[Please read part one of this story first. This story contains revenge, betrayal, oral, anal, Mff, ff, D/s, bondage and a trip to Chicago. If any of these things will put you off you may want to read someone else’s story.]
She stood and pulled the big t-shirt over her head. Her new bra caught the light and made her breasts appear to sparkle. She started working on the jeans. When she had loosened the belt I spoke again.
“Stop. This is hard for you, isn’t it?”
“Yes. I will do it, though.”
“Janice, help her out of her jeans, please.”
Watching Janice drop to her knees and help Carla remove her jeans was an erotic sight. Carla was left with her jeans at her feet and still wearing white Christian panties.
“Take off the panties and throw them in the trash with the bra that used to be yours.”
Following directions isn’t tough when you really want to do what you’re being told to do. Janice was still on her knees in front of Carla and Carla stood in front of us in her new bra.
“Carla, have you ever trimmed your bush?”
“Do you like having someone eat your pussy?”
She blushed and softly said, “I don’t know.”
“Have you been married? Are you married now?”
Both questions got a head shake.
“Are you a virgin?”
“Have you had an orgasm this year?”
“No, never.” She did not meet my gaze. Her voice was soft like she was ashamed.
“Sit on the bed both of you, please.”
I sat on the chair in front of them. It was difficult to stay focused on what I knew needed to happen. Their bodies and their energy were like magnets pulling me with invisible hands.
“Janice, we were having a conversation before Carla came back. We need to finish that conversation.”
“I see what is happening here, and I want it to happen. I want you to give Carla what she craves. I want to watch as she has an orgasm and knows what sexual freedom is. This is a gift you cangive her.”
Carla looked like she could not believe what she was hearing.
“This is a gift we can give her. I am a novel to this thinking too and it’s like the Universe is leading us to the lessons we need.”
“I think we have had enough talk, please fuck her.”
They both almost jumped on me.
“First we are giving me a gift. The three of us are going to shake away her bush. Her sexuality is hiding behind it.”
For the next fifteen minutes the three of us were in the bathroom and when we came back in the bedroom I had them stand and look at the new Carla in the mirror. After we looked at both of them and I touched both of them on their smooth pussies I pointed at the king sized bed.
“Lay on the bed ladies.”
I positioned myself between Carla’s legs and motioned to Janice. She came to me and we kissed.
“Are you wet?”
“Whatever thoughts you have I want you to turn them into actions. If you think about sucking Carla’s beautiful nipples, do it. If you want to touch her pussy as I do, do it. If you hold back I will know and I will be angry.”
That said I lowered my face to the freshly shacked pussy before me and began her journey to her first orgasm. I watched Janice and after a minute of watching me she caressed Carla’s breast. Carla moaned. She arched a little and moaned again.
I lifted my face from her and said, “You must be vocal. Tell us what you’re feeling. Tell us what you want.”
“Lick me again, please.”
I did. Janice bent to her breast and sucked. Carla moaned again and held Janice’s face to her breast.
I felt the quiver begin and knew Carla was approaching her orgasm.
“Oh, I feel strange. Please stop, I can’t stand it!”
“Hang on to Janice or a pillow. I will not stop.”
Carla grabbed a handful of Janice’s hair and her other hand grabbed the sheets. I sucked her clip and flicked it with the tip of my tongue. That was enough. Her back arched, her legs clamped on me and she moaned. The moan became a scream and then she went limp except for twitches that shook her every few seconds.
I stood up. Janice was looking at Carla’s pussy and her eyes were glazed with lust.
“Do it.”
Janice moved to where I had been and licked Carla. Carla grabbed her head and protected.
“I’m too sensitive! Stop! I’ll die.”
Janice didn’t listen.
“Oh, my, dear, God, It’s happening again!”
She lost control and had another orgasm. Janice stood and kissed me. We both tasted like Carla’s pussy. We kissed and fondled each other for a few moments and then I turned to Carla.
“Ready or not here we come.”
Janice got close and watched my cock go into Carla. Her hands went to her own pussy and in seconds she was cumming.
“Oh, God! That feels good. It doesn’t hurt. I’m so full.”
Carla propped herself up on her elbows and watched herself get fucked. Janice moved onto the bed and offered Carla a breast to suck. Carla didn’t hesitate. I slide two fingers into Janice. We pushed each other to another orgasm and then lay together on the bed, catching our breath.
