Chapter 1
My eyes opened in the darkness of the room. It must have been about 2 days since I was abducted and a long travel in the back of a van to this room. A room that felt cold and without a view, no windows, no outside light, a cage which I am locked inside.
Laying on my stomach fully naked feeling vulnerable and weak. Three set of handcuffs are locked tight just above my ankles. Both my feet are locked inside ABDL restraining booties that has a permanent layer of spikes mounted inside each bootie. This makes it impossible for me to walk or even able to stand up. If I could stand up those spikes would push up sinking into my soles making this incredibly painful and impossible. I can only crawl on the floor.
My arms are securely tied and locked against my body, with my arms in an upwards position infront of me from the elbows. My hands are securely encased inside strong leather hand mitts so is impossible to grab or hold anything.
I feel so helpless, captured like an animal and scared. After what feels like 48 hours of darkness with no drink or food I am feeling drawsy and weak.
Now fully awake I try to scan the room from a near stationary position and can only vaguely make out that the walls appear to be brick walls. I can see objects in the room but cannot make them out properly what they are. It is very difficult to move in my position without a big effort I feel too weak to make, so I cannot scan the whole room. It is very quiet and I can hear noises in the distance but cannot make out what they are.
Two nights ago I was on my way home from the local pub after a night out with friends. Because I like to have a drink I catch the bus home and was walking towards my apartment late at night feeling a bit drunk ready to fall into bed for a good nights sleep. It was extremely quiet at that time of night as I approached the entrance to my block of apartments, when suddenly out of nowhere I was surrounded by 3 bodies dressed inblack wearing black masks. A straw bag was put over my head and quickly secured by a cable tie around my neck whilst my hands were grabbed behind me and also secured by ties.
It all happened so quickly that I was unable to react especially as I was half sleep and drink too. Next thing I was being led and pushed inside the back of a van and being securely chained down unable to move. The van door slammed shut and started driving away to where I am now.
The journey took hours and driving along motorways I thought it would never end and as each minute passed all my bonds and restrictions became more painful. My mind thinking in overtime wondering what was going on and where I was being taken to. What was going to happen to me? I felt terrified. My only vague memory was the silhouette of the abductors which felt they were Women.
Eventually the van slowed down and finally came to a stop with the engine switched off. There was silence for about 10 minutes and I was bursting for the toilet and couldn’t hold it back so pissed myself. I felt my underwear and jeans soaking in my piss as I heard the van door suddenly open.
I could hear a snigger of laughter which sounded Female, probably on seeing the sight of me having pissed myself. My chains keeping me locked to the floor were removed and I was pulled and pushed into what felt like a wooden box, squeezed into it on my knees with my head touching the roof. Before the door of the box was closed I felt a pinch on my arm and don’t remember anything else until I woke up in this steel iron bar dog cage.
I must have been given a sedative, a strong one that had knocked me out for a day or so. My head felt sore on waking up and I was thirsty and hungry but I can do nothing except lie on my stomach and go to sleep.
As I slowly started to drift off again I was awoken by the distinct sound of siletto heels outside of the room. I hear the sound of keys rattling and the lock on the door to the roombeing unlocked. The door is behind me and I cannot turn around but hear the door being opened and the siletto heels slowly and confidentially entering the room getting louder as they approached me. Both fear and excitement fills up inside of me with each siletto heel I hear.
The siletto heels walk to the back of the room and I hear the flick of a light switch. A low level green light fills the room. It is Still very dark but I can see more clearly. The sketch of a chair moves towards the side of me in front of my cage. The siletto heels move in front of the chair and I hear the Woman sitting down. I can smell Her Feminine perfume that arouses me deeply awakening my senses. There is silence for some minutes, no movement nothing. I feel I am being totally watched and observed making me feel even more nervous and scared.
Suddenly a click of a lighter and the burning of a cigarette fills the room. Smoke appears above me and lingers in the air. As I take this information in, a volley of spit hits me on the side of my face. Another volley of spit hits my hair. There is silence as the spit drips down on my right cheek. There is nothing I can do to wipe it off. I have to accept the spit dripping on my face.
After more minutes of silence I hear the sound of the cigarette being extinguished in an ashtray. I feel this Woman was in total control and knew exactly what She was doing. The continued silence made me feel further anxious with the anticipation of what was to come. I was starting to feel owned already.
