Taking Matt Ch. 02

Matts Revenge

Hi there, I’m Matt. Six foot, two inches of lean, mean muscle. I’m an engineer at a major construction project in Queenstown, Tasmania. I live with my evil vixen of a housemate Ash. A month ago she did something to me that I’ll never forget and since then I’ve been on her beck and call. She thought that she’s the boss of me, but little does she know that Mathew Rosa is nobody’s bitch. This is the story of my revenge and the beginnings of a brilliant new relationship…

“Matty boy, can you come here a moment?” Ash called.

“Yes mistress” I muttered bitterly. This was day 33 from my humiliation. My ass since then I feel has become considerably looser, not nearly loose enough it seems though to cope with the weekly maulings Ash gives me with the big ten inch strap on she keeps locked in her cupboard. I guess she worry I’ll destroy it when she’s not around.

She deliberately fucks me every Friday night, which has left me unable to play soccerthe last month. I tried last weekend but it was humiliating. I ran around like an old man and even the boys on my team had a bit of a laugh. “Looks like you’ve been fucked up the ass Matty, the way you’re running” they jeered. That paled into what the other teams said about how I ran. I excused myself at half time saying that I thought my “groin” injury needed a couple of more weeks to recover. That bitch had taken me away from my beloved sport four weekends in a row.

“Matty I need you to help me pick what nail poison to wear. Do you think the pink or the purple is better?” Ash smiled gleefully. “I know! Lets try it on you and see how it looks!” she cried.

“Yes mistress, that’s a great idea” I lied.

“I’m catching up with Glen tonight you Know, I want to impress him!.” Ah yes, Glen, that short douchebag operator at work. I stood by him at in the shows after work the other day, nearly pissed myself laughing at the excuse for a cock between his legs.

“I’m sure he’ll love the purple mistress, I’m sure it’ll leave him very impressed” I declared. Too bad that tiny cock between his legs will leave you thoroughly the opposite.

“Hmm, you’re probably right, but just to be sure let’s try it on you first. Then you can file my nails and then you can lick me out” Ash said brightly.

“Bu mistress you’ve had a big day at work, don’t you want to shower first?” I enquired desperately hoping.

“Oh no, that won’t be necessary darling Matty” she said with an exuberant smile. Then she slapped me across the face sharply. “And that’s for being cheese.”

I did as she bid, licked her out hard and made her cum twice. She then had a shower and went off to her date. I set to cleaning the house as per her daily demands. She came back several hours later, tipsy with her arm around the douchebag. I lay in my bed as I heard their irregular uncoordinated grinding and bumping in the room next door shortly followed by Glen’s grunt of satisfaction and adistinct silence from Ash. Too bad Ash, looks like you picked a dud. Serves you right you stupid bitch. Glen left shortly after and I heard her shower turn on.

“Matty! Come here my darling bitch!” Ash yelled. Begrudingly I got up from my bed and walked to her room. She stood uncomfortable in the door way naked. Her fat swollen breasts with hard nips stared up at me. Her unshaven in god knows how long hairy bush of a pussy glistened slightly, presumably wet from the shower. Her hair wrapped around her shoulders looking dry and dirty. She really should wash it I thought.

“Matty, be a good boy, put these on” she said passing me some handscuffs. I obliged, and got into the usual position of lying on my back, handscuffs above my head around the metal pole at the top of her bedframe. I supposed she wanted to face fuck me after her unsatisfying night.

