The Good Wife: Resubmission Ch. 03

Out of the Fire

I cried myself through a shower that night, it was a good cry, the kind that sheds pain and guilt, the kind that in the end brings a type of clarity and renewal that you only experience through loss. But truly, in the end, it accomplishes nothing. The guilt isn’t truly shed, you simply pay it homage. The pain is still there, it’s simply been acknowledged. In the end, nothing has changed, but we feel better. It’s a selfish thing really, that type of crying, it’s more of a bemoaning, but we convince ourselves that we’ve somehow paid a penance. Really, I’m not sure if there is a penance for me. I’m not sure if there is forgiveness for what I’ve done to Tom, for what I’ve done to our lives, for what I’ve done to the past seventeen years, and for what I’ve done to myself.

I had purpose. I had a life. I had a man who loved and cherished me for who I am. I had a career, a job that I was good at. I was careless. I tossed it all away forthe physical. And what has that gotten me? I’ve been used in every way except in the way that I wished to be used. Instead of closing a chapter of my life, I started a new one, a dark one. All the good in my life now tainted, all the good in me tossed aside and forsaken so that I can be what? I hate to say the word, I hate to think it, but it’s the truth… So that I could be a whore. That’s what I’ve It’s not the same mind you. When I think about Tom, however less it is now, I get butterflies in my stomach. Tom is Prometheus, a man who brought light to my life. He is everything that is good. All that I am, I owe to him. But good can get dull. We need the dark in order to appreciate the light. That’s where Gavin comes in. He doesn’t careAbout me. He doesn’t inspire me to strive to become the best of me, he doesn’t motivate me to be. No. He makes me wet. He’s going to use me, he’s going to humiliate me, he’s going to suppress who I am and make me his.

As the competing thoughts of Tom and Gavin float through my mind, struggling for dominance, struggling for control, I look upon them both, turn my head to one, and whisper, “Use me, I’m you’re whore.”

Tom fades, becoming a feeling, a ghost, and in the darkness, I’m left with Gavin.

I star at myself in the mirror after my shower, after I carefully towel myself dry. The welts still crisiscross my back and chest. They’re fading now. Scabs have formed where the skin had broken. Nothing deep, nothing too painful. I enjoy touching them. It’s a penance, I deserve the pain, and it turns me on. God, what is wrong with me.

“Who are you?” I ask the image in the mirror.

“You’re a whore.” My mind shots back.

I have half a mind to go to Gavin rightNow, to throw myself at his feet and ask to be his. I know I won’t be a wife or girlfriend. I know I won’t be his equal. No. I want to be his whore. I want to be kept by him. Oh, how glorious. To shed everything, to shed the weight of Tom, to shed my job, to shed me, and to live as a nameless and faceless whore. To be kept a slave. The idea turns me on and I can’t help but to think I need counseling. Dear god, help me.

Everything is a chore now. Eating, sleeping, work, it’s all a chore. It’s all something I do in order to make it to the next time I see Gavin. I’m a zombie. I shuffle thoughtlessly through my day with only one thing on my mind. More than that, I consume and consume and consume. There is no satisfaction point, there is never enough, there is no depth to how low I will sink.

At work, going through my day in a haze, I sit at my desk and check my email and a feeling of excitement and dread fills me when I see Gavin’s name pop up. Quickly I click the email open.


Be at this address tonight at 5.

The address is a local hotel, a seedy place.

There is a link. I follow it. It’s a craigslist ad. I cringe. There is a picture of me, one of the pictures that Gavin snapped, cum splashed across my face, my mouth open… oh god. “$eeking $ome $pecial company, tonight only. Generou$ men only. Open to all $uggestions. Call…” the phone listed is Gavin’s.

My god, what has he done? My picture is on the internet, my face, my cum splattered face, forever on the internet. What if Tom sees it? What if one of my clients sees it? Jesus, what if my coworkers or bass sees it? Sure, they’d have to explain why they were looking there, but that seems like a small translation compared to the ad with my face plastered on it. There is no explanation, there is no excuse.

My head snaps up, I look out at the sea of ​​coworkers through my office window, none are looking, none are staring. Oh god, someone will find out. Someone will know.Somehow this will get back to Tom. For a moment I feel good, my mind finally went to Tom… it’s been days since he was my first thought. Maybe I’m not lost after all, but, this ad, my picture, it’s out there and it doesn’t matter. I’ll be caught. Tom could be my first thought, he can be my only thought, but this will get back to him… then it doesn’t matter. God.

