Spice Plantation Ch. 03

I paused in my reading and laid the thick journal aside, leaving it open to my place. I turned my full attention to Judy – an easy task. I noticed her nipples were once again hard and she was squirming against her bonds. The story of my great uncle, as told in his journal, must have been really turning her on. Of course, my free hand struggling her bare breasts and pubes might also have had something to do with that. I’m sure both had contributed to the hard erection I now possessed.

“That’s not all of it, is it?” she asked almost in desperation.

“No at all,” I laughed. “We haven’t even gotten to the really hot parts yet.”

A groan escaped her lips. “Paul, this is real, isn’t it? You didn’t make this up yourself?”

“No, I told you it really is my great uncle’s journal, Just as he wrote it.”

“I almost can’t believe it! Oh, I believe you, but it just seems like too much of a fantasy. Like something you’d find in a bondage story. And, damn, it’s making me horny!”

“I’m sure I can find something to do about that,” I said, as I slowly drew my finger in small circles around her hardened right nipple. I grasped the nub between my thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze and tug. Judy gasped again and tried to arch her breasts higher. I moved my other hand and began to repeat the performance with her left nipple, teasing and torqueing both of these beautiful objects.

A long moan escaped her lips. “We’re just getting started,” I added. “And I will say it gets even hotter as we go along. However, it’s already after two and I want you to be wide awake while I’m reading it to you.”

“You think I’m going to go to sleep while listening to that?” Judy asked incredulously.

I laughed. “Probably not, but we’ve got all weekend. I want to save some. Besides I still have a few other plans for you now.” I turned off the reading light, leaving the darkness broken by the soft glow of the fire and the candles on the mantle.

Judy relaxed slightly, resigning herself to wait until tomorrow for more of the story. I leaned over her and kissed her lips, just letting mine slightly brush against hers. I followed this with a kiss to each eyelid, her nose, and another to her lips, pressing a little harder this time. Then I sat up for a few seconds as she scruined to keep her lips against mine. When she slumped back onto the longue once more, I leaned over and barely brushed the hollow of her neck with my lips. Then I just let my tongue and lips make the slightest of brushing contact with her nipples.

Once again Judy strained to put these hard nubs more deeply into my mouth and once again I pulled back just out of reach. “I intend this to be long, slow torture,” I said, smiling down at her.

She moaned and again fell back onto the leather. “In that case, I think you had better let me make a trip to the bathroom first,” she answered.

“All right, but you can leave the cuffs on. And I think maybe we’ll move over to the bed.” I unfasted her wrists and ankles from the long and watched as she flexed sore muscles. I pulled her into my arms and gave her a hard, deep kiss this time which left us both breathing a little fast. Reluctantly she pulled away and I watched her tight and naked ass as she moved into the bathroom.

I added logs to the fire, checked out the window (It was still snowing hard.), and then made my own trip into the bathroom just as Judy was emerging. “I had to take the plug out, Paul,” she said as she passed. “You don’t want me stretched too much for tomorrow, now do you?”

“By all means, give your nice little bottom a rest,” I tossed back. “I definitely plan to make it a lot more uncomfortable tomorrow.”

Judy stopped and looked over her shoulder at me. I saw her give a slight shiver and then she said, “Oh, I hope so.” Then she turned and went on back towards the bed.

When I came back Judy had turned down the bed and was lying on the smooth sheets onHer back. I spread her arms and legs and attached her cuffs to the head and foot boards. She wasn’t tight enough to cause a strain on her muscles, but enough so she could barely move. I put out the candles so the room was lit only by the flickering fire and then I moved beside her and began a slow, slow teasing of her sensitive skin.

For more than forty five minutes I licked, nibbled, and lightly brushed against her most sensitive places. Several times when her nipples were rock hard and she was straining against her bonds, I used a small camel hair brush to lightly touch them, sometimes only with a single strand. Or I would move between her spread legs and let my breath cares her open slit and protruding clip. Again the brush would be employed. My fingers danced over her thighs and belly, lightly, ever so lightly. But I always stopped short of allowing her to come.