A few minutes passed and Janice rolled to me and cleaned me. When she rolled her face up near mine she said, “Nick, I love you. This is a better life.”
“I love you too. It is time for us to think about sleep. Carla are you spending the night?”
“I don’t want to impose.”
“Both of you, go to the bathroom and then get in bed.” I followed them in and as they took turns at the toilet I peed in the shower. We got back in bed with me in the middle and were quickly asleep.
Morning woman us sounding like the phone. Janice answered. It was a wake up call, reminding us to be downstairs for our nine o’clock pick up. As Janice and I dressed Carla ordered room service and had them rush it. Before I was dressed there was a knock and Janice let our breakfast in. Carla was in the bathroom with the door closed. Whenthe delivery person left she joined us for breakfast. As we ate we talked.
“Carla, now that it is the next day, how are you feeling about last night?”
“Sad. Not for last night, for tonight and tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that. You are leaving. Last night was the most exciting night of my life! I never knew my body could do those things!”
“We are not the only people who can take you there. Leave us your address, e-mail and phone. We will do some research for you and send you what we find. If you are ever in the Los Angeles area please come and be with us.”
“Nick, we need to go.”
We gathered our things and the three of us went to the door together. We hugged and kissed Carla and stepped outside the room. As we walked to the elevator I said, “After the TV show we may not be staying here. If we stay in Chicago we’ll call you and have you come to where we are.”
“I’d like that very much.”
The limo driver opened the door and we got in. Half an hour later we walked into the studio. A visit to make up and hair and we were ready. Janice asked if she could use the ladies room and an escort took her. I knew the next time I saw her would be on stage. I was taken to the Green Room. The sign on the door said “Green Room.” Inside the room was a pale coral. I sat and opened the briefcase checking to assure myself that everything I wanted was easily at hand.
Ten minutes passed. The door opened and a young man wearing a headset said, “Mr. Wells, if you would follow me please.”
I was taken behind a lot of offices and prop rooms to a door. The door was held by another person with a headset on. I could hear someone talking but could not understand what was being said. Then there was clapping and yelling and the person opened the door.
I walked onto the set. Mickey Pond was standing down by the audience holding a microphone. On the stage were three chairs; an empty chair, one with Janice in it and one with Mike standingby it. Janice’s chair was slightly closer to Mike’s chair. I looked at Janice’s hands. Her fingers were not crossed. Mike stepped to me and offered his hand. I didn’t take it.
Mickey spoke, “Mr Wells, you were told you were coming here today to be honored as someone’s “Best Friend.” Yet you didn’t shake Mike’s hand.”
“He is not my friend. So, why not tell me what this is all about?”
“Mike, perhaps you can tell Nick, Mr. Wells, why he is here.”
“You and I have been friends for six years. I have considered you as my best friend all that time. I am surprised…”
“I’ll bet you are. I thought for most of those six years that you were my friend. If you think we are friends then I need to know What being a friend is, in your mind.”
Mickey interjected, “We need to get to why Nick is here. Mike can you tell Nick why he’s here?”
“I didn’t mean it to happen but when you were gone so much with your work your wife, Janice, sought me out for compliance andover time we fell in love. We are here to ask you for a dividend.”
“We want to be together.”
“You said you wanted to marry me,” Janice said. Mike shot her a look, caught himself and said, “I do.”
“You want to marry my wife?”
“When do you want to marry her?”
“As soon as her dividend is final.”
“And, in the spirit of our friend you want me to give Janice a dividend so she can marry you.”
“We didn’t mean for this to happen. We just fell in love.”
“Do you love my wife?”
“I do.”
“We’ll be right back after these important messages.” Mickey Pond intruded again.
We sat in silence for the two minutes of the commercial break. At the end of the break Mickey spoke again, “We’re here today with Mike, Janice and Nick. Mike has just told Nick that he and Janice, Nick’s wife, are in love and want a dividend.”
I spoke up, “Mike have you been in bed with my wife?”
“When was the first time?”
“A few months ago.”
“Is that something a friend does?”
“We got caught up in a moment. We weren’t out to hurt you.”
“Caught in a moment. How many of those moments have you been caught up in?”
