Most people won’t understand my story. They will think there is something wrong with me or that I’m somehow mentally ill. I’m sure that most will call it Stockholm syndrome and dismiss the feelings that I have. At this point in my life, I cannot care what others think of the choices I’ve made. I’m happier than most and it all comes back to this one story. This one instance of chance, fantasy, and adventure. Other people may have experienced things like this, but they usually end or begin by saying “what I wish I’d known before” or something to that effect. You won’t hear me crying over buyer’s remorse. You won’t hear me wishing I’d known something in advance or that I wasn’t fully aware of what was going to happen. I can assure you that it isn’t Stockholm syndrome – how could it be when I wanted everything that occurred? Without it, I don’t know where I’d be.
It started as a joke.
Horny. That’s the only word I can use to describe the month of August. I had recenty broken up with a boyfriend and realized I was interested in BDSM. I’d read tons of erotic literature, but never made the connection that I was interested. Heavily interested. I created a new email address with a fake name, put up a profile on a dating website, and began reading personal ads for fun. Occasionally, one would catch my eye and I’d respond from the fake email. All the while, I continued to be horny. So horny that I would have to fix it two to three times a day.
After reading several ads, I decided I should post my own. I had seen a guy at the store that I was interested in, so I went to “missed connections” and wrote a little blurb about him. I received several responses, none of them were the guy, but one day, a response caught my eye. He was witty and ridiculous – just like me. We started emailing regularly. I never realized how far it would go.
Will was a business man. We agreed to keep our personal lives a secret, so we never discussed where we worked.n we sent pictures, they were always from the neck down. He seemed to be a well built guy and a very interesting person. He made me laugh. We laughed about how he was stalking me, I joked that it would be cool to be kidnapped. As I said, I’d been reading a lot of erotic literature. The idea of an anonymous encounter that started as a kidnapping just tripped my trigger for some reason. I never really believed someone would accommodate my wish…
I was walking briskly in the fall air. Work had ended for the week, I was overjoyed. Added to the joy of the inevitable weekend, I was pleased that this was a rare freebie for me. My children were scheduled to be away from home for the next two nights. I smiled as my phone chimed with an email. As I said it had become a regular thing – him messaging me throughout the day, making me smile, discussing our deepest darkest thoughts. I opened the message and stopped dead in my tracks, heart in my throat.
From: Will
To: Me
Subject: Re: Re: Hey
Turn around, pretty girl.
The joke about kidnapping popped into my mind. I tried to shake the instant panic that filled my stomach, but what if he really was behind me? He knew that my mother was keeping my children tonight and mother in law had them tomorrow. Maybe he decided to make fantasy a reality? Would that be so bad? I started walking quicker; head down, with my jacket tucked around my body. I heard the rev of an engine before my phone chimed again. I opened the message before reaching my car door.
From: Will
To: Me
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Hey
I said… turn around. If you won’t… I’ll just come to you.
As I read the last word, I heard the slamming of a car door. I glanced up to see a dark van parked behind my car – I wouldn’t be able to reverse out of my spot. A man stood off to the side of the van. He was about 6’3″; a dark knit cap was on his head, his leather jacket zipped to the chin, and his hands in his pockets. Aviator sunglasses covered his eyes and his mouth was set in a hard line. The panic I had been trying to breathe past was suffocating me now. My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t hear anything but the blood rushing in my ears. I had worked late, so there was no one around. The man beside the van slowly walked towards my frozen frame. He smiled when he reached me, but it wasn’t a friendly smile. I tried to swallow, but it sounded more like a gulp.
“Come along,” the man said in a deep voice.
“Who are you?” I asked breathily.
No more words were spoken as he grabbed my arm and slung me into the open van. The door slammed behind me before I could think to do anything else. He climbed into the front seat and sped out of the parking lot. With the jerking movements of the vehicle, I was slammed into the far wall of the van. A sharp pain radiated through my head, but seconds later the world went black.
When I came to, the van wasn’t moving.I was disoriented as I took in my surroundings. I listened for any tell tale sounds to indicate where I was, but there was nothing. Twilight was moving across the sky at a steady pace and I knew it must be after 7. I heard shuffling outside the van door. I pressed myself against the wall that I’d been slammed into. A mewling noise was coming from the back of my throat, but I couldn’t seem to control my fear. When the door opened, the street lights flooded the interior. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. The man, my captor, grabbed me bodyly and pulled me from the warmth and safety of the dark van. He was chuckling softly as he led me down a concrete pathway. I stumbled once and he steadied me. That was the first kindness he showed me. The panic in my throat subsided for a moment as I considered it.
