I wake unable to move.
Momentary confusion sets in as I try my limbs, finding each bound.
My eyes come open and there is you, always you, dark eyes boring into me.
And I know.
I know that YOU know. You have found me out. You have located my innermost need and now you are going to use it. You will use me as your instrument as you play my need.
As soon as I see your eyes I am wet. Not slowly growing wet- but WET like flood breaking from a demolished dam. There is a pounding current in my cunt.
You do not smile. You do not scowl. You merely cup my cunt in your large rough hand and calmly say “This is mine.”
I shiver as those words travel up my spine. Yes. This is yours. Your finger trails Along the curve of my breast. Barely able to speak I breathe out “Yours.” This is not assent. It is acknowledgement of an all consuming fact. Every fiber of me is yours. I have no body; it is yours. I have no thoughts, they are yours. I have no will; it is yours.
“Good girl,” you say.
My brain usually rushes with thoughts, and eternal struggle to put them in order. But my busy mind is still. There is nothing but desire. I am yours and I need to be filled with You.
You know this. This is why we are here. I have no words to plead, but my body is crying out for you. My pale skin is flushed. My eyes are aflame. My body undulates like waves beneath your gaze. I am arched against the bonds towards you. My hips ever reaching towards you.
Calm. You are the model of calm. You move between my quivering thighs and taunt me with the warmth of your girl. I whimper. I understand at the bonds, my body lashing upwards, only to be yanked back down by the ties. You wait. You wait until I go slack. You wait until I tremble quietly. You wait for it.
I gather all that is left of me, look up into your face, and whisper “Please.”
With one thrust you are inside of me to the hilt. A moan is all that is left to escape my lips. The focus of every nerve in my body is in my cunt, clenching around you. Every stroke of your cock is electric. My nerves are heightened, on fire, pulsing as the world falls away. I am yours. I am your hole to be fucked.
Suddenly I feel your teeth sharp on my tit. I may have screamed, by there is no way I can know. My head is thrown back, eyes clenched against the pain. I push my cunt against you to receive the absolute of your dick pounding into me as my nipples light in ago your merciless mouth and hands.
Suddenly you are gone. You have pulled out of me. You do not touch my tits and the cold air rushes against my skin where million seconds before the heat of your body had bee.
I know I scream now. A pineous wail against the void you have left. The Absence in my cunt is a wound far more acute than anything you have inflicted upon me before. I move to reach out for you and find only the cruel bonds.
I throw my head side to side searching for you and find your dick next to my face. I see nothing but your dick, but I sense your smile as my mouth opens of its own voltage. One of your hands violently grasps my hair as you drive your dick into my mouth. The weighty head of your cock fills my mouth and I gag, sputtering as I try to adjust to it’s size. But you give me no time to acclimate as you fuck my face, and my eyes brim over with tears, mascara flowing down my cheeks. I taste it, too, in your mouth as the tears lube your dick pistoning down my throat.
My nervouss refocus to my mouth and I am again your hole to be fucked. I feel each movement travel down my throat to my clip.
I can barely breathe when I feel your hand on my throat. I am gripped with fear as your grip enfolds my narrow white neck. I dare to raise my misted eyes to your face and I meet your star. I feel your dick enter my throat and rub against the pressure of your hand on my neck. It is now that I cum uncontrollable. I am terrified and shamed that I am cumming,which only serves to make me cum all the harder. My pussy is exploding as your dick fills my throat, and my entire body is in your throat even as you tighten your inflexible grip on my throat. Stars dance behind my eyes as your cock twitches and your cum slides down my throat. It is the last thing I feel as I slide into unconsciousness.
When I wake it is with the taste of you in my mouth, the scent of you on my skin, and the certain knowledge that I am yours. And in my drained haze, I look forward to being so used again.
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