The Governor's Genitorture


Tessa came into the library to talk to her Daddy. who was so understanding much of the time. Tessa had been living with her Mom for a while, but missed Dad so much, and he was really good about not letting her get lax with her schooling, as she did have a scholarship to hold on to…

Daddy smiled at Tessa, and when she came to where he was reading in the armchair, Daddy reached out and stroked Tessa’s pretty curls as they rested on her shoulder.

Tessa smiled and breathed deeply, and her full bosom bounced a bit.

“How are you doing, sweetheart?” Daddy leaned forward. “How are your studies?”

Tessa looked at the floor, and back up at Daddy, her eyes growing a little fearful.

“I got my exam back, and I missed a couple of trigonometry questions, Daddy.”

“Oh no.”

“I only missed three, Sir. I did do reasonably well on the-“

Daddy looked sad, and he took the sheet that Tessie was proffering. She had tiny hands, andadorable purple nails.

Daddy had been compelled to whip Tessie’s palms with a big ruler for impure activities touching her nether region, and he was happy that the swelling had gone down. He really wanted Tessa to be a good girl of her own avail.

But, Tess was like her brother Sherwood, and needed the paddle and the strap occasionally, and a good dose of humiliation.

Daddy looked at the red marks on the examination and was grieved.

“Darling we went over so much of this. I reviewed your work, but it doesn’t seem to stay in that little head of yours.”

Daddy reached out and thumbed the side of Tessa’s head with a forefinger.

Tessa’s lower lip trembled, and she breathed in, and her chest heaved admirably.

Daddy thought about how pretty his nineteen year old looked. When she was penitent, it was so enchanting. Of course she was trying to manipulate him, to get out of punishment, and that couldn’t happen.

But how cute she was. Daddy had watchd her preparing the salad for dinner earlier, her round, perky little bottom bouncing around as she moved around the counter…those faded jeans.

Tessie had seen Daddy looking and she’d winded naughtily at him, the little flirt.

But now it was time to see to some consequences.

“Dear you understand that I l love you, and I need to find a way to help you remember things. And of course to study harder.”

“I’ll-I’ll try harder, Sir. I won’t go to Brenna’s party tomorrow night. I’ll study.

“You most certainly won’t go to any parties for a couple of weeks at least.”

“A-couple-couple of weeks?”

“You have to study, honey. I work so hard to give you a good life, with the promise that you will fulfill your potential. I don’t want my princess to have to work at the mill like I do, right?”

“Yes-yessir. But all my other grades are A’s, it’s just-“

Daddy loved it when Tessa called him “Sir” and looked a little awed, and frightened. When she breathed heavily, and it made her powder blue sweater bounce, Daddy felt a little bit uncomfortable, and can you imagine those nasty college boys, and what they must think of his Princess?

“I want to make you understand the value of hard work and study, dear. Go over to my desk, and bring me the wooden paddle, please.”

Tessa began crying, although almost unconsciously, she moved closer to Daddy, and absentmindedly rubbed her knee between his legs as he sat in the armchair.

“Daddy, I’m a big girl now. I don’t need spanking-“

“Big girls have big responsibility. You’ve made Daddy and Jesus so sad with your neglect of your work. Go get the paddle. Daddy doesn’t want to raise his voice to you, Cupcake.”

Tessa put a trembling hand on Daddy’s arm. “Sir, please-“

“Goodness, Tessa, you are cruising for a briising. Remember last week, when Daddy made you knee out in the rain, all naked while he stood over you in his raincoat and boots?”


“That’s the sort of thing that happens to girls who don’t obey. I was going to just give you ten with the paddle, but with your unwillingness to take your medicine, I think it may have to be twenty now.”

“Twenty? But-“

“You keep arguing with Daddy, and that is why he has to increase the dosage, so to speak. Daddy can’t abide these little rebellions. I want you to bring me the paddle Now, and Daddy is going to have to take off his belt, too.”

“Buh-but Daddy.”

Daddy saw with some satisfaction that big tears were rolling down Tessie’s cheats now. She was shaking more, and her bosom was getting quite agitated.

“Must I get the cane too?”

Tessa burst into loud sobs and turned, walking to the desk, where she picked up the big, thick paddle, with the holes in it, that made the air swish through.

Daddy loved watching Tessa’s butt twitch as she walked. True joy.

When Tessa returned, Daddy took the paddle from her, and still sitting in his armchair, smiled.

“So, now you must take down your dungares and your panties, honey…take them down quickly and get across my knee.”