She smiled as she looks down at me and went to her cupboard and pulled out a whip. That was different, she hadn’t done that before. I became slightly worried. She walked up to me still smiling and walking in a similar odd way to how she was standing before, her legs wedged together. She eased herself up to me on the bed and swung herself over to lower her gleaming pussy towards my face. “Get that tongue of yours ready Matty boy, you’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do” she said as she lowered herself towards my face. Weird her hairs so dry I thought to myself, and then it clicked, she hadn’t shown at all, and her pussy was gleaming wet with Glens cum. I tried to voice my outtrage but just as I opened my mouth she dropped down on my face as she opened her legs, his cum pouring into my mouth. I began to struggle when the whip cracked hard against my balls. I cried out in pain. “LICK ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” she screamed. “Or you’ll feel a lot more pain than that! I want every last drop of Glens cum out of me. I don’t want to remember that little cock of his ever fucked me. But I sure want you to remember swallowingEvery last drop of it” she joyously announced.

I licked and sucked as I cried, this was by far the most humiliating thing to happen to me in my life. It tasted horrible. It was hard enough cleaning out my own cum from her, although part of me found it strangely arousing. No part of me felt the way about Glens cum though. This was when I realized I couldn’t go on like this any longer. I had to risk her releasing that video, but I’d give her some dam good reasons why not to first…

“Matty boy I’ll be home at seven” Ash announced as she walked out the door the next morning. “Do have some food ready for me.”

Oh I will I thought. I will have a dinner ready for you you’ll never forget. I went out to the shop and went shopping that afternoon. I purchased a nice strong crowdbar, came home and paid open her cupboard, removing her variety of toys. Oh Ash tonight is going to be so fun…

Ash came home at seven, just like she said, she is a punctual bitch I’ll give her that. “Stir fry is just about ready Ash” I smiled.

“Good boy!” Ash said. “Matt, why are you all sweety? That’s gross” she glowered at me.

“I’m sorry Ash, I just went for a run.”

“It’s mistress” she said icilly.

“Sorry mistress, I think the surprise I have for you in your room will make up for my indiscretions” I smiled pleasantly. She raised her eyesbrows and walked towards her room, I closely followed her like the obedient service I am. She opened the door and stared around the room.

“What the fuck is wrong with the cupboard?” she turned at stared confusedly at me. “Is that your lame ass surprise?”

“Oh no Ash-“


I smiled. “This is your surprise mistress.” And with that I picked her up and slammed her against the wall knocking the wind out of her. A shocked look crossed her face as she gasped for air. I then span her around and slammed her on the bed, grabbing her arms in one hand of mine above her head and reaching beneath her pillow for her handscuffs that I’d placed there earlier that day. I quickly locked her hands around a metal post in her bedframe.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, I’ll have the whole word see me ass fucking you if you don’t release-“

I slammed her face into the bed hard with a muffled cry the only response. I leant down and whispered into her ear. “I’ve decided I don’t care after last night Ash. I’ve decided that I’m going to just fuck you and take the risk. And this time, I’m not drunk. This time, I’m going to enjoy every successful portion of your plump average body. Tonight bitch, you are 100% mine.”

I grabbed my pair of underwear I’d deliberately cummed into that morning and left in the corner of her room for the day and shoved them in her mouth. She almost gagged on it and I smiled to myself. I grabbed gaffa tape and wrapped it around her mouth to stifle that horrible muffled high pitched while of hers. “Now Ash, the fun begins.” I left her there, legs flailing on the bed while I went and got my camera to set up.

“I trust by now Ash you’ve gotten used to the lovely taste in your mouth?” I enquired when I returned to the room. “That’s the taste of my cum, I do hope you like it. I see those legs of yours are still flailing around, I better do something about that.” I set about tying her legs to the bottom corners of her bed and flipping her over so she was looking up at me. I enjoyed that fear in her eyes. “Cameras rolling baby. But now you’re the star, smile for the camera Ashy. Oh wait, you can’t, you’re sucking on my cum stained underwear, well whatever takes your fancy I guess.” The glare she gave me could have set most people on fire but it only fueled the beam of a smile I returned at her. “Let’s got started on making you pretty shall we?” I left the room to return with a razor and scissors and cut off all her clothes before removing mine. “First, let’s clean up this hideous bush of yours down here.”

