Venus Ascending Pt. 07

Chapter 20

John looked at her radiant face that seemed to glow with the remnants of her orgasm. At times like this she just takes his breath away and he loves her even more. “Believe me Baby, right now there is nothing I would rather do than take you home and make slow, sweet love to you, but we promised a show. I will promise you that as soon as the show is over, I will take you home and make love to you. I just want you to know how beautiful and how incredible you really are. I am so proud of you baby, and so proud to be your master. I love you Lisa, and you make me the happiest man in the world.”

The incredible joy on her face when John told her how proud he was of her, just seemed to make everything else in the room go away. As much as they love each Other, Lisa seems to recommend herself every time he tells her how proud he is of her. Being the best she can and being the best submissive she can is one of her selfless acts of love for John.

Johngathered her in his arms, and as he did his eyes bore into hers. Lisa felt him reach in and grab her heart with his eyes, squeezing it and claiming it as his. At that brief moment, she discovered something else about her master. Yes, he cared about the way she looked, her body, breasts, belly, and hips. He valued her beauty, her face and hair, but he loved her heart. In her heart he saw only beauty, love, commitment, and a gentle kindness. His love was for the woman inside this incredibly beautiful shell, and no one had ever loved her like that before.

John stood with her in his arms and carried her over to the St. Andrew’s cross. He let her slide from his grapp until she was standing in front of him with her back to the cross. He knelt at her feet and buckled first one ankle then the other into the cuffs at the bottom of the cross. He stood and bound her wrists into the cuffs at the top of the cross. He reached around behind the cross and pulled the slack from the wrist ties stRetching her taut against the cross.

Lisa felt erotic shivers with every snap and buckle. She saw the crowd sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for her to be their show. As John pulled on the top ropes, she shivered as she felt her arms stretch, with her breasts thrusting outward and her belly shrinking against her backbone. The excitement built inside her, because she knew there was no way to get away. She was at the complete mercy of the man standing in front of her.

She knew he could do anything he wanted to her, and she knew she would love every second of it. No matter what he did, she knew he would be driving her bliss to previously unimiginated intensity. By the time he finished with her, she would be suffering an intensity ecstasy that very few had ever felt. This was her dream. To be at the mercy of the man who loved her with the fervor that could not be quenched. She could see a wild frenzy in his eyes and a craving to tame and to control her lust.

As hestarred hungrily at her, she could see his greedy longing to possess her body and harness her unbridled rapture. Once again she was quivering inside, trembling with anticipation and eager to feel his wild and crazy love unleashed upon her. Her magnificent body bristled with a sassy impudence, daring him to try and subdue her arrogant spirit. However, her face and eyes had already conceded and wanted nothing more than for him to bridle her and control the wild password inside.

John stood beside her with his hands caressing her tightly stretched skin and taut trembling muscles. Her skin was soft, but hot, trembling impatally, waiting for him to send her password soaring. As his hands continued light cares, he addressed the audience.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is a St. Andrew’s cross or otherwise known as an X cross. It is believed the apostle Andrew was crucified on an X shaped cross; hence the name, St. Andrew’s cross. He is said to have told his executioners that he wasNot worthy to be crucified on the same style cross as Jesus and persuaded them to alter the shape.”

As John began his presentation to the audience, Lisa scanned their faces. The audience had given up any pretense at civilization, and many had even stripped naked. Many couples were already making love, but their eyes were all on Lisa. She felt their desire for her pouring over as they openedly fucked in the audience. This Only elevated her already wild desire. She was the catalyst for everyone in the audience. She wanted her master to drive her even further, giving the audience a show they would never forget.

“The cross can be used in two different configurations. If the slave is bound to face the cross, it is usually used for whipping the slave or used for punishment. If the slave is bound with her back to the cross, then it is used for more sexual stimulation, teasing, torque, or even torture. So ladies and gentlemen, do you think my gorgeous slave has been good or bad and doesshe deserve punishment or pleasure?”