“Daddy, I’m an adult you really shouldn’t spank me bare. I’m in college.”

“Perhaps you’re right, darling. Forget the punishment. Do what you want. A B isn’t that important, I guess.”

But now Tessie was panting, and Daddy could see a little bit of motivation appearing on his daughter’s blue jeaned crotch.

“You’re right, Daddy. But would you-?”

Tessie stepped forward and took Daddy’s hand and put it on the snaps of her pants.

Such pretty embroidered dungarees. Before his who wife had left, she used to wear embroidered denim-God, those days on the motorcycle. Driving, smoking clove cigarettes, and yes, taking the occasional spanking.

Tessie wasn’t aware of this, but just a few days ago, her momma had dropped by and requested a caning.

Tessie’s mother had a nice new husband, wealthy, gentle but…

Being marriedto a sensitive chap wasn’t good for the self-discipline or the command of the emotions!

Now, Daddy reached out and unsnapped Tessie’s jeans. She was still filled with anticipation, but also some terror. Huge tears were rolling down Tessa’s cheats, messing up that sluttish mascara she’d began wearing lately. Where have morals GONE?

Daddy pulled Tessa’s jeans to her knees and then yanked down her pretty beige panties. Oh yes.

Recently, Daddy had gone on a hike with Tessie, and when he’d returned, he’d stripped Tessie and examined her for wood ticks, and then he’d insisted that she keep her boo-boo shavled.

But now, he noticed that Tessie’s boo-boo had some hairs on it.

“I’m going to have to use my tweezers on you later, Tessie. I told you if you didn’t keep yourself clean down there, a poisoned pearl, I would yank out every hair.

Tessie looked at the floor, humiliated, and not at all looking forward to having straight pubic hairs painfully yanked out. Still, her boo-boo was getting quite wet now.

She looked so silly, with her pants down, and her shaken boo-boo so obvious under the pretty blue sweater.

Daddy smiled and gestured to his lap. His cock was so stiff now that he could barely move. Should he give her an enema afterwards? Cleanliness was next to Godliness. That was what the Good Book said.

Well, maybe the Bible didn’t say that, but with a growing daughter to supervision and discipline, who had time to poke around in the Old Testament?

Tessa bent over Daddy’s lap, and Daddy touched the pale white but adorably pump bottom.

“There’s a pimple here, honey.”

“Y-yes, Daddy. It hurt me all morning when I was sitting in my Bio class.”

“Do you want Daddy to pop it, or just let the paddle smush it, you know that will happen.”

“P-please pop it, Daddy.”

“Be a brave girl.”

Daddy popped the zit and then took the thick wooden paddle and raised it, landing ithard on her pretty bottom. He was gratified to see bright red marks surface on her bubble butt.

“How I wish we didn’t have to go through this.” Daddy said sadly. “Why does Daddy do this?”

“Because you love me, Daddy.”

“Yes.” She was out of control, this girl. Not only did she neglect her studies, but this morning she’d sneaked into Daddy’s bed and sucked on his wee wee when he was sleeping, or pretending to sleep.

What’s a father to do?

Daddy swished the paddle again and again. WHACK! WHACK!

“Be brave girl, Tessie. You scream like your brother does when I’m punishing him, when he comes down from the law school, and I put him in a pink nightie. He can’t take any correction at all, poor Sherwood. I call him Sherry now.”

“I’ll try to not make any fuss Daddy.”

But of course Daddy hit even harder with true venom


Tessie began screaming in pain, but she also rubbed her crotch against Daddy’s bulge, which was seriously pushing through his work pants.

Daddy gritted his teeth to keep from having a wet accident.

Grimly, Daddy kept landing the paddle on Tessa’s tender bottom. At one point, she tried to wriggle off his lap, and Daddy twisted Tessa’s arm behind her back and held her.

When the thrashing was over, Daddy gently took Tessie up and sat her in his lap, the pants still down. As the tears rolled down her face, Daddy tried to comfort her, and he felt her little hand snake down and unzip him, and take his big member, so big she could barely get her fingers around it.

After comforting her some more, Daddy reminded her it was time for the belt, and Tessie began sobbing and beginning again. But Daddy was impalable.

He put his penis back in his pants, and zipped up and gestured for her to go to the little table that held the World Globe.

He’d taught Tessie to memorize all the countries and capitals of states and provinces…

It had taken much of the paddle and the belt to keep her bubble head from being distracted from geography, but the results were splendid.

He was so proud!

Tessie stepped to the little table, her hands still grasping her savaged buttons.

