Chapter 2
As my eyes opened I was beginning to lose track of time and days. I had no sense of the time, it could be morning or in the middle of the night I did not know for sure, my body clock felt all messed up. I was kept in total secluded darkness most of the time.
My whole body felt stained of Miss Victoria’s piss. My restraining booties were damp with Her piss as was my back from laying in it. I could feel the spikes from the booties pressing against the soles of my feet, giving me messages I had no ability to stand.
The air in the dark closed cage tasted of Miss Victoria’s piss which I continuously breathed in and out. The taste in my mouth was of Miss Victoria’s piss as was my eyes and nose. My movements were severely restricted within the dog cage, I was beginning to feel I was being transformed into just a creativity, a worm, and no longer human.
There wasn’t anything I could do for myself. I was in Miss Victoria’s prison with no means of escapewhatsoever and totally at Her mercy for everything.
My mind was totally absorbed in what Mistress Victoria told me before locking me away in the dog cage and drenching me in Her piss. She had really delivered a strong message to my submissive soul that was resonating deeply.
Since my abduction I was having feelings I had found my destiny in life, a life I was born for and had yearned and ached for. I have been submissive to Women my entire life and never once felt any other way. This felt impossible to me. Although trying to exist in the vanilla world I never truly felt happy or fulfilled, every day I always sought Female Domination and Supremacy.
Before the internet I would be buying every Female Domination magazine I could lay my hands on and when the internet started this opened up a whole new world which for over 20 plus years I explored and participated every single day. There wasn’t a single day I could live without the Supremacy of Women.
I had joined manyforums, websites, Mistress’s Twitter and websites, even created my own blog dedicated to Female Supremacy and the slave I was to all Females. The only literature I read was Female Domination and the more extreme the more I loved them. At home I was a closest sissy and built a wardrobe of sissy and girly clothes, makeup, wigs, I slept in nights every night feeling happy and girly. This was me.
I accepted after failed vanilla relationships that I can never give a Woman what She needs as a ‘man’. This was laughable. I was a slave to Women and felt more comfortable being Her dog than Her boyfriend. I had visited many Pro Dommes enjoying every single session and exploring many fetishes. It felt so good and fulfilling being on my knees before a Superior Woman as She totally dominated me. Over time my submission only became more and more extreme, they never ever subsided in the slightest.
There have been many days where Women and Female Domination has totally taken me over to apoint I cannot function. It is not only my cock & balls I feel so hard and excited by, but more so as extremely strong feelings deep within the bottom of my stomach and throat that takes my entire being over. It’s an indescribable feeling which feels so deeply strong that makes me tremble and shake uncontrollable.
It is an exceptionally intense feeling that nothing else in life ever gives me or even comes close to. Only Women and Female Domination. I love the Power a Woman has to completely render me useless and inferior to Her. I love it. I absolutely love it.
Sexual attention is an important part in a slave giving himself to a Woman that drives his submission out from his soul, but my submission goes so much deeper than just physical attention. I have such a deep love and worship in everything that is Female and Feminine. Her love, Her care, Her intelligence, Her sense of humour, Her style, Her class, Her elegance, Her strength, Her Feminine Power, Her empathy, creating and giving life itself! Women are the backbone of life and the only thing that makes life worth living. I always look up to Women as the Highest Beings in life.
I’ve described just how deep my craving for Feminine Dominance and how utterly twisted is my submission to Females, Beings whom I consider to be Sacred and Holy as opposed to males, who I consider to be sub-human and Inferior.
My biggest fantasy and need was always to be kidnapped by a Woman or Women and kept as Her 24/7 slave and property for the rest of my life. Though feeling nervous and scared I felt immensely excited with a deep sense of fulfillment I had never felt before with the last 48 hours and the life that lay ahead of me, the life I was born for. That this was becoming very real. I was shaking uncontrollably in my dark boxed dog cage.
‘Thanking Goddess’ last night came from deep within my soul and my whole being, I was pouring out to my Superior what I had to keep hidden deep inside me throuI lay in my entire life. Female Supremacy IS my religion and I have always felt that Women are my GODS.
I lay in my cage for what felt like hours on end deep in my thoughts when suddenly the top panel of my cage was opened. Only half way and Miss Victoria was above me. I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn’t registered Her entering the room but was so happy to see Her and was about to speak when She began to piss all over me.