“Kneel. Head bowed. Eyes lowered. Turn around and face Me. Do not dare look up at Me….WORM” She suddenly ordered in a strong and as a matter of fact tone.
As I struggled onto my knees as ordered my view was of Her long black boots right in front of me on the Other side of the thick steel cage bars. She then started to tease me by rubbing the sole of Her boots up and down on the bars as I watched. I could hear Her giggle and feel memorwased by Her boots and despite my situation felt how much I wanted to lick them. She seemed to know this too.
She then stood up and walked to the side of my cage out of my eye line and knelt down to unlock the cage door.
“Crawl on your stomach out of the cage to My Superior Boots worm” She ordered. “Show Me what a pathetic creativity you are” She laughed.
I lowered myself onto my stomach and turned around facing the cage door pushing myself forwards by my arms as hard as I could. On my stomach I crawled out of my cage with all my might, each push of myself did not gain much ground and I kept pushing and pushing until I was out of the cage. I struggled with each push as I was not used to this and had weak arm muscle, each push made Her laugh out loud at my struggles.
“Oh worm you are going to give Me such entertainment. Clown!” She howled.
As I slithered towards Her Superior Boots She spat onto the floor “Lick it!” She ordered.
My mouth instinctively crawled straight to Her spit and licked it all up. She then spat to the right of me forcing me to slither away from Her to lick up Her puddle of spit. More spit onto the floor and I was slithering everywhere to lick them all up. This gave Her such amusement and laughter watching me desperately obeying crawling around and licking up puddles of Her spit.
Finally I reached the soles of Her Superior Boots feeling exhausted After all the slithering around on the floor. My mouth could feel the taste of Her spit.
I lay prostrate on the floor beneath Her feeling anxious of what She was going to do. I hear the flick of the lighter again and the burning of a cigarette. Smoke is blown down towards me laying prostrate in total submission on the floor beneath Her.
“Up on your knees. Head bowed. Eyes fixed firmly on My Superior Boots. Do not dare look up at ME or you will suffer severe consequences. You are warned” She ordered.
This sent chills inside me and I carefully got ontoMy knees making sure my eyes were always looking down at Her Superior Boots as She blew more smoke onto my whole head, the smoke swirling around my face, then Her hand flicked ash onto my hair.
“Tongue out worm.” She orders. I stuck out my tongue and more ash is flicked on it. “DO NOT swallow” She orders.
I sit there on my knees before Her, head bowed in reverence, my eyes firmly fixed on Her Superior Boots with my tongue out that is now holding a pile of ash. I obey Her every word so scared of disobeying Her, but also needing to obey Her.
“Does worm want to see its Beautiful Superior Owner?” She smiled
“yyy-yes-yes please i-i would love to see m–m-my Beautiful Superior Owner” I stammer feeling so very nervous and scared.
Suddenly my cheeses are on fire. She slapses me furiously on both my cheeses.
“You” SLAP!…. “stupid” SLAP!…. “fucking” SLAP!…. “moron” SLAP!…. Followed by more slapses. I feel my cheeses so red and cannot stop this assault. I didn’t know what I had done wrong to upset Her like this and was so scared. My head was feeling dizzy.
“WHAT DID I TELL YOU MORON? HMMM”. She shouts down at me.
“Yo-You a-asked m-m-me if I w-wan w-waned to see m-m-my Beautiful Superior o-o-Owner”. I stammered praying this was the right answer.
SLAP! SLAP! “NO FUCKING IDIOT” She screamed at me
“I fucking told you DO NOT swallow the ash didn’t I stupid twat!” She howled
I felt terrified and holding my head in shame. She was so right as in answering Her question if I wanted to see Her I had automatically swallowed the ash to speak and not kept it on my tongue as ordered.
“i-i-i-am so-so very very sorry my Superior and have Stupidly dis-disobeyed Your order by-by swallowing the ash. I am a stupid moron my Superior. I beg for Your forgiveness my Superior. P-p-please forgive me I beg and beg.”
Silence hit the room. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. I was petrified of what She was going to donext and felt all tension.
After a few minutes She spoke “Close your eyes” was the command.
