I am extremely thankful for the simply wonderful job MamaK did in editing this story for me, going above and beyond any assistance I could have hoped for. Her instructions on creative writing have been nothing short of phenomenon and have certainly helped me to become a better writer. MamaK – Thank you!
I met Laurie working at my previous job. What a sight to behold. She didn’t have that typical buxom bimbo body I usually lost after, no she had a perfectly tight runner’s frame. Tight B cups, perfect legs, a small curved waistline, and an ass you could sink your teeth into. Regressing to a horny school boy, I joined the after work happy hour crew just for the chance to spend time with her. Our relationship, whilst firmly in the friendzone, was a flirtatious one. And always left me wanting more.
The breeze was crisp, dry, and warm against my face as I left work and made my way to the pub. The autumn weather felt charged, invigorating, making me feeloptimistic. My colleagues also seemed in high spirits. The drinks flowed, conversation and laughter bubbled and broke around me. One by one they made their exits, leaving their work lives to resume their home lives. True to tradition Laurie and I were the last two standing. Filled with hot cider and bourbons, we were both lit. It was starting to get late, being the perfect gentleman, I am, I walked her to the subway, the opposite direction to my bus. Leaning in to give her a goodbye hug and an opportunity kiss on the cheek, she did the same. We misfired, our paths crossed, our lips met. Her soft full lips brushed against mine, our sweet sticky breath mingled. She pulled back sharply in hesitation, her breath catching in her throat. Her eyes latched onto mine. I raised my eyesbrows in a “how about it?” kind of way. Her eyes widened, Then softened, a small smile tugged at the corner of her pretty mouth. It was all the encouragement I needed, I leaned in. It was a good kiss; soft, fun,exploring, lingering. Breaking apart, we laughed tipsily, and said our goodbyes. I watched her lithe figure descend the subway steps until she was swallowed into the crowd.
Nothing came of that kiss. We said hi to each other here and there in the hallway. At the next happy hour gathering, she hit me with the boyfriend bomb. She had apparently been dating some guy named ‘Ben’ for a couple of weeks. Off the market, such a shame. We kept going to happy hour together. Our flirtatious relationship still going strong. After I got laid off as part of the company’s merger my attendance at happy hour ended. It’s not much fun going out with people who all have employment at the place which shaffed you.
Two months on, I received an email from a fellow happy hour member who had also been let go and was organizing a “Fuck You” party to the new bosses in honor of her department. It was scheduled to take place at the same bar from the night I like to remember as ‘the night I kissed Laurie’. Sighting Laurie’s name in the address bar I readily replied confirming my attendance.
When the night finally came, it was balmy and the bar was busy. I waited perched at the bar nurse a bourbon and coke, glancing surprisingly at the entrance. I made cursory conversation with old work colleagues. All the while trying to convince myself, I wasn’t here just to see Laurie, and I most certainly wasn’t nervous. Twenty minutes later Laurie arrived with her usual radiant smile. To my delight she made a B line for me. She gushed about being so happy to see me, and gave me tight hug. Pulling me down into her embrace, I breathed in her scent, she smelt warm, and fresh like recently shampooed hair. The hug seemed to go on longer than what would be considered polite between platonic friends. Not that I was complaining.
Once again, the night seemed to have an energy about it. The drinks flowed freely, and later, to the despair of my liver, many shots were consumed. People were angry, and speaking openly, urgently. The happy hour crew dwindled out as the night progressed, and as usual, it was just Laurie and I left. We were both pretty hammered. With lowered inhibitions we found ourselves hunkered at a table together in a dimly lit corner. Naturally the topic came down to sex. First thing was kinky places we’ve done it. Weirdest place for her was a drive in. For me it was a handjob in a movie theater or in my law school library. We talked about kinky stuff we would like to do. I mentioned I prefer a more dominant role in the bedroom, but had been known to switch and allowed partners to tie me up, and even admitted to been on the receiving end of digital sodomy. She giddily confirmed she had always wanted to do that to a guy, but never had the chance. She was incredibly sexy and things were going better than I could have ever hoped. We were so open and honest. We were connecting like we had never quite managed before. Fueled on by a belly full of booze I brought up her boyfriend.
“So… Ben… How are you two doing?” I heard the words tumble out of my mouth before I could stop myself.
Laurie’s smile slipped.
