My Life as a Dom Pt. 02

This is a continuation of My life as a dom, it will make more sense to read the first two parts of the story, starting with Beginning my life as a dom if you have not already done so.


I woke early as usual, what was not usual was having a glorious pair of lips round my cock. I was having a wonderful dream that my cock was embedded in Magenta from the Rocky Horror show. The sudden Awakening was far from a disappointment. Her blond hair splattered across my stomach, her lovely arse in the air and my cock encapsulated by her warm, wet mouth.

I scratched her arse and pulled her off me, “You are very naughty,” I said with a laugh, “Get in the blinde and bend over the couch.” She jumped up and curried into the locke. I followed her, scratched her arse on the way to the kitchen and made the tea for us both. I put it on the side and went for a pee.

“Can I go for a wee sir?” she asked from her position over the couch when she saw where I was going.

“Of coursecome on,” I invited. She came with me.

“I’m absolutely wetting myself,” she said.

“Get on the pot then, open your legs and I’ll pee between them, we’ll see who finishes first.”

“What do I get if I win?” She asked.

“A good fucking.” She was on the toilet and peeing before I could get started. I rushed in and started peeing between her legs, we both started laughing which is not the best thing for aiming straight. Emma got splashed and started laughing harder.

“I win!” she yelled, standing up and disturbing my aim even more.

“You’ll be licking the splashes up if you don’t behave.” She continued to giggle, I went to the sink. “Come here and stick your pussy out, I washed her splashed tights with a flannel followed by her pussy with my tongue. She continue to stand with ben legs, her pussy pushed forward and a hand on my head for balance.

“Oh thank you sir,” she gasped.

“Would you like that good fucking now you filter slut, your cunt is gushing, what a tramp. You’re in such a state you’d let anybody fuck you. I bet you’d love to have six or seven different cocks one after the other in that filthy wet cunt.” I turned her round, bent her so her head was almost in the sink and entered her from behind.

“Yeeeoowww,” she yelled. I carried on.

“Even thinking about a gang bang has you so turned on, whore, that you Come at the thought of it. I have friends who will come and fuck you if I ask them, they’re not fussy.” I slammed into her harder and she screamed louder and longer.

“Turn round, on your knees,” I stuck my cock in her mouth. “You can taste the slut goo out of your cunt and clean my cock. Hurry up, the tea’s getting cold.” I came into her and she swallowed some and leaked the rest down her chin.

“Thank you sir, that was wonderful,” she looked up at me and said when she was able to speak. I lifted her up and took her back into the blinde. She was kissing me wherever she could reach.


I set my phone to wake me so I could wake sir with a blow job. He was still sleep, luckyly on his back, I throw the covers off. I aimed to make him come before he woke up although that would deny me a fucking. As I sucked his cock and licked his balls it became longer and harder until my tongue would no longer reach his balls while his cock was in my mouth. I thought I had cracked it whenI saw his scrotum tighten in preparation to climax until I felt a hand on the back of my head.

He pulled me off him and sent me to the locke to bend over the couch. I think if I had to say where I would prefer to be in all the world I would say bent over this settee with sir’s cock in me. He smoked me as he walked past.

I saw him going to the toilet and asked if I could go. He had me sit on the loo and he would pee between My legs. What the fuck, I’ll be peeing in the street soon in full view of anybody walking past the way things are going. We had a race and I finished first so he would fuck me. He had splashed pee on me and washed it off then washed my pussy with his tongue.

I was standing with my legs bent and my pussy thrust forward so he could lick me. He throw me round bent me over the sink and fucked me from behind. He said the dirty things, language foul, insults around, he called me names, said he would get friends to fuck me. It was disgusting. I came in a gush. I felt like a slut, he could make me feel so demeaned and so fantastic.

Before I knew it I was on my knees with his cock in my mouth, tasting myself, my come was all over his cock and balls. He came in my mouth and I swallowed, leaking some down my chin. I wiped it with my finger and put it in my mouth while looking him in the eye. God I loved him then, I kissed whatever bit of him I could reach.


We drank our lukewarm tea and watched the birds. The weather had bucked up, we checked the weather report on the internet, it was hot and sunny with not a lot of wind.

“Emma, ​​feed the birds and put monkey nuts on the window ledge, leaving the window open.” Emily came in. “Good timing Emily, put the kettle on.”