I closed my eyes with in trepidation of what was coming next. I hear Her move the chair back and stand up. Then nothing but I can feel Her standing right in front of me and smell Her Feminine perfume.
WHACK! She kicks me right in my exposed naked balls sending excruciating pain through me. WHACK! Another kick. WHACK! Another kick. A rage of white-hot, rising pain sends me into a wave of nausea that I can barely control. My body is flapping around like a beached whale due to my restrictions but I am always remembering not to open my eyes and obey Her command.
The kicking stopped and She sat back down on the chair.
My balls and body were gradually calming down from the pain, My breathing slowing down to a normal breath. My eyes closed absolutely making sure they would not open until commanded to by Her.
Suddenly a metal chain is wrapped around my neck. At least 3times around. She grabs the end of the chain forcing my head upwards facing Her like a toy. My eyes are still closed but I can feel Her staring at me. My face is hit full force by Her spit and I feel it running down my face. More spits follow hitting both of my closed eyes lids.
“you are learning worm and keep your eyes closed as instructed despite the pain you were in. Dummies can learn can’t they worm?”
“Y-yes my Superior. This worm is learning my Superior” I replied feeling happy inside me for having pleased Her.
“My you really are so fucking ugly aren’t you worm” She stated. “Such a repulsive beta face. Makes Me feel sick the sight of it. Women should never have to look at such an unpleasant foul beta face should they worm?”
“N-n-no my Superior. Women should never have to look at such an ugly beta face. I am so very sorry my Superior.”
“But it is funny though, clown face” She laughed. “Those practical expressions it makes when under stress. Its fucking hilarious. Comedy Gold at My mercy!”
“Over time we will improve that ugly sickening beta face of yours and make it more pleasant for Women to look at won’t we worm.” She mused
“Y-y-yes my Superior. Thank-thank You my Superior” I stammered
“When I say ‘open’ you will be allowed to look up at Me worm. This is an absolute privilege for you and be the Greatest moment of your stupid fucking beta life.”
“Y-Yes my Superior thank-thank You my Superior” I felt so grateful and with anticipation and started to shake on my knees. I really wanted to see my Female Owner. I could just open my eyes but I dare not. I really dare not.
The room was in total silence then I could hear Her moving about on the chair.
“OPEN..I grant you permission to feast your eyes and feel the lure of My Absolute Beauty and Perfection.” She commanded
I immediately opened my eyes and could not believe the view infront of me. Seeing my Superior Owner for the first time took away allthe angonising pain my balls were giving me. I felt in such awe of Her Feminine Beauty and Supremacy that overtook my whole being. She oozed Supremacy in every detail. I lost my mind, the submission I felt taking over and began kissing the floor before Her repeatedly.
“Oh my, my Beautiful Owner. You are so Superior I worship You I worship the very ground You walk on. I worship You I worship You I worship You.” I pleaded before Her
I really did feel so inferior to Her and a real low life who is so lucky to be owned by Her. I also knew at that very moment that my capture was very real and very serious. There would never be any escape for me.
“I think worm likes what it sees” She chuckled
“Yes yes Goddess. You are so so so Superior. My absolute GOD who Owns me. I surrender to You my Superior Owner. You are Magnificent my GOD”
Pulling my chain and head close to Her, Miss Victoria’s eyes starred intently at me going right through my soul. I felt so scared of Herand wanted to hide. She looked at me with disdain yet with a triumphant look like the cat who got the cream. I started to physically tremble which made Miss Victoria laugh at my prediction. She spat hard fully into my face, Her spit rolling down my cheeses.
“Let’s have a little chat about your future MY focused worm. That stupid brain of yours must be ever so confused being kidnapped and brought to My Superior Boots mustn’t it wimp” She smiled.
“You are going to maintain eye contact with Me throughout our little chat. You will not look away! I want you to feel Me. I want you to feel My energy as it translates through our eyes and into your little sissy body!”
“I am going to reach deep into your soul worm. Deep into the depths of your subconscious mind. I am controlling your submission and you will feel My Power consumption your mind completely as I gently reach in to stroke your subconsciousness!”
“Rushes of pleasure will begin to take a hold as I slowly guide youstep by step further away from your past reality into a new dreamy feeling of subspace for the rest of your life. I will be continuously planning triggers in your weak, inferior subconscious mind!”