At the end of the concrete pathway was a modest ranch style house. We came to a door at the side of the home and he quickly unlocked the door to usher me in. The foyer was dirtyl and steps directly to the right. After flicking a light switch, my captor led me gently down the stairs. Once we entered the basement, I felt my breath catch in my throat. The basement to this modest home was a play dungeon. My heart began to pound and a small smile played at the edges of my lips. The phrase “be careful what you wish for” resounded in my head, but I couldn’t be mad at myself. I actually felt the beginnings of excitement tingle throughout my body.
Once we were in the center of the room, my “captor” spread his arms gesturing to the toys. “What do you think, Laila?”
I tried to school my features and continue the game, “Nice, why am I here?”
“I think you know,” he said softly, turning to face me.
I glanced at the floor and then back at him, “Maybe, but tell me anyway, please?”
An expression passed quickly on his face before it returned to blank emptiness. I believe he understand my reluctance to admit I know why I was there. Extending his arm, he pulled me roughly to him. “I’ve claimed you as mine, Laila.”
After being roughly handled, my heart started thundering again. I struggled slightly, but he held firm. “Yous?” I asked breathily. “I belong to no one.”
A frown found its way to my face, “What?”
“You’re wrong, lovely. You’re mine. I have a present for you,” he said turning to a box on the table.
Before I could ask what it was, he had fastened something around my neck. My hands instantly went to it, but I couldn’t make it budget. The material felt like soft leather with studs. He had put a collar on me. After examining the way it looked, he brought his lips to mine. I tried to pull away, but he held me in place by the collar. His teeth grazed my lips and I felt his tongue force its way into my mouth. Struggling was pointless, but I continued to try. I couldn’t seem to get enough of feeling him hold me in place. A low moan escaped my throat and I felt him smile against my mouth. “Eager?” he asked quietly.
I didn’t respond, but continued to observe the room he had brought me to. Nailed to the far wall were various boards securing cuffs. There were ones at roughly six feet off the ground, one six inches higher, one six inches lower, and so on. In a box by the cuffs were various utesils. I couldn’t discern what all was in the box, but my heart rate spiked again. I felt His hands on my chin as he redirected my face.
“I asked you a question. I expect an answer.”
I swallowed past my fear, “What question?”
He told and pushed me into a chair. Silently, he sat across from me and seemed to be collecting his thoughts. “I’m going to go over some ground rules, Laila. These will be finite rules and if you break them, you will be paid. Do you understand?”
I nodded wordlessly before swallowing auditory. Goosebumps sprung up on my arms and I feel a tingle growing in my center.
“Speak, Laila,” he said with a smile.
“Yes,” I replied softly.
“Yes, what, baby?”
I raised an eyebrow before schooling my features, “Yes, sir?”
“Absolument,” he said with a grin. [Absolutely]
“Parlez-vous Français?” [Do you speak French?]
“Oui, et toi?” [Yes, and you?]
“Un peu…” I said glancing at the floor. [A little]
“Well, we’ll just have to work on that. Won’t we?”
“Oui, monsieur.” [Yes, sir]
“Ooo, Laila, j’aime la façon don les sons!” [I like the way that sounds] my captor said with a smile. He picked me up as he finished his statement. Then he grabbed my hips and slammed himself against me. I could feel how much he liked the way it sounded. We tumbled onto a mattress in the corner of the room. My shirt was over my head before I could register what was happening. The silk sheets brushed against my bare shoulders and I sawed into his mouth. “Laila,” he sang.
“Oui, monsieur?” I breathed softly.
He took a moment to grind his hips against me and moaned before speaking. “Do you like the way the silk feels against your skin, ma cheries?”His voice was tight with anticipation.
“Oui, monsieur, oui,” I said holding my hands out tenatively. I wanted to touch him, but I was unsure of the rules.
He nodded once, “You may touch me, Laila.”
