Jim Bob Jones was a true “good old boy” and fairly typical example of that uniquely American species Rutilius Collum (Redneck). He loved three things: Hunting, Fishing and Pussy, and pretty much in that order. His rugged good looks made sure he never wanted for Pussy and when not outdoors hunting and fishing, he was usually chasing skirt down at his local watering hole where his hunts were also usually quite successful. Skilled with a silver tongue, Jim Bob was quite adept in sweet talking his way into quite a few “daisy dukes” over the years, so for him, life was just about perfect. No end of satisfied girls found that that silver tongue was good for not just talking them out of their panties, but also taking care of what was inside them as well.
Pushing 30, Jim Bob knew he would eventually have to settle down one day, but was putting that day off as long as possible. He never really had a steady 9 to 5 job, or a steady girlfriend, as he loved freedom more than stability. Being a freelance carpenter he worked completely on the fringe and his bohemian lifestyle served his twin loves perfectly.
Unlike other men his age, he hated being tied down in anyway and lived out of his RV rather than an apartment or house like others his age did. Rather than have a steady job and a normal home, Jim Bob worked his schedule around trying to get outdoors as much as possible, loving the open air and freedom more than anything. Sometimes if his bank account was fat enough after a productive period of carpentry work, he would take weeks off at a time and drive his RV up into the country. Finding an excluded spot far off some road in the woods, and just communing with nature was just about as perfect a setup as he could ever want.
His communication with nature was not all peaceful though, as he truly LOVED hunting, and it was a pure apocalyptic war he would wage on the furry cute animals of the woods on these excursions. More than a few girls that Jim Bob had “dated”in the past were definitely turned off by his observation with killing animals but it made no difference. He was a hunter to the core and no woman, no matter how hot, could dissuade him of his password.
The inside of his RV was a veritable shrine to his past conquests and along with an impressive gun collection in his bedroom, on the walls of his main cabin were mounted the heads of several 12 point bucks he had slaughtered over the years. That was his main target, deer, but he also hunted fox, squirrel, wolf, and even Moose when he would drive up to Canada. If it had fur and four legs it was worthy of being in his crosshairs.
Work had been a bit spotty lately, and as he had enough money and supplies for a while, Jim Bob decided to take a few weeks off of late summer before the fall came. The weather was hot and the deer were jumping, so he would have lots of targets. He packed his fishing gear as well and he was looking forward to three weeks of unadulterated mountain pleasurees and when he told his buddies down at the bar he wouldn’t be back until September and they all looked at him with glares of envy. All were married and had regular jobs so they couldn’t just take off like Jim whenever they wanted. Ah freedom, so sweet, but for Jim Bob that freedom was going to be short lived.
As his RV started up the winding mountain road, Jim thought just how fortunate he was. He was a simple man with simple tastes. Out here in the woods he would be completely isolated from so called “civilization”. No cellphone, no internet, no cable tv, just himself and the big sky. As the roads got progressively worse as he traveled farther into the wilderness he also grinned to himself as he reminisced about his horizontal activities with Debbie, the big titted barmaid from “Joes” whose company he had enjoyed in the back the night before.
He licked his lips as he thought about her grinding her pussy on his face and he could swear he could still taste her on his lips.Smelling deeply, it appeared that her musky delicious womanly scent still clung heavily to the air inside the cabin.
Well, that he will miss, but after 3 weeks, it will be time to go back to civilization to hunt down some beauty to sweet talk and bed again. Jim Bob could go months without electricity, store bought groceries or indoor plumbing, but to go without pussy was a problem. That usually maxed out at about 3 weeks so his trips off the grid always had an expiration date. His ultimate ideal would be to combine his two loves, hunting and women, but so far he found that his tastes for the outdoors was not really appealing to most of the female gender so for now, his two loves would have to remain separate.
For the first week away he was in heaven. Already having bagged three 12 points the fishing had been equally fantastic so he was eating better out here than he did back in town. Every morning he enjoyed watching the fog slowly lift off of the mountain lake, in whichhe often would skinny dip, not worrying about being discovered as he was miles from the nearest town. Every evening he would often lay outside and look up at the stars, enjoying his catch or kill from the day roasted over his fire. This truly was really the life, and one that he wished could go on forever.
