Judy and I ate lunch reclining on the rug in front of the fire. About one thirty, as we were finishing the food, I heard the sound of a large truck or other vehicle outside and we both made our way over to the window. I pulled back the curtain part way so we could see what was happening. We had stopped slightly back from the window since we were both completely naked and we couldn’t tell from the sound exactly where the truck was. However, a quick glance showed that it was a snow plow just starting on the far end of my road. The wind was completely still and the sky was a pure, cloudless blue with the sun reflecting blindingly from the white surface which seemed to cover the entire world.
After a few seconds I dropped the curve. “Looks like they’ll have the road cleared in an hour or so,” I commented.
Judy moved beside me and pressed her bare breast against my side. “Planning on going somewhere?” she asked.
“Not really. Are you?” I asked.
“Well, like you said the other day, I have been thinking about coming a lot, but the only place I’m interested in going is back to the South Pacific to hear more about your aunt and uncle,” Judy said, as she pressed herself against me and let her fingers trail down my chest and across my cock.
I shivered and began to harden in response. “I’ll read some more to you,” I answered, “but I won’t be able to concentrate If you keep that up.”
“You’re the one who needs to keep it up,” she shot back. “OK. Why don’t you keep me out of trouble and tie me to the locke again?”
I smiled and kissed her. “Like that, don’t you?” I murmured. “Well, I do, too. Come on, Wench. Onto the locke.”
With our arms around each other we moved back over near the fireplace. I Pulled the double wide loop in front of the flames and picked up Judy’s wrist and ankle cuffs which were lying on the floor. Soon I had them fastened snugly around her and was loosely fasting her, partly reclining, on her back. Whenshe was comfortable I spent a couple of minutes teasing her body and then I picked up the old journal and began reading where we had left off.
March 9 (Seven Day)
Today was the second Seven Day I have been here and, as such, was also the second punishment session. This time I was not nearly so apprehensive as the first time since I realized the punishments were a kind of game and did no real harm to the victims or to anyone else.
After the work day ended, I walked with Susan to the punishment hut off the trail to the native living area. Today there were two men and two women, none of whom I knew by name. The workers were already assembled, acting like a festival was starting, and the two mechanics, Bob and George, were already standing near the Two bound women, ready to watch. Susan and I went over to them and exchanged greetings.
I looked around and asked, “Where are Nate and Joan and our twonurses?”
Bob answered, “I’m not sure about Nate and Joan, but I think the two girls are inside getting ready. They’re dishing it out today.”
I hadn’t really thought about who would be doing the punishment. I suppose I just assumed Nate and Joan would again, but I had been told that staff switched off. Suddenly the idea that I might sometimes be the one swinging the whip made its way into my head and I felt a surprise wave of arousal at the concept. I have definitely changed in the last ten days! Of course, last time I didn’t really grasp the idea that this was all a sexy game, but now I truly believed the four “victims” were here by choice.
Just then I saw the missing couple start towards us. Like last time, the staff were all dressed in sarongs and the workers were, of course, completely naked. As we were saying hello to Nate and Joan, the two nurses emerged from the hut. Each wore a very short sarong which came only down to the middle of their thighs and each was hold several different whips. They moved over to where the four bound victims were being watched by two strong native men and exchanged comments with everyone. There were some laughs, even if a couple of them from the bound quarter seemed a little nervous. Jenny said something to the two helpers and they began to move the four over to some horizontal bars. These bars were a good eight or nine feet off the ground, but there were four Small step ladders below them. The victims had their hands unbound, but large leather cuffs were soon around their wrists instead.
One of the helpers pointed and the two men climbed the two steps of the ladders. The helpers used other ladders and soon had each man bound with his wrist cuffs attached to short chains on the overhead bar, He was left standing on his ladder, hands pulled above his head and spread about a foot and a half apart. The helpers then moved over and soon the two girls were in a similar position, standing on their own ladders below the second bar.
