The rest of that night had been miserable. Matilda’s boobs hurt so bad, that lying down on her stomach was out of the question. Also, her vagina and anus were so stretched from what had been done to them, that she couldn’t get comfortable anyway. The baroness really wasn’t sure that she ever fell asleep, but somehow she looked up and it was morning.
After that, Matilda didn’t remember any significant nights for several months. In fact, things got a little easier for a while. About a week later, Frederick announced that the baroness’ oral training was complete. After that, Matilda hadn’t had to put any more penises in her mouth or drink any more cum. Of course she still had to show up every night with those brooms stuffed up her holes, but somehow she was almost getting used to it.
Anyway, Several months did go by. Matilda would eat her single meal every morning and endure her inspection every evening. The baroness had actually come to accept the fact that this was the way her life would be from then on. Then, it changed again. The baroness didn’t remember exactly when that day had occurred, but she remembered what had happened vividly, in every detail.
The day had begun the way every day did. Matilda was served her nauseating breakfast, and then she returned to her room. The baroness spent the rest of the day, the way she spent every day, hungry and miserable. Then, in the Evening, she shoved the two broomsticks into her pussy and ass, and headed off to inspection. It was actually becoming physically easier to get those broomsticks in. Matilda didn’t know why, she just figured she was getting used to doing it.
Matilda arrived for her inspection. She didn’t even have to be told what to do anymore. She turned her bottom to the crowd and spread herself open so that everyone could see the plugged holes. Matilda would hold her cheats open while Lily checked her out and then removed her brooms. When the brooms were pulled from her openings, Matilda would stand up and turn around.
Sure enough, everything went as before, Lily extracted the sticks and Matilda got up. Then she waited for Frederick to comment on her body. After that she would be bent back over and replugged. Finally, they would stripe her behind and send her away.
Frederick walked over to her, and Matilda waited to be told how fat and disgusting she was. The baron looked her over Every night and always made sure that the baroness knew how slovenly obese she had become. Sometimes, Matilda actually thought the humiliation of that speech was the worst part of the evening. Although, the broomsticks being stuffed back up her holes usually changed her mind.
The baron began to speak. Matilda didn’t even listen. She just hung her head as her husband berated her. But then, her head perked up. Some corner of her mind heard what Frederick was saying and he wasn’t berating her. Quite to the contrary. Frederick was saying that her diet was actually starting toshow results. Certainly, Matilda was still heavy, but her stomach was very significantly smaller. Her boobs and ass were still enormous, but that wasn’t all bad. Her worst feature had been that overhanging belly, and it was just about gone.
Matilda actually took a good look at herself. She really hadn’t done that in several months. The woman realized that Frederick was right. No one in his right mind would call her thin, but she certainly wasn’t obese. The baroness didn’t know how much weight she had actually lost, but it had to be around 100 pounds. The baroness had almost begun to smile, when Frederick continued his evaluation. The rest of Frederick’s speech wiped any thought of a smile right off Matilda’s face.
Frederick announced that since Matilda’s body was now presentable, she was ready to reward services for good service. As he had announced when Matilda’s inspections had begun, his wife would present her butthole to any man who had performed an exceptional service. She would tell him that he deserved to stick his dick up her butt.
If fact, Frederick said, it was very fortunate that Matilda had reached this point. One of the cooks had prepared a particularly excellent dinner the previous evening for the baron and some guests. As the guests were leaving, they had all told Frederick what an excellent host he had been and how much they had enjoyed the meal. This cook certainly deserved a special reward for what he had accomplished.
The baroness just stood in shock. She honestly couldn’t even process what her husband had said. Then the switch ripped across her behind and Matilda was jolted back to reality. Frederick actually expected her to show her anus to a service and tell him to stick his penis in it. There was no way she could do it. But then that switch just tapped her across her butt again. Her rear end already stung from that last stroke. Matilda knew that they would just switch her until she gave in. The poor baroness realized that she had no real choice. The distraught lady just walked over to one of the tables and bent herself over it. Then, with a little whimper, she reached back and pulled her cheeses apart.
Matilda just lay across the table with her ass spread wide, and waited for it to happen. After all they had all seen her anus time after time, so displaying it again shouldn’t be any big deal. Also, Lily shoved that broom up her butt every night, how much worse could have a guy’s penis in there be. It certainly had to be better than having her ass skinned by that switch.
After she was across the table, Lily walked over to her. She told Matilda that while she certainly didn’t have to, the baroness should tell the man to let her suck his dick first. If she lubed it up with her spit, it would slide much easier in her ass. As nauseating as that sounded, Matilda knew it was true. Lily also told her, that after she had the dick nice and hard and wet, she had to tell him nicely to stick it in her rear.
After Lily was finished, Matilda just made her mind up to get it over with. The faster she finished everything, the quicker they would let her go back to her quarters. So, Matilda told the cook that he certainly deserved his reward and why didn’t he come around and put his thing in Matilda’s mouth so that she could suck it for him for awhile. The she just opened her mouth nice and wide, and waited for the penis.