I frozen and continued shaking at what was about to be said to me.
“Whe shall we start MY little pitiful worm” She mused smiling to Herself. Her eyes staring intently into mine.
“Well I guess You should know you have been watched under close survey for a long time now, very closely. Yes, your desperation in needing to live in a Gynarchy and be totaled Owned and controlled by Women. Day after day telling the world your desperations. It was quite sweet” She laughed
Miss Victoria was so right and I felt that She really did know deep in my soul. My entire life I have only felt so innocent and submissive to Women and Girls. I have never felt any different. Looking back I have been humiliated, dominated by so many Pro Dommes. So many have pissed on me too.
Ican only get aroused by a Women totally dominating and humiliating me. This is how my brain is wired. I have needed Female Domination every single day of my entire life which consumes me and I think of nothing else.
“Finding who you really were so easy with Our connections and everything about you in the outside vanilla world. You’ve been talking of much discussions and investigations little worm.” Miss Victoria smiled whilst looking right into my eyes.
“We know absolutely EVERYTHING about you, We know your identity, activities, your whole life story, every detail”
“Most importantly, We know what is in your soul so you don’t have to tell US!”
If I wasn’t nervous enough this was making me worse as it felt so very real and serious. This was not a game.
Miss Victoria continued “There is a VERY secret society of Superior Women networked around the world. Living across all aspects of society. We all intensely believe in Absolute Female Supremacy and males areOur slaves and objects to Own and use as We see fit. The only purpose of a male is to serve Females unreservedly with complete utter devotion, loyalty and surrender. Males are just animals with enough little intelligence to understand and obey Female orders.”
I found myself in total agreement with Her as this has always been my philosophy too. I have never felt any differently. Hearing my Superior tell me this gave me deep feelings in my stomach and throat of both excitement and fulfillment like I have never felt before, causing my whole being to tremble.
“Women are the true, elite gender. The episode of Superiority and Supremacy. We are by far the most intelligent, most Beautiful, have the best values of life, We give life to every living being in the world. We are GODS to all males”.
I totally agreed too and felt an immediate strong unbreakable connection with our souls. My Superior’s eyes boring right into the depths of me. I had always known these Superior qualities in Females.
“As you would expect We have many males under Our Ownership serving their Superior Female Owners in all walks of life and in many different ways across the world. However it was decided quite a while ago that the Society needed to have a MODEL EXAMPLE of a fully obedient, owned, sissy male slave to Womankind.”
“A model example for all the dumb inferior males to Look to as inspiration of the goals they need to achieve in serving their Female Owners. This unique and incredibly exclusive position is for LIFE. You will never ever go back to your old miserable pathetic life. This is impossible for you now worm and is over.”
“I will remove every single thought of your past life which will be replaced with Superior Women’s rules and commands. This is all you will know and NEED. You do not need to know anything else. There is no rush for you to reach the very highest levels of submission and surrender We seek. We have a lifetime to slowly and permanently build you into the model slave for Superior Women.”
“you have been specially and carefully chosen for this unique position. You should feel very privileged worm. We have sought over a long period of time a beta male for this exclusive position, a beta male who completely 100% believe and lives for Female Supremacy in his soul. Although living in an ugly patriarchy society his soul years and aches so deeply above anything else to surrender to a Gynarchy and a Female Led and Owned world. You know your destiny belongs at the Feet of Superior Women.”
“Female Supremacy and Ownership growing and consuming your inferior male mind, day by day. you know it’s the truth – the natural order of life, to give up all freedom and control, living to serve Beautiful, Superior Women.”
“you need deep Female Supremacy indoctrination daily, to reinforce your permanent status as a naturally inferior beta to the Superior Feminine gender. And now you will live the life you have always so long for. I am the one who will give this to you as My gift to you.”
Miss Victoria continued to starred intently deep into my eyes letting every word sink in. Inside me I was falling apart…..
“Don’t be sacred little worm” She cooed sarcastically “We are not going to destroy you. Quite the contrary. You will be the best version of yourself. We need a fit and healthy model slave to serve Womenkind EXACTLY how We wish. You will after all be the ‘one’ that male slaves will need to aspire to.”
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