She shuffled up to the table with her jeans clogging her ankles. Daddy noticed that the pimple he’d popped was bleeding a bit anyway.

Daddy nodded curtly at the globe on the little table, and Tessie removed it, setting it carefully on the rug.

As Tessie’s bare buttocks bent over, Daddy was overcome by an urge to do something very un-Daddy like, but he held himself still.

Now that the globe was off the table, Tessie looked one last time to plead with Daddy, but he shook his head, and bursting into fresh tears, she bent over the little table…

Daddy removed his belt and whipped Tessie until his arm was tired.

He told her sorrowfully before the last ten that it hurt him so much to thrash her like this, but Daddy wanted her to get a4.0 this semester.

After Tessie’s whipping with the belt, she put the paddle back at the desk and then stood in the corner for half an hour, her scarlet behind on display.

Daddy pretended to read the sports page, but he kept looking up at the lovely blisters and wealth across his Princess’s crisis cheeses.

Then, Tessie came to Daddy, and they prayed together that she would be a better girl.

“Daddy, I feel so bad that you had to do this” Tessa said later, as Daddy cradled her in his lap. Her jeans and panties were long discarded over in the corner, and she’d forgetten about them.

“You know Daddy is just concerned about you, and sometimes he has to do things that you might not agree with. You were such a bad girl when you were living in the dorms.”

“That’s why I wanted you to let me live at home again, Daddy.”

“That’s right. And you remember how upset Daddy was when all those boys kept coming by all the time, boys you were dating and those pathetic ‘non-threatening male friends’.

“Y-yes Daddy.”

“And that’s why Daddy had to have that get-together last summer. When I invited all those boys over to the house, and we went into the back yard, and Daddy took down your pants and gave you a harsh hairbrush spanking…”

“Y-yes Daddy.”

“And then Daddy had his Tessie took off all her clothes in front of the boys, Some of whom were the creepiest virgins. And then what?”

“Fuh-first you-oh-made me do all my yard chores in the-the nude in front of them-“

“And then what did your Daddy do?”

“D-duh-Daddy told the boys that if they wanted to play with Tessie’s tits or touch her other parts-get it out of their systems-“

“Right. I recall that one creepy boy, Lester Slotnick really liked playing with your honeys, he touched them, and kissed the nipples, and then he wanted to whip them with a switch-“

“B-because he saw you doing it once over the fence when I wore a top you thought was too tight-“

“That’s right, I didn’t want you to be too proud of your breasts, that is what turned your Momma into such a whore.”

“And all the boys touched me all they wanted. And one of them called my girlfriends, and they came over and watched, and called me a hussy. And they were dressed, and I was naked.”

Daddy laughed, and finished the story.

“That’s right, and then Tessa gave the boys a suckee-suckee party, and they got it out of their systems, didn’t they, baby? And then the phone was quiet, the doorbell didn’t ring-“

“And-I finally made the Dean’s List, Daddy.”

“That’s right, darling. And although you were mad at Daddy for a little while, now you understand…and the parties and the boys have started up again, the shame’s been forgotten.”

“P-please don’t do that again, Daddy.”

“As long as you study hard, my Princess.”

Daddy was playing with Tessa’s lips, and Tessa was rubbing Daddy’s crotch now…

“Well, honey, we’ll go upstairs and Daddy will rub cream on your poor bottom-“

“Please forget about my bottom, Daddy, let me give you a bath and an all -over massage. I want to make up for this.”

“That’s my good girl.”

Tessa ended up going to Brenna’s party after all, and when Brenna, Cathy and Zinnia hear about how strict Daddy was about grades, they all trooped over with their exams and Daddy kept his hairbrush and belt going for the entire weekend.


Tessa knelt, wearing only her panties, as Mathis fucked oh, that little slut-bag.

She’s not a slut-bag. She’s a Yale graduate, and a beautiful, African-American prodigy.

But still…

“You’re a great little piece, Lemoyne” Mathis said happy.

Tessa’s makeup had been perfect tonight, bright red lipstick, blush, and Mathis had surprised her with a visit from Lemoyne.

Now Tessa’s make-up was covered in Mathis’s cum, where Lemoyne had jerked him off, and he’d shot on his wife’s face.

She had so hoped for a little tenderness tonight.

But, at the same time, the Governor’s cliporis lips were thick with desire, and she knew in her heart that this was what she needed.

Tomorrow she would be attending a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new hospital, and meeting with the state budget director, but tonight she was just a rejected slave-pig, a cuckquean.