The only problem he thought was that now, having been denied the company of women for seven days, he Felt himself getting a bit twitchy. He was a relentless womanizer back in town, so being separated from the soft curve of a woman’s wait in his hands, or the soft feel of her long hair as it brushed against his face was causing a deep ache inside both his mind and body. To relieve the growing erotic pressure, each night he would lay naked under the stars and slowly jack off while visions of the women of his fantasy played in his head. In his mind they would be riding him, sucking him, rubbing their gorgeous round tits, tits that drive him crazy, all over his face. As these scenees flashed in his mind as he slowly stroked his cock, he tried to imagine it was a girls mouth instead of his hand. Finishing himself off with a loud grunt always made him grow sad as he knew that eventually, to satisfy this uncontrollable need, he would have to return back to town. He was too pussy obsessed to be a hermit like he wished as his need for the smell, touch and taste of women was just too powerful to resistant.
The next morning, he smiled as he stride naked down to the lake as he did every morning. This had become a daily ritual and one he loved. Being casually naked outside was definitely something that could only be done out here in the wilderness so he took advantage of the opportunity as much as possible, the warm summer wind on his body causing his whole being to tingle. He took his soap and a towel but nothing else on his short trip to the lake, as he loved the feel of the cool mountain water all over his nude body, free and open as the blooming nature all aroundhim. Diving into the water, he told in relief as the fresh cold water braced him, the lake still chilly in the pink of dawn. Now washing his face, soap suds foamed thick in his eyes, he was started when he heard two strange voices call out to him from the shore.
“Good Morning fellow nature lover!” two unmistakable female voices shouted at him through the still early dawn air. Quickly rinsing the soap from his eyes he stared back to the shore blinking and unbelieving at the unexpected but very delightful sight before him. There on the bank were two incredibly hot girls, and from the smiles on their faces they were obviously enjoying watching his nude morning swim. With the early dawn mist rising around them and the sun beaming behind them they both looked like an erotic dream come to life.
One was a gorgeous blonde with an impressive rack and long silky hair who was absolutely stunning. She was wearing nothing but a simple hippyish peasant dress, and as the rising sun wasBehind her he could see that she was obviously going commando.
Her friend was equally impressive. Slightly shorter than the blonde, she had long dark hair that curled delightfully around her overflowing and far too small bikini top. She wore cut off shorts, her bikini top and nothing else, and like the blonde, was also impressively endowed up top. Jim Bob, stunned by this vision, and not exactly sure it wasn’t a hallucination brought on by isolation, just continued to blink and star silently.
The gorgeous brunette spoke up first. “Mind if we join you Nature Boy”.
A huge smile formed on his lips as he said, “Sure, come on in ladies, the waters great.” To his immense delight he watched intensely as the two girls began to strip.
Jim Bob was in heaven as their lovely nude forms came into view. They did not appear shy at all and as they got completely naked and entered the water they quickly swam over to him.
As the blonde approached she introduced herself asshe waded before him. “Hi there, My name is Lucia and my friend here is Moonbeam.”
Jim smiled widely back and introduced himself. Now it made complete sense, the names said it all. Hippy girls! God bless them, he thought to himself as he relished his good fortune. His mind reeling and cock stiffening beneath the water he thought “This day is taking an unexpected, and very pleasant turn.”
“Mind if we borrow some soap” Moonbeam asked as she accidentally brushed his penis with her foot as she tread water. He gulped but readily agreed and passed it to her, his eyes glued to her full breasts floating in the water. His cock, now at full attention, throbbed helped under the water as he found himself unexpectedly joined by two lovelies in his early morning bath.
The girls made small talk with Jim Bob as he turned his charm up to full strength. They all bathed together and splashed playfully as the morning wore on, chatting and flirting as each stole glances of the other.Whether accidentally or on purpose, it seemed the girls kept brushing up against his cock as they swam around him. Either a foot, an ass, or a stomach, it was relentless and after twenty minutes of this underwater assault of being teased mercilessly he was getting quite desperate for relief. Not wanting to blow it however, he played it cool and let the girls set the pace and remained respectful. With great difficulty he kept his hands to himself.
