“He’s such a bastard,” Naomi declared, slamming her empty glass down on the scarred wood of the table. Tommy, her latest boyfriend had just dumped her and she was out to throw her sorrows.
The solid thumb of wood on glass had attracted a few glances from around the bar. A few of them lingered apparently. Naomi was a tall, willowy blonde, busty and toned, wearing a tight blue dress. It made her dumping sing all the more.
“I know,” Hayley, her friend and roommate patted her on the arm. Hayley was a brunette, shorter, and softer, wearing a low cut green top that exposed the tops of her breasts. Where Naomi was the classic beauty, Hayley was plainer, but some of the glances still lingered apparently on her.
Kim, their other roommate and the third member of their trio, also patted her arm sympathetically.
“If it helps, I always thought you were better than Tommy,” She said, boldly. She was also a blonde, outgoing and forthright.
“I know,” Naomi said, swirling her glass around on the table. “Just…after Brian, I thought… Oh I don’t know what I thought.” She slammed the glass down again.
“I told you that you shouldn’t have dumped Brian,” Hayley said, her voice a little angle. “It’s not like he tried to force you to do any of that stuff!”
Naomi looked at her in shock as Kim looked between them.
“What’s all this?” She asked, a naughty little smile starting on her lips.
“OH…well, I asked Brian if he wanted to be more…adventurous,” Naomi said, reluctantly. “And…well…some of the things he wanted were disgusting.“
“Like what?” Kim sat forward eagerly. Before Naomi could reply, Hayley’s phone buzzed with a message.
“Hey, no messages!” Kim ordered, “This is Naomi’s night!”
“I know, I know,” Hayley said, and stood her phone into her purse. “I’ll be right back…bathroom break.”
As the busty brunette headed across the bar, the other two girls exchanged a look.
“What was that about?” Kim asked.
“She got really mad at me over Brian,” Naomi confirmed. “And she might be right. Maybe I did over react.”
“Well, I mean, there was that scene in the restaurant,” Kim said.
“Yeah.” Naomi blushed scarlet as she remembered. Brian had taken her out to a fancy dinner when she’d asked her naughty question. And he’d made the mistake of answering honestly. Throwing her drink in his face had just been the start of the scene she’d made.
“But that was all that happened, right?” Kim asked.
“Well, not all…” Naomi blushed. “I was…really upset, ok?”
“Oh god, this doesn’t end well,” Kim smiled. “Let’s hear it.”
“I…well, I was drunk!” Naomi defended herself. “I might have thrown eggs at his house…and through an open window. I spray painted his car too…and scratched it up” She hung her head.
“Wow…what the hell did he want you to do?” Kim asked.
“He…well, he was into BDSM,” Naomi justified. “So…”
“What, he wanted you to tie him up?” Kim asked, with a smile. “Where’ the issue?”
“No, he wanted to tie me up!” Naomi said. “And…other things…” She trailed off, her eyes staring into the middle distance as the images from that memory poured through her mind. She could feel an answering tightness, low in her belly as vision of her kneeing at Brian’s feet pushed itself to the forefront of her alcohol riddled mind.
“Whoa,” Kim said, just as Hayley re-joined them, sitting down carefully.
“She told you then?” Hayley broke into the conversation.
“Yeah..wow. This was what all the trouble a couple of months ago was about?” Kim asked.
Naomi and Hayley both nodded.
“I told her it was stupid to dump him over that. It’s not like she didn’t ask.”
“Still…that stuff is pretty degrading,” Kim said, shifting gently in her chair. Little did her best friends and rooms know, she’d asked her boyfriend to lock her into a chastity belt two weeks ago.
“I mean, would you do it?” She asked them both, trying to hide the slight arousal that tingled in her belly.
“No, of course not!” Hayley declared quickly and blushed.
Naomi nodded sharply.
“See!” she said.
“I just mean…” Hayley tried to explain, hoping her own had nipples weren’t visible under her shirt.
“No, you said it, you can’t take it back!” Naomi crowed.
Kim held up her hand placing.
“Ok, ok” She said. “So, what, you dumped Brian, and then picked up with Tommy?”
“Well, yes…but that makes it sound so cheap!” Naomi protected.
Both of the other girls smiled at her, and she dropped her eyes.
“So, enough about men!” Kim declared. “Time for another round!”
“You guys go ahead,” Hayley said, standing up. “I have to head off. Catch you later.”
Naomi looked at Kim, who raised an eyebrow.
“Secret boyfriend?” She asked.
