Peter and Miss V.

That Sunday afternoon was not unlike any other. Miss V quietly hummed as she worked in her makeshift studio in the corner of the loft. Peter knelt in the middle of the room on the hardwood floor jerking off, as ordered. Miss V liked to watch Peter playing with his cock; it was a source of inspiration to her. To prevent him from spilling his goo and messing Miss V’s beautiful floor, she tied a rope tightly around the base of his dick and balls. Peter liked it and compiled.

Suddenly Miss V stopped humming. Peter froze. He knew that couldn’t be good. “No! Don’t stop.” She hissed.

“Yes, V.”

Peter could feel his legs begin to tremble. He wanted to lean back onto his feet, but he knew V would not ever let him cum if he did. Miss V slowly rose and crossed the room to where he knelt. “I’m blocked. Does Pet want to eat his cum for me?”

Peter wanted to shout out ‘yes!’, but all that escaped his lips was a weak, almost whispered, “Yes, V.”

“Okay, Pet.” She pushedhis shoulder back firmly. “Lay back for Miss V.” And he did. Stretching out onto the cold floor was a relief.

“Stay here, Pet, while I get your special spoon.” She smiled, “I will bring your special silver spoon. I bet you have a lot of goo, don’t you?” Miss V didn’t wait for an answer.

Peter lay there thinking about how firm, yet gentile, Miss V treated him. He never knew which it would be. It was a game he liked. In a moment she would return with the spoon, ready to feed him his own jizz. How would she remove the rope from his cock this time? Peter’s cock throbbed hard. Oh, he tried to calm himself. If he came too fast she would not be happy, and then there would be no fun for him later. Miss V had plans and Peter was very much looking forward to participating.

Miss V always throw the best parties. Last week Miss V was so impressed with Peter’s arrangement of the loft in preparation for her ‘little get together’ that at the end of the night she surprised him with aSpecial reward. After standing most of the evening in the middle of the room wearing nothing but crochless lace panties and allowing anyone who was interested to watch him rub his cock, Miss V came behind him and whispered in his ear, “Okay, Pet…I think you’ve earned a treatment.” She bit Peter’s ear hard and ordered him to go and wait for her in the bathroom.

Peter’s insides trembled a little as he answered, “Yes, V.”

“Just a minute, Pet,” she said, grabbing Peter’s balls to halt him. “Lick it first.” She pulled his head to her left title. Peter hungrily lapped at Miss V’s stiff nipple. Peter’s balls squeezed tight inside the lace panties. Abruptly, he was pushed away into the direction of the bathroom where he was to wait. Peter groaned as he strode down the hall; his thick cock bobbed as he walked, and a tiny dribble of pre-cum glistened on its tip.

What a marvelous night, Peter remembered. After Miss V blindfolded him, she guided him into the empty tub. “Lay down, myPet.” Then she called out to some others to join them. Though the votelain was cold against his back, Peter felt a burning heat course through his body…directly to his massively hard cock. The anticipation was increasing and exciting.

Peter distinguished at least three others, two women and a man, in the room; Miss V did most of the talking. He could hear them kissing and licking and moaning. What about me, he Thought. Suddenly Miss V announced, “Now, everyone…time for the guest of honor to receive our gifts.”

Miss V made only one rule—Peter could cum, but he could not, by any means, touch his dick. One by one they sprayed hot piss down onto his body. He twitched and moaned. He drank and swallowed. His ass cheeses squished in a pool of urine; it was bliss. Soon Peter could no longer contains it. He asked permission to cum.

“Do it now, Pet!” she obliged his request.

Thick, hot cum exploded from Peter’s cock. As it pumped out of him over and over, and slide down his body to float in his piss bath, Peter felt more hot jizz, someone else’s jizz, drip onto his chin. His tongue flicked out and all around in a desperate attempt to lick it off and taste its salty sweetness. When they were done with him, Miss V allowed him to remain in his special bath for another hour. She removed the blindfold so Peter could admit the lovely mess they had made all over him. On her way out, she turned and said, “Okay, you can cum one more time after I leave, but only once. See you later, Pet. I’ll come for you in a while.” And Peter was left to enjoy his piss bath all on his own. Miss V was so good to him.

Now Peter wondered what amazing things Miss V might have in store for him if he ate his cum like a good boy should.

Just then Miss V returned with the special silver spoon. She had changed into a thong and heels, nothing more. “Do this right,” she said, and reached out to remove the rope from his bound cock and balls.


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