Finally, after about an hour, Lucia swam up to Jim Bob and wrapped her legs around his waist, his cock throbbing helplessly between her legs. Feeling his manhood desperately bobbing against her inner thigh she kissed him deeply. Moonbeam joined in and grabbed onto his neck, causing her breasts to push into his back.
He was in heaven as he now realized that he was going to get one of those things that all men fantasize about, a threesome, and best of all it was purely unexpected! As Jim Bob kissed both Lucia and Moonbeam back, theyplayfully started to swim away from him back to shore. Like a lovesick puppy, he immediately followed.
Without any hint of shame, they both emerged naked from the water and spread their blanket out on the ground and laid down.
“I think it much better to air dry don’t you Jim Bob?” Moonbeam asked coyly.
He needed no further encouragement and leave out of the water and ran up to them, his erection throbbing at full mast in the bright morning sun. The girls both giggled as each one lifted up a foot and reached out for his dick, gripping it between both of their feet.
“I guess that woody is for us. Wow, we feel quite honored” they giggled as they obviously loved watching his eyes roll back in his head as they each stroked him with their soft soles. Lucia scooted over to one side and patted the blanket, indicating that he should lay down between them.
His head was swimming as this was his greatest fantasy coming true right before him and part of him still thought this might all be just a fantastic erotic dream. Again, he let the girls lead the show as he certainly didn’t want to fuck up this once in a life time opportunity.
As they all lay there naked together, Lucia nuzzled her head on Jim Bob’s chest as Moonbeam laid hers on his stomach. Lazily struggling and kissing his chest, they both ignored his throbbing and now drooling cock that bobbed between them Both. He had his arms around both and lightly stroked the small of their backs. He was having a hard time, struggling to take it slow, since his instinct was to dive in between their thighs and slurp those wet pushes. He knew better than to do that though, as slow and steady usually wins the race. As they talked for the next hour he learned quite a bit about the girls.
He learned that among other things They were huge nature lovers especially being fond and protected of animals. As active members of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), they both loved coming outto their neary cabin in the woods and communing with the deer, rabbits and other wildlife for weeks at a time. They, ironically just like him, loved nature and sought out the wilderness whenever they could when they were not organizing some protest or street theatre against either fur or fried chicken. Their love of nature however did not include slaughtering innocent animals like his did.
Lucia, turning to Jim on the blanket sat up on her elbows and looked into his eyes.
“Don’t you just love it out here? We both love coming up here to our cabin for weeks on end!”
He nodded as she continued, his eyes never straying from watching her perfect breasts wiggle as she spoke.
“Everything would be just great if those fucking hunters would stay away. Moonbeam and I came across a poor thing yesterday and it was a terrible sight. All bloody and mangled, his head had been chopped off no doubt to mount over some small dicked asshole’s fireplace!”
Sitting up herself,Moonbeam added. “It was so sad. We gave him a proper burial and lit sage for a smudging ceremony to the Earth Mother to pray for its spirit. Can you believe someone would want to kill a poor defenseless deer? What kind of monster would do that!”
Jim Bob felt his stomach churn as he realized that if they knew that the hunter they were talking about was probably him, this fantasy would come to an abrupt halt. So, he did what any red blooded male would do in such a situation. He lied his ass off.
For the next hour, as they slowly drove him wild as they casually teased his body they continued to talk. Jim Bob lied and lied big. He agreed that hunting should be outlawed and also that he, like them, was 100 percent Vegan. The more he talked about his love for animals and how much he wanted to protect them, the More aroused the girls got. Finally, both girls sat up and looked deep into his eyes.
“Well Jim, I think you passed our test. Cute and sensitive, it just makes us both all warm and tingly knowing you share our love of wildlife. When we saw you swimming nude this morning I told Moonbeam you looked hot, but before we agreed to fuck you she said we should check out your mind as well as your dick.”