Tessa surprised. A little loudly.

Mathis looked up from his ardent kissing of Lemoyne. “Do I have to go over there and give you another couple with the cane, Tessa?”

“No sir.” Tessa looked at her husband with incredible love in her eyes.

Strauss Klauder of Action News had asked some direct questions about Tessa’s awarding a state contract to her husband’s gravel company, but she didn’t care.

Mathis deserved it. Mathis was a great guy, in his way. Sometimes a little cruel, but it was just because Tessa tended to slack off.

She wouldn’t be Governor without him.

The tests…Mathistested Tess constantly. He knew how proud she was of her jaunty breasts, and so he’d ordered her more than once to take off her top and let him put out his cigars on her lush nipples.

When she’d been a model, before being elected, Mathis had ordered her to cut her long hair, to shake her head for a six month period, just like Tessa’s beloved Daddy had once ordered her to do to her pubis.

When Mathis had taken her up to their cabin in Vermont after she’d first been elected, naked, in the cramped trunk of the little Ford Escort…

Mathis’s girlfriend-what was her name? Carina? Something bimboish like that.

Carina and Mathis had taken Tessa out of the trunk, still naked, them bundled up in the snowy December weather, and made her stand in the bigg field.

And there were a surprise group of guests standing there in their parkas. Violet Penrose, Tessa’s piano teacher, who had beaten her with the hairbrush kept in the piano bench for missing a note-the middle C! in a recital…

Specs, a professional Master in Buttermilk Falls, when Tess had been an Alderman…

And Miss Johnstone, a prim dowager, always in gloves and heels, who Tess had visited for skirt-up panties down hairbrush spankings!

And all these dominants who loved poor Tess had taken up snowballs and thrown them at her, as she’d stood, naked and crying…

And then When she was warming, nude in front of the fire, she’d crouched and masturbated in front of them all!

Tessa had spent the weekend going down on each of her Masters and Mistresses, waiting on them at table, and eating her own food in the corner, from a bowl.

As they’d laughed and played “Trivial Pursuit” Tessa had stood nearby, her big breasts attached to a clip that hung from the ceiling…

Tessa had to either strain her tippie toes to take pressure off her nipples, or relax on her heels and feel as if they were being ripped off, her poor boobies…

Standing there, desperately,Her arches nearly collapse, and Mathis and the others shooting rubber bands at her when they got bored with the game, untying her so she could drink their piss…

Tessa’s 20 year old niece and her friends had driven up to hang out with the gang, and they’d brought singing nettles from a greenhouse nursery.

Poor Aunt Tessie’s nipples and thighs were thrashed with the cruel plant, and gloriously rubbed with habiteras peppers…

Such torture, yet, such a turn on!

And finally that evening, she’d been locked in a room under the stairs, while the others had a mad orgy…all on her dime. But it was worth it!

And this had taken so much pressure off that she’d suffered during the candidate debates, the speeches…

Mathis had done this for HER.

Because knowing she was a brilliant legislator, that she might be Presidential material, putting Buttermilk Falls on the map…

Worshipped by her political party…

It was so much pressure.

And Mathis had enough love to bring her down, and reduce all that with constant sadistic discipline…and she had to return that love.

Love means commitment. Having Mathis fucking Lemoyne Watts, Tessa’s chief of staff, and her so-called best friend, and allowing it in good humor…

She could do it, for darling Mathis.

Mathis looked at the little Afro that was giving attention to his cock and balls. He lifted her up and kissed her ear.

“How are you doing, Lemoyne?”

“I’m good, Mathis. You know how to give it to a girl.” Lemoyne jiggled her boobs in Mathis’s face and he gobbled them greedily.

Tess thought resentfully that Lemoyne’s tits weren’t nearly as nice as her own.

Not that they looked so good right now, Tessa’s boobs. They were still covered with long red welts from a recent switching with a stick from the hickory tree.

Tessa thought of Dodie, who had been her roommate when Tessa had been in law school. Tessa loved Dodie, she was Tessa’s antithesis- a firey, temperamental redhead, and after Dodie discovered Tessa’s “Bondage Life” subscription, Dodie had purchased a big wooden hairbrush and Tessa’s pants came down on a regular basis.

The hairbrush had solved many an argument- in the car, in dressing rooms at “Macy’s” and in front of their friends. When Dodie didn’t think Tessa was studying enough-or was jealous because Tessa was brighter and didn’t need to study-Dodie had used a wide wicker carpet beater on Tessie’s bare buttocks.


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