The two male helpers nodded and Jenny and Deborah moved forward to stand by the men. Each had a cat with two foot lashes. Jenny turned to the watching throng and repeated their offenses. Then she said, “Each will be warmed by the cat and will then receive eighteen strokes.”
I leaned over to Susan and whispered, “Are they going to be punished differently than last time?”
Susan leaned back and replied, “Probably. Part of the game is that the victims never know exactly what the punishment will be or exactly how it will be administrator. The persons administratoring the punishments decide, usually right before. It looks like this time they will be hung for a whipping.”
I wasn’t sure exactly what she means, but before I could ask, Deborah and Jenny each moved up and pulled the short step ladders out from under the men. This left them each hanging by his wrists, his feet dangling a foot above the ground. The two helpers immediately moved forward and quickly fastened cuffs around the victims’ ankles and attached a short rod, spreading their feet about two feet apart.
Both victims were fairly husky and muscled young men and I could see that their weight must place quite a strain on their arms. “Isn’t that a little rough, making them hang by their arms? How long will they have to hang there, anyway?”
Susan answered, “Actually the cuffs spread the strain quite a bit. They’re made so the blood isn’t cut off and to be sure, Jen and Deb will keep a close eye out for that. They are nurses, after all. As for how long. Usually they’re left for about a half hour while being punished and then later bound on display.”
A half hour! That sounded like a lot, but I had to assume everyone knew what they were doing. Jenny and Deborah began to lash the two hanging men. Like the last time, most of the blows were on their buttocks, which could soon be seen turning a shade of red. Their arousal could also be seen as their members began to stand half erect. Occasionally, an especially sharp blow would cause the man to jerk, but, hanging as he was, the only result was the sudden contraction of muscles and a little swinging motion.
They spread the blows around a little, lashing thighs, backs and chests. After a couple of dozen lashes, the girls stopped. They put down the cats and picked up single tailed whips, ones with handles a little over a foot long and a tail of nearly a yard and a half.
The first two strokes landed nearly together as both of the girls struck at the open and exposed buttocks. The men both cried out and seemed to go through a series of connections causing them to swing in small, uneven circles.
After thirty seconds or so, the blows were repeated with similar results. The two nurses continued to wait between a half minute and a minute and a half between lashes. The interval must have allowed the initial pain to subside and at the same time made the flesh more sensitive to subsequentlashes.
Eight lashes to each man and the whipping stopped for two minutes or so while the victims dangled and turned slightly in the air. Both had their tools rigid by now and both were the object of many comments from the crowd of naked onlookers, especially the female ones. Then the two girls approached again, this time each bearing a long riding crop. They swished these back and forth several times, bringing cringes from the men and laughs from the admiring female audience. Then the first stripe landed across the lower part of a pair of bare buttons. The man could not contain himself and let loose a jowl as a bright line appeared across his already darkened flesh.
Each girl delivered six strokes: one to the front of the thighs, one to the chest, the leather loop snapping against a nipple, and four across the buttons. And each left Its fine line and also left a sharp cry hanging in the air. At last the two women laid down the crops and once more picked up the two singletailed whips. They waited several minutes for the men to calm. Both of the hanging men were covered with a slight sheen of sweat and both looked strained from hanging by their wrists.
Finally Jen and Deborah began to deliver the last four strokes to each victim. Once, probably by design rather than accident, each managed to make a stroke land in the crack between the buttons and the small end of the whip curl up between the cheeks, ending Its painful journey on the strip of sensitive flesh between each man’s testicles and his anus. These strokes obviously hurt more than the others and each resulted in a scream from the recipient.
When the last lash had landed the men were left hanging and Jen and Deb moved over to the two women and removed the ladders supporting them. The helpers quickly spread and anchored their legs as had been done to the men and the two women were left dangling above the ground. Deborah announced that they would be warmed and left hanging for their punishment and that each had chosen to receive twelve strokes and then be quay-ri. The strokes of the cat began and soon both pairs of firm chefs were turning red along with some other areas, such as stomach and even breasts.