Then my mind wanders again, this time to Gavin. Oh, how he must enjoy this, knowing that I’ve been exposed. How he must delight in this, in the humiliation of it all. And then it happens, a sickening feeling comes over me, I’m turned on by it. Dear god, the idea it turning me on. Not just the humiliation, not just the prospect of being whored out, but of people finding out, of their knowing that I’m a whore, a whore, owned and displayed. Dear god, what is wrong with me.

I’m frozen for the rest of the day. No work gets done. Sure, I shuffle papers and I make some copies. I pick up the phone and pretend. This whole part of my life has been prepared. My mind wanders back and forth like a ship entering a storm, pitching and rolling, the ups and downs. My thoughts turn to Tom and how this will devastate him, the ship pitching down and crashing. My thoughts go to this evening and what is in store for me. I’ve learned not to think I have Gavin or his plans figured out, it’s always worse, it’s always twisted, it’s always More depraved than I could ever imagine. The ship comes up from the crash, pitching forward. Then my mind goes to Gavin. I loathe him at the moment, but I smile despite myself. I almost find myself mouth his name. He’s good looking, sure, but so is Tom. He, he , he… he owns me. I get wet at the thought of him. The ship lurches up high, but thoughts of Gavin always bring Tom to mind, the two are forever connected, and the ship crashes again. The time alternately drags and races, drags and races. I’m going out of my mind watching the clock, I’m anxious to play, I’m dreading it. Oh god help me.

Piggy, Piggy, Piggy

Gavin is waiting at the door to the hotel room, standing there leaning against the wall. For a moment I consider throwing the car into reverse and backing away, leaving Gavin as nothing more than a fading image in my rear view. I could leave him there, not just a fading image now, but a fading image in my life. I could go to Tom, explain everything and put myself at his mercy. He might leave, he might stay, but I’d at least have a clear conscience. I’d have to live with my choices, regret them, but they’d be done and behind me. Tom, he took me from all of this once before, but I had nothing to apologize for at the time. I was with Gavin then, I wasn’t cheating or catting around. This time it’s different, this time I made a decision to become a whore. This time I turned my back on Tom in favor of Gavin. But I also know it’s all just fancy thought flying through my head, distractions from what I’m really thinking about… the way I’llget used tonight. Again, it’s a defense mechanism, if I acknowledge the sin, then I’m still somewhat of a good person, even though I have no intention of not going through with this.

“I wasn’t sure if I’d come here.” I said to Gavin, closing the car door with a heavy thud.

“I had no doubt that you’d come.” He met my eye, a sure and confident look that made me look away, look down, the way I always did in the past, “You know that you love this, that you were meant for this.” Gavin could be so arrogant and smartmy, as much as it was a turn off, as much as it made me want to smoke him, it was all part of this, I loved it, none of this would be the same without that arrestance from him.

I smiled, I couldn’t help it. It was odd, this moment of normalcy with Gavin in what has been nothing but a sea of ​​depravity, “Are you going to let me in or what?” I asked, standing in front of him, closer than I would anyone else, except for Tom of course. But Tom isn’t here, this is my other life.

“Princess.” Gavin opens the door for me and extends his arm, bowing slightly with a geneuine smile. I feel giddy.

It’s a typical cheap hotel room: two queen beds with that cheap and thin blanket, bland wall paper and carpet, a small table with a brandy snifter full of square condom packets, and two chairs, and a nightstand that probably has the bible in it. No room for a bible in here. The air smells of disinfectant, cheap deodorizing spray and stale cigarettes. Lydia isn’t here, it’s just Gavin and I.

“So, am I your whore for the night?” I was feeling playful and let the rules slip my mind.

Gavin smiled at me, I met his smile with one of my own. I screamed when his hand shot up, grabbing a handful of my hair and twisting it, pushing me down onto my knees.

“You don’t get to talk to me.” He whispered in my ear, almost spitting. I could hear anger, no, hated in his voice, “You keep your whore mouth shut unless there’s a cock waiting to go in it. Understand?”

“This who understands.” I yelled against the pain.

“Are you sure? You seem to have forgotten, coming in here like some princess. You’re a piece of shit, that’s all you are, that’s all you ever were, and that’s all you’ll ever be. Understand?”

“This who understands.”

“You have one use, for men to stick their cocks in. That’s all you’re good for. Understand?”