“I didn’t keep a count.”
“Ten? Twenty? A hundred?”
“I said I don’t Know.”
“Ninety three.”
Mike looked shocked.
“You may not know this but one of the little quirks that Janice has is that she counts things. If she says there have been ninety three moments there have been ninety three moments. But, back to you Mike Thompson. You say you love my wife. Do you love any other women like you love my wife?”
“What do you mean? No.”
“So you’re telling us you aren’t having moments with anyone except my wife?”
“No, I’m not.”
I opened the briefcase. I pulled two photographs out and handed them to Mickey. “These pictures are of a lady who resides in an apartment spared in her name and Mike’s right here in Chicago. I’d just as soon not mention her name but I would like to have Mike answer for why the two of them have an apartment together.”
Mike spoke up, “Let me see those!”
Mickey didn’t move or give them to Mike.
She said, “Mike I think we would all like to know about your relationship with this woman.” She showed Mike the picture of Sharleen standing in front of the apartment.
“She is a poor school teacher and I spared the apartment with her so she could live in a nicer area than she could afford.”
Mickey became the shark. She smelled the blood in the water.
“So, you are just a nice guy and have no physical relationship with this woman, only with Nick’s wife?”
“That’s right.”
Mickey walked to Janice. “He sounds sincere doesn’t he?”
Janice nodded. Mickey held the other photo in front of Janice. Janice took one look and roundhoused Mike. She slapped him so hard he and his chair fell over.
“No physical relevasion? The woman is sucking you!” Janice stood over Mike. He made no attempt to get up. Mickey’s body guards helped Janice back to her seat.
Mickey came back to me. The bodyguards roughly got Mike and his chair back up.
“I think there is more in your briefcase. Would you like to share?”
“What I have to share isn’t in my briefcase. Mr Martin please Come forward.”
A man in the audience came up on stage and walked to Mike. “Mike Thompson?”
He nodded. The man handed him legal papers. He turned and walked to Janice.
“Janice Marie Wells?”
“Yes,” she said. He handed her legal papers. He shook my hand and left the building.
“Mickey, they have been served. Janice will get the dividend and Mike will be sued for existence of affect. It is something that he could not be sued for in our home state but he brought Janice here to Illinois more than once and he has a legal residence here, so he can be sued for it here. The amount on the suit is seven point five million dollars. I have proof that Mike has been doing this with other women and that he intends to take Janice to Mexico tomorrow and abandon her there. I also have at least a hundred pictures to prove that he has been having sexual relations with not only Janice but others as well. I have an appointment with three tabloids this afternoon. If I am offered enough money you all will see pictures of Mike in the raw very soon.”
The audience yelled and clapped for a long time. Mike just sat in his chair looking just like the man who lost a lot of money to me in court. This court was the public and the people who would normally hire Mike. I had the feeling I was going to be offered a lot of money to hand over all the evidence and stop the suit. Otherwise Mike would be broken and out of work within a year.
“Well, ladies and gentlemen you have seen why live television is so exciting. Please join us tomorrow when we will meet a sixty-seven year old woman who lied to the doctor so she could be implanted and have a baby. Till then, Be well and Safe. This is Mickey Pond, Good afternoon.”
The bright lights dimmed. Mike just sat there. Janice walked the two steps to him and he put his hands up to protect himself.
“Stand up.”
I watched wondering if she would do what we had talked about.
“Turn around.” Mike turned so he was Facing away from her. Before anyone could react she kicked him! Her foot went up between his legs and her shin caught his testicles. He dropped to the floor and cried out as he held himself.
Janice walked over to me and said, “I am sorry for all the pain I have caused. Please forgive me.”
I leaned to her ear and whispered, “You should get an academic award. I love you. We will never be divided.”
Mickey came to us and said, “I’d like permission to have you back after the dividend and suit are done. May we contact you?”
“Yes. You can contact me in a few months. You will need to ask Janice forher part. Who do we see about accommodations? Janice surely doesn’t want to be with me tonight. Perhaps Mike has room in his apartment for her?”
“Nick, If you can forgive me, I want to be with you. I never want to see Mike again. Ever!”
“As the old saying goes, You made this bed, lie in it.”
