My Heart's Desire

There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it.

— George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

I couldn’t tell if it was nervouss or all the coffee I drank in the coffee shop waiting for my appointment. I sat there still wondering if I should even follow through with this meeting. We had emailed back and forth the last few days, and she seemed to be just what I was looking for. As I glanced at my watch, I heard the bell above the door ring, instantly grabbing my attention.

It was her. She wasn’t all glammed up like in her pictures. She definitely looked shorter than I imagined, but it was her. She looked like any other woman in the shop. She wore a long winter jacket, and trendy knitted cap with her long blonde hair popping out over the knitted scarf. She looked about the room, and I instinctively waved. “I guess I’m committed to this now,” I thought.

She walked over and took off her scarf and jacket as I stood to greet her.

“Hi, I’m Lynn. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled as she held her hand out shake mine.

“I’m Dylan…I must say, you…”

“…aren’t like what I look like on my website. I’ve heard that before once or twice.” She set her jacket on armrest of the couch and pulled off her cap as she sat down. She wore nothing out of the ordinary…nice sweater, jeans, flats, simple jewelry…she could’ve been the girl next door, but deep down I knew she wasn’t.

“Ummmm…yeah,” was all I could muster to reply. “Oh…I have something for you.” I reached into my own coat pocket to pull out a purple envelope which I give to Lynn. She smiled and opened envelope, pulling out the Thank You card.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have.” As she opened the card, she caught the $100 gift card from falling out, and read the inscription I wrote. “Thank you very much.”

“I didn’t know…how…or…”

“I get it,” she smiled and lightly touched my shoulder as I stuttered. “This is a veryintimate thing and trust, compatibility, chemistry…all makes for a good scene. Why don’t you tell me why you choose to even have a session with me?”

I thought a second, and took a deep breath. “About six months ago, I had just gotten out of a long relationship. I haven’t seen anyone since, while I’ve noticed lots of women flirting with me…none of them interest me. I guess I don’t know what I I just thought…if I was going to try something like this, now would be the right time.”

Lynn smiled, nodding her head, and listened intently, reflecting what I just said…, “The right time.”

“Yeah, I don’t ever want to look back and look at think I could’ve done this, or could’ve done that…If being in a relationship like this is something I am going to like, why not try it.”

“Try it…I know what you mean.” Nodding again. Her style was therapeutic. The smile on her face and the look in her eye was like understanding exactly what I was saying…like I was speakingfor her.

I looked down at my coffee, afraid to make eye contact. “Why don’t you tell me about…”

She cut me off again before I could even finish. “I don’t ever talk about my private life. This is about you, your fansies, your desires…why don’t we just continue with them.”

We talked for another 45 minutes. I talked about my ex-girlfriends, what type of girls I prefer, my job as a police officer trainee, my upbringing…essentially my whole life. It was so easy to talk to her. I could have talked for her forever. She eventually glanced at her watch and looked back up at me.

“Did you still want to have our session?”

I wanted to have it more than ever. She was the first woman I was able to hold on a conversation let alone interested it. “Yes…I think I do.”

“Great…my studio is right next door. Give me an hour to prepare. I’ll text you to let you know I’m ready.” She stood up and started to put on her jacket and scarf. “You might want to lay offthe coffee in the meantime,” spoken with a smile.

I stood up and nodded “yes.”

For the next hour, the clock couldn’t move fast enough.

I received the text and immediately did as instructed. I took the stairs to the top and opened the door. To the right as I entered was a bathroom which I went into and removed everything I was wearing, and placed in the closet per her instructions. As I exited, I crawled down the long hallway with another envelope in my hand. I crawled into the large red room at the end of the hallway. It was full of various S&M furniture like a St. Andrew’s cross and cage. The lone sunlight came through closed blinds as mainly candles lit the room, reflecting off various mirrors strategically placed. A large closed cabinet sat against one wall, and leaning against it was Lynn.

She was dressed in a long black leather trench coat. Her long hair tied into a braid that stuck out from an all-black French military beret. Black leather boots with a stiletto heel extended out the bottom of the closed trench coat. She flicked the ash off her cigarette before her leather covered fingers brought it up to her red glossed lips which contrasted her alabaster skin. She took a deep inhale off the cigarette before strictly blowing the smoke down, and slowly walking towards me. My cock twitched with excitement as I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she strolled across the wood floor.

She pulled the cigarette from her lips. “You have secrets. It’s my job to get those secrets out of you.” She took another drag off her cigarette before dropping it in front of me, crushing it with her boot. She then started to take off her gloves looking down at me naked, kneeing on all fours.

“I don’t know what you want me to say…” I timing reply.

“SILENCE!” She yelled back at me as she slapped my face with one of her leather gloves. “I didn’t tell you to speak. You will speak only when I give you permission to, do you understand?”

“Yes, Lynn.”

SLAP! Another slap across my face with the glove. SLAP. Another as she slapped the other side of my cheek bringing the glove back.

“Here, you will address me as Mistress. Understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.” I winced as I could feel the blood rushing to my face with the sting.

“Very good.” Mistress Lynn then took the envelope from my hand and opened it. Peeking inside she saw the Tribute I made to our session. A sinister grin came out as her eyes went from the envelope to my naked body. I didn’t know what to expect.

“I’m going to make this very simple for you. Our intelligence tells us that you are dissatisfied for the side you are currently on, and that you would like to join us.” I took a big inhale as she slowly strolled around me, sizing me up, her heels echoing in the room as she strolled to the cabinet. “But we need to know that you are committed to us.” She opened the cabinet to display all the whips, floggers, canes, and restraints. “We need to make sure that this is something you want…” She started beending the canes, practicing swings, knowing full well I couldn’t move…my mind was focused only on watching her. “… Because once you start, there will be no going back.” She walked back to me, bending a cane to show its tension.

