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The “Pink” series portrays scenarios that are particular the cuckquean kink.
A cuckquean is a female cuckold. A woman whose husband or boyfriend commits adultery. A woman who enjoys being humiliated by her husband or boyfriend’s sex with other women.
All parts of the series will have extreme humiliation and other aspects of emotional masochism. It is this very rejection and debasement that makes the story so arousing for a very specific audience that enjoys this kink.
If you do not enjoy this kink or you find it emotionally disturbing, my suggestion is to not read this series.
I understand that not everyone enjoys this particular kink and that it is quite rare. I also understand that, as a writer, I am opening myself up to receive all types of feedback on my writing – the good, the bad and the ugly – and I accept this.
I would ask that readers reverse from shaming those of us that enjoy this kink in the comments. That includes those of us that identify with any of the roles in this story. Those who identify with babygirl should not feel bad about enjoying this type of humiliation just as those who identify with Master or Pink should not feel like they are bad for enjoying handing it out.
I have known for a long time that this type of story turns me on and I am comfortable with this. However, I would have been thrown by some of Those comments many years ago, when I was just trying to figure it all out. I would hate for one of my readers to discover that they find this type of kink hot, only to be belittled and shamed in the comment section. If this story makes you feel angry and outraged, I understand. Please just try to express your feelings without shaming those of us who enjoy this particular kink.
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My head was spinning. I couldn’t breathe. I was panicking. Thoughts raced through my mind.
My Master never went this far.
My Daddy… Oh, the thought of him like that, as my Daddy, stalled at me and brought hot tears to my eyes. But there was no doubt in my mind that my Daddy, the Daddy I knew and loved, the Daddy that cherished me and took care of me every day, would never do this.
I quickly parked the car and grabbed a cart on my way into the store to pick up some of the breakfast items for tomorrow morning.
I couldn’t wrap my head around this. I was drowning. This was no longer a game to me. But how could I make it end?
I throw some fresh strawberries and ripe bananas into the cart.
Was he truly still playing?
I picked up a variety of small juices.
I could call him right now.
As I was filling a box with pastries, I thought, I… I could simply… say the safe word.
It’s just one word.
I made My way to the dairy isle and picked out some two percent milk and a vanilla almond milk.
Tinkerbell. Daddy let me choose that as my safe word a long time ago.
I headed to check out.
Even though Iwasn’t the type of babygirl to watch animated films, I always found comfort in the magic of Tinkerbell. And if things got too scary I felt that I could always call upon her. Light and magical, just the sound of her would fill my little heart with hope. And we could bring her, we could literally breathe life into her and give her the ability to fly if we simply believed. And oh, how I believed. And she Always came through, with that tinkling fairy flourish and fluttering light. And she could fix anything, simply with a tiny bit of fairy dust.
I throw my groceries up on the counter.
It made sense that we used her name as my safe word because whenever I had to face the darkest, scariest moments of my life, I simply had to believe in the magic that she represented.
I knew, as long as I believed, everything would be alright. My Daddy would still love me. I would still be his babygirl. All of this pain will simply disappear.
It’s all going to be okay.
I starred blankly for a minute, realizing I was lost in thought, “I’m sorry.”
“That’ll be $31.23.”
“Of course,” I swiped my card and headed out to the parking lot, remembering what I looked like and what that woman must have been thinking only after I had walked away.
I throw the bags on the passenger seat where the letter was still lying open as I had left it.
My heart instantly dropped. Master wouldn’t even be acknowledging me when I returned to the restaurant. I didn’t want to go back. How could I?
My phone alarm beeped. It was ten minutes until eight.
I instantly forgot about everything I was thinking and just started the car and raced back to the restaurant. Who was I kidding? I could never drive away from this. I simply wanted to obey. And, there was just something about Pink. I couldn’t cut this short without having just a little more time with her.
I pulled in with just a minute to spare and ran around to open the door. I kept my eyes on the ground. I couldn’t even imagine seeing Master’s face if he was going to ignore me.
They spilled out of the restaurant and fell into the car, lost in conversation. I gently closed their door and walked around to get into the driver’s seat.
As I put the car into drive, Pink dropped a paper bag on the front seat, “I figured you might need a little more than… cum, so I saved you some scraps whore.”
