“Alright, so let’s lay the ground rules first,” She says to me and the two men beside us. She has been my friend for several years, but I have clearly misjudged her. With her bouncy blonde curls, innocent blue eyes, shy grin and easy laughter, I’d always pegged her as charming, naive, and a little prim – the perfect foil to her gregory but sometimes broody husband. She’s a good foil for me too: when we go bar hoping together, men can’t help but admire us. She’s almost a foot shorter than me, but we both have hourglass figures with well-rounded bottoms, trim waists, and full breasts, and her quiet golden fairness is the perfect contrast to my outgoing personality, sun-toasted skin and lush, dark sable hair. Every now and then, I would gently tease or flirt with her just because I enjoy seeing her blush almost as much as I love seeing men fantasize about what they’d do if they could only get the two of us alone together…
Looking back, I should have realized there was moreto her than meets the eye: I couldn’t count the times I’d caught her quickly glancing away with the faintest glint of something…hungry in her eyes. Or the number of times her casual touch would leave me whirling. Once, she adjusted my exposed bra strap and her fingertip brushed the side of my breast; I couldn’t tell you if her finger lingered there for mere seconds or for several minutes, but somehow my entire left side became both numb and excitedly sensitive. She always did those things in public, always very discreetly, and it invariably left me privately reeling while she continued laughing and chatting like nothing had happened. She was always so oblivious to the effect she had on me that I was certain I was imagining the intimacy of her touch. Still, I made sure to give her a taste of her own medicine whenever the opportunity arose, and she could never seem to hide how much pleasure she took from my lightest touch.
One night, I was helping her do up her hair for a house party and decided to see if I could make her squirm a bit. Several times, I allowed my hands to brush along her bare shoulders, and when I needed her to turn her head this way or that, I’d guide her with a firm hand at the nape of her neck. My coup de grace was grazing her ear with my lips as I told her how beautiful she looked tonight. I was exceptionally pleased to see her watching me in the mirror with dilated eyes and shallow, panting breaths. We finished getting ready and I was swallowing the last bite of my pizza as we came down the steps, smug at having discomfited her so thoroughly. I didn’t notice when she slowed, remaining a step higher than me to get better leverage to shove me back against the wall. While her right hand pinned my shoulder, her left hand pressed against my throat and jaw, holding me steady while she flicked her lithe tongue between my astonished lips. Every thought fled my brain, and when she arched her eyebrow up at me with a semiconductor grin, I was absolutely mortified to find the words, “I have pizza breath…” popping out of my stamped mouth.
She just laughed and grew, “I don’t care,” before ravishing my mouth again. I was dizzy when she released me, and she gave me a wink over her shoulder as she descended the last few steps to join the party. I tried to catch my breath and straighten myself up, now realizing that we would have been in full view of everyone if we’d been just a step or two further down. My cheeses were burning thinking how easy it would have been for any one of them to come around the corner and stumble upon us with our tongues entwined, and for the first time I realized that I might have misread my bubbly friend…
Every time I saw her after that, I buzzed with anticipation, eager to see what she’d do next. But she acted the same as before: administratoring electrifying touches so casual they might have been accidental, yet they left me yearning for more. She was so nonchalant that I almost questionedmy sanity and whether the kiss had even happened… Worse, my husband found the entire situation highly entertaining. He had always fantasized about watching me with another woman, and I flirted with our female friends as much for his benefit as for my own entertainment; we both loved when I whispered tales of my flirtations in his ear as we made love, although he knew I’d never been interested in taking things any further than kissing. Not until my golden haired friend turned my game upside down anyways. Now my husband watched me like a hawk when she was near, relishing in seeing her casual touches turn my insides to goo, and subtly encouraging her to touch me more whenever he could. But at least he confirmed that she was taunting me deliberately, and I wasn’t just driving myself crazy.
My friend lived a couple hours away, so I only saw her about once a month and almost always in a group setting, so it was nearly a year of nothing but teasing touches before she deigned to acknowledge our kiss. We were at a lake house, floating off the dock in a circle of about two dozen of our closest friends. Everyone was on at least their fourth or fifth beer when somehow the conversation turned to who had kissed who in the group; I was the most notorious flirt in the group, and it was no secret that I had kissed several of the girls present, although none of the guys besides my husband. So it wasn’t much of a surprise When they asked who I thought was the best kisser, present or not. I saw Her cock her head as she watched me with a secret, knowing smile on her lips. How composed she was, sitting there looking so innocent that our friends had practically forgotten her as the conversation grew more steamy.