“If ever you wish to stop and go back to your pathetic life, all you have to do is say, ‘Mercy.’ Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Do you still wish to begin?”

I thought a second. I had emotions of fear, arousal, pain, joy, and curiosity flooding my mind, but I took one look at her and knew I wanted to continue. “Yes, Mistress,” I definitely said.

“That’s good. Why don’t you reward yourself with stroking your cock ten times. Count them off for me.”

I reached down to feel my cock already hard. “One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten.”

“Excellent. You see, we can be as rewarding just as we can be punishing. In fact…” Mistress Lynn then throw off her beret like a Frisbee across the room, and opened her trench coat to show what she wore underneath…a tight black leather corset that pushed her cleavage up, a black pair of panties, and stockings that stuck out of the thigh high boots. She held the cane to my chin as the leather trench coat drawn across her wrists behind her. “…we have plenty of ways to control you and to get what we want out of you.”

I stared at her beauty. I had never seen something as sexy as she was right there. It was like she was reading my mind, and filling it with things I never knew I wanted.

She stared back into my eyes, “Stroke yourself five more times.” I mindlessly started to grab my cock and pull. Mistress Lynn then stopped looking appreciated and more vindictive. She pulled the trench coat back up over her shoulders as she stomped to my rear.

Wwwwwwwwwwwwwhip. The cane struggling my ass with the sting of a thousand rubber bands. I winced and shrieked, as Mistress Lynn retorted.

“Everytime I tell you stroke so many times, I expect you to count them off. Likewise, now you can count how many cane strikes I am going to give you…what was that?”

Whimpering, I must enough breath out of my lungs to say a barely recognized, “One, Mistress.”

Another came ripping apart my ass. “T-tttt-ttt–Two, Mistress.” Then Another. Tears were now starting to build up in my eyes as another crisscrossed the previous welts. “Ttthhhrreeeee.” Another. As tears fell from my cheek, it slowly became like I could barely even feel my ass. “F–f–fffffoour.” As the last one came my elbows buckled from the pain, before I panted out, “Ffff-iiiive.”

I then felt the tip of her boot softly rubbing my balls from between my legs, as the trench coat was thrown in front of me. With my ass throbbing, I could feel my cock getting hard again. As she toyed with it, it was like my cock started throbbing in unison. “What is it you want?” she smoothly coo-ed.

I couldn’t think. It was my whole body was stiff. I was completely overwhelmed…physically, emotionally, mentally. I heard it again as I felt her knelt and reached down with one hand to softly message my balls with one hand while grabbing my sensitive ass with the other. “Tell me what it IS that you want?’

I blurted out the only thing that made sense. “I want you Mistress.”

“Again,” she commanded.

More reflexively, I responded, “I want you Mistress.”

She pulled herself against my aching, throbbing ass. I could feel her knees slide underneath as she reached out and around my waist. “Sit back.”

As I did I could feel my singing ass, and her soft hand on my cock. She whispered in my ear, “Is THIS what you want?” as she stroked.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Will you do anything I tell you to do without question?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Will you obey every command?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Will you please me any way I way I wished to be pleased?” The struggling moving faster. Her breasts rubbing against my back.

“Yes, Mistress.”

I could feel myself about to cum as her thumb rubbed the tip of my cock. Oh, how I wanted to cum.

And with that she stopped, pushing me off her lap. I slid forward onto my stromach before getting back into my crawling position. I heard her stand and stroll around to the front. She bent over to pick up her coat and holding it with her finger as she flung it over her shoulder.

“Lick my boot!”

Instinctively, I bent down to the floor like I was doing a push up, stuck out my tongue, and licked her boot from the tip to the top of her knee. She pulled her leg back and stuck out the other boot, before spitting on the top of her foot. “Lick my other boot.” I looked down and started at her spit, licking her boot from There to the top.

“Mmmmmmm… very good.” She then unzipped the side of her boot from her foot to her thigh. “You may kiss my leg. With each kiss, you may strokee yourself one time.”

I excitedly bent down and started kissing her inner ankle. “One.” I kissed her calm a little higher. “Two.” I kissed a little higher. “Three.” I kissed her at her knee. “Four.” I kissed her at her tigh. “Five.” I kissed her a little higher. “Six.” I was now going higher than her boot went. “Seven.” I was now an inch from her panty. “Eight.”

She immediately stepped back, unzipping the other boot. “Again…keep counting…and go faster.” I then saw her put her fingers in her panties, and start rubbing her pussy.

I again started at the ankle. “Nine…ten… (oh god does this feel unbelievable) …eleven…twelve…”

“Faster…” she ordered, as she arched her back and surprised.

“Thirteen…Fourteen…” Oh, I wanted to get to her pussy so bad. “Sixteen.” I felt like I was about to cum just as I saw Mistress feel how wet she was getting.

“Stop!” She demanded looking back down at me, with a mischievous smile.. Mistress pulledHer fingers out, holding them to my nose before stepping back, and zipping up her boots. “That’s as close as you’re going to get today.” The scent just drive me harder. I was like a bull about to go charging.

“No cumming until I say. If I text you to stroke, you will do so. If I tell you not to stroke, you will do so. And at no time, are you able to cum until I say so. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress.” It was like I wasn’t even controlling my lips anymore.

“You are excused.” And with that, she turned around and walked out the room.

I crawled over to the bathroom. In the closet was a sheet of paper with directions on it. The first was self care dealing with the cane welts (thank god none broke the skin). The other was a masturbation schedule for the next two weeks.

All I could do is wait patiently.


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