Pink Ch. 06

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The “Pink” series portrays scenarios that are particular the cuckquean kink.

A cuckquean is a female cuckold. A woman whose husband or boyfriend commits adultery. A woman who enjoys being humiliated by her husband or boyfriend’s sex with other women.

All parts of the series will have extreme humiliation and other aspects of emotional masochism. It is this very rejection and debasement that makes the story so arousing for a very specific audience that enjoys this kink.

If you do not enjoy this kink or you find it emotionally disturbing, my suggestion is to not read this series.

Some of the comments for the previous chapters have definitely been beyond a constructive criticism of the story. I understand that not everyone enjoys this particular kink and that it is quite rare. I understand that, as a writer, I am opening myself up to receive all types of feedback on my writing – the good, the bad and the ugly.

I would ask that readersRefrain from shaming those of us that enjoy this kink. That includes those of us that identify with any of the roles in this story. Those who identify with babygirl should not feel bad about enjoying this type of humiliation just as those who identify with Master or Pink should not feel like they are bad for enjoying handing it out.

I have known for a long time that this type of story turns me on and I am comfortable with this. However, I would have been thrown by some of those comments many years ago, when I was just trying to figure it all out. I would hate for one of my readers to discover that they find this type of kink hot, only to be belittled and shamed in the comment section. If this story makes you feel angry and outtragedy, I understand. Please just try to express your feelings without shaming those of us who enjoy this particular kink.

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When we returned home Master told Pink that he was going to head into a shower and that she should join him. I stood in the doorway of the bedroom, waiting for instructions.

“I’ll be there in just a minute Daddy.”

He disappeared into the bathroom, dropping his clothes on the way. Pink turned to me. “You really have been a good who tonight. Did you enjoy licking Laura’s pussy? She’s hot!”

“Y-y-yes, I did. Thank you,” truth be told, I was terrified to be alone with Pink.

She walked closer, “She came back in and told us all that you had been gawking at her in the gym for months. What a surprise that must have been for you!”

“It was,” at this point I cast my eyes down. I expected something terrible from her.

She was standing right in front of me, “May I see how much you enjoyed tonight, whore?”

I lifted the hem of my dress for her for the second time. My pussy was soaked, not only from making Laura cum but from the ride home, all the texts from the girls, and how Master and Pink were so cuddly and close in the back seat. There was nothing, in all this torture, that didn’t make me wet.

Pink cupped my pussy in her hand and I almost jumped but still myself, because I know better than to show my surprise or how desperate I was for someone to touch me there.

“I bet you’re dying to cum aren’t you, whore?”

“Yes, I am,” I keep my eyes on the floor.

“You know I am in charge. I can make you cum if I want. It’s my decision.”

“I understand.”

“Look at me whore,” she said as one of her fingers slipped inside my wet slip and started rubbing my clip.

I met her eyes, struggle to keep my knees from buckling. I was instantly ready to cum but I dare not do anything without permission.

“You want to cum whore?”

“Yes, please,” the words were almost inaudible. I couldn’t speak. Couldn’t breathe.

“Not just yet, whore,” she snatched her hand away, “that would be too easy.”

I leaned against the door frame, trying to catch my breath. I almost lost it. I couldn’t imagine the consequences. I couldhear that Master was just stepping into the shower.

She watched me as my breathing started coming back to normal. “We still have a little time though, don’t we?”

“Yes?” I was so unsure of myself in this moment. I simply had this brief letter from Master and I was supposed to give this girl everything. Sure, I wanted to play with her, but he was so distant, I felt frozen without his attention, unable to make a decision without his approval.

“You remember how much you like my shoes?” She asked and I looked at her puzzled, “Oh, you silly little whore, I notice everything. I know you wished you were big girl enough for sexy shoes,” she brought her face close to mine, “Let’s see how long it would take for you to make yourself cum using my shoes.” I didn’t move. “That wasn’t a request whore. Get down and rub your soaking cunt on my shoe until you need to ask me to cum.”

I dropped to the floor and knelt with my knees spread wide, I looked up at her and she just raisedan eyebrow. I inched forward until the toe of her pretty shoe was nestled between my lips. The shoe was instantly sticky and slick with my juices. I rocked my hips so that the toe rubbed my clip and found myself quickly escalating.