Jet streams of Her hot piss soaking me completely again that I lost my train of thought to speak. I was beginning to feel I was Her toilet bowl.
The panel was firmly shut closed and I was in total darkness and isolation again for further hours just laying totally bound swimming in Her piss. Every pore in my body soaking in it.
The top panel was opened again with Miss Victoria standing by the side of the cage looking over and down at me. An ashtray was brought into my view and Miss Victoria nonchalantly emptied its contents all over inside my cage. My head was covered in cigarette ash and butts.
“worm must be thirsty and hungry” She sarcastically said. I was so weak from not eating for a few days and only drinking mouthfuls of Her piss and Her spit. My stomach was rumbling with hunger and now She had mentioned it this fuelled my hunger much further.
“worm has 5 minutes to eat all the contents from its cage floor. My piss, my cigarette ends and ash. ALL OF IT! I want it spotless worm! BEGIN” She commanded.
Immediately I struggled onto my knees to lick the cage floor spotlessly clean. It was so dark I could not see clearly where the ashes and pools of piss were. I only had my mouth to find it all and with my restrictions had no use of my hands encased in the leather mitts. This was so difficult and I felt in a panic to please Her.
The panels of my cage were all removed as I lapped up the piss and cigarettes and it felt like daylight had entered my cage. In reality it was just a dark green light and hardlyAny light at all.
“STOP!” Miss Victoria commanded which echoed around the dungeon sending fear into me. “Breakfast’s over worm”
I stopped immediately and froze.
“Crawl out of the cage to this spot” Miss Victoria commanded tapping the end of Her whip on the floor where I was ordered to crawl to.
She opened the cage door and I started slithering out. When I reached the spot I lay prostrate on the floor with my face on Her Superior Boots waiting in anticipation. Miss Victoria walked to the cage and began to inspect it.
“tut tut this is not a good job” I heard Miss Victoria mutter to Herself.
She turned around and started laying into me with Her whip. Lashes and lashes pounded my weak body. I had no defence except to take all of Her whippings. WHAAP! WHAAP! WHAAP! the whip lashing were cutting my body and I became so dizzy I lost all focus.
“I FUCKING ordered you to lick up your cage floor SPOTLESSLY clean didn’t I worm” WHAAP! “There is STILL a fucking cigarette end in there” WHAPP! “and a tiny pool of My piss” WHAPP! WHAPP! The blows continued.
“When a Woman gives an order you obey EXACTLY how She commanded UNDERSTAND?” WHAPP!
“DO… YOU… FUCKING… UNDERSTAND… RETARD” She yelled whipping me with each word.
“y-y-yyes my Superior I u-understand my Superior. I-I am so so so very sorry my Superior. Pleaseeease I beg and beg you for mercy my Superior. Pleaseeease I beg and beg” I pleased to Her like I had never begged before.
I was a total beaten, weak and helpless creativity on the floor shaking and sobbing in pain from the beating. I felt inside me absolutely petrified of ever disobeying a Female order, however trivial it may be.
Miss Victoria turned me onto my back with Her Boots and then spat fully onto my face. Volleys of spit submerged my face, my eyes, my mouth.
Miss Victoria then stepped onto my face. I felt Her standing fully on my face with both soles of Her boots pushing down into my face cheats, the treads sinking deep. The soles seriously restricting my ability to see. Her boots started grinding into my face, grinding Her salvia into it.
“I’m going to turn you into My 24/7 spittoon and you’re going to love it! And need it! Begging every day for My Superior Spit all over you” Miss Victoria stated.
“You need to learn your place is on the floor beneath Me and all Women. Never allowed to be as high as Our knees unless given explicit permission. Your dumb submissive brain will start to associate itself with the soles of My Superior Boots. Thinking of them, dreaming of them, being sexualised by them, feeling so desperate to be under them licking and worshiping them.”
“You will always show Me how utterly pathetic you are. Your little focused view of life is Now always with the soles of My Superior Boots directly above your ugly face.” Miss Victoria laughed down at me.
With these words Miss Victoria pressed the soles of Her Superior Boots even deeper into my face. “you will always be feeling the imprint of My Superior Boots on your stupid face worm”
As Miss Victoria stepped off my face I could feel the imprint of Her Superior Boots which felt would last a long time. I could hear Her walk across the room and sit down on a chair.