After several minutes the girls switched to the riding crops and delivered six blows, generally to the buttocks, but including one directly across the tops of the victims’ breasts. Each stroke produced a sharp cry or scream and left a clear line. Like with the men, these blows were spaced out with a minute or more between each. After the six, the nurses once more picked up the single tailed whips. Both of the hanging women stared at the whips with both anticipation and appreciation showing on their faces. The first strokes clearly defined what was to come as they left sharp lines across each set of firms chefs and elicited screams From the two bound women. As with the men, each girl received one stroke to a particularly sensitive area, although one was to abreast and nipple and the other had the tail snap between her legs on the same sensitive area as the men had had abused.
At last the whippings were over. The four victims looked like they were more than a little aroused from the ordeal and the audience also seemed aroused to a high state. Jenny announced that the four would remain hanging for another fifteen minutes while everyone was free to feel them up and then the men would be placed on display and the women made quay-ri. But instead of just letting the victims hang, the two girls moved around and attached – I had to look twice to be sure – attached a clothes pin to each nipple of both the men and women. These were the newer spring loaded pins, not the older single piece split wooden ones. From their faces it appeared that this treatment of sensitive flesh must have hurt a fair amount.
At the end of the time, the helpers and the two nurses replaced the step ladders and soon had the four released from the bars.
HowEver, the punishment session was not yet over. Each of the four was led over to a padded benchmark arrangement. These were narrow benches, about eight inches wide, and set two feet off the ground. The surface was curved along the entire six foot length of each, and rounded on the sides to give the appearance of a padded log or pole rather than a flat benchmark. Each “victim” was placed on a benchmark on his or her back, face up. Legs were bent at the knee and bound under the benches. Arms were also stretched beneath and bound. This left the four face up with almost no freedom of movement, their genitals fully exposed and available.
I should comment about what seemed to be allowed the audience. It seems that during punishment sessions the men are always “on display” and the women are given a choice between being on display or quay-ri with a Lessing of the punishment. I have been told that the women almost always choose quay-ri: sex is what they want and often, I have been informed, they mayLater be overheard boasting of how many men had them. Men, however, are not given that option, but being “on display” means they may be touched and teased, but are not allowed to climax. I can imagine this is both a wonderful and awful form of torture.
When the four were securely bound, the nurses announced that quay-ri could begin and soon all four were fully occupied. I could see a number of the native women teasing the two men, touching them with fingers, tongues, and sometimes rubbing a breast or bare leg against them. The two women were indeed being taken by two men and two others stood by each girl’s head, holding their stiff rods for the attention of the two feminine tongues.
Susan pressed herself against my side and I could feel her hard nipple almost burning into my skin as it slide across the side of my chest. “I see you find this interesting,” she said as she let her hand grapp my stiff member through the thin material of my sarong. “Why don’t you go up and sample one of those sweet morsels.”
I placed my right arm around her and let my fingers cares her right nipple. “If you don’t object, I’d rather sample a different pleasure.” I fanned my fingers across her hard nub and moved my left hand to cup her left breast.
She sucked in her breath. “I don’t object at all, Alex. Let’s go somewhere else.”
We decided to go up The trail we had taken that first time to where we could overlook the beach from high above. We picked up some sandwiches for supper and a blanket and put on our shoes and soon were climbing the trail. The sun was still well up when we arrived at the flat space overlooking the shore. If we listened carefully we could hear the party-like sounds from the workers as the punishment session ended and turned into a general festival. But for the Most part we were alone with the sea breeze and insect sounds and the crash of the surf far below. Susan and I spent a long hour in slow, but enthusiastic love making. Afterwards,we lay together, not bothering to put on any clothes, and let the breeze cool our hot skin. We talked a lot and I started to realize I was becoming very fond of Susan in more ways than just as a wonderful sexual partner. I’m still a little mixed up on this, but I think I’m really beginning to fall in love with her. I didn’t say anything to her then, and I probably won’t for some time until I’m sure of my own feelings and that she feels something similar, but I am now keenly aware that I’m looking at her a lot more seriously.