I sat, motionless. If I moved or spoke, I would surely break.
“God, you are an ugly bitch, aren’t you? I bring you something to eat and you say nothing? If I weren’t so preoccupied with my Daddy, I would teach you a lesson.”
I could hear a new level of confidence in her voice. She was waiting for this. She wanted to be the one who directly humiliated me. I wanted to defy her but I simply couldn’t. “Thank you for your generosity,” I said quietly.
“That’s better. Now take us to Indigo. I want to dance! You can eat while we are inside. I want you to pull up front to let us out and wait there for us.”
“Yes Pink,” I said as I started driving down the road.
Pink and Master continued to cuddle and laugh in the back seat. Master was still hungry for her. He seemed insatiable in her presence.
When I pulled in front of the club, Pink practically left out of the car. She was excited. She spun around before she was halfway to the door and returned to my window. “Stay right here. They won’t give you a problem. I expect you to wait right here until we are done. And let me know when you finish eating. You can text me.”
And just like that, they were gone. Master hadn’t even looked at me.
I looked at the crumped bag sitting on the seat next to me. I actually was starving when I thought about it. I Couldn’t imagine what she had saved for me. Something told me this wasn’t a bag with a fork and knife and napkin inside. This was literally a doggy bag.
I opened it and peered inside, confirming my thoughts. This was a bag of scraps. Steak bits, baked potato skins, and green beans were mottled together and wrapped in foil. The collection of dinner scraps, which had gone cold long ago, was covered in an unappetizing combination of congealed butter, fat and sauces. I reached in and grabbed a green bean and took a bite. Surprisingly, I found it to be delicious. After all, I hadn’t eaten food since the night before. I guess I had have been reduced to having the mentality of a dog, happy to eat scraps left behind by my owners. I ate quickly, happy that the crowd that was forming at the entrance to the club didn’t notice me. I guess this place was pretty popular. I wouldn’t know. Daddy didn’t dance, at least not for me. When I finished, I promptly texted Pink, making sure to thank her again.
Something told me that, although she was a babygirl, she’d make a merciless Mistress to me.
I sat, happy to have a moment to myself for the first time all day. I had been running nonstop for over twelve hours now. I hadn’t even had a chance to think about what was happening. Sitting there, I became acutely aware of how dirty I was and what I must look like. My skin was stiff and sticky from the old dried cum. My hair was matted with it. I still wore my collar and lean and the short dress that I put on earlier that morning. I had no panties on and my pussy had been dripping for hours. My thighs were sticky from it. Looking down at myself, I thought, I really have been reduced to nothing but a worthless whore. It’s funny how quickly that happened. It’s almost if it had snuck up on me without me noticing.
I took a moment to set my alarm for tomorrow morning. I didn’t want to forget and end up waking up Pink late.
I was started by a knock on the window. It was a girl from the club. I started the car and put the window down.
“Hey, uh, Pink sent me,” she shifted around on her feet, seeming very unsure of herself.
She seemed vaguely familiar. I recognized her from somewhere but I just couldn’t place it.
She was wearing a black scooped neck tank top and a short skirt. She had long black hair with a couple of dark red streaks running through it. Her face was thin and angled. She was slim, athletic even, but the way she dressed accentuated her assets.
Her boobs were small and perky but her nipples were obvious through the flimsy material of her tank, which was strategically shredded, revealing her soft, pale skin and random glimpses of tattoos. She was wearing red and black striped knee socks and her butt cheats peeked out from the bottom of her skirt. She had the image of a girl tattooed on each arm.
She was chewing gum and appeared bored as I sat silently waiting to hear why Pink sent her. She was probably going to check that I ate all of the scraps. Apparently, she was going to make me ask.
“Yes? What can I do for you?”
She chuckled, “I’m not so used to this but… Pink and her Daddy got a bunch of us all heatedup in there. God, they are hot! You’re so lucky!”
I blinked back tears thinking of how people perceived that they were together and I was basically their pet.
“Anyway, Pink made this, uh, contest…” she trailed off and looked away, laughing to herself. “Well, uh, she told us all that you were a hungry little cum whore and that the first one to come out here and use your mouth would get to do clean up duty right there in the club.”