“Your dumb submissive brain is also going to learn to be ready and alert for two sounds which it will immediately respond to.”
“A click of My fingers or the flick of a cigarette lighter. Upon hearing any of these two sounds you will crawl immediately to your Female Superior. IMMEDIATELY! A click of a Woman’s Superior Fingers will command your stupid brain to be on your stomach or knees BENEATH Her Superior Boots awaiting instruction to what She needs to use you for”
“A flick of a lighter and you immediately are to be on your knees before Her, head back, eyes closed, mouth open, tongue out.”
“Ready to be Her ashtray on demand. Consuming Her discarded ashes, an object to put out Her cigarette on. A fully functional ashtray for Women to use however She wishes. A Woman never wastes Her precise energy telling a stupid moron like you what to do, worm. You will be fully trained to know certain sounds and single words your Female Superior wants to use you for.”
“Can your dumb little brain comprehend these two basic commands worm? Mmmmm.”
I nodded a yes I understand Her.
“I understand it is getting a little confused with these first every day basic instructions, I know I know little one”
“But don’t worry, we will have you fully trained and conditioned permanently to know instantly when a Woman wants to use you. Those confusing little thoughts will disappear replaced by Superior Women’s commands.”
The sound of a flick of the lighter filled the room. Instantly I crawled to Miss Victoria’s Superior Boots, onto my knees as fast as I possibly could, head back, eyes closed, opening my mouth with my tongue sticking out ready to be used.
I could hear the burning of a cigarette and felt smoke being blown right into my face. I started to coough but concentrated on the set position Miss Victoria instructed. I was scared of upsetting Her. There was silence except the cigarette burning and blowing of smoke with flicks of ash mounting on my tongue. Miss Victoria was enjoying Her cigarette.
A few moments later She leaned towards me and I felt a puddle of Her salvia falling on my tongue mixing with the ashes. I started to feel aroused being used like this.
“I’m going to be kind to you today worm as this is your first day of your new life.” Miss Victoria said. With that She put out Her cigarette on the saliva which sizzled the burning.
“Next time I may not be so kind if you have displeased ME in any way” She threatened which caused me to tremble.
I waited for further instruction which eventually Miss Victoria commanded “Consume”.
I swallowed everything on my tongue, cigarette ash, cigarette end and Miss Victoria’s spit. Feeling it go down my throat into my stomach.
On my knees motionless before Miss Victoria with my eyes still closed and head back. My neck started to ache as I waited. I had not received any further instruction. Suddenly spit hit my eyes as Miss Victoria spat fully onto my face.
“Such an ugly stupid face” She laughed. “I just LOVE spitting on it!”
“I just know I could NEVER tire of spitting on that stupid face”
“You will just stay there and let My divine spit stick all over your ugly old face, you fucking PIG, understand?”
“Yes, Goddess,” I replied meekly.
“Now I’m going to give your ugly clown face a good spitting it deserves. Open your eyes.”
With a huge smile, She stared right into my eyes as She gathered a mouthful of juicy saliva. Her cheeses hollowed as She brought it forward. I heard it squelch inside Her mouth as She got ready.
She spat violently from a foot away and Her saliva splattered all over my face, most landing across my cheeks and nose. Blobs began to slowly run down my face as She giggled.
She hawked up another juicy load of saliva and phlegm. She gathered it on Her tongue and told me to look at it as She stuck it out at me. I saw the whitish-yellow bubble mass pooled in the hollow of Her tongue as She watched my eyes, enthralled.
Again, a monster blast of Miss Victoria’s saliva and mucus slammed into my face, hitting my left eye and forehead. It drooled down as it cooled.
Over and over She spat into my face from point-blank range. My face felt sticky as the blasts adhered and ran. Eventually my cheeks and forehead were coated with the drying liquid, and my chin dripped from the rivulets that gathered there.
When She stopped I just stayed knelt before Her with Her saliva rolling down my face for about 5 minutes as She stared at me intently, making me nervous and scared. Then She moved to retrieve something. Feeling anxious I wondered what it was.
“Head down before Me worm, I have a present for you” Miss Victoria chuckled
I felt Miss Victoria above me and a cold metal object being put around my neck. Followed by a locking sound, a firmly locked sound that sounded very final. A padlock was applied to the collar and I realized the collar is not coming off any time soon.
There was silence as Miss Victoria sat back comfortable in Her chair. I could feel Her watching me intently again and that every part of me is being scrutinised. The room is filled with an eerie silence.