Eventually we ate our supplier and than once again made love. But this time as we started, Susan stretched her hands above her head and said, “Tie me, Alex.”
I frozen above her and looked down at her lovely body. She again said, “Tie me up, Alex. At least tie my hands.”
Slowly I asked, “You really want that?”
“Don’t let it shock you so, Alex,” she relied. “Of course I want it. I like these games, too. I trust you and being helpless can reallyexcite. You can even spank my bottom if you like.”
My breath caught in my throat. The picture presented by Susan’s words immediately turned my tool more rigid than I thought possible and the idea of her stretched, naked and helpless, and wanting me to spank and then make love to her bring a swirling vision that nearly blocked the real world for several seconds. At last I tried to speak, but only a dry squeak emerged. I swallowed and cleared my throat and cleverly managed to respond with, “With what?”
Susan laughed, the sound of it like sparkling water in a clear brook. “Look in the knapsack. I put some rope in there.”
Sure enough there were several lengths of soft cotton rope and in almost a daze I bound her hands together and pulled them above her head where I tied them to a small sapling. Then I straddled her hips and began to lightly tease her bound body paying particular attention to her breasts with their rock hard nipples. Susan’s reactions showed she was loving it. I added my tongue to the action and soon she was moaning and straining against the ropes in unbridled arousal.
I suddenly stopped and she gave out an anguished groan of frustration. I rolled her over onto her stomach and began to let my hand slide gently up and down the inside of her legs and around her taut buttons, my fingers moving inside her crack and touching her most intimate openings. Her arousal once again asserted itself and she began to twist and try to arch her delectable bottom higher with each touch. Suddenly I accepted her offer and brought my open palm down hard against her bare cheeses. Susan cried out at the blow but made no attempt to dissuade me. Far from it. Instead the cry was followed by a moan of pleasure and arousal and she arched her bottom higher for another stroke. I began to give her what she so apparently wanted, landing repeated slaps across her bare flesh, turning it a bright pink.
As I spanked this lovely woman I was astounded by my own feelings. I had already come to grips with the fact that the idea of a helpless and bound woman, receiving punishment – not severe punishment, of course – but being punished in a way she enjoyed – I had accepted that this did, indeed, excite me and Susan herself had convinced me that this was quite a normal reaction. However, the reality of delivering that self same punishment to an aroused and willing victim was having an effect beyond anything I had ever imagined. As I heard and felt the slap of my hand against the firm bare flesh, watched the once lightly tanned area turn a bright pink and slowly become even more red, and feel the struggles of the beautiful bound and helpless creativity as she twisted and squirmed beneath my hand, I felt myself became more aroused than I would have imagined possible.
Finally I could take it no longer. I ceased the spanking and knelt with my knees between her spread legs. I leaned forward and let the head of my member touch her opening, finding it soaked and dripping. Then I lost any form of control and plunged full length inside this wonderful woman. Susan cried out as I slid into her and I feel her internal muscles begin to clamp hard around my shake, trying to hold me inside as I began to move out and back in. I drive hard into her, letting my weight crush her bound body against the blanket, holding myself as deeply as possible inside, and then slowly pulling out to repeat the entire sequence.
I’ll admit my mind was a blur and I was lost to the outside world, but once, when I pulled back a little too far and my tool came all the way out, my mind did register Susan saying, “In my other hole, Alex. Take me there.”
Now I have heard of men using women as some men use other men, but I had never done such a thing myself with Either gender. In fact I had never seriously even considered the practice. However, I guess neither had I really been repulsed by the idea. Probably I had never given it enough thought to really have a feeling about it. And right then I was not in shape to give anything a longer, considered examination. Instead I responded almost without thinking and let the head of my shake touch Susan’s nether opening. The touch was electric! I began to press forwards and the head of my tool, slick with Susan’s juices, began to force her opening wider and wider. Susan moaned and managed to say, “Go slowly, Alex. Go slowly, but don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
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