My Life as a Dom Pt. 01

This is a continuation of Beginning my life as a dom, reading this first will help get a picture of the characters but is not essential. It is a complete work of fiction and all the non-existent characters are 18 or over.


I packed the car ready for two weeks away plus a case of things bought on the internet and drive to a prearranged spot to pick up Michelle and Emma where they were both waiting, dancing About with excitement. We loaded the car with their baggage. The girls had probably misheard when I said two weeks they probably thought I said two months.

The next problem was who was to sit in the front with me. I decided that the one with the briefest knickers would sit in the front. I got them both to lift their skirts up and of course neither of them were wearing knickers. It was early and a quiet place, they were facing me who was sitting in the car.

“Okay then, let’s see who’s got the wettest pussy.” I put a finger in each, fuck me both were wet and ready, they too had done without for over a week as well. “Right you two sluts have sloppy cuns, you are disgusting, I should make you both sit in the back. I will have Michelle in the front for the first half of the journey.”

As we were approaching the A1 I said, ” We are getting near, when we get there you will sit where I tell you and you will sit directly on the seat not on your skirts. In the meantime to get you warmed up you will play with your pussies.” They both put hands up their skirts.

“You will be so wet when we get there the deposit you will leave on the plastic seats will be embarrassing for you particularly after I ask the waitress to clean it.” Michelle’s excellent nipples were poking out of her te shirt. I squeezed them as I drove. Emma was sitting in the centre of the back seat, her legs spread giving me an interesting view in my mirror.

I pulled into the dining car park. “Come on girls, in we go.” It was an American style place, with red plasticseats and black and white check floor. We ordered and ate burgers followed by pancakes. I sent the girls to the toilets. There were wet patches on the seats, I called the waitress over to pay the bill and noticed her looking at the wet patches.

The girls returned and I left them standing there while the waitress came back with my change and a clothes to clean the seat. We continued down the boring A1 to the M62 where, because neither girl had been to the Lakes before, I turned off.

“We are going this way, although it is longer it can take you on my favourite road. Favourite for two reasons, one it has the most beautiful scenery and two because it leads to my favourite place. We turned off the M6 ​​at Kendal and wound our way through some of the most beautiful countryside in Britain.

Both girls were quite Enthralled by the scenery, coming from one of the flattest counties to this was quite a leap. We arrived at the cottage, I picked up the keys and directed the over excitedd girls to the back bedroom to put their stuff.

I should perhaps describe the cottage, it is old and built out of local stone which has a rusty appearance. You go in the side door which leads into a boot room, more a corridor with three little storage rooms off it. This is a place to dry your dogs or yourself and leave your mucky gear. It has a window the full length of the room with one of the best views in The country. This leads into a small kitchen and then into the living / dining room. If this was a modern building there would be a massive picture window, it isn’t so to enjoy the view you looked through a window that was about four foot square with small panes.

This led on to a short passage to the front door, hardly ever used and in front of you the door to the master bedroom. A king size bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table and chair and two bedside tables. To the rear, the second bedroom is similar to the master with a smaller double bed. A small single bedroom and abath / shower room completed the inventory.

The girls were running about, opening bags and cases.

“Stop,” I ordered and they ground to a halt. “I expect more consideration from you. You run around looking after yourselves, have you thought about me, driving all that way and you have not even made me a cup of tea.” They started to go to the kitchen.

“Stop, even more important, you have not fed the birds and squirrels, they depend on visitors here and all you are bothered about is yourself.”

“But, sir,” protected Emma.

“Are you contradicting me?”

“Nnno sir.”

“Good, take your clothes off, but leave your shoes on. Michelle makes the tea, Emma, ​​there is a cardboard box in the car bring it in.” They set off and returned Emma with the box and Michelle with the tea. “Open the box.” Inside they found a selection of nuts and seeds.

“Fill the bird feeders, thread the monkey nuts onto the string and hang it up for the squirrels. Not here, do it outside.”

At the front of the cottage there is a picket fence to stop you falling down the hill, everything is on the slope here. Attached to the fence were three bird feeding tables and hanging in front of the windows were a selection of wire bird feeders. To the side of the cottage was a patch of grass with a washing line.

