was definitely not feeling so sexy now.

But I had longer to wait as the door slid open and she left the room. I think she was gone several minutes, but it was hard to tell as I stood there blindfolded. Then she was back. She lowered the hoist and freed my hands, telling me to fold my arms Behind my back. Then she steered me to the trolley bed and bent me over at the wait so my chest was resting on it.

She stroked my bottom gently. Her hand glided softly all over my buttocks. My mind wrestled with the contradiction of the hand that had inflicted such pain now soothing it, but then gave in to a state of giddy bliss. I could still taste her musky sweat, now spread evenly to every surface of my mouth. It wasn’t a pleasant taste, but it had a powerful emotional effect as my tongue swept slowly round my mouth searching it out.

The taste of her arousal putme in my place. A submissive place. It marked her ownership. The combination of her taste and the struggling hand comfortable me, and aroused me too. I wasn’t hard, but my cock felt heavy between my legs and that sensitive sensing was back in the tip.

‘Feeling better pet?’

‘Yes Goddess, thank you.’

‘Good boy. Now, same routine as last time. I will leave the room and you won’t so much as twitch until you hear me shout good bye.’

The struggling hand slide to my crack and she tapped the end of the plug twice. ‘Take this out when you get home and wash it carefully. I want you to wear it for at least half an hour every day.’

She leant over my back until her mouth was by my ear. Her breast pushed against my arm.

‘It’s for your own good sweetheart, the next one will be a lot bigger.’ Her tongue gave a quick, corkscrewing stall into my ear and then she was gone, turning out the light as she left the room.

I wondered why those last words were so excited. Before today I’d never thought about my hole this way. I’d seen anal play in videos and it hadn’t turned me off, but it hadn’t played any big role in my fantasies. The plug in my backside was making me sore now, the lubricant had long disappeared. But her words had excited me. I was hard now. In fact, I realized I was gently pushing the end of my cock against one of the rails under the trolley. New Thoughts about butt plugs and Jane’s previous comment about her husband’s interest in anal sex excited and confused me.


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