The cook didn’t have to be asked twice. Quickly, he shucked his britches and headed over to Matilda’s face. As soon as he was there, he shoved his cock right into that waiting mouth. Then, as soon as it was in, the mouth closed and the wonderful sucking began. The happy cook just stood there with his dick stick in the baroness’ mouth, while she sucked it and ran her tongue all over it.
Matilda sucked on the cook’s penis as long as she could stand it. It had been a while since they had made her do this, and she still truly hated having a penis in her mouth. Of course, the problem was that as soon as she was done, it was going to be stuck somewhere worse. Finally, though, the thing was sloppy and wet. Also, she could feel it jerking and she knew it wasn’t supposed to come in her mouth. So, Matilda let the cook’s organ slip from her mouth. Then she took a deep breath and said what she was supposed to. “You’ve done such a good job, why don’t you stick Your penis into my rear and I’ll use my bottomhole to reward you.”
Never let it be said that the cook didn’t listen to the nobles. Without any object to Matilda’s request, he walked around her body. When he got to the rear, there was Matilda’s big ass just waiting for him. The baroness had it pulled open really wide, and the cook could see his target perfectly.
The lucky service placed his dick Carefully at the entrance to Matilda’s ass. Then he slowly pushed his way in. With all the things they had shoved in there, the baroness’ anus put up very little resistance. The cookhardly had to push at all before his cock slid right up that warm, tight passage. It felt so wonderful, that the guy just held his dick as far up there as he could get for a moment or too, then he started to shove it in and out as hard as he could. The hole was so tight. It felt great. The service kept thrusting and tried to think about anything but watching his dick go up that noblewoman’s butt. He wanted This to last absolutely as long as possible.
After the penis was gone from her mouth, Matilda tried to catch her breath. Then, just as her wind was coming back, she felt the head of that penis press at her anus. A moment later, the head of the thing made its way in. The baroness tried to relax and get used to that thing in there, but it just kept going in and in. When it finally stopped, Matilda thought it might come out her throat. That thing was so far up her ass she could barely breathe. And it was so big around! Her poor rectum was stretched so far Matilda thought it mightnever close again.
The penis just stayed shoved in her butt, and Matilda began to relax just a little. Then it pulled out until it was just propping her rectum open. A moment later, it shoved its way all the way back in. After that the thing kept pulling almost all the way out, and then driving its way as far up her butt as it could get.
Matilda couldn’t help shrieking the first time that thing thrust up her butt. Her poor passage was stretched and that penis driving through there that hard hurt. Then it began to piston in and out of her rear end. Every time it pulled out, Matilda felt like her insides were being sucked out with it. After that it would plow back up her poor anus, and the baroness would feel her passageway try to expand and allow that intruder to get through. In and out it went, while Matilda could only lay there as that horrible penis had its way with her bottomhole.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the baroness felt that rod go even farther into her butt. Then she felt it began to shoot up her guts. After that it at least began to shrink, and Matilda began to get her breath back a little. The exhausted lady waited for that penis to be pulled out of her ass, but it just stayed there. Matilda wanted to beg for that thing to be removed from her anus, but she knew it wouldn’t help. So she just stayed bent over with that dick in her rear.
The cook couldn’t believe it. As he came, he shoved his dick as far up that ass as he could possibly get. Lord it felt great. That thing was so tight. He just didn’t want it to ever end. So, when he was done he didn’t pull out. He just leaned onto Matilda and let his dick stay lodged up her butt. The service had simply made up his mind that he wasn’t pulling his cock out of that lady’s butthole until someone told him that he had to.
The guy screaming Matilda’s ass really didn’t know how long he had been in there, when Frederick tapped him on the shoulder. The man could take a hint,and he pulled out of the baroness’ fantastic asshole and walked back over to the other servants.
Matilda actually summoned with relief when that penis was finally removed from her poor stretched anus. Then, before she could even get up, Lily shoved her broomstick back up Matilda’s butt. The baroness screamed as that wooden pole went in. Her passage was already abused and raw, and that wood going up the hole Burned all through her insides. Quickly, though, the stick was all the way back up Matilda’s behind, and the baroness just collapsed down onto the table. She didn’t even react as the other stick was shoved up her vagina. Matilda was just too beat up and humiliated to even care.
With the baroness bent nicely over the table, Frederick picked up the switch and moved along side the woman. Lily smiled at him and reached down to carefully pry the prone lady’s nether cheese apart. She wanted to give Frederick a really nice target of Matilda’s great divide. When Lily had Matilda spread wide open, her unfortunate tender parts were completely unprotected. Lily made sure her arms were at such an angle that they weren’t in the way, then she nodded at Frederick to let it rip. The baron took careful aim. Then he swiped that wooden switch right down Matilda’s wide open crack. The whippy little stick landed right next to Matilda’s broomsticks. It hit one of her pussylips, the edge of her anal hole, and everything in between.