“But sir we have no clothes on,” protected Michelle. There is a path that runs in front of the cottage, coming up from the valley, which leads to Keswick. Very few walkers used this path so they were unlikely to be seen.

“Very observant of you, get on with it.” They set off and I sat and watched through the window, Michelle nervously and quickly filling the bird feeders and Emma threading monkey nuts on a string. Michelle returned first.

“You have missed the bird tables they need replenishing too.” I sent her out again. I enjoyed watching them, Michelle’s skittish running about and Emma with less anxiety trying to quickly thread the nuts.

When they returned, we sat on the slottee and watched the feeders. The birds soon appeared, blue tits and coal tits first, tits are always to the fore! A green finch and I think yellow hammer next. I was telling the girls the birds names while fondling their tits.

It didn’t take long for Cyril squirrel to turn up, all squirrels are called Cyril in my book from when I was little and came to the Lakes on holiday. Disappointingly he bit through the top of the rope and ran off with all the monkey nuts.

“Emma get on the floor and lick and suck my balls, Michelle suck my cock.” I lay back and let them get on with it, I knew it would not take long after my week’s abstinence and I had no intention of holding back. Emma had both my balls in her mouth and was swirling her tongue around them. “I had intended to make you Both come but you have both questioned my authority so you will have to wait.” That wonderful feeling having your balls and cock sucked and two bright blue eyes and two big brown eyes looking up at you. The look of hope turned to disappointment after my words.

I explored into Michelle’s mouth making her gag. “Have either of you masturbated or had an orgasm since we last were together?”

Emma released my balls, “No sir,” she said

Michelle swallowed quickly “No sir,” she asserted.

“Good, go and tidy yourselves up, dress in Shorts and te shirt, you may wear trainers, we will walk down to the village and have a drink and a meal.” They appeared happy in one way and reluctant in another. They went into the back bedroom and put some clothes on.

What a treatment when they came out, giggling and dancing around again. Wearing tight te shirts and short shorts, shorts which did not quite show the bottom of their arse cheeses, Daisy Dukes I believe is the term. Dare I take them out in public like this? What the hell the village could probably do with a treatment. We set off, I let the girls walk in front for a while. What a beautiful sight.

We arrived at the Salutation, excellent for ale. I had Jennings Cumberland Ale, the girls Bacardi and coke, Michelle showing her ID. We had a couple of drinks there before moving on to the Horse and Farrier.

I sent Emma to the bar to pick up menus and drinks while Michelle and I grabbed a table. Emma leant over the bar with the result that every man in the place stared at her arse. The barman, Michael, served us with drinks and a young lady came to the table for our food order.

For some reason Michael brought the food and was most attentive to Michelle. I must admit I had had my hand at the top of her thigh which may be the reason her nipples were straining against her te shirt. “Michelle, which wine shall we have?” I asked, which started a conversation between Michelle and Michael. I think he was smitten, so much His eyes sometimes moved to the wine list from Michelle’s nipples and occasionally to her face.

He brought the selected wine and looked at me, I directed him to Michelle and he poured her some to taste. She nodded and it was poured for us all. We had an excellent meal, Michael presented the bill to me, not Michelle. He suggested we phone next time we came and he would open a bottle of Nuit St George ready for us.

Emma and Michelle

We spent a week seeing each other everyday, wondering if we should go round to see sir. We dare not, he might reject us. So we planned what to do, what to buy for the holiday and what to expect. We both admitted feeling horny, a few weeks ago having a week without sex was normal, now we needed sir. To be honest we both would have masturbated, separately of course.

So when sir picked us up we were ready, both wanted to sit in the front. The one with the skimpiest knickers was to be the one, we lifted our skirts to show bare pussies. We had prearranged this, the wettest pussy was the next trial, we were both wet. He said we have sloppy cuns and are disgusting, what does he expect? Keeping us waiting.

Michelle – God the insult went straight down to my pussy, I would win the wettest now. How can I last til he fucks me?

Emma – I didn’t like him saying I had a disgusting wet cunt. It did however turn me on.