I gazed up at her. She looked bored. I tightened my grip on her ankle, still staring at her.

“Oh? Already? My goodness, you are literally a little bitch in heat aren’t you?”

Her words could have tipped me over the edge but without permission I had to hold myself where I was. It took everything I had not to tip.

She continued looking at me and giggled, “You know what? You are just like a little doggy humping my foot there! How cute! If I had more time to play I would have so much fun with you!”

“Please… please Pink…”

“What was that? You want to cum little doggy?” her words were patronizing, threatening again to send me over the edge.

“Yes, please,” My eyes were begging her. I didn’t know how much more I could take.

“No!” She took her foot away, leaving me humping air for a minute and I just fell onto my side, panting, practically crying, squirming, and desperate for release.

“You are just in a state aren’t you? You have absolutely no shame!”

“I’m sorry,” I stammered. She was toying with me. She wasn’t going to let me cum.

She reached down and stroked my hair, “Gosh, you need it so bad don’t you?”

I looked at her, tears well in my eyes.

“You poor thing. I tell you what. Amuse me just one more time and I will let you cum when me and my Daddy get out of the shower.”

I got to my knees again and reached for her shoes.

“Oh, no no no… I want you to play with yourself this time. And, while you are rubbing your pathetic little cunt, I want you to clean your gooey pussy juices off of my shoe. Look at the mess you made!” She presented the shoe to me, tipping her toes up so I could clean the bottom as well. I really had coated the entire front end of her shoe with my dripping pussy.

I wrapped my hand around the back of her shoe and brought my mouth close to the tip. I reached my other hand down between my legs and started rubbing slow circles around my swollen clip while I reached out with my tongue and took the first tentative lick of her shoe. I quickly escalated and my right leg started trembling.

“Hold it until my shoe is clean bitch.”

I continued to lick and suck at the entire front of her shoe, my tongue lapping at the bottom, even sucking it into my mouth at times. My right leg betrayed me and was now rattling against the floor as I desperately tried to hold myself from cumming.

“You are just like a little doggy! I am so going to call you bitch for the rest of the night!”

I looked up at her. The tip of her shoe in my mouth. It was clean. Between my legs, my soaking wet hand continued to rub. I implemented her with my eyes, begged, please to let me stop.

She gazed at me, tilting her head from sideto side. I was now covered with sweat, panting around her shoes, trying to keep myself from exploding.

“That’s enough bitch!”

I collapsed onto the floor, my chest heaving.

“Good doggy,” she giggled, and stopped down to talk to me. “Now, I am going to shower with my Daddy. I want you to be all curled up in your bed ready for me when we come out.”

Pink walked away and went into the bathroom. I laid there for a few minutes while my breathing returned to normal. And then, I simply crawled over to my bed on the floor, my glorified dog bed. I’m sure she would have loved to see me crawl. I did not do it to entertain anyone. I was simply exhausted, defeated and now at her mercy. She had literally reduced me to a pathetic begging whore, a pet, a doggy. Crawling did not confirm that. The fact that I curled up on this bed on the floor and waited for her to come back and humiliate me in front of Master confirmed it. I was hers. I would do as she said, even if she did steal my Daddy away from me.

I could hear her excitedly telling Master that she had a surprise for him when they got out of the shower. I could hear them talking and laughing, kissing sometimes. I don’t know how long the shower went on because I think I started to drift off.

When I opened my eyes again, they were standing over me, with towels wrapped around them.

“Good morning bitch,” Pink said, “you’re a tired little doggy aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll let you sleep soon.” She turned to Master, bouncing up and down, “Ready?”

“Yes babygirl, but remember, make it quick, I don’t want to waste time toying with her when I could be playing with you,” with that, he pulled her in and bit her neck.

She giggled, “Oh it’ll be quick Daddy. She gets there fast, she’s like a bitch in heat over being our little whore today.”

She croouched down to get close to me again and ran her hand over the top of my head, “Now, bitch,” she whispered, “I am going to be very generous and rub that pathetic little cunt of yours. You be a good girl and beg me for permission to cum when you are ready, do you understand?”

“Yes Pink, I do.”