I walked out of the studio and got in the limo. When we were a few blocks away from the studio the driver rolled the window down and said, “If you don’t mind my saying so, you kicked Mike’s ass in there! We were watching and cheering you on!”
“Thanks. It didn’t feel as good as I wanted it to feel, but better than being blindsided by the bastard!”
“Where we watch there are two sets. One is for the show that goes out and the other is the picture the camera gets Even when the show isn’t on. Your wife got Mike in the balls good. After you left the parameters came and took him.”
“Gee, I’m so sorry.”
Back at the hotel it was obvious that the staff had watched the show. My things were moved to a new room and the manager apologized when he told me that the only two available rooms were side by side. They had to give the other one to Janice. When he apologized he turned up.
I went to my room and my things were there and put away nicely. I noticed that next to the bed was a door. The linking door to the room next door. After changing clothes I went out to take the elevator and saw a workman on a ladder, taking the security camera down.
“Problems?” I asked.
“Yeah. Seems this camera needs to be replaced and we can’t get a new one until late Saturday. Be careful on this floor. We have no security hooked up at all until Saturday afternoon.”
“Thanks. I’ll be careful.”
“Yeah. We’ll do our best to look out for you.”
In the coffee shop I sat alone for a few minutes with a cup of tea. The manager came over and asked if he could join me. I motioned him into a chair.
“Three years ago a man before my wife and me. Hewas my best friend for a year. He took her away from me and used her and abused her for a year. He abandoned her. She was so ashamed that instead of coming back to me she killed herself. When I saw the Mickey Show today I wanted you to know you are welcome in my hotel any time, as my personal guests.”
“When all this is done, we will come back. I wonder if I might speak to you about another matter?”
“Does your company have another hotel in Los Angeles?”
“Does your company transfer people between hotels?”
“You have a wonderful employee who I spoke with yesterday. She expressed a desire to move to the Los Angeles area. Her name is Carla Ferrugio.”
“I assume you want this transfer to appear as a miracle from above and not as something you had anything to do with?”
“I knew we would understand each other.”
I went back to my room. As the door closed I felt hands pulling at me. They were Janice’s hands. I turned around and she was nude; her necklace shinning and her skin aglow.
“You were my knight in shinning armor! You rode in and killed the evil dragon!”
“No, my dear one. As I am told the parameters carted him away due to injuries sustained from an unforeseen accident.”
She giggled. “They told me about it on our way back to the hotel. Seems he somehow fell and broke a testicle. They did surgery and he now has only one nut. When they told me about it I asked if they could get the one that broke for me. I’d like to have it!”
“If you promise not to damage it you may have mine.”
“I like yours right where they are!”
She ordered her dinner delivered from the phone in her room. I ordered mine as well, on my phone. She got the Caesar Salad and I ordered the Atlantic Salmon. We ate sitting in her room nude. Dinner is better in the nude. It is better with kissing and touching too.
At nine there was a pounding on Janice’s door. I looked through the peep hole and it was Carla. I opened the door.
She jumped in my arms, shouting!
“I don’t know how you did it! I don’t care!”
Janice grabbed her and closed the door.
“Calm down and talk! What happened?”
“The hotel manager called me to his office and I thought I was in trouble. There are rules about being in guest rooms with guests. He sat me down and asked if I had ever thought about living in California. Then he offered me a job in our hotel in Los Angeles!”
Janice looked at me and said, “Did you do this for her?”
“Certainly. Because I am so important in Chicago I can tell the manager of the Plaza to send a good employee to Los Angeles and he’ll listen to me.”
“Maybe God wants me in Los Angeles?”
“Did you accept?”
“When do you go?”
“I am to start in Los Angeles on the fifth of next month. I need to go there, find a place to live and get all moved in five weeks.”
“I think we should celebrate! We won the battle of television today and you get to come to Los Angeles.” I said.
“We can’t go out! Mike could use it against us if he had us spotted.”
“Carla, sit right here please.”
She sat. “Close your eyes. Janice is the only one here. You are thinking of what the perfect celebration could be.” I paused. “Tell Janice what the perfect celebration is like in your imagination.”
“Nick will tell me to undress. You and Nick will watch me undress. Nick will make me eat Janice and suck him. I will have to swallow his seed.” She paused. “Nick will do something very nasty to me.”
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