“This who understands.” I’m on the verge of tears, my voice is little more than a shaky whisper. How could I have acted so brave and bold. I forgot, I’m a whore. That’s it.

I rubbed my head when Gavin let go, it felt good, pushing against my head where my air had been pulled, reliving the pain. Pain that I earned, pain that I deserve.

“Go to the bathroom and take your clothes off, your outfit for tonight is in there. Don’t you dare come out here without it.” He said, walking behind me and sitting in one of the chairs, he takes his phone out and begins texting.

I stand up slowly and begin to make my way to the bathroom. My stomach dropped a bit as Gavin said that last part about the outfit he chose. It only takes a moment to walk to the bathroom but in that moment my mind races and goes in a thousand directions. I turn the light on and there it is. The worst thing that I could imagine is a hundred times better than this. A plastic pig nose… nothing else.

I’m shocked to say the least. All I can do is stand there and look at this plastic thing, this pink plastic pig nose with the rubber band that will hold it to my head. My god. This is beyond humiliating.

“Hurry up.” Gavin shouts from the other room, “Your first customer will be here soon.”

His voice snaps me out of it. Quickly and haphazardly I undress, almost falling as I step out of my dress. I hang my clothes on the hook on the back of the door. I stand there, naked, and see my image in the mirror over the sink. I’m gorgeous. I’m not vain about it, I just am very beautiful, I’ve taken care of myself. I pick the thing up, the plastic pig nose, and hold it against my face and the natural beauty is gone and I’m an ugly thing. Is this what I look like on the inside? I can’t help but to wonder, I can’t help but to think that maybe Gavin knows me better than I do. Reluctantly I pull the rubber band over my head, easing it into place so that it doesn’t pull my hair, I adjust the nose so that it sits against my face smoothly. I drop my hands. Looking back at me is a woman who used to be beautiful, but who she is on the inside can now be seen on the outside.

“Let’s go.” Gavin yells, “Here piggy piggy piggy.”

I step out of the bathroom, stop, and look at him, letting him take this all in, allowing myself to be seen as I truly am.

“Oh, very nice.” He smiles, a mocking smile, he can’t help it, “But how many pigs that you know walk on two legs?”

I drop to my knees, it doesn’t really matter, there can be no greater humiliation than this pig nose. Make me crawl, make me beg, whore me out… all of it pales next to wearing this disgusting thing. On my knees, I crawl, my head down, until I’m directly in front of Gavin. Reluctantly, I look up.

“Oh, that’s priceless.” He smiles, the camera in hand, the click click click of the shutter as this moment is forever captured in a crisp high def. digital format, “What do piggy’s say?”

I blinked.

“What do piggy’s say?” the tone harsher.

“Oink?” it was nasal sounding, laughable.

“Good pig, that’s right, oink oink.” He laughed, snapping more pictures, “Go ahead, oink for me piggy, oink as you get in bed.”

“Oink oink.” I crawled up onto the queen bed, “Oink oink.”

“Good piggy.” Gavin stood up, “Turn around now, I want your pig face to be the first thing that every guy who comes here tonight to see.”

I turn slowly, my eyes are singing from holding back tears.

“Oh, is miss pig upset?” Gavin asks in a mocking tone, “Well, are you pig.”

It’s a test, I know it. If I answer with words he’ll be irate. “Oink oink.”

“Let’s not forget that you asked for this.” Gavin said in a surprise soothingly manner, “You brought this on yourself. You want to be used and I’m just making that happen for you. You are the little piggy, I’m just taking care of you.”

Just then there is a knock at the door. It startles us both. Gavin stands up to answer the door and all of a sudden I feel vulnerable and naked. I feel exposed and uncomfortable. It’s more than the pig nose, it’s more than the cup of condoms, it’s the thought of being exposed to strangers and anyone else who feels like fucking tonight. Oh god, what have I done.

Gavin talks with the man at the door for a moment, he’s a big white guy, sloppy, still wearing dirty clothes from some menial job. Gavin opens the door wide and the man steps in, his eyes go directly to me and he laughs.

“What’s this?” he chuckles, pointing to me.

“This is your entertainment for tonight, Miss Piggy.” Gavin smiles, “She’s very good at what she does, five for a bj, ten to fuck her pussy, twenty to fuck her ass.”

“Wow, I’ll go for twenty.” The man pulls out a wallet and hands Gavin a twenty dollar bill.

He drops his pants and pushes his half erect cock towards my mouth. It’s difficult, but I take it in, his stomach pressing the pig nose into my face.