“Good doggy,” she cooed and she reached her hand between my legs and started rubbing my sore, desperate clip.

I immediately responded. I was trembling and panting quickly. My right leg started shaking like it does and she looked up at Master and said, “Look Daddy! It’s just like when you scratch a dog in the right spot. Her leg shakes. She’s just like a little doggy!”

“Yes. Yes she is, babygirl.”

Pink continued her assault on my clip and I decided to start asking early so I wouldn’t tip over without permission.

“Pink, may I cum?”

“Are you really ready already? You are a little whore, aren’t you?”

“Yes Pink, I am a pathetic little whose. Please, may I cum?”

“Oh, you admit it now? What else will you admit?”

“I am desperate Pink. I have been wet and wanting to cum to all day. Please?”

“So it turns you on that I came here and stole your Daddy? That your Daddy has had his fingers and tongue and dick inside me all day? You like that bitch?”

“Yes Pink. I love it. It makes me so wet and turn me on so much, please, please let me cum.”

She slowed her pace and started circulation my clip very slowly. She spoke to me in a soft tone, her voice low and soothing, as if she was trying to calm a rabid dog, “Easy bitch. Hold it for me. I want to hear more.” Master slide down the foot board of the bed, sitting right next to us on the floor. He listened closely.

“So, you are telling me that it turns you on that my Daddy, who used to be your Daddy, has just been all over me all day, making me cum over and over and cumming inside every single hole of mine. Do you realize just how much we both have cum today? We can’t get enough of each other. Does that really turn you on bitch? Does that make your little pathetic cunt want to cum?”

“Yes, I love it. Please Pink, please let me cum!”

“Easy girl, tell me. Tell me what you want me and my Daddy to do.”

“I want you to get in that bed and forget that I even exist! I want you to sleep together all night and leave me here alone. Please, please Pink, I am begging you!” I was lost. I was going to tip over without permission. I couldn’t hold it another second.

She snatched her hand away, “Oh we will bitch, we already planned on that, and so much more.”

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.” I couldn’t stop repeating those words. I rolled around on the bed, squirming and panting. My clip was throbbing and felt like it was going to explode. The pressure was painful.

“Awww, what’s the matter bitch? Did you really think I was going to let you cum?” She laughed, “Now that would have been no fun.”

She jumped up onto her feet, “I am not completely merciless though. I’ll be right back!”

She ran into the bathroom and returned.

“Now, me and my Daddy are going to get into that bed and we are going to play and play and play, until we are done cumming and want to sleep. You are not allowed to cum until we are done, do you understand?”

“Yes Pink,” I whimpered. I was lost, almost sobbing now.

“You can sleep if you’re tired. I don’t care. But if you want to cum, you must wait until we are finished cumming. We come first, Always. You are last. Do you understand?”

“Yes Pink,” I answered, knowing I was pathetic enough to stay up and listen to them as they played, because I wanted to, and also because I was that desperate to cum.

“There will be nothing for you tonight. We are going to curl up and go to sleep. I do not want to hear a sound from you when you cum. You are to do it silently. I do not I just want your clean up services. I just want to cuddle with my Daddy and drift off to sleep.”

“I understand Pink.” My voice was thick with defeat.

“Now, I want to be tired up in the morning with your tongue inside mypussy, nothing else. No touching my titles or grabbing my ass, just your tongue in my pussy. And you are not to put a hand on my Daddy no matter how much he is wrapped up with me. You just figure that out, do you understand?”

“Yes Pink, I understand.”

“Once I am done with you, I will let you know. Now, I know you have to sleep alone and you’re used to having something to cuddle with so I didn’t want to leave you with nothing. Here,” She dropped the thong she had been wearing all night on the bed next to my face, it was soaking wet. “You can cuddle with my panties. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve cum in them tonight. I saved them just for you bitch.”

I grabbed them up in my hand, “Thank you Pink.” I feared that if I didn’t appear truly grateful, she would take away my permission to cum.

“Good girl,” she cooed and patted my head, “Goodnight.”

And with that, she turned to Daddy who was still sitting on the floor. He climbed to his feet and took her inhis arms and kissed her. When they pulled away, he said, “You weren’t kidding were you babygirl? You really did torture the little whore. You have a cruel streak I didn’t even know existed.”