The audience began screaming both pleasure and punishment with both being about equal in volume. John looked over at Lisa and saw that she had a worried expression on her face. He could tell she was afraid he was going to punish her, but her look also said she would do whatever her master commanded. Once again, John was very proud and very much in love with this lady. As he looked at her, he didn’t think she had any idea how truly special she really was.

John laid her fears to rest and let her know that this was all part of the show. He had no intention of punishing her. Once he was sure she understood his intentions, he turned back to the audience and said, “Well, it sounds like the audience is pretty, even split. A slave should only be punished when she does something wrong, and my slave has not done anything to warrant punishment. Therefore, my incredibly loving and devoted slave will be teased and tormented with her beautiful bellyand breasts exposed to torque. I’m very sure everyone will not be disappointed.”

John slipped on a mine glove and began to lightly stroke her belly. He began to run the mine glove in lazy circles around her body but never touched her nipples or pussy. For Lisa, the glove feel extremely sensitive and stimulating, while at the same time being softly erotic. She feel goes bumps breakout all over her skin. She whispered, “Master that is so soft and silky. It’s giving me shivers all over.”

John ran the soft, silky glove over her breasts and pinched her nipples with the soft fur. Lisa gasp as he continued to pinch and tug on her nipples using the glove. He went back and forth between both nipples until they were both hard and distended. Lisa’s breath was becoming faster and more labored as her nipples hardened even more. Then he slide the glove down over her taut belly and weeping, pussy lips.

Lisa’s nipples were hard, distended, and throbbing. She didn’t know if she wantedMore of the soft nipple play or less, and the mine glove had deceptively been torturous. Lisa’s nipples were aching for something. She didn’t know what, but they throbbed with a dull pain that cried out for attention. Now her clip was getting the same treatment. This soft, furry glove was turning pleasure into torture.

John would run the glove on the inside of her thighs while sensitively rubbing and pulling on her pussy lips. He kept this up until he could see the muscles in her belly trying to push more of her swollen lips into his hands. Only then did he give her clip the same treatment as he had her nipples. He used his thumb and forefinger inside the glove to pinch and roll her clip, and the soft furry feel was excitingly arousing.

John kept this up until her skin was flush and sensitive. While he was rubbing her with the mine glove with one hand, he slipped some cat nails over his fingers on the other hand. They are just what they sound like, a sharp pointed, metal nail that slips over the fingers. John slide cat nails over all four fingers of his left hand. While her body was sensitively marveling and preening and her eyes were glazed in a lucky fog, he lightly scratched down her belly.

Lisa’s body immediately recoiled from the sudden harsh treatment, sucking in her belly as it tried to hide behind her back bone. Her face and eyes, that only a moment before had been foggy with decade lust, were now wide open and wild with the new, harsh sensing. She sucked in a harsh breath and screamed, “Master, you’re cutting me! Master, you’re cutting me!”

As John’s hand tipped with the cat nails moved to cup her breast, he replied softly, “I’m not cutting you my pet! Remember my love, lots of sensings some you’ll like and some you won’t. However, your master loves you and would never damage you.”

Lisa’s eyes were wide with panic and fear, but her master’s words seemed to penetrate and the fear began to dissipate. Lisa looked down and saw the red trail of the nails across her belly, and she saw his hand cupping her breast. Her eyes widened as she saw her breast encased by a hand with sharp, steel nails. As she watched in horror, he began to close his hand. The cat nails left red streaks on her skin as they closed, encircling her sensitive and inflamed nipple.

John was very careful as the cat nails surrounded then lightly scraped her nipple. Lisa’s swollen nipple shrieked in agoy as the sharp points scraped along it. She felt the erotically painful tug on her nipple. John’s other hand still teasing her clip with the mine glove; he scraped her nipple and felt her hips cinch in response. To confirm what he was feeling, he used the cat nails on her other nipple, and again he felt her hips spasm in response to his stimulus. The spasm in her hips jerked her clip from his gripping fingers, and Lisa shrieked like a banshee. John didn’t know if it was the cat nails on her nipple or the tug on her clip, but her body froze with a combination of pain and rapture.