Jim’s cock now began to rattle as the long awaited time for his release appeared to be at hand. Kissing both girls, he continued to hold back letting them set the pace. So far it looked like his theory was working as now it appeared that he would have both beauty at once!
Lucia kissed him back hard and then playfully ran her fingers down his chest. “Now that we know you share the same values as we do you have gotten us both worked up into a later. Sexy AND sensitive is not a normal combination so we are both quite intrigued. The guys we usually meet at PETA are, well, let’s just say a bit masculine challenged, so you are the real deal.” Pausing as she turned up at Moonbeam and nodded she asked “So…, do you think you could handle both of us at once, we love to share everything and would be thrilled if it could be you?”
Jim Bob exhaled violently and vigorously nodded yes, the words choking in his throat as his arousal was clouding his brain. He wanted them both so bad he could taste it, and now that he had the green light he was like a bull released into the ring. He still knew to play things just right as a threesome is such a rare thing, anything could fuck it up, and he certainly did not want to fuck this up!
Rising to his knees both girls rolled over onto their backs and each lifted a foot and placed it on his chest. He was in absolute heaven as he alternate licking each girl’s foot in turn, lovingly kissing and caresing each delightful curve while bringing their arousals to a slow boil. The girls loved the attention, as was obvious from their squirms, and to add to their desire they now know they could add attention lover to his accolades.
Lucia finally took both of her feet and grabbed him by the earsand started pulling him forward. She could take no more teasing, as his worship of her toes had gotten her sopping, she needed his lips on her clip and she needed them there now. Slowly guiding his face down to her open pussy he happily compiled and felt his mouth salivate at her musky aroused aroma. Her cent was delicious and he slowly ran his tongue up and down her slit while altering kisses on the inside of her tights as he grunted a long grumble of appreciation. He knew what he was doing as many a waitress or bar maid could testify, and this morning he wanted to make them both absolutely gush, so he took his sweet time.
Feeling his loving mouth on her womanhood slowly sucking her clip in and out of his lips, Lucia could stand no more. She was so incredibly turned on she roughly grabbed him and flipped him onto his back, preparing to mount his face.
Moonbeam too was quite aroused watching her friend be orally worshipped by their handsome bathing partner and wanted her turn as well. Seeing him laying down on the dirt with his goatee all coated in Lucia’s juices had her tingling. Whispering to Lucia, they both giggled before she bent down and kissed Jim Bob’s ear.
“Feeling a bit Kinky Nature boy,” she hissed as she ran her tongue around the edge of his ear.
“Yes Ma’am!” came his eager reply and before he knew it the two hippy girls leaves to their feet and stood over him. To his chagrin, Lucia ran off but Moonbeam remained and for a second he thought he had blown it and his fantasy was over. Once she started talking though, he became relieved.
Running her toes up his inner thigh and over his now purple cock, Moonbeam laughed. “WOW! We are going to have some fun with this now. But before we give ourselves to you, we need to take a few precautions.”
Jim looked blank, not yet knowing what she was talking about, but when the gorgeous bouncing Lucia reemerged from the woods with some handcuffs and wooden stakes, his hopes grow.
Entering the clearing Lucia winded and said “Ok Jim, spread em. We need you fully restrained for the world class fucking we are going to give YOU!”
Completely swept away by the moment, and hornier than he had ever been in his life, they quickly staked out on the ground; naked, hard, spread eagled and, with his hands and wrists firmly attached to the stakes, completely helpless.
Under Normal circumstances someone might have been cautious before allowing themselves to be tied up naked in the woods by two strangers, but caution was not on Jim Bob’s mind right now. His lust filled brain was working overtime as Lucia crawled up his chest and slowly lowered her sopping pussy to his greedy lips. At this pinnacle of every erotic dream he had ever had fear was the further thing from his mind. At that moment, he was lost in an erotic fog from which he wished never to emerge and thought of nothing but the fantastic experience he was sure to have within the next few minutes.
As Lucia ground her pussy on his face, Moonbeam had a firm grip on his cock and slowly ran it over her clip, teasing her own orgasms out like water with his throbbing suffering glans. He was in heaven but going crazy after so much stimulation with no full strokes.
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