I sat there in shock. They were going to fuck in the club and let this girl clean them up when they were done. And all she had to do was use me to get off first.
Admittedly, I wouldn’t mind having an outlet after wanting to get more of Pink all day. I couldn’t believe I would be sending this girl back in to lap up their cum, perhaps even putting her mouth on my… Master. I didn’t say anything but unlocked the doors.
She raised an eyebrow and laughed, “Awww, that’s cute! She said you’d want to take the easy way out. Lazy littlewhore… No, I’m not getting in. Pink said it had to be outside of the car, in front of everyone.”
Of course, I thought to myself. Pink wouldn’t leave me with a shred of dignity. I looked down as I gripped the handle of the door. I released it but sat still for a minute. She noticed my hesitation and lowered her face close to mine.
She whispered, slowly and deliberately in my ear, “Listen girl, I am not used to this. I think it’s hilarious to be honest and if you come out here and get me off, it will be a first for both of us. I am only going to be this generous once. After hearing that girl talk about you, you better act a little more grateful for the opportunity to put your tongue inside of me. To be honest, you’re being timed. Pink is up on her Daddy’s lap and they are all over each other. His fingers are deep inside of her. They are dying to fuck and they are going to wait until they see you make me cum.”
I stiffened and popped the door open, “But how will they see me make you cum?”
“Oh, silly girl, are you new at this? She’s got me on Skype ready to stream this so everyone can watch. She’s got a whole little group of people in there waiting to see your, uh, performance.”
I stood up out of the car. I could not believe how much Pink was entertained by my humiliation. Was stealing my Daddy not enough for her?
As I closed the car door, the girl gasped and laughed again, “I know you! You’re the girl from the gym. I’ve caught you eyeing me in dance class! Oh, this is priceless. Well, you must be really excited to get a taste then!”
My eyes were wide as I realized that she was right. I knew exactly why she was familiar. I only knew her as Laura and I always wished she would talk to me. I used to think about how much Master would love her and here she was.
“I told you I would only be generous once. Kneel bitch,” she leaned back against the car door.
I dropped slowly to my knees, placing them on the dirty curb and looked up at her. She picked up the hem of her skirt and tucked it into the waistband so that the material wouldn’t block her view of my face. She held her phone in her hands, facing the camera lens squarely at my face, “Smile for the camera,” she said with a laugh.
Her hairless mound was right in front of my face. She was indeed dripping wet. I could see how much Pink and Master were exciting everyone inside the club. I moved forward and took one long lap, scooping up the majority of her wetness in a single lick. I could feel her clip poke at my tongue, it was swollen and sensitive, and her knees jerked a little when my tongue made contact with it.
“Good girl,” she said, “More!”
I buried my tongue in her slit, lapping hungrily at her clip. I kept my eyes on her, on the camera, as I worked her pussy as hard and fast as I could. I thought about Pink up on Master’s lap, waiting for me to complete my task while enjoying his attention in front their little audience, I could imagine that she wanted me to be quick. All I knew was that Laura could have cum instantly. I didn’t expect her to last long. And I had waited for months to even touch her, to just grab her arm or brush by her ass, and I never did. And now, here I was with my mouth inside of her and my face dripping with her juices.
She took one hand off the camera and grabbed my leash, “that’s it whore, don’t stop, you’ve got another audience now.”
I dare not take my eyes off of her but I know the crowd around the door must be watching. She was barely able to hold the camera steady at this point. Her legs were trembling and she tightened her grip on my leash, pulling me into her. I sucked and licked and sucked again, pulling her swollen clip in and out between my lips. Her hips started to buck and she started screaming, “That’s it, you fucking whore, I am going to cum all over your face!”
She gripped the back of my head with her hand and held my face tight to her, cumming for whatseemed like forever. She was now simply using my face, rubbing her pussy all over my mouth, my nose, my chin – I was covered. When she finally stopped jerking, she pushed me away from her, catching her breath and talking to Pink on Skype.
“You weren’t kidding girl! What a fucking whore!” she watched the screen of her phone for another moment. “Oh shit, they’re getting started. I gotta go! Thanks whore,” she called as she walked away and disappeared through the crowd that was waiting near the door.