“Secret boyfriend,” Naomi confirmed as both girls dissolved into giggles.
For the last three weeks or so, both of them had noticed Hayley was staying away nights and weekends, getting texts that made her grin like an idiot, and generally acting like someone in a new relationship. Since she hadn’t mentioned anything to them yet, they had christened him her ‘secret boyfriend’.
“Ok, now, time to do some serious drinking,” Kim said, gesturing to the bartender.
Knock. Knock, Knock
Naomi could hear the low murmur of voices in the house, and a light was burning in the living room, so she knew he was still up.
Knock. Knock, Knock
She hit the wood of the door again, more impatiently this time. There was more murmuring, too low for her to make out the words, then a metallic clinking noise. Footsteps pattered across the floor and then the door creaked open.
“Naomi?” Brian squinted into the darkness of his porch. Naomi’s breath caught. He was wearing a pair ofjeans and a vest, unbuttoned over his bare chest. She’d forgotten just how hard the muscles of his chest and arms were, especially now, outlined by the soft light from his house. She brushed self-consciously at her disheveled blue dress.
“What do you want now?” He asked, warly. He pulled the door partway closed behind him, and his blue eyes were demanding. She felt like he was reaching into her soul.
“Control me” Naomi blurted, then cursed herself as the words came out slurred.
“Wait, what?” Brian replied, looking started.
“Control me…like you wanted to,” She pursued, moving closer. “I…want you to.” she stroked his chest.
“Get off me,” he gently pushed her backwards, despite her pout.
“You are drunk” He continued. “Even if I wasn’t with someone new, there is no way in hell that I’d try this stuff with someone as unstable as you, especially when you are drunk!”
The news he was with someone else felt like a cold slap to the face, despite the fact she’d pretty much expected it. But she also wasn’t used to being told no, especially when she wanted something. Pulling her shoulders back, so her breasts pushed out, she smiled alluringly at him.
“Come on…I’ll let you do all those naughty things to me,” She purred again. “You know I’ll make it good for you…”
“I heard about Tommy,” He cut her off. “You are drunk, and you are unstable. You owe me $1500 for the damage you did to my car too. Get lost, Naomi. If I see you again, I’m calling the police.”
“Brian…” She tried again, swaying a little as she spoke.
“I don’t want to hear it,” He snapped, and went back inside, slamming the door. A moment later, she could hear the murmur of voices and the metallic focusing again.
Naomi felt stunned. When Brian had first told her what he was into, she’d been shocked, but then, the more she’d thought about it, the more, well, arousing, it had gotten. She’d never tell Hayley or Kim, but the idea of being submissive had been working on her psyche ever since.
She sank down onto the porch seat, and put her throbbing head in her hands.
“What have I done” she lamented to herself. She’d let Tommy do things she’d never let anyone else, not Brian level things, but still. No one else had ever been allowed to cum on her face. Now that the adrenalin had forgotten, and since Brian’s rejection had killed most of her arousal, she just felt hung over and stupid. Suddenly, a wash of light fall over her as the door reopened. Brian stood there, arms crossed.
“Prove it.” He said, challengingly.
“P…Prove it?” she stammered, then it hit her like a rock. She dropped down to her knees.
“I’ll do it,” She promised. “I’ll…suck your dick…I’ll.k-kiss your ass. Whatever you want…”
He interrupted her with a casually raised hand.
“I don’t want to hear anything more out of your lying mouth.”
Brian sounded completely calm and centered.
“If you want me to take this seriously, you will be back here at 7 pm tomorrow night.”
“Yes, yes Brian, I will,” She gushed.
He smirked
“That’s not all,” He continued. “You will write an apology. I expect it to be a good one, and I expect to hear just how bad you feel.”
“You will shake, everywhere.” She nodded again, that had been one of his requests when they were dating, but she’d only ever been willing to trim.
“Finally…you can wear a coat,” He said and she nodded again. Brian just kept watching her, with a smile on his face, till it clicked. A coat, he’d said. That means only a coat. She swallowed hard, but nodded again.
She opened her mouth to promise that she’d obey, but his sharply raised eyebrow shut her up.
“Now, if you don’t turn up, I’ll know that you were lying. If you don’t show up, don’t contact me again.”
With that, he turned on his heel and the door slammed behind him. This time, the deadbolt shot home with a loud clank.
“I will,” Naomi whispered, tears on her face, still kneeing on the porch.
“I’ll be here, Master.”