My tongue would lath her slit and penetrate inwards as far as possible. I used my scanning erection to brush against her nipples and lightly over her lips. My tongue explored the inside channel of her ears.

Judy was moaning and scanning and was constantly excited to an almost impossible level. Finally I moved into a sixty nine position and lowered myself. Even as my tongue began to press hard against her open sex, I felt her hot and wet mouth engulf the head of my own scanning member. Both of us were incredibly aroused and, not surprisingly, lasted only about a minute before I began pumping spurt after spurt down her throat as she pushed her shaft hard against my mouth and nose.

But we didn’t stop. Did I mention that Judy is multi-orgasmic? Well, she certainly is and can keep coming and coming. Not only that but she continued using her talented tongue and mouth and soon I surprised even myself by becoming hard again. We continued to play orally for a long time – probably another thirty minutes or so until at last I pulled away long enough to turn around and mount her, plungingmy stiff rod deeply into her welcoming hot and wet slit.

This time when we came I rolled off and lay beside her as our breathing returned to normal. I freed her from her bonds and removed the cuffs and we pulled up a light cover and snuggled against one another. Even though the wind was loudly driving snow against the windows, we were comfortable with only this thin covering. I had decided long ago that I would rather spent a little more on heating fuel as a more than adequate exchange for the pleasure of playing and sleeping together naked.

As we settled down at last Judy remarked, “You know, last week I overheard three of the girls in one of my classes talking together when one of them remarked that oral sex wasn’t really sex. And the other two agreed. I was walking by them when they said this and I couldn’t help but stop and say, ‘If you don’t think oral sex is real sex, you must be doing it all wrong.’”

We both laughed and I agreed with her. Then the next thing IRemember there was frosted light leaking around the window curves and the wind was still singing it’s shivering song. Judy must have awoken about the same time because she began to snuggle against me, rubbing a bare breast along my side. I began to return her strokes and soon we were once more smoking together in hard, loving exercise. I think it was probably an hour before we got out of bed and headed for the shower.

After we dried, we went back to the bedroom and I pulled aside the curtain. It was still overcast and either snowing slightly or maybe just blowing around. Either way there was at least fifteen inches of snow, choking the road, drifting around the house and trees. And the wind was still blowing at least fifteen knots. I looked at the clock and saw, to my surprise, it was already past eleven.

I let the curtain drop and said, “They won’t be getting around to plowing dead end roads like this until late today or maybe even tomorrow, but we don’t need to go anywhere, do we?”

“Just what did you have in mind for today then, Lover?” Judy asked.

“You still need to ask?” I responded.

“I mean the particulars,” Judy said. “I, for one, want to hear some more of that journal later. Right now, I’m pretty hungry. Why don’t you build up the fire again and we can eat in here?”

“I’ll second that,” I said. Judy started towards the closet where I knew she had a robe hung. “Hold it a second,” I said, and she stopped and turned back towards me. “Let’s do like I said yesterday and stay naked all day. Maybe all weekend.”

Her face lit up like a bulb. “I’d like that, I think. Leeering at your body is always fun. Let’s see how we like cooking and eating in the nude. Or have you tried this before?”

“Nope, but it does sound like fun. Also give me easier access.” I leered back at her.

“If that means you are planning on ravishing me, I’m all for it,” she answered.

With our arms around each other we headed to the kitchenwhere I made omelets while Judy heated us some hot tea and made toast. We carried the plates and mugs back to the bedroom where this time we sat at a small table near the fireplace and we found we did like doing these things nude also. (Besides looking, I also liked being able to run my hand up and down her bare thighs while we ate.)

When we had finished eating we moved the table back out of the way and I added wood to the fire. Since I use the fireplace quite a bit, I built a large woodbox and keep it filled. There was easily enough so we could have a fire all day and night without having to go into the garage for more wood. When I had the fire ready again, I turned to Judy and asked, “Ready to go back to the sun and sand of the South Pacific?”

“That would be nice,” she mused. “But for now I guess I’ll have to settle for you reading about it to me. So tie me down and read me some more about the sun and sand – and the sex – of the South Pacific.”