John traced the cat nails down over her taut belly watching her muscles ripple and recoil trying to get out of the way of the harsh stimulus. Watching her body react was overwhelmingly erotic. As he reached her legs, he slipped the cat nails off his fingers and again used the mine glove to soothe the red streaks over her belly and breasts.

“Oh Master! Soft and sensitive to pain and back again, you take me places I’ve never been.” Lisa panted.

“Oh yes my Pet, my Toy, I’m going to give you sensings you’ve never dreamed of. Each and every one will take you to a different place, but by the end of the night my precise toy; I promise you will experience Nirvana like never before.”

The next device on the agenda was called the pinwheel. The pinwheel is Very much like it sounds. It is a rolling wheel of sharp pins, but it does have a handle so it can be easily manipulated. This time he started on the outsides of her legs andbegan to roll the wheel with all the sharp pins over her very sensitive skin. Again, Lisa’s screams came more from the callous shock of the pins and not so much pain.

John knew there was little pain, and that’s why he was very light with his touch. Lisa’s skin was already so inflamed and sensitive, that was all it took. He rolled the pins over her hips, wait, and up her ribs until he reached the undersides of her breasts. Lisa could see the devil’s glint in his eye and know that her nipples were his ultimate goal. She pleaded with him not to run those needs over her already inflamed and tortured nipples, but as the pinwheel started rolling, she knew he would anyway.

He ran the pinwheel in a spiral around her breast eventually running across her aureole, but he didn’t touch her nipples. Lisa had her head thrown back against the cross unable to watch those pins denting her soft flesh. Lisa closed her eyes dreaming of that mind glove again roaming sensitively over her skin instead of the harsh pins. Suddenly they were gone, and she felt his lips soothing and sucking her nipples in his mouth.

He lovingly brought her nipple back to full, aching hardness and repeated the procedure on the other nipple. John sensitively kissed his way across the undersides of her breasts and down her tortured belly. His kisses were slow and loving as he stoked the fire inside her. He finally reached her womanly folders, still drenched in her nectar. He sucked her lips into his mouth making love to her in ways that drive her crazy. He began kissing and licking around her clip feeding the fire inside her.

While he was feasting on her swollen slot, she felt the mine glove slide up her side and grabbed one of her breasts. She was just becoming used to the sexy, sensitive feel of his lips and mine glove, and suddenly her other nipple was grabbed between two fingertip vibrators. The vibrators were electrical fire on her already tortured breast flesh, and her back arched awayfrom the X-Cross as if shocked by a high voltage wire. She wriggled, whimpered, and preened arching her back trying to get more of the welcome sensings on her nipples.

John could feel her hips hunting trying to get more of her pussy into his mouth. All the harsh treatment had been left behind, and John could feel a massive orgasm building inside her. He looked past her trembling belly. He could see her nipples were engorged more than they had ever been. He looked past her swollen and infected breasts to her unseeing eyes, gazed at her face wrapped in anguished fervor. Her head was shaking back and forth creating a halo like swarm of hair around her head, and she was screaming her password.


John stood kissing up her belly until he replaced his hands with his mouth. He sucked her nipples into his mouth teasing her nipples into even greater hardness. Lisa’s nipples were so sensitive now that the pleasurere was excruciating ago, but John wasn’t finished yet. He reached over to the cart and grabbed a set of broad tip, tweezer style, nipple clamps with rubber coated tips and chain connecting them.

John let go of the jaws of the clamp, squeezing her already sensitive nipple inside. Lisa thought her heart would stop. Pain and pleasure merged, creating an electric fire storm that robbed her breath from her. Her entire body convulsed trying to make sense of the excruciating pleasure and the overwhelming age that ripped through her body. All the sensings had merged to create a link between her nipples and clip, and when he clamped her nipple her clip pulsed in suffered sympathy.

