The Baroness' Seat of Learning Ch. 04

Looking back on it, Matilda decided that it was the day after her first inspection that her new life really began. She women up that morning; sore, tired, and hungry. So the baroness left her quarters and headed down to the hall. When she arrived, Matilda found one of the cooks and told him to bring her breakfast out.

The huge woman sat down at a table and waited for her meal. At least some good food might soothe her poor nerves. A few minutes later, the cook appeared with a large bowl. He sat it down in front of the baroness. The bowl was filled with some sort of awful looking pornge. Matilda glared at the cook and asked him where her regular breakfast was. She wanted eggs, and sausages, and sweet cakes.

The cook just told the baroness that this was what Lily had ordered for her breakfast. If Matilda didn’t like it, she should take it up with her. Of course, if she insisted the cook would bring her more food, but she would be punished for it later.

Matilda started to scream at the cook, but then she realized it was pointless. Her huge bulk seemed to almost collapse in on itself, as she simply sagged in her seat. The baroness was starving and this was all she would get to eat. Well it was better than nothing. Matilda took a spoonful of the glop and began to eat. It wasn’t completely terrible, and the baroness expected that it would become much more palatable over the next few days as she got hungrier and hungrier.

After breakfast, the obese noblewoman trundled back to her room. She spent the rest of the day trying to ignore her gnawing hunger. Several times, Matilda considered begging Lily for more food. She never did, though. The lady knew Lily would refuse, so why bother.

The day dragged on and Matilda just stayed in her room. Then, she suddenly noticed that the sun was setting. Oh Dear God! She was going to have to be inspected again. Not only that, she had two hours to come up with something entertaining. What was she to do? Thepoor woman tried to think of what would amuse those horrible people. Finally, she came to the conclusion that they really seemed to enjoy watching things stuffed up her holes.

After coming to that awful conclusion, Matilda wondered if she could really stick things into herself just to amuse her husband and the servants. It only took a moment for her to remember the feel of that switch on her breast and decided that she definitely could do it. Now the only question was what to use? It had to be something creative, and frankly it probably had to be something really humiliating. As if sticking anything into herself in public wasn’t humiliating enough. After an hour of trying to decide what to do, and beginning to panic as the time went by, Matilda went over to her bureau and pulled out all her hair and made up supplies. She would bring all of those to the inspection.

For the next half-hour, Matilda just tried to relax. She laid her enormous bulk on her bed and tried to forgetAbout everything for a little while. Then, when she couldn’t delay any longer, the baroness prepared herself for the evening. It took her the next 15 minutes to get those two brooms stuck back in her. Then when she had them lodged in tightly, she picked up the rope.

The baroness took one end of the rope and looped in several times around her left breast. When almost her entire boob was wrapped in the rope, she tucked an end under to secure it. Then she repeated the procedure with her right tit. When those two enormous breasts were securely bound, Matilda bent down and pulled the rope over her head. The rope was short enough, that when Matilda stood up straight, her neck and back pulled up the weight of her breasts and her huge boobs pointed straight forward.

The weight of her enormous tits was actually very uncomfortable for Matilda, but there was no time to worry about it. With all her equipment in place, the baroness grabbed her other supplied and waddled off. It was evenharder this time, since she only had one free hand to secure the broomsticks. But, she managed to get to the main hall on time.

As soon as she entered the room, Lily told Matilda to get into position for inspection. The poor baroness know exactly what she means. Matilda dropped her makeup supplies. Then she turned her back to the group and bent forward. When she was bent as far as her rolls of fat would allow her, the humiliated woman reached back and pulled her bottom open. Then she stood there so that everyone could see the broomsticks stuffed up her holes.

When the baroness was bent over and spread, Lily walked around her like she was inspecting a status. She said that she was disappointed, Matilda was just as fat as she had been yesterday. Well, Lily said it didn’t matter, they would keep her on her diet until in had an effect.

Lily stood directly in front of Matilda and untied her huge tits. Then she grabbed them and threw them up in the air as hard as she could. Lily just watched as those enormous things bounced up and down by themselves for several seconds. Matilda almost screamed when her boobs went flying, but she didn’t dare complain. She knew Lily would only do something worse.