In the dinner we sat with nothing between flesh and seat. Having been masturbating and listening to lewd comments we were likely to leave wet patches. Plus we were sweating on such a hot day. We had to stand there while the waitress cleaned up the seat. We were both blushing bright red.

The journey through the Lake District was amazing, the mountains, rivers running down and of course the lakes.

We arrived at a lovely little cottage halfway up the hill, we ran in unpacking our bags and sorting out clothes when sir stopped us. We were selfish for not making his tea and feeding the birds and squirrels. For fuck’s sake we didn’t know about the birds but the protest was pointless.

Emma – he sent me out naked to bring in a box. I rushed to the car and back with the box, he sent us both outside, me threading monkey nuts and Michelle filling the feeders. Both looking round for anybody watching, sod it if people want to see me I’ve nothing to be ashamed of.

When we had finished outside we all sat on the slottee and watched the wild life and sir told us what the birds were. A red squirrel turned up, they are rare. He bit through the string and ran off with the nuts, bastard, all that work wasted.

I had to suck his balls sir’s not the squirrel’s while Michelle sucked his cock. God I need to come and all we are doing is getting him off. It seemed the best course of action was to please him however we can. I managed to get both his balls in my mouth and lick them while they were there.

Michelle – Can you come from sucking a cock? It would not take much for me to climax; sir did, right in my mouth. A lot, he had been without for a while as well.

He asked if we had masturbated, we both said no. We wished we could now, the state we were in or even better please just fuck us.

We had to dress in shorts and te shirt, we had planned this when sir said we were to bring shorts. We had cut several pairs short and were going to wear some now. Those and tight te shirts and we were ready. For some reason sir spent most of the time walking behind us as we walked down to the village.

We went into two pubs, we preferred the second one but sir liked the beer in the first one. The waiter was very attentive to us.


We walked back to the cottage in an excellent mood. The sun was about to go behind the mountain but it was still warm. “I think girls I may have to give you a good seeing to when we get in.” I had my hands on each arse and they held onto me.

We went in via the side door. “Stand by the window and admire that spectacular view. Put your hands up.” I took the hem of Emma’s tee shirt and lifted it over her head, I throw it to one side, held her tits and kissed her neck.

She put her hands down and I lifted Michelle’s tee shirt, held her tits and kissed her neck. “Very nice girls, unfasten your shorts and lower them.” They lowered them to their knees. “Stay like that.” I admired two arses barely covered.

“Very nice girls, good to see that you put knickers on, I like taking them off. Although your arses are quite nice they are Very pale, they would be more attractive with a bit of colour. Take the shorts off altogether and go into the blinde.”

Both were wearing skimpy knickers, Michelle’s pink and Emma’s red. Standing in front of me, legs apart, arms behind their backs, I rubbed both pussies through their knickers. “I seem to be overdressed, you need to do something about this.” They undressed me.

I sat down again and they took their places. I tugged Michelle’s knickers down, she lifted her legs to allow me to take them off. I sniffed them. “Sit next to me,” I ordered before I took Emma’s knickers down in the same manner. There was a definite smell, similar but different from Michelle’s.

I had a finger in Michelle’s pussy. “Over my knee, Emma, ​​you have the palest arse so I will deal with you first.” She leaves across my knee, her head on Michelle’s thigh looking at my finger in her pussy.

I scratched her left cheek, she grunted and wriggled, pushing against my erection. I continued spanking her, she gave a high pitched grunt with each one. I continued waggling my finger in Michelle’s pussy as I spanked Emma whose legs opened exposing her enchanting glistening pussy.

I put my finger in her pussy, took my finger out of Michelle’s and put it in Emma’s mouth. She climaxed almost straight away, I carried on fingerprinting her pussy, her gyrations were playing havoc with my erection. I did not want to come yet, I still had Michelle to deal with yet.

“Swap places,” they changed, Emma rather reluctantly. Michelle across my knee, she kissed my cock on the way down. Her pussy was shining with her juices. She pushed against my cock with her hip, I was approaching orgasm myself. Michelle was very close.

I scratched her arse, “Yes,” she panted. Each time I scratched her she panted “yes.” She lifted her arse and spread her legs, I inserted three fingers into her pussy and two Emma soaked ones into her mouth.