“Oh… Well things have been better.” She replied deflated
“Oh no, what’s wrong?” I asked, hoping my voice didn’t give away the shot of elation I felt at her words.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” Laurie rushed, trying to take back her complaint “Never mind, forget I said anything!”
“Come on, we’re buddies open up.” I cajoled.
“He’s a bit weird.” she breathed almost inaudibly.
“Weird how?” I asked, riddle with curiosity.
“Like… weird with sex.” She said, looking down. She started nervously tearing the cardboard coaster on the table into little pieces.
Well that peaked my interest.
“How so?” I asked, trying to inject a caring tone into my voice.
“So we’ve…well.. OK, just gonna say it. He’s small. Like has a small penis.”
I’m not sure what I was expecting, butNot that. It took all my effort not to look at my crotch. I know for sure none of my ex-girlfriends would have similar complaints.
“Wait really?” I asked ensuring my words came out reflecting the gravity of her confession.
“Yeah, really. Well… I mean… like… I mean he tries but he knows that he isn’t that big. So… we talked about it and that’s when he said he developed a fetish because of it.”
“Oh, and what is this fetish?” I asked intrigued.
“He likes to watch his woman with another man.” She stated clearly and calmly.
I could not tell if she was winding me up. I am sure I had the most stupid expression on my face.
“So he likes… well he says he does… he says he really gets off on seeing his girlfriend with Another guy. And well… he wants me to do just that.” She laughed nervously “I know its’s crazy right?!”
We laughed together, manically, encouraged by alcohol and the sugar there within. I laughed until I realizedsoberly that I was laughing alone. Laurie was smiling at me intently.
“So…” I said slowly. “Are you asking me to do this? I mean I am flattered but I’ve never performed for an audience.”
“Uhm… I mean I think it would be fun. I mean you’re cute and we’re both adults who are obviously attracted to each other. And… well… what do you think?” She bit her lower lip. I desperately wanted to bite her delicious lower lip.
“I… well… I am really flattered.” I started, her brow created adorably. I couldn’t deny this lovely creativity, no matter how bizarre the request. I knew I would have her anyway which way she would allow me.
“Sure. Let’s do it.” I finished, sounding more confident than I felt.
“Really?” she asked in surprise, with a hint of relief in her voice.
“Yeah, so like, what does it entail?”
“I don’t know to be honest, we’ve only discussed it a little bit.”
“So… why don’t you discuss it more with Ben and let me know what I haveto do… To you.”
“Ha… yeah, will do.” She replied nervously.
Then we did something we had never done before, exchanged cell phone numbers.
The week dragged on with no word from Laurie. I tried not to get my hopes up, rationalizing that we were both drunk and may have let things get away from us. Then Saturday night, when I had given up hope my text message alert chimed. My heart skipped a beat, as it had all week as messages came through. The hot shot of adrenaline made my hands shake as I reached for my phone. This time it wasn’t a false alarm.
“Hey, if you’re still interested, we can meet Tuesday after work and chat more – L x”
It took all my will power to keep cool. I paced around my apartment full of nervous energy for a full 20 minutes before replying.
“Sure thing. Tuesday night. Our spot.”
My phone was beeped again, almost instantly.
“Great! See you around 8 ;)”
Sunday through Tuesday crept by infuriatingly. Work wasAlmost unbearable. Clients seemed more tedious than normal, work colleagues inaner. Until finally, Tuesday evening arrived. I walked briskly from work to our bar arrive at 8.05pm, as if trying to prove I wasn’t as keen as I was. Squiting through the low light of the bar, I spotted Laurie waiting for me at our table in the corner at the back. I made my way over there and smiled indulgently at her as she Proffered me a kindly considered glass of my favorite scotch. Wasting little time on chit chat or pleasuresants, she got down to business. I could tell she was nervous, but excited. The mood was intotoxicating.
“So.. oh gosh I am nervous. I don’t know why. I mean I’ve already had 3 drinks since I got here early and didn’t want to be late to keep you waiting and…” Laurie gushed hurriedly. I had never seen her in a state like this before, she was usually calm and collected. It was endearing.
“Hey, it’s me. It will be OK. Calm down.” I said gently placing my still hand overher jittery one. The skin of her hand was smooth and warm under my touch.