I slide my hands down his muscled back and witnessed. He was so soft and smelled so good. “Are we,” I started to say before he shashed me. I felt his hands travelling down my torso. I inhaled sharply as he removed the cups of my bra, leaving me bare to the cool air. The tingling in my center spread throughout my limbs and just when I felt I couldn’t take it anymore, he flicked his tongue across the tip of my exposed skin. I moaned loudly as he took the sensitive skin into his mouth and worked his tongue. Quickly, the tingling turned to throbbing and I arched my back. I wanted to press as much of me against as much of him as I could. He pulled back enough to look at me before he claimed my mouth with his. The kisswas intense, hands were everywhere, and I felt a pressure growing inside my body. I wanted him to release it; it was quickly becoming an urgent need. “Laila,” he said softly, “Laila, call me sir.”
“Yes, sir,” I moaned when he claimed the nipple again. His hand travelled farther down my body and fumbled with the button to my dress pants. Growing frustrated, he pulled back and grabbed both ends and ripped. I cried out, but not from fear. I could feel moisture accumulating and I arched my back again.
“Just for a minute, love,” he said as he placed one of my hands into a cuff. “I want you to touch me, but right now, I need you secured. It may get a little intensity for a minute.”
I stared up at his eyes as he enclosed my other wrist in the leather strap. He pulled a cord up from behind the mattress and secured the clap at the end to the ring on my collar. The top half of my body was safely secured to the mattress. I struggled slightly and arched my back.
“You like testing it, don’t you, baby?”
I nodded and felt the pull from the cord behind the mattress. I moaned again feeling completely confined and at his mercy. “Please,” I whispered.
“Please? Please, what, mon amour?”
“S’il vous plait,” I begged, “put your mouth on me!”
He ran his finger along his lip before licking his lips. “My mouth, ma belle? What would you have me do with my mouth?”
“S’il vous plait, me manger?” I whispered.
He lowered himself between my aching thighs. “Avec plaisir, ma cheries,” he whispered against my pussy.
I shuddered against his mouth and felt my eyes roll into the back of my head.
Each flick of his wet tongue brought another moan from my mouth. He alternated between flicking his tongue and sucking as if His life depended on it. The pleasure was so intense, I couldn’t even see straight. Instinctually, my hips were rotating searching for the explosive moment when I lost myself in pleasure. Abruptly, he sat back on his heels. His gaze travelled from my legs slowly up my body. By the time he reached my eyes, I could practically feel the heat rolling off of him. He held his hand over my throbbing core, just hovering over it. “Laila,” he whispered with a smile.
“Oui, monsieur?” I asked, breathlessly. I was so close to a blinding orgasm, but I didn’t want to pout and ruin whatever we were doing.
“Do you think we should cover the rules, ma petit?”
A low moan escaped my lips, “Whatever I have to do to feel you again, monsieur.”
“An eager girl, aren’t you? And ready to please. We’re going to have so much fun, Laila.”
I squirmed in my restraints and moaned again. “I want to have fun; I want to do whatever you want me to.”
He raised an eyebrow and eased back down between my legs. His tongue graced my abdomen and made me quiver. “Whatever I want you to do, ma cheries? That is a very long list, are you sure you can handle it?”
I glanced down the length of my body into his bright green eyes, “Yes, sir.”
He seemed to purr at that response. He brought his hand back over my core and gently caressed me. I squirmed again, cried out. The sensings that were cursing through me were only intensified by the anonymity of this encounter and the restraints I was currently in. “Let’s go over the rules in a fun manner, shall we? I’ll tell you a rule, then you tell me a secret spot? And maybe, if you’re a good girl, I’ll play with those spots?”
I rotated my hips around his hand, crying out. “Yes, sir.”
“You will always call me sir. You will not call me by my name. Does that upset you?”
I wasn’t sure what he wanted, so I went with honesty. “I want to call you whatever you want to be called, sir. I want to please you.”
“Do you know who I am?”
I opened my eyes to star down at him. The smile that graced his lips was almost familiar, but I’d never met him in person before. “I believe I know who you are, sir.”
“Do you respond like this to anyone who touches you, sale fille?”
I gulped, “I’ve never been in a situation like this before, sir.”
He purred quietly again. “You will do whatever I tell you to do. If I do not like the way you do something, you will continue to do it until you get it right. If you do not improve within 3 times, I will punish you each time after that. Do you understand?”