Naomi looked up from the table as the lock on the front door clicked quietly. A smile started to cross her face as she heard soft careful footsteps crossing the locke, and then Hayley’s boobs appeared from behind the wall that separated locke from kitchen. A second later, Hayley appeared, and blushed bright red on seeing Naomi.
“Oh…Naomi,” she stuttered. “I uh, I didn’t think anyone would still be up.”
Naomi just smiled at her.
“Big night?” She asked, casually keeping her hand over the piece of paper she’d been writing on.
“Oh, no…just stuff,” Hayley blushed more, but her face had a strange glisten under the stair way light.
“What’s that on your face?” Naomi asked, as if she didn’t already know.
“Oh, well, you know that glitter foundation I like?” Hayley asked, her toe drawing circleson the floor. “Well, if you don’t wash it off…it turns into this.”
She gestured to her cheeses with a hand.
Then her eyes narrowed.
“Wait. What are YOU doing up?” She demanded.
Naomi blushed.
“I…went to see Brian early,” she admitted. “I think we can get back together.”
Hayley face took on a sympathetic look.
“Oh, honey,” she said, walking over to the table. “He’s…with someone. I found out a few day ago. You know Paul, his friend? He mentioned it. I…don’t think he’s gonna get back with you.”
“Oh, he told me!” Naomi said, brightly. She pulled back her shoulder, so her breasts pushed forward under the blue dress. “But, she’s not gonna be able to compete with this. Trust me, I’ll get him back.”
Hayley just shook her head.
“Stuff’s not going to change,” She said, flatly. “He still wants all that stuff, and you still won’t do it. It’s just gonna end badly, Naomi!”
“What do you know about it?” Naomi demded, voice rising.
“Standing there with cum on your face, like a slut. And you are trying to tell me who I can and can’t date?”
There was a pregnant pause, and the blood drained from Naomi’s face as she realized that she’d gone too far. She opened her mouth to apologize, but then Hayley’s eyes filled with tears and she dashed up the stairs. A second later, a door slammed closed.
Naomi put her head on the table and surprised.
“I’m just so scared,” She whispered into the varnish.
7 PM
The wood of Brian’s porch clicked underneath Naomi’s heels as she mounted the three small steps up to the deck. The wind curled up under the edges of her coat, caressing her bare legs with its icy grip, and reminding her Uncomfortably of the aroused state of her pussy. She had a second to regret shaving. She knew Brian would love it, but it did make everything more…sensitive.
She took a quick stock of herself in the small mirror that Brian kept beside the door. After a moment, she nodded in satisfaction. Her blonde hair had been artisticly styled, nothing too complex, but it highlighted the planes of her face, and her bright blue eyes. It didn’t matter who Brian was currently fucking, when he got a load of her, like this, he’d be her boyfriend again within a week.
She took a final, deep breath, and then reached out and knocked on the door.
Then she waited.
And waited.
She fidgeted, exposed on his porch like this, knowing the slutty look her tightly buttoned coat and bare legs presented. The wind reminded her yet again that she was sans panties, this time with a small drop making its way down her inner thigh.
After five minutes that felt like hours, the door creaked open.
Brian stood there, Wearing a smart pair of slacks, a long sleeped black shirt and a leather vest. Although the fact that she had seen him dressed formally before, there was something about, something indefinable thatmade her breath catch. Without knowing quite why, she sank to her knees before him.
“I owe you an apology, sir,” she began, but Brian held up his hand imperiously, stopping the flow of her words.
“Remove the coat,” He said, his voice was cold and impersonal, like he was ordering a cup of tea instead of ordering her to strip herself on his porch.
She shivered again, this time having nothing to do with the wind, and the droplet on her inner thigh started to move faster.
“Yes, sir,” She replied, feeling almost as if she was in a daze. Unbuttoning the coat was difficult from her kneeing position, but she persevered. Brian didn’t speak, his facial expression didn’t change, but she felt heat flood over her face as he watches her struggle with her coat. Her fingers seemed suddenly numb, as she tried desperately to free one of the coat buttons.
“Hurry up,” Brian grew, and her face floating with heat again, as the button came free, and she tried to push the coatback over her bare shoulders.
Unfortunately, the belt was still firmly tied, so the coat ended up falling halfway down her arms, exposing her full C cup breasts, and trapping her. She struggled to get free and fall, soft breasts hitting the cold porch wood.
Brian sent, and she felt heat rush into her cheeks for the third time in as many minutes.