In the history of telling someone to calm down, this might have been the first time it actually worked. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Free from her gaze, I watched her cotton clad little breasts rise and fall with her breath. I imagined what her pink little nipples would look like, sitting front and center on her pert breasts, begging to be tweaked and sucked. I wondered if they would be sensitive, sending her into connips at the slightest touch?
Opening her eyes, she continued in a calmer manner.
“So… Ben is serious. He really wants this, but its more than just watching.” She started, her eyes never leaving my face, “He wants to be a participant.”
This took me aback. A whole host of thoughts raced through my mind. Did she mean that I was supposed to fool around with them both? Was she asking me for a threesome? What would I do if he wants to do someth with me directly? Would I do anything back? How far was I comfortable taking this? I have never considered being with a guy before. I don’t want to ‘yuck’ someone’s ‘yum’, but I wasn’t sure I could be into my mind the aptly termed ‘devil’s threesome’.
“I thought he just wanted to watch?” I seek to clarify.
“He does.” She responds calmly.
“Does he wants me to… er… do… um… stuff with him? To him?” I stutter, suddenly sounding not as confident as the guy who stride up to the table earlier this evening. “I am confused.”
“Oh no, no, no!” She laughed. “What I mean to say was that he means participating like, be there watching and to talk during it and… well… be… oh gosh this different” Laurie stopped, she was blushing down to the roots of her hair. I squeeze her hand in reassurance. “… humiliated.”
The last word came out as a whisper. I felt rooted to my chair in shock. I knew rarely some people were into that kind of thing, but my experimentrience and knowledge of such was limited.
“Humiliated?” I repeat dumbly.
“He actually specifically said… the humiliation would be up to you.” Laurie rushed her explanation, obviously keen to lay all the cards out on the table. “I guess part of the excitement for him… to see what you can come up with. It should be challenging exciting for you and me too, being told what do…”
“Interesting.” I reply slowly. I know I should find this disconcerting, but the thought of being balls deeps in this stunning woman, whilst lording it over her inadequately equipped boyfriend, who after all had beaten me out for the position of boyfriend, was not unappealing.
“Yeah… its weird.” Laurie admitted, squirming uncomfortable in her seat. “Look if you have cold feet, I get it…”
“And you’re cool with this?” I asked interrupting her “Like, you want to do this?”
“Yeah, I think I do.” She answered, fidgeting nervously with the ends of her hair. “I mean I don’t know.” she admits.
“Well, if you’re not sure about any part of this, then let’s not.”
“No, I want to!” She clarified quickly, “I am just nervous is all. I don’t want you to think I am this big freak. I actually think it’s kind of exciting. I’ve never… ah um… performed… for an audience before. I’ve never done anything like this. What do you think?”
I sat back, and collected my thoughts, not wanting to come across as too eager. She had looked coyly at me through her dark lashes when she had admitted she found it ‘kind of exciting’. It had set my blood ablaze with lust.
“So… like most guys I’ve watched a lot of porn over the years.” I started, “I’ve even watched a couple of those movies that are on point to this.”
“And?” She asked heavily.
“And I could think of some stuff to do.” I finished, “Is there anything that you want to do?”
“Well you know… the stuff we talked about here the other night… and some submissive stuff.”
“Now you must tell all!” I exclaimed enthusiastically.
“Ha… ok ok.” She started, smiling easier now. “As I said before I wanted to tie a guy up. And I do. But what I really want to do is a sub. Like be ordered what to do.”
“So… like anything?” Smiling at the thought of having her at the whim of my fancy.
“Yeah I think so. I think if I committed, I would just do whatever I am told… no matter how dirty it is.” She told me, her eyes never leaving mine.
“How dirty?” I asked laughing.
“Very dirty.” She giggled, before looked down and adding quietly, “Sir.”
I sat quietly taking in what she said. Taking in her suddenly subservient demeanor. I replayed her quiet ‘sir’ in my mind. I could hear my heart beat loudly in my ears, drowning out the hustle and bustle of the pub. I felt the fabric of my pants pull taught.
“So, are we really going to do this?” I asked.
With a determined look on her face, her mind made up, she stated clearly:
“Yes sir.”
My heart thudded as she said it. It feel like all my blood rushed to my crotch.
“Saturday.” I state, more as a command than a suggestion.
“Saturday.” She confirmed.