The three of us sat on the couch. “We will have a relaxing morning before we go out for a short hike. Shorts and te shirts but mainly decent shoes. We are not going anywhere dangerous but must be prepared with the bare minimum.”

The morning was spent sitting watching, Cyril turned up and ate the nuts by the open window. We put more out and another smaller red squirrel came and started eating them, we christened it Mrs Cyril.

At midday all showered and dressed, the girls hung their collars on the hooks near the door meant for dog leads. We set off in my car, a short journey towards the village we pulled into a carpark. As soon as we were out Michelle and Emma set off up the path.

They of course had taken things to the extreme, shorts meant short, any shorter and their arses would be hanging out, hell their arses were hanging out. They had been sensible with the shoes, a cross between trainers and hiking boots. Emily was more decorous in longer shorts.

We all had small backpacks. The sun was shining and as we worked our way up the glen following the fast flowing beck. At times we were walking next to the beck and other times the path meandered up the side and we were walking among the treesops.

It was magical, I love this place, whenever I come to the lakes I walk up here. The humidity in this little valley was a lot higher than the surrounding area as there was no wind so all of us were smoking. We reached the girls, sitting by the beck, hair stuck to their foreheads.

“Come on girls let’s carry on, I let them walk in front, well wouldn’t you? my eyes never leaving their arses. We continued, getting hotter and sweater. Eventually we could hear the sound of water splashing.

We reached a waterfall, is waterfall the right word for a stream of water that falls about ten feet intoa pool. A pool that was around eight by twelve feet. It was of course not square or circular but totally erratic in shape. It was three feet to the bottom at the deepest part.

I know how the desert traveller feels when he finds an oasis. There was no hesitation from Emma and Michelle, they stripped off and were in the pool taking turns to stand under the waterfall. They splashed about like five year olds.

Emily and I unpacked the towels and put two bottles of white wine in the pool, stripped off and jumped in. We cooled down to what felt like zero degrees.

Emma and Michelle got out first. “Pour the wine,” I instructed. Cold of course has a different effect on the male and female anatomy. While the girls’ tits firmed up, not that they needed it, and their nipples stuck out like bullets. Me on the other hand had a pair of balls that were craving for warmth, trying to retreat back into my body and a cock trying to join it, shrivelled to half its size.

I jumped outquickly and lay face down on the towel, I was passed a glass of dry white wine chilled to perfection. Not so easy to drink while laying on your stomach but I was not moving until the sun had brought my cock back to normal. I was sure it would be more than normal, although my normal seemed to be larger than normal while I was with the girls.

“We cannot lay in the sun without protection. Emily and Emma You both have very pale skin and must have some sun cream applied. Emily lay on your stomach. Emma you at the head, Michelle at the legs I’ll take the middle.”

Emma moved Emily’s hair out of the way and I ran sun cream down her back and legs. We each massed the cream into her, I had her arse of course and delighted in rubbing it into her crack. “Turn over.” Emma now had her tits and seemed to be enjoying it, Emily did too.

I did her stomach and pussy, Michelle massed the cream into the inner thighs, wandering to her pussy on occasions. Emma was next. The girls all enjoyed putting on and having sun tan lotlied applied.

“You’re next sir,” said Emma. I was ready now, massaging three girls works wonders for shrinklled cocks, I recommend it. I lay on my stomach Emily was at my shoulders Michelle at my arse and Emily at my legs. It was relaxing in the heat of the sun and the massage was wonderful.

I turned over, Michelle pounded on my cock, the sun will never get through she was so efficient. “Michelle get on me and fuck me, now.” She straddled me looking at me and bounced up and down. She has good cunt muscles and they were tightening around my cock. I came into her.

“One more dip to cool off then we will go and have a pint in the Farrier.” We jumped in the pool, splashed about before dressing and walking down to the car. At the car Emma and Michelle asked if They could put their high heels on. They had been left in the car from our walk back.

We walked into the Horse and Farrier and I sent Emma and Michelle to the bar, they did not need to lean over to show their assets. They looked fantastic, their clothes were sticking to them, Michelle’s nipples poking out. Michael’s eyes poking out. I had primed Michelle earlier when I discovered both the pubs had lower prices for locals.