When the second clamp bit into her nipple, Lisa thought she was losing her mind. She had long since forgetten about the audience watching, and now her eyes were lost in a distant star while her mouth spasmed in breathless screams. However, Lisa couldn’t figure out if it was pain or overwhelming pleasier; she only knew she never wanted it to stop. She finally sucked in a deep, gulping breath and screamed her feelings to the crowd.


While this was going on, stage technicians brought out the last piece for Act Two: a tripod with one of those white, large, powerful multispeed vibrators mounted at its apex. It’s designed to fit snugly against a bound woman’s pussy. The big round ball that is the head of the vibrator pivots, so it will stay in position even when the recipient moves her hips. John set the vibrator against Lisa’s cunt. He had to make sure it was firmly seated in Lisa’s pussy lips and make sure that it covered her clip as well. Then he turned it on to a low setting, but it might as well have been the high setting. Lisa was already on the edge of her orgasmic cliff and this was threatening to send her over the edge.


“Not yet my love.” John responded.

He wanted to let the tension in her body build just a little bit more into and send her to nirvana. He checked all her bindings, because he knew her cum would be world-class and made sure the vibrator was firmly in place. Lisa was straining against her bindings, and all of her muscles were tight fighting the coming orgasm her. Her face was a mask of pained concentration as she fought to do her Masters will.

John gave a little tug on the chain connecting the nipple clamp’s with her mouth and eyes flying open with the sudden erotic jolt. Her body twisted in a carnal, bawdy display of bottled up ecstasy. John saw Lisa’s concentration slip with the tug on the chain and he knew she was lost. She was sliding over the edge into a massive orgasm and couldn’t regain control. So he thought he would help her along and pushed the vibrator almost to its highest setting and at the same time said.

“Cum my Love … fly to the moon.”

Lisa’s beautiful face that a moment before was a mask of concentration morphed into one of blissful age as her whole body seized, bowed and tried to pull from the cross. It looked like every muscle and every nerve in her body was screaming in rapture. At first, her mouth opened and closed in a silent scream and her breath was locked in her chest. Then some of her spasming muscles released enough for her breath to come back and for Lisa to let everyone in the audience hear the bliss she was experiencing.


The vibrator was not letting her come down from one cum before it pushed her into a new one. Her arms and legs were pulling so hard againt the cross that her muscles and tendons were popping against her skin. Her belly muscles were rippling and quivering against the vibrating assault taking place in her pussy. Lisa’s continuous muscles clinching orgasms had her looking as if she was competing in a body building tournament. All the muscles on her lithe, taut body were pumped and distended like her belly had a hard six-pack from a workout.

John went to stand beside her and began running his hands over her trembling body, caressing her taut quivering belly. He cupped one of her breasts and pulled off one of her nipple clamps. Her body arched and strained even more as she screamed. The cords in her neck popped in relief against her skin and her whole neck, chest and face were blazing red with her screaming orgasm.


John sucked the tortured nipple into his mouth and began to lovingly swirl it with his tongue trying to get some blood back into it and bring it back to life. Then he pulled off the other nipple clamp and gave this nipple the same loving treatment. By this time that Lisa had been cumming continuously for over five minutes. Since they still had one more act to go John turned off the vibrator and began to softly kiss her, cares her and bring her back to him. He unbuckled her arms while the stagehand came over and unbuckled her ankles. Then he lifted her into his arms as she began to sag to the floor.

Again, he carried her boneless body over to the chair and sat her in his lap as she put her limp arms around him. John called out to the audience for one more intervention as she lay heavy in his arms with the strain of the first Two Acts weighing heavy in her body.

Chapter 21

Lisa was tingling all over and after two acts her nipples and clip were throbbing, sensitive to any stimulation. As her Master carried her away from the cross, her nipples raked across his shirt keeping her trembling and ablaze. Tonight she had experienced the kind of pleasure she never dreamed of. On top of it all, the love of her life had done it all to her in front of an audience.


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