“Never with you Daddy,” she giggled, “come on, let me show you what a good girl I can be.”

I lied there as they climbed into the bed together, their mouths on each other. They seemed to never stop kissing. I would love to say that I could not believe how intooxicated Master had become with her but I was equally as intoxicated.

I could have stood up and yelled out the safe word and Master would respond. I know he would, wouldn’t he? But I didn’t want to. I had to admit that to myself. I wanted to see how much I could take. And, at every turn, every push to Another limit, it was hotter and hotter for me. I could not deny that. I could not deny that, even as it cut into my soul, burning me with jealousy and the pain of the ultimate rejection, it drive me crazy with arousal.

I expected the orgasm that Pink said I could have to be one the biggest ones of my life. It would come fast and hard and my biggest challenge would be to remain silent.

I could hear Master’s hunger in each sound as he grabbed up a nipple in his mouth, or ran his hand down the curve of her hip. I could not see but I know Master and I know when he is hungry for someone. There is an urgency in exploring that new Territory that cannot be replicated after he’s been with someone over and over. And, although that alone should have provided me with comfort, knowing that she was indeed, new to him, I thought, what if she isn’t? What if he held onto that level of password for someone after being with them for months and months? What if she really did do something for him that I could never do?

That thought and the others that raced through my head as I tried to relax, made me squirm as the heat between my legs burned almost white hot. I imagined that when I finally had the freedom to cumWithout asking permission, the slightest touch would send me reeling.

Master was between her legs, making her cum over and over again. He would have her bucking and screaming and thanking him. And then she would beg him to give her a minute and I would hear him telling her how good she tasted and how much he couldn’t resist that sweet pussy. I could hear his soft kisses, imagining how he would place them right on her swollen lips, and then he would lick softly, giving her a chance to recover. He was so gentle with her. He wouldn’t force her to end climax after climax, even when it made her crazy. He brought her back up slowly, giving her a chance to recover and get to the point where she could handle it. And he would talk to her sweetly, between all the kisses and licks, before he went after it, making her cum all over again.

I could hear how he climbed up her body, loving every inch between her pussy and her mouth, stopping at places along the way, tasting, kissing andlicking every spot. He stopped at her hips and her belly button, and then he spent time with her breasts and nipples, making her cum three more times before moving up to her neck. I could tell that he bit her and probably left marks by her moans and yelps. Pink was a cupcake like no other and Master was hungry.

By her suddenly gasp I could tell that he slipped inside her as he reached her lips. I imagined that their bodies were touching along every inch of their length. His movements seemed slow and fluid, as if he was penetrating her with long deliberate strokes. He was not fucking her. He was making love to her, slow and leasurely, enjoying each moment inside of her, connecting with her – mind, body and soul. He didn’t want it rushed. He wanted it to last as long as possible. He moaned, almost with every stroke, telling her wonderful it felt to be inside of her. She answered him, in breathless whispers, no longer the cruel, pretty girl that came here to steal my Daddy. This man inside of her wasn’t stolen. He was with her, willingly and completely, he had surrendered to her, just as much as she had to him.

Their lovemaking seemed to go on forever and I could tell there were moments when he stopped his thrusting just to enjoy being inside of her as he kissed her and told her how good she made him feel. Their conversation took a terrifying turn as I could hear them lose themselves in each other. I could hear a connection being fostered that could only exist between two people in that position.


“Yes, my babygirl?” his words were breathless. I had never heard him so lost in someone before.

“I love you.”

I could hear his movement stop. Was he shocked? Had this game gone to this girl’s head? I couldn’t imagine how he would handle this awkward moment. I knew she was tied up in the game but I didn’t think she let it get to her this bad.

“Oh babygirl, I love you,” with that, I could hear him kissing her and continuing moving inside her with increased intensity.

Tears well in my eyes. He was gone. He lost it. He would never tell someone that. He knew the dangers of getting to attached to play mates or letting them get too attached to us. In one short day, this girl had shown up and turned our world upside down. Master had lost his mind, and broke my heart, in less than 24 hours with some random pretty girl from the mall. How random was she? He never called anyone babygirl before.


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