The young woman finished her tour of the baroness and ended up behind her again. Then she said they needed to test Matilda’s responsiveness. The terrified fat lady tried was still trying to guess what that means, when Lily grabbed both broomsticks and wiggled them in big, hard circles.

Matilda let out a shriek and jumped into the air. Her holes were being stretched apart. She couldn’t stand it. Finally, Lily released the sticks, and the baroness was actually relieved to simply have those things stuck in her and not moving. Lily then declared that the responsiveness test had been a success. With that proclamation, Lily grabbed both brooms and yanked them out of Matilda’s holes.

After Lily had removed the sticks from Matilda aesthetics, she told the baroness that it was time for her to entertain everyone. Unless of course she wanted to have her big tits striped again. Matilda just shuddered and told Lily that she would much rather provide entertainment. Actually, she wasn’t sure that she would much rather do it, Matilda just knew that there was no way she wanted her breasts switched again.

Shivering, Matilda picked up her supplies again. Then, handing them to Lily, the baroness told her that she felt the crowd would enjoy seeing her holes if they were made more presentable. Matilda was sure that Lily could use that equipment to make her vagina and anus more attractive. Lily actually smiled. She hadn’t been sure what Matilda would come up with, but this was going to be more fun than anything she had expected.

Lily told Matilda to bend back over and spread nice and wide, so that she would have easy access to her working area. Matilda did as she was told, and very quickly her holes were once again completely exposed tothe gathered group.

When the holes were ready, Lily announced that she would begin work on Matilda’s asshole. The first problem she saw was that it wasn’t pink enough. So Lily took Matilda’s lipstick and rubbed it all around her anus. By the time she finished, the baroness’ little rosebud was an appropriate deep red. After that, Lily actually pushed the lipstick inside Matilda’s butthole. She smeared it around inside, then she just left it stuck in the baroness’ backside.

After that, Lily said it was time to work on the lady’s pussy. She pushed Matilda’s legs wide apart and reached between her legs. Lily managed to grip Matilda’s pussylips and actually pull back until her cunt was sticking out nicely from behind. The poor baroness had to just stand there, while Lily went fishing for her pussy.

When Matilda’s vagina was where Lily wanted it, she told the group that the baroness’ pussy obviously needed brushing. Matilda hung her head. She knew that the awful girl was going to start brushing her bush and styling it in front of everyone.

Only that wasn’t what Lily was doing. The girl picked up the hairbrush and carefully pulled Matilda’s lips apart. Next, she stuck the bristle end of that brush straight up the baroness’ cunt. Matilda couldn’t help screaming as the brushed scraped its way into her pussy. Then the baroness started screaming for real as Lily started shoving that brush In and out of her vagina. When the girl had said that Matilda’s pussy needed brushed, she had meant the INSIDE OF IT!!

Matilda just kept screaming and began stomping her feet. Her poor pussy was being scrubbed raw from the INSIDE!! When the baroness was sure she just couldn’t take anymore, Lily stopped and just left the brush stuck up inside her.

After she was through brushing the baroness’ cunt, Lily told everyone that all the equipment looked much better. However, some of it could certainly smell better. With that said, Lily took Matilda’s bottle of cologne. Then she took a cotton ball and soaked it completely in the cologne. The whole staff started to laugh as Lily moved the drenched cotton ball towards Matilda’s anus.

The baroness had no idea what was going on. She had heard Lily’s crack about making her smell better, but after that nothing had happened. Then, she felt Lily using her fingers on her anus again. A moment later, something very cold went up the hole. After that, Matilda felt Lily sticking her finger in her butt and pushing whatever that was as far up as she possibly could. It was humiliating knowing that everyone was watching Lily stick something way up her ass, but at least it didn’t hurt like the pussy brushing had.

Lily stuffed the cologne soaked cotton as far up Matilda’s butt as she could. Then she just stood back and waited for it to take effect. The cologne was mostly alcohol. Lily knew that in just a few seconds, the alcohol would soak into Matilda’s anal membranes. At that point the fun should really begin.

