My Journey Pt. 01

My Journey – slave girl sara

Unlike a lot of my works, which tell of real life experiences, this is set of stories are from my imagination.

It was never going to be an easy journey for me but one I was now forced to take.

When I was sold at the Corn Exchange in the 2009 winter labour sale it was for a six month contract.

The purchase fee was mine and has never been touched, still in the bank account my old owners opened for me when I left his estate, with a more than general £100 deposit for my two years of working for them.

They had taken me in, as a favor to the local Pastor, after my last remaining relatives were both killed in a road traffic accident on their way back from a day out in Whitby. Although I was eighteen and an adult in the eyes of the law I was Still only a girl in the eyes of our community, a well-used girl at that and I needed supervision and discipline in my life. Before I went to them the two weeks I spent with the Pastor and hishousekeeper was eventful. When he was not fucking me she would be beating me for her own sadistic pleasure.

My new owners were going out for the day and I my asked if I could go with them as I had never even seen the sea but they said a skivvy girl had no place at the seaside and they told one of their lodgers to give me a whipping for my outright cheese.

It was nothing new, one or the other would punish me somehow on a daily basis either physical or no dinner, put out to sleep with the dogs and even as a sort of bribe for new paying guest, they can use me free for a week. Free for a week obviously means if they want me any other times they had to pay, as other lodgers did.

The previous two years were pretty idyllic in comparison. A big house in its own huge garden with well-dressed and well fed staff. Don`t get me wrong, the head houseman like to hear the swing of his belt on young or old, male or female naked flesh, but not as a sport, more as a dentrent to crossing the invisible line separating good and bad. As a younger girl, not yet twenty-one, I was hand spanked over his knee for my training aid and not belted or coulded, by him. Nothing ever sexual until I was over twenty-one then it was;

“Would you like to be cuddled tonight sara?”

And I always would like it, he was like a father figure and taught me a lot of sexual things he knew I would need when spreading my wings from the big house, how to deep throat, what to do if the cock was too long to swallow, how to find out how a Sir likes to be wanked and above all respect for the strap and the cane.

I was used to break the house owner’s sons in from virginity to manhood. The elderly gave me a great deal of respect but the younger would want sucking there and then whenever he was randy, even the housekeeper/cook had to wank him in the pantry if he demanded it. He also liked naked spanking the younger girls slaves and spanking the two male grooms and wanking them off. All that said he was such a darling and I taught him what makes most girls tick, so my spankings went quickly so he had more time for fucking me.

I was only ever paid by the owner once for a simple thing, forgetting to tell the head houseman to collect him from his club in Leeds at a certain time. When he arrived home I was called before him and challenged on my disobedience. He asked what I felt a proper Punishment was and I said a caning, he asked how many, I said ten.

I was told to undress and lay over the piano stool in front of his wife and sons. I was sobbing at three strokes, which I had to count, crying at five strokes and screaming at the seventh stroke. He stopped and said that would suffice and they all left the room. I heard footprints through my crying.

“Would you like me to fuck you better you naughty girl?”

It was his youngest son, never one to miss an opportunity, who slipped into me far too easy I thought, being so wet. He then walked me, naked, through the house to cook.

“Please could you to tend sara`s bottom, father had to whip her?”

I was soon upturned and had cream gently rubbed over my stripes.

“Does it hurt here too little one?”

As she rubbed my pussy lips.

“Yes Miss, it is so painful.”

He stood and watched I was brought to several cums and shivers. She gave me back to him and left the pantry, I was helped to my knees and gave him an extra special blow!!!!!!

On the morning I left the house the Sir sent for me, thanked me for all I had done, gave me the bank book he had done for me and a ten pence coin.

“The coin is for you to ring us, day or night, if you ever need to come back to us, we will collect you wherever you are in the country.”

He kissed my forehead and I left the room.

“sara, would you like your last good fucking?”

“Yes please Master Sam.”

He led me to the billion room and lent me over the corner. He lifted my skirt and lowered my new knickers to my knees. He stood by my face,

“See how well I can wank myself stiff sara?”

Just as we had discovered during the many times I was in his bed. I nodded and he gave me a wonderful ten minutes on the end of his cock, then wiped me with his hanky and I knelt and cleaned him up. Why, oh why was I leaving?


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