“Michael, now we have been here so long are we classed as locals?” She smiled at him and probably fluttered her eyeshes. Whatever she did, it worked. They brought back four pins, they had lager which had the advantage of being ice cold. I had bitter which had the advantage of tasting good.

“Michelle order some wine that Michael can open to breath, we will order a meal and return in an hour.” We selected our food and following a detailed conversation Michelle selected the wine.

I debated with myself whether we should go to the cottage and change or go to the Sally and have some good beer. Beer won, we went to the Sally and had a few drinks, Emily had mainly soft drinks as she was going to drive us back.

When we rturned to the Farrier trade seemed to have booked up in the last hour, a distributionate number of men. We sat at the table set aside for us which happened to be in the middle of the room. I did not send anyone to the bar, we had plenty to drink and the wine would be here shortly.

We ate and drank and were happily joking with Michael and others. Each of us had to go to the toilet several times. “Coming with me sir?” asked Emma, ​​the others did not get the full significance or joke. I laughed.

“Okay then,” I walked out with my hand on Emma’s arse again. I pushed her into the gents and into a stall. “You are lucky I don’t piss through your legs again.” I unfasted her shorts, kissed her and left her in the stall. I had a pee in the urinal and had a brief conversation with a chap who had come in and would keep her company.

It took a while for Emma to emerge, it seemed a few men had gone to the loo since I left. She looked angry when she finally appeared, we were all laughing, she laughed. We returned to the cottage.

Back at the cottage the girls put their collars on. Emma and Michelle took their shorts off. “Take your shorts off as well Emily,” I ordered. She, being sensitive, was wearing knickers, sexy knickers. I allowed her to keep them on.

We spent the evening watching birds and watching television.


We were told to wear shorts, me and Emma had brought some that we had cut ready. They made Daisy Dukes look like Bermuda shorts. When I put mine on my knickers could be seen at the crotch, Emma’s were the same. “Who needs knickers,” said Emma, ​​taking her shorts and knickers off and putting her shorts back on, I did the same.

The crotch of the shorts bisected my pussy, rather a nice sensing as I walked. Sir had said there was unlikely to be any other people about so it should be OK to wear them. When we reached the bottom of the footpath me and Emma ran off up the hill. God it was warm, we had not gone farWhen we were smoking.

We slowed down and sat by the stream after a while. “I wish I had hurt knickers,” said Emma, ​​”the shorts are irritating my pussy, in fact fucking hurting, it has had enough today.” she unfasted the top button and pulled her shorts down a couple of inches.

“Good idea,” I was in the same boat, the pleasure experienced walking in the cottage as the shorts pressed against my clip was now bloody painful. I lowered my shorts a little as well.

Sir and Emily turned up having taken their time but still smoking profusely. We continued up the mountain, it was a mountain now not a hill. Eventually we reached a waterfall and pool, not big enough to swim in but we stripped off and jumped into it anyway.

It was freezing, it was wonderful. From boiling to freezing in one go, my sore and tender pussy felt instant relief as the cold hit it. We splashed about, fighting to get under the waterfall. Emma did the thing with her hair pulling her head back andher hair flying up and water going everywhere.

Sir and Emily joined us. The hike up here was worth it, in fact this would not have been as good without it. We all danced around, my nipples that my sir loves were hurting. They were so distended, even I thought they looked good. Emily’s tits nice to start with had firmed up and were standing proud, her nipples poking out, not as nice as mine though.

We dried off in the sun, the heat tingling through me. We applied sunscreen to each other, I got to do sir’s bum and of course his cock when he turned over, I made sure the sun was not going to do any damage to that. He told me to fuck him, so I got on top and rode him cowgirl style. I didn’t come but he did.

Walking down was not as hard work as the other direction but was still hot and humid. Some people were coming up and one woman was drinking from the stream. It made me feel guilty for peeing in the pool. I bet we all did when we hit the cold.


Christ Iwas hot, my pussy which had taken a pounding this morning was hurting like hell, burning. The rough denim of my shorts was digging into my pussy and rubbing on my clip. Whose idea was it to wear these shorts? Whose idea not to wear knickers? Both mine! I can’t walk another inch like this. I loosened my shorts, if anybody sees me, tough.