Matilda just stood there bent over. She waited for Lily to do something with whatever it was that had been stuffed up her ass. The baroness was just about to ask Lily if she was done, when the inside of her rectum started to get very warm. A moment later, it felt like a nest of wasps were singing inside her. Matilda shrieked to wake the dead and began clawing at her ass. Something was in there and it BURNED!!! God! how it burned. The baroness jumped and screamed and clawed at her bottom, but the burning got worse and worse.

The baroness forgot any embarrassment, all she was aware of was the incredible sting inside her bottom. In front of everyone, she shoved her finger up her ass and tried to pull out whatever was in there. Unfortunately her little fat fingers were much shorter than Lily’s long, thin ones. Matilda dug around inside her anus, but she couldn’t find whatever was lodged in there.

The fire was getting hotter and hotter, and poor Matilda just couldn’t stand it. She fell to the ground and began rolling, while she still clawed at her poor behind. Matilda screamed at Lily and Frederick to please help her, but they just stood and laughed. The baroness pleased with them, that her bottom was burning up. Then she went back to rolling and screaming. Every now and then, the group could see the handle of the hairbrush sticking out of Matilda’s pussy as she understood on the ground. The baroness rolled on the ground for at least ten minutes, before she finally exhausted herself. After that she just lay on the ground crying, while she still dug fingers up her butt to try to somehow cool her insides.

When Matilda’s rolling had slowed down, Lily told her to shut up and get to her knees. The baroness begged Lily to leave her alone. Her butt was still burning so bad. Lily just told her to get up or she would start the fire burning full blast again. Matilda sobbed and slowly got to her knees. Anything was better than having that incredible burning start over again. It still stung like crazy, but it was nowhere near as bad as it had been.

After Matilda was on her knees, Lily called one of the male servants forward. Matilda of course had seen him around, but she really didn’t even know who he was. The Lily told her that she was to continue her blowjob training. The baroness had no idea what that word means. She was about to ask Lily, when the The baroness’ heart sank. Now she knew what was to happen. Matilda was to let them all watch as another man put his penis in her mouth.

The baroness thought about protesting, but the burning inside her rear convinced her otherwise. Having a service’s penis in her mouth still wasn’t as bad as that fire had been inside her backside. With a little sight, Matilda opened her mouth and waited for the man to stick his penis in.

Matilda didn’t have long to wait. A moment later, the service (he was a cook, actually)Stuck his dick in Matilda’s mouth. When the penis was all the way in, the baroness closed her mouth on it. She tried to remember what she was supposed to do. Then it came to her. She was supposed to suck on the thing. The baroness began to suck and move her mouth up and down on the pole. It tasted vile, but Matilda didn’t dare object. She just knelt there, wondering how long they would make her keep that awful penis in her mouth this time.

The disgusted baroness tried not to think about what was in her mouth. She just closed her eyes, so she couldn’t see the guy and sucked. It seemed like she had been doing it forever and Lily still showed no signs of stopping her. Then, suddenly she realized she was done. The penis actually started to jerk in her mouth, and the baroness knew that the man was about to cum. Obviously she was done, so Matilda spat the penis out of her mouth. Thank God that was over.

The huge woman started to get up, when Lily asked her what the Hell she was doing. Matilda was actually confused by the question. She told Lily in all innocent, that she had finished sucking and was getting up. Lily asked the baroness what on God’s green Earth made her think she was done sucking. Matilda told her that the man had been about to cum, so she had quit. Lily screamed that of course he was about to cum, that was the whole idea. Then she told Matilda to shut up and get that dick back in her mouth.

Matilda just knelt there with her mouth open. This time it wasn’t to allow the penis back in, it was in shock. Of course the guy didn’t care, he just stuffed his dick back in her mouth. The baroness almost choked when that awful penis went back in her mouth. She actually wrapped her hand around it and pulled it out. The horrified woman just held it there, in front of her face. She just stared at it.

The baroness was trying desperately to come to grips with her situation. Lily wanted her to put that penis back in her mouth and suck on it until itcame. That couldn’t be right. What was she supposed to do then? Matilda finally managed to sob out that question. Lily just laughed at her and told her she was to swallow it and keep sucking until it was completely done. What else did she think she was supposed to do?