“Hmm…” I said as I contemplated how to answer. This was my chance to take back the upper hand by shedding just enough light on her true nature to make her blush like she used to. Once she was squirming under their curious gazes, I’d mercifully draw the attentionback to myself, and perhaps later I’d show her just how well I can kiss when I’m not taken unaware…
“Well, I can’t seem to stop kissing Allie…although Kara really knows how to use her tongue…” my eyes shift to each of the girls as I pray their attributes, deliberately avoiding looking at Her until I’ve rendered my verdict. “But I have to say…Anna’s kiss was the hottest I’ve ever had. Even if the timing was bad and she is a bit stingy,” I grin to take the edge off my words as I look back to her. To my shock, she doesn’t look at all embarrassed as every head turn in surprise to face her. Rather, she looks quite pleased. Her eyes lock on mine for just a moment before she laughs and give a self deprecating shrug, saying, “Well, I can’t help when my urges strike, but I’ll take the Critique under advice. Who needs another beer?” And with that she swam to the dock, leaving the group in a quizzical buzz until she began tossing out beers, at which point the focus shiftedto catching the cans before they sank to the bottom of the lake.
That night as I was gathering sticks to start the bonfire, I sensed a presence behind me. I straightened and was about to turn to see who it was when I felt a hand reach around to cares my thigh and heard Anna murmur, “Careful what you wish for, beautiful.” She was standing uphill of me, and her hand took a firm grasp of my hair as she pulled my head back slightly to lick my ear and give my neck a gentle bite before adding, “But if you want more, our husbands will need to be present. Do you understand?”
I couldn’t do anything but nod as she gave me a light push forward out of her hold. I stumbled a bit, then turned around to see her disappearing around the large tree standing between us and the ring of folding chairs, where everyone was now piped up the wood they’d gathered. My husband saw me then and came over to see if I needed any help. I let out a shaky breath before taking his hand to drag him further into the bushes and relieve my suddenly urgent need. He bent me over a fallen tree and drive into me from behind while I told him how I had just been ambushed by Anna. When I told him that she would require his presence for anything more, he clamped his hand over my mouth to silence my moan as his engaged cock pulsed wildly inside me, driving us both to climax.
We followed the path back to the fire circle, and Our return was greeted with knowing grins and a few ribald jokes. Anna was sitting on her husband’s lap, one hand on her seltzer and the other discreetly tucked behind her back, where I was certain she was struggling him through his jeans. She locked eyes with me as she leaned back to whisper in his ear, and although I’d paid no mind to the teasing from everyone else, I couldn’t help but blush when he looked up at me with a roguish grin.
A minute later, he lifted Anna off his lap to come give my husband a fist bump before initiated car talk. Anna, still seated and nowengaged in conversation with the four or five people seated around her, tilted her head at me in subtle invitation. Since I didn’t have any better ideas, I went to sit beside her. Just as before, she was infuriatingly chill, laughing and conversing with our friends, while randomly dropping innocents that made my core hum, and yet were so subtle I might have been imagining them. But then her hand would skim my leg, or she’d lock eyes with me while licking her lips, and I knew without doubt that she knew exactly what she was doing to me.
By the time everyone started making their way to bed, I was wound up as tight as when she’d abandoned me in woods. I was tempted to quit playing her infuriating game, and yet I simply had to know what would come next… Finally, the last couple said goodnight and only the four of us and my husband’s brother remained around the fire. I thought maybe Anna was waiting for him to leave too, so I rolled my eyes and said, “Ross could stay up all night, just out of fear he might miss out on something…interesting…” I said the last with just a hint of suggestion, knowing she would take my meaning.
She laughed and answered, “I don’t doubt it, but I think he already missed the most interesting thing happening tonight…” she leaned in and ever so slightly lowered her voice, “Now, go fuck your husband and think of me. Again.” She stood, turning to bend over and give me a chate kiss on the forehead. I was treated to the most perfect view of her cleavage as she added, “and try not to make me jealous again.”
Once more, I was left speechless as she sauntered over to the boys, slipping under her husband’s arm and bidding them goodnight. I swear he turned at me as he slide his hand down her breast when they turned towards their cabin, and then there was really nothing I could do but follow her lead and take my own husband to bed. And I did indeed think of her, creating myself at the thought of what she might have in store for me…
To Be Continued.
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