I hadn’t expected her to ask to be tied down, but I certainly wasn’t going to object. I arranged Judy on the leather long again, put on her cuffs, and attached them to the long frame. I teased her for a little while, getting her hot and bothered again, and then once more picked up my uncle’s journal and began to read where we had left off the night before.

February 23 – Later

I spent the morning going over the books and other paperwork in my office, learning as much about the spice business as I could. In addition to dry information such as the plantation production numbers and costs, there were a number of articles and monographs on methods and details of production of the different kinds of spices. I realized I had quite a bit to learn, but none of it looked impossible. It would just take a little time.

About noon, Susan stuck her head into my door and asked, “Ready for some lunch?”

I looked up from the paper I was reading and saw she was still wearing her white lab coat, butNow the buttons were undone down to her wait giving a nice view of her firm breasts. I suddenly felt my member harden and press against my sarong and was instantly thankful the desk was hiding this event. Susan continued, “We usually go down by the beach for a swim and make a picnic of it. Come on along.”

I remember what Nate had said about the staff usually striping all the way down to relax for lunch and the siesta afterwards. While the idea of ​​seeing Susan – and the other women – nude was certainly enticing, the idea of ​​baring myself and – unless I was completely wrong – spending lunch with a raging hard on, was more than my mind could handle. I started to reply, had to stop and clear my throat, and finally managed to get out, “I really need to learn a lot more about the job I’m supposed to be doing. I think I’ll just skip it Today. Maybe I can have Ly-mei send over a sandwich or something.”

It sounded like a feeble excuse even to my ears and Susan raised an eyebrowin skepticism. “OK, if you’re sure. But remember, it doesn’t hurt to take a break now and then.”

I smiled weakly at her and after a second she shrugged and said, “See you at dinner, then.” She turned to leave and as she started into the hallway I saw her slip the lab coat off her shoulders and caught just the slightest glimpse of bare back and buttock as she disappeared from sight.

I sat there frozen for several minutes thinking what a fool I had been to turn down a chance for lunch with a view like that. My imagination was still running wild and my rigid member was well aware of what I was thinking. Suddenly Ly-mei scratched at the doorway and entered with a tray of food. “Miss Susan says you eat here, so Ly-mei bring you food.”

I had turned slightly in my chair to watch Susan depart and as Ly-mei entered she had a clear view of my raging erection pressing against the thin material of the sarong. Her eyes opened wide and she sat the tray on the side of my desk. I suddenly realized she had seen my arousal and before I could turn to hide my condition she quickly moved directly in front of me. She reached down and grasped me through the thin material and quietly said, “Ly-mei also help with this.”

I’ll admit I was paralyzed and before I could regain control of my muscles, the lovely girl had dropped to her knees, lifted the sarong to free my member, and let her warm, wet mouth encircle the head. I let out a groan as she began to slide her wet mouth up and down the rigid shake, whipping her tongue around the sensitive underside of the head. Her hands began to play with my balls and even though it had only been a few hours since she and Che and I had been playing, I lasted only a half a minute before I felt my hot fluids rush along their passage and exploit into Ly-mei’s demanding mouth. She continued to hold me in her hand and lick me clean. Finally she smiled at me and stood and said, “Ly-mei always happy to help Mr. Alex.” She smiled again andwith no other comment turned and left the room. Somehow I was able to actually eat the food she had brought.

This afternoon I spent a couple of hours with Nate going over the various aspects of my new job. He seemed pleased with the rate at which I seem to be picking things up, so there is no problem there. At some point I finally steered the conversation around to the noble activities of Che and the other girls. Smiling, Nate asked, “Are you complaining?”

I shook my head. “No, not at all. I just want to make sure I’m not doing anything to offend anyone. I like it here. I like the job and the people – both staff and the native workers I’ve met so far. I don’t want to do anything to mess it up.”