I began to shake her,she resisted at first, but after I knicked her leg she quickly stopped. Soon, her pussy was smooth as velvet. I lowered my head down and kissed the slide between her legs. “There darling, now that’s much easier to work with. I’ve got another nice surprise for you too.” I admired her hate for me at that point in time, the burning hated in her eyes was glorious to behold.

I left the room and returned with a tub of ice-cream. Chocolate mud cake, Ash’s favourite. I put some on her nipples, and then on her nose, and then lastly between her lower lips. She shuddered at the cold of it. I then licked it from her nose, then her nips, and then her pussy. She shuddered again but this time in what I could tell was pleasure. “Hmm Ash, are you actually liking this? You know, I think under that hated you want me. You want me to dominate you like this, and I’ll let you know a little secret, I kind of like it when you dominate me too. But now, it’s my turn, and I’m not sure you’re going to likeThis next part as much. I undid the ropes around her feet then and she struggled fiercely and howled into her gag.

“Ash, Ash, Ash, settle down. No wait… don’t. I want you to struggle, you see that’s why I just dominated you physically rather than drugging you like you did me. I wanted you to fight it, and, in the end know that you couldn’t, that you’re powerless against me, I took you, because I wanted to take you.”

With that I undid her handscuffs and unleashed the beast that was Ash. She fought like a caged beast, she scratched and she bit but in the end I my strength began to tell, she was winded and exhausted, she still fight, but each push, each grab at me was weaker, until I managed to get her underneath me, her face pushed hard Against the bed under my weight, my hard cock up against her. Then I inserted myself into her ass, I had to push and push hard and one time she resisted so much I thought she actually might get me out of her. In the end though I managed to bring myself fully into her. She howled into her gag. Pleasure, pain, probably both. And then I began to thrust, again and again I pounded her tight asshole until her resistance stopped altogether. She lay prone and defeated as I pounded her, her howls had turned to whimpers, her fists were curled around her bedsheets tightly as she braced for each impact. Then I stopped and turned her over and put my raging hard cock into her pussy. It was wet, I had hoped and thought it would be. I began pumping her tight wet pussy, softly at first then gradually harder.

I looked down at her, her eyes were glazed and tired, but there was a glint there I knew. It was enjoyment, she was liking the sex and I could even feel an orgasm building in her with each thrust of my cock. I leant my head down next to her left ear.

“I like you Ash, I liked it when I licked you out and you fucked me. I liked it when you dominated me. But I have to get a go dominating you too, I had to let you know I’m stronger. I’m sorry I paid your ass as hard as I did, but now I’m going to make you cum like you never have.” I increased my thrusting and brought my right hand down to her cliporis and flicked it delicately as I brought my cock in and out of her. I felt her orgasm continue to build as I felt mine rapidly nearing. As I climaxed with my cum spurting into her I felt her shudder and buck under me and then, a scream of pleasure that pierced even through her gag. It went on and on with a sound of ultimate satisfaction. We lay there like that for a minute both of us feeling the warmth of each other. I looked into her still glazed eyes and ripped off the tape and pulled out the gag. I kissed her neck lightly and then gently her lips. “I liked that Ash, I think we should do this again sometimes” I Winked.

She looked up at me, eyes still glazed, and her face wearing an exhausted expression with a mixture of hate and desire. With that, I smiled, got up and left the room.

That night Ilay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Ash came up to my doorway, just in underwear and stared at me with a shy mysterious look on her freckled round face.

“Take me again Matt, I want you to fuck me so hard I cry… I want you to fill my ass and mouth with your cum… I want to be your bitch.” Then she gave me a sheepish and devlish look. “But just know you’re gonna have to work for it, and if you don’t work hard enough, perhaps I’ll be the one fucking you.” With that she produced a syringe from behind her back with what I can only imagine was a drug to knock me out cold.

I smiled to myself as I got up. This was going to be a very good house mate relationship… Let the fun begin.


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