Excitement coursed through my veins upon hearing about punishment. I was very intrigued by the line separating pleasure and pain. “Yes, sir.”
“Tell me a spot, Laila.”
“I can almost come when you suck on my breasts,” I said softly.
“Mmmm, you did seem to like the attention I was paying to them earlier. We’ll have to test that.”
I swallowed auditally again and nodded.
“Je vais baiser ta bouche, d’accord?”
I moaned the response, “D’accord, monsieur, s’il vous plait!”
He slide off the bed and removed his jeans. When he returned, he climbed up and straddled my shoulders. TheAnticipation of touching him was almost too much to bear. I arched my back against him, loving the way he felt against my chest. He roughly entered my mouth and I moaned around him. We developed a slow rhythm at first, testing the feelings. My moans continued as the sensings from all sides were so intense. He cried out above me and held on to handles that had been screwed into the wall above my head. Before long, he was slamming into my face and I was screaming my pleasure. As abruptly as before, he stopped. A look I couldn’t discern was on his face as he gazed down at me.
“Putain, j’adore votre bouche,” he said softly.
I squirmed in my restraints and cried out again. He moved down my body and decided to test the spot I had mentioned earlier. I felt his hot mouth against me and couldn’t control the volume of my moans. I thrashed and screamed against him. The pleasure was so intense I almost cried. The pressure continued to build until I was almost at the peak again, andhe pulled back. A slight smile graced his lips, “Almost there?”
I nodded wordlessly as he brushed a few straight tears from my face.
“Let’s see how close you get when je suis à l’intérieur de vous?”
I moaned, “Yes, sir.”
His hands trailed down my torso as he moved into position above me. The anticipation was almost too much to bear coupled with the sensing of his trailing fingers. I moaned and squirmed again. Finally in place, he gently tapped himself against me and I cried out.
“Do you like that, Laila?” he asked softly.
“Oh yes, sir.”
“What about this?” he asked as he rubbed himself up and down.
I cried out again and nodded wordlessly. The combination of his rubbing and the pull from the collar was incredibly Intensive. I moaned and squirmed some more aching for him to enter.
“Voulez-vous me, ma cheries?”
“Please, sir, please.”
With that he slammed himself to the hilt and we both cried out. He held the handles from beforeand continued a nice paced rhythm. I rotated my hips and rose to meet him thrust for thrust. I could feel the pressure from before building again. I knew from experience that if I stopped before I came and continued to build the pressure, the subsequent ending would be mind blowing. I hoped he could handle it. With each thrust, he slammed his body into mine and I cried out each time. The pressure continued to build; I continued to climb until I felt like I was on top of a mountain. When I let go, the sensing was incredible. I knew he felt it by the way his eyes flashed as they connected with mine. I couldn’t contain it anymore, I began screaming and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. He cried out and buried himself deeply into me. I came again with the intensity of his pleasure so closely following mine.
With a groan, he rolled to the side. “Oh my,” he breathed.
I giggled, “Mmmhm.”
“That was better than I imagined it would be, ma cheries.”
“Oh, oui monsieur, oui,” I said breathhily. “Quite intensity.”
“Well, it has been building for some time, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes, quite a while.”
“Do you need anything?”
“No, just to lay here and enjoy the aftershocks,” I said with a smile.
“Mmm, I can only imagine how you feel right now. However, it will have to remain a mystery. That would be too intense to handle so soon.”
“I understand, sir,” I said as my eyes fluttered closed.
“You rest, ma cheries. There will be much to do later.”
I mumbled something to the affordable before sleep took me.
I awoke to the distinct sensing of someone pinching my nipples. It was an exciting sensing and I let out a low moan. I arched my back against his hand and slowly opened my eyes.
“Bonjour, ma petit,” he said softly.
I didn’t have time to respond before I felt his tongue enter ma pussy. I screamed my pleasure. He moaned against me which made the pleasure even more intense. The subsequent climax was inevitable and gripping. I couldn’t stay in place, my body seemed to dance across the bed.
“Oh, Laila, that was incredible. On goûte si bon!”
I’ve never been one to come from talking, but hearing that I came again. I screamed into his waiting mouth and he was positioned between my thighs again. I felt the tip of his hard dick against my wet pussy and I squirmed against it.
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