When the penis was finally pulled from her abused anus, Matilda was too exhausted to care. She just continued to lay over the table and try to collect herself. As she lay there, Matilda felt someone spreading her ass cheeses apart. The baroness knew her plugged holes were being shown to the group again, but it just didn’t matter. They’d all seen them anyway, and she was just too tired to move or object. Whoever it was back there continued to spread her rear end wide. The baroness just stayed where she was and allowed herself to be displayed. She figured she would just rest there until someone told her to move, when suddenly all her hind parts were on fire.
Matilda screeched and jumped to her feet. She tried to reach back for where the burn was, but the brooms were in the way. Her poor pussy and asshole were blazing, and the baroness had no idea what had happened. Matilda hoped and jumped and tried to find some way to rub where the hurt was. But everything stung so badly back there, she wasn’t even sure where to begin rubbing. Then, as she was hoping around, Matilda lost her balance and slipped down. As she fell, the broom in her butt hit the ground and shoved itself even deeper up the baroness’ already abused anus. Matilda shrieked even louder, and quickly rolled to her side.
The baroness remained on the floor. She wriggled and compromised as she tried anything to soothe Her burning orifices. Matilda actually managed to touch the pussylip that had felt the switch. But it stung so bad touching the angry piece of flesh, that the baroness quickly jerked her hand away. After that, she just rolled on the floor and cried. What had they done to her poor openings and why did it hurt so bad?
Lily almost felt sorry for Matilda. While the baroness was on the floor, she asked Frederick if they were taking this too far. Frederick told Lily that they were absolutely justified in what they were doing. “That bitch has made everyone’s life around here miserable for years. She never cared anything for the pain she caused anyone else, and Matilda never felt the need to contribute anything to anyone. So, no I don’t think this has gone anywhere near far enough. From now on, the women in this barony are going to remember that I am in charge and what I SAY GOES!!”
With that said, Frederick went back to the enjoyable sight of his wife on the floor trying to cool those poor little holes he had wiped his switch across. Lily was smiling as well. She truly despised Matilda, and if Frederick was fine with this,she certainly would not object. The trouble was that Lily hadn’t quite caught what Frederick had said. The fact that he had said “women” had gone right past her. For now, it wouldn’t matter, but later Lily would deeply regret that oversight.
Nobody really knew how long Matilda remained on the floor. Certainly it was several minutes. When she finally stopped rolling and screaming, the baron told her to get up. Matilda was still sobbing from the pain at her openings, but she managed to obey and get to her feet.
When she was standing, Frederick told her that he was glad to see that her diet was working. He had needed some way to reward the help, and now Matilda was contributing the morale of the staff. Since she had completed her service for the evening, the baroness was no longer needed and could return to her room. Matilda didn’t have to be told twice, she grabbed the brooms sticking out of her holes and headed back to her quarters.
As soon as she was in her room, Matilda tried to get those sticks out. Usually she would just jerk them out as quickly as she could, but this time her openings were so sore, that moving the brooms burned. Very gingerly, she pulled the one in her vagina out. For some reason, only one side of her vagina opening really stung. So Matilda pressed the broom to the other side of her opening and carefully extracted it.
The broom up her ass was harder. Again, only one side of the outer part of her anus was burning. However, the entire inside was all raw from having that awful penis saw in and out of it. Also, the fall on the floor had jammed the thing up there so deep, that it was hard to move. Very gingerly, Matilda wrapped her hands around the pole and began to pull very carefully.
As soon as the broom began to move, all the abused membranes inside of Matilda’s ass reacted. The baroness tried not to scream, as the entire inside of her anus began to burn again. Matilda collapsed onto her bed. She didn’t know what to do. Moving that broom burned so badly. But she couldn’t just stay there all night with that thing stuck up her butt. Dear God. The way she was laying, it was straight up in the air like some weird flagpole.
Matilda lay on her bed for a few minutes to let the burning subside again. Then she took a deep breath and wrapped her hands firmly around the pole. The baroness gritted her teeth and began to pull the broomstick out. The fire inside her rear end started up again immediately, and every nerve back there screamed at Matilda to stop moving that stick. But the agonized woman ignored the pain as long as she could and managed to pull the broomstick almost all the way out.
When just the tip was still stuck up her butt, Matilda had to let go. It burned so bad back there, she just couldn’t stand for the stick to move Anymore. Unfortunately, she had pulled so much of the broom out, that it was no longer balanced or secure. A moment after Matilda moved her hands, the stick fell to one side. As it fell, the stick momentarily stretched Matilda’s rear hole open farther than anything else had that entire evening. Then the tip popped out of the butthole and the broom fell to the floor. The baroness let out an earpiercing shriek as the broomstick stretched her burning anus. Then she collapsed again as the stick clattered to the floor.
Matilda lay on her stromach for quite a while. It was probably hours later, before her lower passages stopped burning enough for her to consider rolling over. The baroness tried to roll to her side to sleep, but that brought up a different reminder.
The broom had been shoved up her butt right after that cook had finished buggering her. Matilda’s poor ass was still full of cum. As soon as she tried to roll over, the liquid started to leak out of her swollen little anus. The baroness was just too exhausted to even want to get out of bed and use the chamber pot. So she just rolled back onto her stomach and let the load of cum stay in her ass while she tried to get some sleep.
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