I must say when I could take my mind off my singing, burning pussy This dingly dell was amazing. Walking in the trees one minute and the tree roots by the stream the next. It was hot and I was smoking and this ‘walk’ was a hike and I was not expecting this. It all changed, a pool and waterfall and cold. It was amazing, it was worth the walk, I will wear decent shorts if we come back.

In the pub which seemed to be full of men I went to the loo with sir. He pushed me into the gents and into a cubicle where he pulled my shorts down and left me. By the time I had pulled my shorts up and looked out of the door sir and another man were peeing. I quickly closed the door.

What should I do? I locked the door and waited, all went quiet. I risked unlocking and peeped out just as someone came in, I closed the door quickly but didn’t have time to lock it. Please just have a pee, don’t come in here. He took ages and washed his hands like he was going to perform major surgery.

He left eventually, sod it I’m going out, head high. I walked out and bumped into two men coming in. I smiled at them and walked past with my sexiest walk. To go and smile at that bastard, sir. He was laughing, they were all laughing, I started laughing.


I woke early as usual, decided to wake Michelle, I had not fucked her last night so she was due for one this morning. I had her make a brew while watching the birds. “Put some monkey nuts out and feed the birds.” Out she went, naked and happy, she smiled and waved at me through the window.

I said to her through the window, “Stop showing off, get on your knees and crawl back.”She came to me. “Stay on your knees, crawl to the bedroom and fetch the flogger in the top drawer.” I do enjoy watching Michelle on her knees, crawling. She arched her back, her puffy pussy looking exhaust. She returned with her mouth full.

“Lick my balls and keep your arse up.” I used the flogger on her arse while she licked and sucked my balls. I did not hit her hard, enough to remind her who was boss, I moved my aim to a more central position which incorporated hitting her pussy. Her head jerked up with the first pussy hit, lucky she did not have one of my balls in her mouth.

“Get upside down in a sixty nine, sucking my cock so I can see your cunt, legs on my shoulders.” I could smell her pussy which was right under my nose. She was sucking my cock so I tongued her pussy. “Your cunt is dripping and smells of sex, you can’t resist, you’re such a slut, a whore, do I have to pay you for this? Fifty pence for a blow job? How much do you charge, whore?”

I put my tongue into her, “Answer me slut, an ignorant slut as well as a whore.”

“I would never charge you sir,” she said, removing my cock from her mouth.

“Get it back in slut I’m not paying you to talk, I’m not paying you, you’re not worth it.” I plunged back into her pussy with my tongue and started on her clip. I went deaf, all the birdsong gone, her legs closed and gripped my head. She was jerking around and making me wet all down my chin.

I scratched her arse. “Come on slut, get me off, get that cock down your throat, let me feel your nose smelling my balls.” I waited a while. “Stop, get on the floor with your legs wide.” She did the splits and I was on her and fucking her hard before she had time to think.

She held onto me with no intention of letting me go. “Thank you sir, thank you sir,” she kept repeating, then gasping, then grunting then almost screaming. I came and collapsed on top of her. Her legs closed around me. I wasn’t going anywhere.

I pushed myselfup on my elbows and looked at her face, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat, I hope she doesn’t disappear, I’d look like a right fool if she wasn’t there. “Thank you sir, that was wonderful.”

“Make a brew and I will tell you what we will do today.” It was an unfair request as I was still pinning her down. I eased myself off her and lay on my back, she immediately took my cock in her mouth and sucked it clean before she went to make the tea.

We sat drinking. “Today we are going shopping, you and Emma will wear your school uniforms, Emily will be the headmistress in charge of you, she is good at that. You will get things from the top and bottom shelves whether we need them or not, I doubt we will be taking them home. I will be watching and tell you if you need to leave.

“Have you brought a decent pair of knickers or a bikini?” I asked.

“I have brought a pair of school knickers, the same pair I wore when you first spanked me and I will keep them forever.” I laughedd.

“Then you will wear them, do you have some ankle socks?”

“Yes sir.”

“What about Emma?”

“I don’t know, we arranged some clothes together but only sexy ones.”

“It’s time they were up, go and wake them, we’ll have a good day out.” Michelle weke them and we had a cooked breakfast, cooked by Emily and Emma. Michelle had done enough work this morning. I explained to them what we were going to do.


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