Strong hands grasped her shoulders and helped her back to her knees. Naomi kept her eyes fixed on the porch wood, noticing idly that Brian’s boots needed a good poison. Those same sure fingers unknotted her belt, letting the coat fall.
She swiftly struggled out of it, and knelt, bare to the world, eyes still locked on the floor. Her face was burning, and she was sure she’d just presented the most ridiculous picture possible. She could almost feel Brian’s amusement at her humiliation, and a slight shiver racked her body as she thought about what was to come.
“Having trouble,” He asked, and she could just picturethe superior smile on his face. She couldn’t see it, of course, because for some reason she just couldn’t bring herself to lift her eyes from their downcast position.
“Th-thank you for your help, sir,” she stuttered out, feeling even more ridiculous.
“Now, what do you want,” Brian’s voice cut over hers, his tone amused, but firm.
“I’m here to apologize,” She replied, a little confused.
“Well, I’m waiting,” The amusement faded from Brian’s tone, replaced with impatience. The contempt with which he’d been addressing her all night was still there, however.
“Sir,” She finally managed to lift her gaze, but it went straight down when it encountered Brian’s icy blue eyes.
“I would like to apologize for the names I called you, and for…for the damage I did to your car.” Naomi’s voice quavered in the middle, but she finished strong.
“Yes, you did quite a bit of damage,” Brian’s voice gained an edge, amusement thinly covering anger.
“What was it you scratched into the side again?”
“P-pervert,” She stammered out, face heating in a blush again. “And, and Tiny Cock.”
“Shoulders back,” Brian barked, suddenly and she stiffened her spine and pulled her shoulders back before she even thought about it.
She shivered, as Brian walked back and forth before her. She could feel his anger and embarrassment, tightly controlled, as he looked at her. Conscious of her nudity in a way she’d rarely felt before, she felt another shiver rack her body. And then, like a traitor, she felt that little trickle of liquid on her inner thigh again.
“I-I’m sorry,” she burst out, voice panicked. “I shouldn’t have done it…I-I was just s-scared.”
“Stop whining,” Brian said, coldly. “I told you, I have a new plaything now. I let you come back here to make amends. So, tell me how you are going to make amends.”
“I…I…I’ll do…I should be…embarrassed,” She stumbled out, mind racing as she studied the floor boards.
“Yes, you should be,” The amusement was back in his voice, and she could almost feel his gaze sliding from her general tits down to her swollen cunt.
“No,” She said tenatively, afraid he’d react badly. “I mean, you should embarrass me. As recompense, I mean. For the embarrassment I caused you.”
“Embarrass you?” Brian said, and his voice held a thoughtful tone.
“Humiliate me, Sir,” She said, feeling braver. “I…I…I deserve it.”
“Well, I won’t argue that.” he agreed, amused.
“Very well,” He said. “I accept. You will suffer humiliation until I feel the scales have been balanced”.
Naomi took a deep, shuddering breath as images flashed through her mind. Some of the things he’d talked about…images of Chastity belts, and hooker clothes and handcuffs. The trickle on her thigh got stronger.
Then Brian said “But you still owe me $1500.”
“That’s…fair,” she told, and Brian’s voice cracked out.
“Shoulders back!”
The blush roared back onto her cheeks as she pulled her shoulders back. And car headlights fell onto her kneeing form. She let out a yelp as she realized that she was still kneeing, naked on her ex boyfriends porch, in almost full view of the quiet street.
“Sir, can I…can I come inside,” She asked, meekly, still staring as the porch boards.
“Oh no, you aren’t coming inside,” Brian said. “You asked to be humiliated, and humiliation is what I’m going to deliver.”
With that, he swung one of the heavy wooden chairs on the porch around, so the back faced the porch rails. It was a made of solid hardwood, with a straight back and two runners that sat on the porch, instead of four legs.
Brian clicked his fingers.
“Heel.” He ordered.
Naomi looked at him in slight confusion, Finally lifting her eyes from the porch. Her brow wrinkled slightly as she looked at him.
Brian surprised and then pointed to his left heel.
“Heel means you put your nose by my left heel.”
Naomi slowly started to lift herself from her knees, only to be stopped by Brian’s glare.
“You crawl,” he intoned.
“Yes, sir,” she said, and clumsly padded herself across the porch, breasts swinging as she brought her nose down by his shoes.
Brian gestured to the chair.
“Put your back against the chair, legs alongside the runners,” he ordered her. Cautiously, Naomi crawled the extra half step to the chair, and then lifted herself up on her sore knees, back lining up with the chair.
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