Nate again smiled at this admission. “Don’t worry about it. I told you we are rather relaxed Here. No restrictions except that everyone must agree to any activity. No one is forced or intimidated. Never. But otherwise as long as the work gets done, no one is going to complain or even be bothered in the slightest by your ‘spare time activities.’ You could ravish a girl on the table out there and no one would care – unless they were trying to eat lunch there at the time.”

I think he was serious.

Nate continued, “Look, Alex, the natives here love life and to them it is obvious that life includes sex. We Westerners have pretty well adopted that attitude also. Jenny and Deborah, for example, enjoy sex with each other but they also really enjoy it with men – both natives and other Western staff. No one thinks any less of them when they spend an evening alone with each other or when they bring in one or two – sometimes even more than two – of the native workers. Imagine the attitude in Britain if they tried to do the same thing there. Joan and I, as you know, live Together. But that doesn’t stop either of us from enjoying other partners. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon for a dinner invitation to include bedtime fun and games afterwards. Right nowEveryone is giving you a chance to acclimate. We know it’s quite different at first. But don’t be surprised if pretty soon you start getting invited over for dinner – and dessert – by the women. In the mean time – and of course, afterwards, too – if you see a girl you like, don’t be afraid to ask her to spend the night. Just don’t get upset if she says she’s busy. And if she does, don’t get all Disappointed. Most likely she really is busy and she’ll be interested another time. I’ll bet that before the year is out, you will have slept with at least half of the girls here.” Then he added, “The rest of us have.”

I must have been staring at him with my mouth open because suddenly he laughed and said, “It does take some getting used to, doesn’t it, Alex? Don’t worry. In Another couple of weeks it will seem the most natural thing in the world. And by the way, the same rules apply for asking the Western girls, too.”

I remembered the way Jenny and Deborah had entered the shower toget this morning, as though no one would care. And, if fact, it seemed that no one did care. I had looked away embarrassed then but when I thought about it I found that it didn’t both me at all. I even began to wonder what it would be like with the three of us in bed together.

Dinner was like last night – the staff were all present and all wore only sarongs. I should also add Something about the sarongs. You have probably seen some in pictures and sometimes the ones women wear are longer and cover them from above their breasts to mid thigh. But the only ones I have seen anyone wear here – men or women – are short and cover only between the waist and mid thigh or even higher. This attire helped make the women even more attractive at meals. I sat between Susan and Joan and both of them managed to “accidently” rub their legs against mine as well as several times letting a bare breast brush my arm as they turned or reached for something. When dinner was over Susan and the two nurses said they had a couple of things to do in the clinic and Bob and George both wanted to get back to work on some project, so Nate, Joan and I moved outside to talk and have another drink. Before too long Joan and Nate were showing interest in each other so I excused myself and headed back to my hut. On the way I happened to pass Che and, taking Nate’s advice, I asked, “Che, would you like to come back to my hut again tonight?”

Che broke into a smile that almost eclipsed the setting sun. She put her arms around my neck and gave me a hot kiss, pressing her bare body against me. “Che would like that, but I already promised Mr. Bob and Mr. George.”

I started to say that that was all right when she said, “I find you another girl,” and turned, walking quickly away.

I went on to my hut and pulled out a book I had found in what Nate had called the “library.” This is a room in the main building with shelves along the walls containing a wide association of books. They are available for anyone to read, but in practice most were a little complicated for any but the western staff. I was coming to appreciate the information of this place and unwrapped my sarong to lie back and read, comfortablely undressed.

I had been reading for about an hour and was just thinking about going to sleep when I heard a scratching at the door. As I called out, but before I could cover myself, a lovely young woman stepped inside. Like all the rest she was completely naked and like many her pubic hair was also missing. “I am Tami,” she said. “Che said you might like to love me.”

The simple English structure of her words might have left the impression of a shy and hesitant young girl. However, her eyes and stance said otherwise. She was on the shorter side, like most of the native girls, probably about five Two. Her dark hair hung down to the middle of her back and looked silky smooth and shiny. Her dark eyes flashed with not only confidence but also invitation and knowledgedge. This was no shrinking violence, but a firey blowsom. Her face showed experience and eagerness and I suspected she would never be afraid to go after what she wanted, something I later learned was right.


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