“Look at My Superior Boots worm” Miss Victoria commanded. My eyes as instructed were only looking at Her magnificent Superior Boots. Feelings of arousal stirring inside me yearning to worship them and my Owner.
“Does worm like its special present?” Miss Victoria sarcastically asked.
“Y-yes my Superior I love my present. T-thank You so very much my Superior” I spluttered
“It’s a very special collar worm. A unique ‘training’ collar made just for worms like you”
“Let Me demonstrate”
From the corner of my eye I could sense Miss Victoria pick something up which looked like a mobile phone and pressing on the screen. Suddenly,
ZAAAAAAAP! My neck was on fire with electricity. I withered on my knees unable to control myself until I fell onto the floor onto my stomach. The zapping in my neck stopped. I was breathing heavily and losing the sense of where I was. I could hear Miss Victoria laughing down at me which was echoing around the dungeon.
“Oh worm it is so fucking funny watching you struggle beneath Me. You stupid face and pathetic body movements is fucking priceless” Miss Victoria continued to laugh.
“I bet that dumb stupid brain didn’t comprehend the pain stopped when you hit the floor did it worm?”
I mumbled “N-n-no my Superior” feeling too out of sorts to comprehend.
“I told you it was a very special training collar. I can set the level of height I want you to be at onthe App. It is currently set so when your neck collar goes above the height of My knees you will be zapped continuously until you move down below the set height. Isn’t this fun worm” Miss Victoria laughed
“I can keep you crawling on the floor as a worm, never able to be higher than My Superior knees. You will never know the height I set it at” Miss Victoria laughed
“You will be trained to never be higher than a Superior Woman’s knees unless She gives you permission to, worm. Your brain will be permanently altered to know it is wrong to be higher than a Woman’s knees and will automatically only know to be crawling beneath Her.”
“You are totally dependent on ME worm. You can’t fend for yourself, can’t use your hands, can’t stand. You need ME to be watered and fed. You need ME to be cleaned and washed. You NEED ME for all of your basic needs, ALL OF THEM! I am your judge, your prosecutor, your saviour. I AM YOUR GOD!”
‘Y-y-yes my GOD thank-thank You my GOD. I-I worship You my GOD” I stammered
“You are also allowed to address Me as ‘my Superior’, ‘You Highness’, and ‘Goddess’”
‘Y-yes my Superior th-thank-thank You my GOD thank You”
“Thank ME properly worm. Worship My Superior Boots that walk all over you. Make a life lasting pledge to My heels that you live for them”
I started to kiss Miss Victoria’s Superior Boots. Slowly with each kiss of absolute worship and reverence to my Female GOD.
“Inhale the scent of My Supremacy” Miss Victoria encouraged. I took deep long inhaling sniffs with my nose with the smell of Miss Victoria’s Superior Boots savouring the moment.
“That’s it worm. My Feminine Supremacy fills you up. Feel GOD deep inside you”
This trigger set me off and I began to lose all my senses and control. I kissed and kissed, licked and licked feverishly every inch of Miss Victoria’s Superior Boots. I was so desperate to lick them.
“II continued to lick and lick with my tongue pressed against the black leather worshipping with all of my soul. I licked the soles and sucked the heels sucking as hard as I could.
I pleded “I pledge my complete utter submission to Your Superior Heels my GOD. I committed to my new, permanent slave life to You and all Superior Women. P-p-please enslave me” I begged as I was sucking on them
“Yes MY worm. This is not BDSM, this is slavery and you will be moulded and reprogrammed into MY perfect slave. MY dog”
“Y-y-yes my GOD” I breathlessly replied feeling totally submissive and aroused continuing to lick and lick Her Superior boots.. I had never felt so alive.
“Enough worm” Miss Victoria commanded.
I instantly stopped with my eyes looking at Her Superior Boots awaiting further instruction.
Miss Victoria grabbed my hair and pulled me up and spat fully into my face. Spitting on my forehead and I could feel the saliva rolling down my face. Miss Victoria was looking intently at me again and started laughing.
“you really look so pathetic and pitiful, worm.” Miss Victoria laughed
“So funny your mouth is completely black from my Superior Boots. You look like a ridiculous stupid clown. We’ve improved that ugly face of yours already” Miss Victoria clapped and laughed out loudly.
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