“I’ll text you with instructions for both of you tomorrow.” I advise, taking full control.
“Instructions?” She questioned.
“Do not question me.” I assert my dominance.
“Yes sir.” She replied dutifully.
Arriving home, I immediately switch on my computer. I fix myself another drink as I wait for it to boot up. A cursory internet searching suppliested me with a few ideas. There was certainly no shortage of depraved cuckold bondage submissive domination porn to sift through.
By the next morning, I had formulated a plan I was happy with. It was going to take a couple of days of setup. With new events each day. Upon waking, I texted Laurie:
“You both have work to do… step one is for you to take your bitch shopping. Take him to a sex shop. I want you to pick out a chatity device for him. Pick one you like. Allow him to pick out a butt plug and prostate massager. “
“You’re serious?!?!?!? LOL” Laurie replied.
I frowned at my phone. She needed to start taking this seriously. As her master I needed to put her in her place.
“Are you questioning my authority? Naughty girl. This is Not a joke. I am deadly serious. “
“Yes sir, sorry sir. “
The response bleeped on my phone almost instantaneously.
“Ben is to have his picture taken with the clerk holding up his purchases. I expect a pic later today. More instructions to follow. “
“Yes sir”
I smile at her quick obedience. I couldn’t wait to see her naked, begging for it, eating out of the palm of my hand… and why should I have to?
“I want something from you too…”
“Anything for my sir” she sends back.
“Send me a selfie. Make it a good one. “
“Sure. Hold on a little bit. Need to have time to nabSome.”
A short while later a message comes through. She’s in a bathroom and she’s topless in front of a mirror. Hot damn she looks good I thought to myself. As I suspected, there wasn’t an ounce of body fat on her. Her runners body was tight. She even had abs. Her nipples were perfect little discs and wonderful caramel color on her tanned skin.
“Sweet Christmas” I reply.
“Glad you liked it sir!”
“Send me more later.” I command, a smile playing at my lips as I hit send.
That evening, I got a further pic from Laurie. There was a man I had to assume was Ben, smiling with a young blonde woman who had a knowing smile on her face. He was holding up a metal and plastic cage, along with a bright pink plug and a bright curvy hot pink wand of some sort.
“Well done, both of you. Now make a video of him putting on the cage, then putting the key on a chain around your neck. Make sure he knows his place. Have him acknowledge that he’s officially your property. Iam waiting.”
About a half hour later my phone alerted me to a new message.
“Sorry for the delay sir! He was really nervous, and it took us a bit to figure out uploading but here you go.”
And there it was. The video was 4 minutes long.
A nervous man sat on the edge of the bed with his head bowed. Laurie’s hand entered the shot furnishing the chatity cage. Ben took it reluctantly. Laurie off camera snapped at him to stand up and show the camera his pathetic manhood. Ben did as he was bid. Laurie was right, his cock was insignificant. I felt my not insignificant length stir with arousal as the scene played out as I had instructed. Laurie’s cruel words, Ben’s meek compliance.
“You know why you’re doing this?” Laurie taunted him.
“Yes” he mumbled, looking downtrodden.
“Louder bitch!”
“Yes mam!”
“Because you need a real man and I’m not him!”
“That’s right. Don’t forget that as of now, you’re my property. My pathetic little piece of property.”
“Yes Mam!”
A smile spread across my face watching Laurie take charge. She was fantastic. She would be mine, as Ben was hers.
“Now… here are some rules. You don’t get to cum until I say. Or your new master says. Oh that’s right, my new man is your master. He’s the one who suggested I put you in this cage. He’s the one who made sure we filmed this for the whole world to see. He’s the one… he’s the one whose gonna fuck me while you watch.”
“Yes Mam!”
“Now put that cage on and lock it up.”
He did so dutifully, unable to make eye contact with Laurie or the camera out of shame.
“Now put the key around my neck.”
The camera angle was a bit awkward as she moved her arm up to get a shot of him putting the key around her neck.
“Good cuck.” Laurie affirmed before the video ends.
I couldn’t believe my luck. They were both getting into it. He really did get off on this submission cuckold thing, and she was thorougly embracing being the dominant one.
“Good work.” I sent her.
“Thanks! We’re both really excited!” she texted back.
“Good, because you’re not done yet. I want another video. Tonight. I want a video of him going down on you.”
“I like where you’re going… :)”
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