She screamed through my fingers as she came. I gave them a minute before I ordered them, “Bend over the back of the couch, spread your cheats,” I entered Emma’s pussy first, fucking her while I fingered Michelle. I was holding back because I wanted to fuck Michelle as well.

I swapped into Michelle and fingered Emma. I dragged them both to their knees and swapped from mouth to mouth until I came into Emma first then some into Michelle. They both swallowed and had great big smiles. “Thank you, sir,” they both said.

“A good start to the holiday, time to break out the groc ration. Emma pour me a large whisky, the Glenfidich I think with two cubes of ice. What do you girls want to drink?”

“White wine please sir,” said Emma.

“Red for me,” Michelle has a more refined palette.

We sat on the couch, drinking, snuggled together in a warm glow of satisfaction. “Tomorrow we will do some shopping and some sightseeing. Now we will go to bed, it is king size so we should manage.”

We saw to our ablutions and went to bed.


I enjoyed the meal, particularly ordering the wine. I think the waiter likes me. He did not ask for ID. I would have liked to have gone to the bar and leant over like Emma did. All the men in the place were looking, maybe I will get the chance. I could understand sir’s eagerness to spank it.

I sat naked with Emma over sir’s knee and looking at my pussy which was hosting sir’s finger. Very wet and emitting splashing sounds, most embarrassing particularly as Emma’s nose was only inches away. To complete the humiliation he took his fingers out of me and put them in Emma’s mouth, she came and Icould see her looking at me, well my pussy.

We swapped. I lay across sir, kissing his cock, which I tried to cares with my body as he spanked me. I was looking at Emma’s pussy now also encompassing two of sir’s fingers. I panted yes with each spank, I was having trouble breathing, I love it.

With my pussy and mouth full of fingers I came noisily. At last, my whole body vibrated, the orgasm lasted ages and when I was fucked over the settee it continued.


The walk back up the hill was charming, the view was amazing and getting better the higher we climbed. Sir had his hand on my bum, he probably would have had his hand in my shorts if there was room.

We were standing at the window looking at the ever changing view as the shadows lengthened. I am falling in love with this area, nature to the extreme. I put my hands up and sir removed my tee shirt. He held my boobs and kissed my neck. God I needed him so much.

We took our shorts off; while we were stangling in front of him he rubbed our pussies through our knickers before he made us undress him. Michelle took hers off and sir smelt them before making her sit next to him.

He smelt mine, what does he expect, he does what he does to us and that is not in keeping with clean knickers! He put me over his knee, at last! I had my head on Michelle’s thigh looking at sir’s finger in her pussy.

He hit my bum, he hit it again and again. I loved it, waves of pleasure radiated across my body especially to my pussy. I realized I had opened my legs when he put a finger into me, yes! I was already near orgasm as he put his Michelle soaked finger in my mouth. I came with a yell even with my mouth full.

Yes, yes, yes, he didn’t stop and neither did I.

While he spanked Michelle, she was looking directly at my finger filled pussy and I realized the humiliation she had suffered. I think the bond between us is growing. We have done things together that were unthinkable. I liked the taste of her pussy!

She came with fingers soaked in my pussy juice in her mouth, does she like the taste of me? He fucked us over the back of the settee and shot into our mouths.


It was cosy laying between two teenage girls, feeling totally satisfied. I slept well and woke early as usual. I managed to get out of bed without disturbing them.

I made a brew and sat watching the wildlife. I was tempted to rouse one of the girls to feed them. There was plenty for the birds and if he wanted the squirrel could eat their food.

The tits were having a field day, blue, great and coal. Seeing them together made it easier to tell the difference. Yellowhammers came down and there was a disagreement between them and the tits. The yellowhammers won. I was pleased, as you know I’m not a tit man.

We had not brought much food, just the essentials, tea, milk, alcohol and cereal. I had some cornflakes, another mug of tea and a long bath. I expected the girls to sleep ’til noon if left alone. I was not going to leave them alone.

I went into the bedroom and gently pulled the covers off them. They looked so vulnerable together, almost touching hands. I kissed both of them, resisted the temptation to play with their inviting pussies, particularly Michelle’s as she was lay on her back


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