My Heart's Love

“Thank you again officer for escorting that man from the premises,” the country club manager said. “Some people just don’t know where they are unwanted.”

“Not a problem,” I replied. I took one last little glance around, thinking it was the last time I would see the extravagance, as I stood there in my police uniform.

The manager turned around to his assistant. “Will you please tell Mr. Lafontaine we had to reschedule his spa session.”

“I’m sorry, did you say Mr. Lafontaine…that wouldn’t that be Rene Lafontaine?” I asked.

Both the manager and his assistant looked at me. “Why…yes, it is. He is in the dining area having breakfast right now.”

“Allow me…he’s an old friend who I haven’t seen in such a long time.” Truth be told, I hadn’t seen him since my last night with Mistress Lynn when we attended his masquerade party. For over two months, she had refused to reply to any of my texts, emails, phone calls, or even what would have been our scheduled appointments. I’ve never been reduced to being such a pitiful, obsessive, stalker, but he was my last connection to her and I had to try one last time.

“Mr. Lafontaine…..I have someone here to speak with you,” the manager presented me as he pulled down the newspaper he was reading.

He looked at me confused, but curious. “May I help you officer?”

I looked down at him. The striking blue eyes were unmistakable. “Mr. Lafontaine….Rene….I am a friend of Miss…..I mean, Lynn’s….” Immediately, he put his newspaper down, and looking nervous, cut me off.

“It’s ok, I know him.” He then waved off the manager before looking back at me like a chess player planning his next move. “You must be tired being on your feet…please…sit.” I sat across from him, setting my policemen’s cap on the table as he took a sip of his orange juice. “So, tell me again how you would know me?”

“Mis…..I mean, Lynn brought me to your party a while back.” I was being very strategic at what words I used, knowing he was doing the same.

“Ah. Well you will forgive me then since I value people’s privacy. You were wearing a mask, no?” His smooth European accent rolling off his tongue.

“Oui,” I cockily replied. His arrest starting to rub me the wrong way.

“It has always amazing me the ways we mask our identities, mask our true selves… when no one I couldn’t tell if that was a hint at me hurting Lynn’s feelings, or a swipe at my own police uniform.

“I was wondering if you know where Lynn is. I haven’t heard from her for some time, and I would like to make sure she is OK.”

“Of course I know where she is. She has been living in one of my townhouses for years.”

“Could you tell me where that might be?” I started salivating at the possibility of seeing her again.

He smiled as he took another sip of juice. “If she did not tell you, I see no reason to do so either.” I wanted to reach across the table and force it out of him. “She told you I was very protective of her, no?”

“No, she said you would get jealous….that at one point you were her master.” My spin emphasizing each word.

“That’s sweet.” she smiled. “She was one of my favorites. I just couldn’t give her the one thing she wanted, that one thing she craved.” He looked at me, like he finally figured out the checkmate. “Would you give it to her?”

“I’d give her anything. I’d give her everything.”

He smiled that Cheshire cat grin. “Then go to her studio tonight…let’s say 10 o’clock….I will make sure she is there.”

My heart skipped a beat. I stood up and immediately stuck my hand out. “Thank you, Mr. Lafontaine.” He politely shook it in return before going back to his paper. I left with excitement I hadn’t had in months. I was going to see her. I was going to do whatever I could to be with her again.

I knelt naked on the wood floor of her dungeon studio as I had done so many times before. I had no idea what to expect. While all the other times gave me a spark of arousing excitement, this time it gave me dread. I heard the stomping of boots walking up the stairs. I knew it was her, and I knew she was not happy.

“When will you get it in your head I don’t want to talk to you,” she sternly said. “You had your chance and you blew it.”

Her voice was like giving an alcoholic a beer. It validated it was her. Only she could give me her fix. “I don’t care. I love you Lynn.”

“DON’T call me that here!” she shot back. “In here, I am your Mistress. I should say, was your Mistress.”

I wouldn’t accept that as an answer. “I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

She stomped over to face me. “LOOK AT ME!” She demanded. I lifted my knelt head up and gazed at her. She wore black leather platform boots with black leather pants, a ripped t-shirt, and a leather studied jacket. She wore a black wig with criticized-curly hair. Her face was talcum powdered white, with heavy black mascara over her eyes and dark red lipstick. In her hand, she held a coiled whip. She looked down at me with a thousand yard star. “Why don’t you just go? I don’t want to hurt you.”

I was afraid of what she was about to do, but it didn’t sway me resolve. “I don’t care. I love you Lynn.”

“GET UP!” She grabbed me by the hair, her long sharpened nails scratching my scalp as she pulled me to my feet and throw me to the St. Andrew’s cross. She immediately started buckling my limbs in the restraints, exposing my backside. “This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me.”