Swallow it? SWALLOW IT??!!! She was supposed to stick this penis back in her mouth and make it squirt in there. Then, she was supposed to SWALLOW WHAT CAME OUT!!! NO WAY!!! There was no way ON EARTH she was doing that. But, just then, Lily lightly brushed a finger over Matilda’s anus.

The obese baroness cringed. She knew what she was being told. If that penis wasn’t back in her mouth, Lily would start her ass burning again. Matilda couldn’t stand that. That fire in her behind had hurt worse than anything she had ever imagined. It still stung, it just had let up enough to be livable. With a last little sob, Matilda pulled the penis back in her mouth and closed her lips over it.

Meanwhile, the cook was having a great time. He couldn’t believe it when the baroness pulled his dick back in her mouth and began to suck. Yes, she was hugely fat, but her mouth still felt wonderful. Besides, after all the shit she had given him, it was only fair that he gave something back. Laughing to himself, the man relaxed and just enjoyed having a noblewoman suck his dick.

Matilda closed her eyes and sucked. She couldn’t stand to look at what she was doing. The baroness just tried not to think about it. All she could do was to continue to suck and hope it would be over soon.

After a few minutes, the penis began to jerk in her mouth again. Matilda frantically wanted to pull it out, but she forced herself to leave it in her mouth and keep sucking. The jerking got more and more pronounced, and then the cook pushed his penis as far into Matilda’s mouth as he could. The baroness tried to pull it back a little, when the first blast of cum fired into her mouth.

It was worse than Matilda had expected. The stuff was warm and thick and disgusting. She swallowed down the first glob, but that penis kept shooting more and more into her mouth, and the baroness didn’t dare pull it out. Lily would set her anus on fire again if she did.

The poor baroness tried not to vomit as her mouth filled up with cum. She tried to swallow it quickly, but there was too much. It was on her tongue and it tasted vile. Matilda gulped down as much as she could, but that horrid penis kept squirting more in. Finally, the thing squirted its last glob and it just sat still in her mouth.

Matilda swallowed down as much as she could, but the awful stuff was sticky and it still clung to her mouth. She couldn’t get the awful taste out, and she still had that penis in there. The baroness didn’t know how long she was supposed to do This, so she just kept on sucking. Anything to avoid Lily working on her ass again. Finally, the service pulled his penis out of her mouth. Matilda just stayed there on herknees, waiting for what came next.

After the guy had shot his load into the baroness mouth, Lily told her to stand up. She told Matilda that she had done well and was almost done for the evening. All she had to do was bend over and spread. Then she was to ask very nicely for her brooms to be put back.

The baroness wanted to cry. After sucking that awful thing, she had actually forgotten about those broomsticks. She just didn’t want them stuck back inside her. But she knew she had no choice. Fighting back tears, Matilda bent over so her ass faced the group and pulled her cheats as far apart as she could. A moment later, Matilda felt Lily start to work on her holes and, about five minutes later, those awful brooms were stuck back in.

When she had the sticks shoved back into Matilda, Lily told her that she was done. They were going to give her one stripe on her ass to remind her how fat she was, and as soon as she had her stripe she could leave. Matilda was to stay bentover and spread. She was also to ask politely for her stripe.

Matilda wasn’t sure she could take much more. Every time she thought she had reached the limit of her endurance, it got worse. Now she was going to get her bottom switched again. Not only that, but she was supposed to request her switching. Well, at least they said she could leave after she was striped. The baroness took a deep breath and asked to please receive her stripe.

Frederick was already smiling. He had the switch lined up and was just waiting for Matilda’s request. That huge ass was spread wide open, and the broomsticks were keeping the center pulled nicely apart. There, his wife had asked for her stripe. Frederick pulled his arm back and then whipped that switch right into Matilda’s butt. It was perfect. He had stepped back just a little and the end of the switch flicked right into the baroness’ wide gaping canyon. In fact, it hit directly between the broomsticks.

The baroness actually screamed.The sound was so high and so loud it hurt everyone’s ears. The poor woman jumped straight into the air and grabbed for her crack. They had switched her right on her poor pussy. Or at least so close it didn’t matter. God! IT HURT!!!


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