“What do piggy’s say when they’re sucking cock?” Gavin asks, once more sitting in the chair.

“oink oink” It’s garbled, my face turning red as the man begins to laugh.

“This is too much.” The man says, his cock getting harder and thrusting with more and more force, pushing the nose harder against my face. “Turn around pig.”

“Oink oink.” I turn, lowering my head to the bed.

Gavin tosses the man a condom, “These are a must.”

The strange tears the condom open and pushes hard into my pussy. I can’t help but to moan, and I realize that I’m wet. Oh god, I’m wet. “Oink oink”

“Good pig.” Gavin coos.

The man thrusts hard, he’s not well endowed, but he thrusts with all he’s got, plunging hard into me, “Oink for me you little bitch.”

“oink oink.” Over and over, with each thrust, “Oink oink”

He pulls out and immediately presses his cock against my asshole. I relax as much as I can, waiting for this stranger to start pounding my ass. “You want it in your ass pig?”

“oink oink”

“That’s what I thought.” And he pushes in, his cock slides in nicely to my ass, still wet from my pussy.

“What a tight little piggy.”

I can’t help but moan, and worse, I can’t help it as I start to cum. Thrusting back into his cock, pushing myself, feeling it well up in me. I reach between my legs and begin to rub my clip vigorously, over and over “Oink, oink oink oinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinko.”

“I’ll give you five back if you cum on her pig nose.” Gavin chimes in.

“Fuck yeah.” He pulls out of my ass and I turn quickly, taking his cock in my mouth, the condom still on his shake.

“Peel it off with your mouth pig, you know the drill.” Gavin instructs. I do know the drill, this was how I took care of strangers seventeen years ago.

I shove my mouth all the way down to the bottom of the shake and grip tight with my lips, rolling the condom back with my mouth, then spit it out, “Oink oink”

Furiously the man begins to jerk his cock, his eyes closed as he arched his back slightly. I wait, my mouth open, waiting for the hot gush of cum, then he grabs my head and pushes down. Cum blasts my forehead, another gush across the nose, droplet’s splashing into my eyes. I

“That’s perfect.” Gavin laughs, here you go. I assume he’s handing the man five dollars.

“Oh god.” The man moans, still jerking his cock, slowly now, he presses it to my mouth and I open instantly. The last drops are milked into my waiting mouth and I suck and swallow, moving my head up and down his shrinking shake.

“Thank you miss piggy.”

“Oink oink” I open my eyes, blinking past the burning until it’s gone.

The man pulls his shriveled cock from my mouth, bends down, picks up his pants and buttons them. He never even stepped out of his pants. My god, I’m officially a whore.

It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted Gavin’s cock. I didn’t want a stranger, I didn’t want some random guy. I wanted Gavin. No, I ached for Gavin. But after a week of teasing, after a week of torque, it didn’t matter. Any cock would do. This one, as small and quick as it was, was perfect. It felt so good to cum.

Another knock.

I’m not going to explain each man. It’s all the same, it’s all a blur. The same offer, five for my mouth, ten for my pussy, twenty for my ass. Most took the offer for my ass, but there were plenty that were satisfied with a blowjob. A few of them couldn’t get it up, I sucked them and sucked them until their limp cocks exploded in my mouth. Some of these men were clean, others had just come from work and were sweety, others hadn’t shown in what smelled like weeks. There were a few men who didn’t want to touch me, they just jerked off in front of me, Gavin had me lap up their cum, oink oinking all the way. To say that I was sore and sloppy a few hours into this is an understatement.

Incredibly enough, I was able to forget about the pig nose on my face. Don’t get me wrong, the look on the men’s faces immediately reminded me, the smiles, the smiles, the piggy comments. It all brought it home, but I didn’t care. I am a pig. I am a whore. So they see on the outside what I look like on the inside, a cum covered fuck pig. Yes. That’s all I am. In a weird way, I almost wished that Tom would walk through that door, so he could see me for what I really am, maybe he could appreciate it, and understand…

Another knock. Jesus, how many men does Gavin have lined up for me? Gavin is talking to the man in the door way. I get myself adjusted, still on my hands and kneeson the bed. Cum is plastered all over my face and ass and back. It’s been sprayed into my hair, it’s dripping down my chin and nose. I’m a slutty pig mess.

The same offer to the man, he pays and walks in.

“Oh shit, it was you in the ad.”

I look up, dear god, my stomach sinks and my heart starts beat fast. This is bad.


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