“I don’t care. I love you Lynn.”

Wh-crack. Wh-crack. Wh-crack. I could feel the whip slice my back, the pain so intense I could feel my knees buckle. “COUNT THEM OUT, BITCH!”

My mouth became dry. “I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

“You thinkI’m joking?” Wh-crack..Wh-crack..Wh-crack. “I told you to count them off, bitch!”

It felt like my back was burnt by laser beams. The restraints the only thing keeping me from falling to the floor. I inhaled deeply. “I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

She grabbed the back of my head, pulled it back so I could see the look of anger in her eyes. “It’s a little late….you should’ve told me that the last morning I saw you. What, you want a kiss? Open your mouth!” I opened my mouth. She pulled her face in, only to spit in my face. “That’s about as close a kiss from me you’ll ever get again.”

“I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

My responses getting her more and more upset at me. She throw the whip on the floor. She moved to the other side of the cross so I was facing her. She started touching my cock with her sharpened fingerprintnails. “Is this what you are hoping for? You’re hoping that play with your penis?” She knelt down, my cock now aroused for the first time in weeks. “Or maybe that I might suck your cock?” She put her glossed lips to so close to my cock, close enough I could feel her breath as her fingerprintnail from her index finger ticked my balls.

“I love you, Lynn,” I told me.

She then took her nails and scratched my penis from balls to the tip. The pain shot through me.

“I told you that in here, I AM YOUR MISTRESS!” She stomped over to the cabinet and pulled a handful of clothespins. If you can’t remember that, maybe I should do something to etch that in your head.” She put the first clothes pin on penis.

“I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

She put another on the other side of my penis.

“I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

And another.

“I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

And another. And another. And another.

Over the next hour and half, she flipped between arousing me to disciplining me. She used her flogger, she slapped my face, she spit at me, and she kicked me in the balls. I had never felt such physical pain, yet every time I responded the same.

Until eventually, I passed out.

I woke up lying on the couch in the studio. My head in Lynn’s lap. She stroked my hair with her nails. Tears rolling down her face, making her mascara run and clear lines breaking her pale kabuki face.

“What am I going to do with you?”

I responded, “I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

She immediately laughed as she wiped the tears from her face.

Many years later, I was working in my office when my coworker came in with a bottle of Cristal. “The partners are impressed. They told me to bring this down to you.” She fixed her skirt, bringing attention to her toned legs as she set the bottle on my desk. She looked about as close to a harassment suit as a company could allow.

I looked at the bottle a second. “I save our client millions of dollars in court, make our firm a shitload of money, and they send me wine worth a few hundred bucks?”

“It’s the Americanan way. You quitting police work and going back to Law school was godsend to the firm, and quite profitable.” We both laughed as I continued to organize my desk. “Some of us are going out celebrating…you should come out with us.” She licked her lips as she looked at me, like a little school girl pining for the quarterback.

“I’d love to, but today is my anniversary and I don’t think my wife would like that.” I grabbed the bottle. “I think she might like this though.”

I walked into my home to see a folded note on the kitchen table. “Happy 3rd Anniversary…C’mon downstairs and get your gift.” I knew what that means. I took off my tie, and unsnapped my top button, poured two glasses of Cristal, and went downstairs.

When I got there I saw Lynn laying separately on the bar. A leather corset, leather boots, and black panties. She dangled a leather collar from a chain leash. “Happy Anniversary.”

I set the flute of champione on the bar and sat down in my chair, looking up at Lynn. “That’s right, it’s the leather anniversary, isn’t it?”

She just smiled. “Aren’t you a little overdressed?” She then took her flute, sipping it, and smiled.

I smiled back. Just then, someone walking down the stairs echoed through the basement bar. A look of curiosity showed on Lynn’s face. Just then a model wearing leather chaps, a leather vest, and exposing his well-endowed cock walked in.

“I hope you don’t mind,” I replied. “I got in touch with Rene. He couldn’t find the exact model from our first date, but he said this one should suffice just fine.”

She smiled as she slipped off the bar. She strolled around him, sizing him up. “How is Rene?”

“He’s having another party at the Plaza Saturday. He invited us if you want.”

She strolled behind the model, and looked at his chiseled body. “Do I need to restrain you this time?”

“No,” I chuckled. “I don’t care. I love you, Lynn.”

She smiled down at me. She gave me awet, sloppy kiss before guiding the model over to the couch facing me. She climbed on top of him, his muscle biceps holding her so she didn’t fall off. I then watched, just like I did that first time we went out. I couldn’t have been happier.


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