My Journey Part 2 slave girl sara
The six month contract from my first sale had ended and I was given a fond farewell by the son of the house. I then moved on to my next chapter.
He stood by my face, “See how well I can wank myself stiff sara?” just as we had discovered in the many times I was in his bed.
I nodded and he gave me a wonderful ten minutes on the end of his cock, then wiped me with his hanky and I knelt and cleaned him up.
Why, Oh why did I leave?
My details were written down by the auction secretary, a very pretty girl a few years younger than me.
Name – sara brown
Next of Kin – None
Any serious illnesses – None
Age — Twenty-Four
Bust – 32 A
Height – Five foot two inches
Hair colour – Blondish
“I will of course need you to strip for me to examine you.”
I began to undress.
“No, no, not here Miss.”
She called me Miss, first time ever, I shed a tear, I thought maybe, one day.She took my hand and led me, clipboard in hand, to a room at the end of the corridor.
“You may go behind that curtain and undress and call me when you are, I was going to say naked, but you already are.”
I knew the drill so started undressing as we opened the door.
“Would you like a shower or bath, (she looked at her pad), sara?”
“Please Miss, would you like to wash me?”
“Would you like me to report you to my manager, who would whip you and throw you out?”
“No Miss, I apologise, sorry.”
“Well this time I will just smack your bottom.”
She took my clothes off the chair I had put them on and laid them on the desk. She sat down and patted her knee and I bent over. I was given the spanking I deserved but had to fake the tears, she was so weak, bless her. I showed, dried and dressed.
“Sorry I had to spank you, (another check of her clipboard), sara, but my mum said always correct a misdemeanour with a spanking.”
“You were only doing your job and I thank you for your speed in putting me over your knee. May I ask, are you punished a lot at home.”
“Yes you may ask, and yes, I am punished if I am naughty.”
“May I ask how Miss?”
“Angain, yes you may ask, over mum’s knee and spanked by hand or bath brush and locked in my room till my dad came home or sent to our Pastor for discipline education.”
“Did your father or Pastor ever touch you sexually?”
SSLLAAPP across my face.
“How dare you ask that, do you want another visit over my knee sara.”
“No Miss, perhaps another slap?”
At least she remembered my f’kin name! SSLLAAPP
I was taken to a small room with touchle tables and ten more Girls, all naked, and kneeing on the tables, three on each and handed over to two audition wardens. I was asked to strip naked and had ’11’ inked on each of my tits. I was taken behind a screen to the toilet, as I sat a warden pulled down his zip and I took out his sticky cock, I wonderedwhere it had been and how many times. He pulled my nipples out and I opened my mouth for him to fuck my face. When he was empty he pulled some tissue off the roll and wiped me.
“Do you want fingering girl?”
I stood and spread my legs and was soon shaking to a massive cum. The other warden came behind the screen and unzipped so I thought here we go again!!!
It was inspection time in the room and the doors soon opened to actual bidders who wanted a slave and the usual cheap thrill sleazy guys who just wanted a feel. Also five women, who were so gentle fingering and title juggling me.
Auction time and we were all sold and returned to our room. Some buyers had nipple clamps to lead their purchase out, others fitted collars and leads and my new Sir passed me my clothes and asked me to dress.
“Leave your knickers here you will not be needing them.”
“Yes Sir.”
“The reason I bought you on a short term contract is because you are cheap for my seasonal labour and secondly you may wish to stay with me of your own according and be as free as a lady of the manor.”
I smiled and followed him, respectfully two paces behind. The girl I met on my way into the auction gently grabbed my arm.
“In answer to your final question, yes, I got touched and fucked by both my father and Pastor, good luck sara.”
I did not know how much I made, it was not important, I had left my bank book with them and they said they would pay it in and keep my book until I wanted it.
My new Master opened the back of his small van and I slid into a small crate, bottom to the back. He slapped my bottom a few times before we set off. I had no clue where we were going or how long I would be so squashed up.
We pulled off the road and I saw lots of trees from the front window. Master got out, opened up the back doors and pulled me towards him. With his cock pushed into my pussy he pulled on my hips to give him better traction. I heard noises, people chatting as he fucked me.
“How much?”
“Two pounds for ten minutes one or both holes.”
“When you here?”
“Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons and Saturday and Sunday evenings.”
“Can she be whipped?”
“Just could, a pound for two stripes, no blood, a spanking is two pounds.
“Any oral?”
“Yes from Wednesday, she will be in a special crate so I will be working her both ends.”
Master filled me with his cum.
“Sloppy seconds anyone, just a pound for five minutes?”
Ten fucks later I was wiped with a rag of some sort and we set off to my new home, only stopping once to let me Pee and to give him oral, boy could he fuck a face! My new home looked like a small ranch, Surrounded by fields and outbuildings.
An older lady crawled on all fours to meet us.
“This is the bitch sara, not being rude to her but she is a trained dog bitch. I will show you round when you’re cleaned up and we have had dinner.”
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