I was left on my knees, leaning on the car. As I got myself up, I realized just how many people were watching. Some of them seemed amused but some seemed interested in something more, so I quickly slipped back into the car and locked the doors.
I reached over to grab a tissue out of the glove box and stopped myself. I glanced back over at the crowd. Most of them were still glancing over between their conversations. What if one of them were reporting back to Pink and Master?What if someone was tapping me? God, I sounded paranoid. I decided to forego wiping my face though. Simply existing with Pink in charge was hard enough. I couldn’t imagine surviving a punishment.
My phone was taken and it was a text from Pink. It simply said, “Impressive, but what else should I have expected from a cum hungry little whore like you?”
My phone started to ring and I realized that Pink was contacting me on Skype. I answered the call and found that it was actually Laura looking at me. There was so much noise, between the girls around her and music.
“Hey whore! Pink didn’t want you to miss any of this. Wasn’t that nice of her? I’m going to pass you off to my girl, Kerrie. She’ll make sure you have a great view because I’m going to be pretty busy.”
Kerrie was an overly excited redhead that moved around too much at first. I got an idea that they had some type of VIP room, which explained why they had so much freedom to play inside the club. I even got a glimpse of Master as she panned the room in her haphazard attempt to give me a look at everything there. There had to be at least a dozen girls in the room. I felt the sharp bite of jealousy, not because he was surrounded by a dozen or more beautiful women, but because I was not the one that brought him there and made him the only man in the room. Pink stole my Daddy and took over all of the things that I had done, and even the Things that I still wished I could do. She stole firsts from me and no one seemed to care.
Master and Pink seemed to be in the center of the room. Comfortable, dark leather couches surrounded them for the most part. Some girls were tangled up with each other on the couches and a few were sitting around them on the floor.
Pink was on her hands and knees. Her little black dress was hiked up around her hips. Master was behind her. His jacket was off as well as his tie. His shirt was partially unbuttoned and his sleeves were rolled up. His pants were gone.He was holding her hips, using long, steady strokes as he moved in and out of her.
Kerrie brought the camera around and set it down for a minute. Master and Pink stopped fucking for a moment. Kerrie must have laid on the floor behind Master, because now I had the perfect view of Pink’s soaking wet pussy and Master’s rock hard cock.
Laura was positioning herself underneath Pink. Someone even placed a pillow under her head so she could reach Pink’s pussy easier. Laura looked right at the camera for a moment and gave me a quick smile. Then she placed her hands on the tops of Pink’s thighs and spread her open. She started to lick Pink’s dripping pussy.
Just as Master started to slide his cock into Pink again, I realized that Laura was going to be more than just a clean-up girl. She was part of it. She got to serve both them as they fucked. Her mouth would help both of them cum. I didn’t get to help Master cum all day. I was only allowed near Pink after everything was done.
Master continued with long, slow strokes, giving Laura the chance to really lick his shake as he went in and out of Pink’s pussy. Pink came three times, and each time Master would push himself deep inside of her as she convulsed while Laura licked up the mess she made. Finally, I could hear Master start to moan over the crowd and he pumped Pink full of cum with Laura’s hungry mouth still on them.
When Master had finally finished emptying his load inside of Pink he pulled his dick out and shoved it deep in Laura’s mouth. I cried out in surprise but no one could hear me. I watched as Laura cleaned Master’s dick and Pink’s pussy.
Laura was still lapping up Master’s cum from Pink’s pussy when someone pulled the camera away so I had the perfect view of Master kissing Pink. They broke apart and Pink stood up and fixed her dress. A few girls brought Master’s lost clothes to him and helped him put himself back together. Laura was still lying on the floor.
Pink grabbed the phone and spoke directly to me, “I bet you loved that whore! We’ll be out in a minute. I expect you to be standing outside the car and have the door open and waiting for us.”
I leaned back in the seat and tried to quiet my mind. She was going to put me through the humiliation of being out there when everyone came out when I just wanted to hide in the car. Of all the suffering I had endured today, this was probably the worst. Seeing them in there together, doing what they were doing, and even engaging others in their play, and making my role as their who know to others, as if I had never been his babygirl at all.
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