Authors Note: This is the start of a new Role Play I have created called Temet Nosce RP. If your interested in discovering your self. Please find us on IMVU dot com : Groups : Temet Nosce RP. Enjoy your story.
Recap :
The story line thus far is this. Lust, finding an abandoned world stone (the Ignot to the world smiths) surrounded by a temporal field shoves it into my womb and begins experiments to open a rift between ALL worlds. Using her siblings sperm on the world stone to attempt to bridge them permanently. As it does, more and more beings arrive through Rifts.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Hello^^
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I wonder if they’re here..
Guest_TommyNL: what’s the rp about?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: The girl who sent me the link said it was an open rp- but left out what the main one was about-
Guest_AnndyJubJub: it was weird
Guest_TommyNL: ehm..ok xD
Guest_TommyNL: so why isn’t thisguy talking <<
Guest_AnndyJubJub: x3 sorry! she said it started now
captianplutonium: hey DracMorair
DracMorair: Hello loves
DracMorair: T-30 minutes I need to finish up in another room, a quick run to the store and we’ll begin
DracMorair: afk
captianplutonium: kk
DracMorair: matter of note
captianplutonium: hmm?
DracMorair: Cap, if a lass by the name of Yuki apears, please make her feel at home
captianplutonium: ok
DracMorair: I go now
captianplutonium: kk
captianplutonium: yukyi//
captianplutonium: ki/
captianplutonium: yuki XD?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Hellooooooo?
captianplutonium: hey ^^ whats up’
captianplutonium: drags told me to make u feel at home
captianplutonium: so um what do u do at home XD
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Me..??
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Oh^^ Heh…
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Hi
captianplutonium: hehe
captianplutonium: ya
captianplutonium: hey
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Hellooooo^^
Guest_AnndyJubJub: What’s the main rp bout?
captianplutonium: The story is ours to create… This little Lotus Rift is just the beginning. What we create from there is up to all of us. This is a rift between ALL Worlds. Temet Nosce : Know thyself. What ever your favourite lore is it will be accepted here. Come as you please, or commit to a character. Where we go from here, is a choice I leave to you. Unsure? Watch or Play Now, commit later! Interested?
captianplutonium: X33
captianplutonium: basic
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Haha! I know about the group page- Its the only way I could get in here
captianplutonium: The story is ours to create… This little Lotus Rift is just the beginning. What we create from there is up to all of us. This is a rift between ALL Worlds. Temet Nosce : Know thyself. What ever your favourite lore is it will beaccepted here. Come as you please, or commit to a character. Where we go from here, is a choice I leave to you. Unsure? Watch or Play Now, commit later! Interested?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Someone told me to come here and sent me the link
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Hahaha
captianplutonium: XD
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Is the rp going to start any time soon?
captianplutonium: mmmm yes
captianplutonium: when drac ets bak i ink
captianplutonium: think
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Yeah? Where are they?
captianplutonium: shes gone to get some groceries
captianplutonium: i think
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Haha! OK
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Just tell me when~
captianplutonium: kk
captianplutonium: wb
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Ty~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: So what is a rift?
captianplutonium: mp
captianplutonium: hmm?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: “Lotus rift”
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Haha what is a rift?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Helooooooo
Guest_AnndyJubJub: xD Oh no- I thought you were your wife
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: she will be on her way
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Well awesome
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: yesh she in dress up
Guest_AnndyJubJub: x3 count me in thaat too- brb
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ~. ~ Nvm
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I can multi task
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she feels the rift pull her in as she hears her husband call out her name her eyes glow blue as she feels his heart beat she flys and lands softly on the ground looking to her love~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Helloooo~))
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would look to anndy and nod her head~ hope you had a safe trip throw the rift?
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he feels his wife heart looks around for her as he looks to left of me and see his wife he reaches out to her neck and pulls her close to him and kisses her lips then moves his hand down to hers and wraps his fingers in between her fingers~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: “Haha, please-” she smiles “call me Amaril”
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would smil softly~ ok Amaril
Guest_AnndyJubJub: (So when would you start the rp? And~ Is it in this room or another?)
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: (in this room and qwe start now feel free to make an entrance tell us where your from what you are)
DracMorair: ((POST ENTRANCE (3+ lines) New characters: what world, what were you doing, what did you see when the rift appeared, what got you curious to walk through…. and briefly your thoughts of who you are. In RP already: Reason for coming back in))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: (Drac ^^’ .. heh- what a warm welcomecom)
Guest_AnndyJubJub: (Hello~ ^^- And I’m posting~)
DracMorair: ((Greetings love. welcome to our humble home)
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI:~she would kiss him back asshe felt there fingers inter twine together~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he then would wrap his other arm around her and pull her in close so we could cuddle ~
DracMorair: ~~Noticing her great grand son/daughter in the room gives a small shrug as she walks in her inner mind up to the world stone buried deep in my womb. Uncorking the sperm of my brother I attach it to that heartth-stonein my womb with one minor alteration for Expirement #3; the ability to feed off the visitors as i dont need overwhelming greed in my womb consuming me or the guests~~
DracMorair: ~~standing back a bit I don’t even raise my shield as it’s accepted my essence & Prides without adverse affects. Turning back to my kindred I wiggle my ass~~ So you two hungry?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: o -o
Guest_AnndyJubJub: xD
Guest_AnndyJubJub: (I’m sorry… what…. what is going on xD)
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would cuddles as she watched over him wondering if she should read the mind of the new commercial she would look to the wolf with a smile~ no me and hubby feed before we came
Guest_AnndyJubJub: (W-what does she feed you… o-o…)
DracMorair: ((The story line thus far is this. Lust, finding an abandoned world stone (the Ignot to the world smiths) surrounded by a temporal field shoves it up into my womb and begins expirements to open a rift between ALL worlds. Using her siblings sperm on the world stone to attempt to bridge them permanently))
DracMorair: ((As it does, more and more beings arive))
DracMorair: ((through rifts))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Drac… thats very creative… Heh..))
DracMorair: ((I know I suprese myself)
DracMorair: ((and it isn’t just me that helped with that.. its been everybody))
DracMorair: ~~gives a gallic shrug~~ Hate to inform you loves till my womb spits you back out.. you may starve if you dont feed on a visitor orme.
DracMorair: The rifts are random till all seven primary words are installed
DracMorair: Atleast that’s my intent
DracMorair: Working without time or space can be tricky
captianplutonium: 1- a rift would tear open leading the stud to mimensior were hed see again drac ad the other to ones that were together hed lay down relaxing listing on the convo-
DracMorair: ~~turning around to face the stud waking from his slumber~~ Well ello love…. so glad you could rise and see what pops through.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would stare a the steering wondering if she could read his inner thoughts then looks back to her husband~
DracMorair: That reminds me, you worked with Sol Invictus. Did you ever travel to imploding stars?
captianplutonium: hehe mp love
captianplutonium: yes iv seen som exploit from the stars and earth it self vary diffret hehe
DracMorair: ~~nods~~ The world smiths did a very good job with hEarth, midgard, Gaia, whateever ya love to call it
captianplutonium: ((sorry got to go ill be back later))
DracMorair: ((love ya /hb)
captianplutonium: ((i will try))
captianplutonium: sgh seems i still need to drag the son i ll be back as soon as im donne
DracMorair: ~~nods waving wondering how the pull to his divine duty effects the rift my ears perked~~
DracMorair: ((Fill in the blank later cap for that))
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~holds hubby close as i mess with his memories giggles easily~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: The sun begins to rise. I would much rather be in bed- letting the small streams of sunlight cares my face like it used to- But today.. I found myself covered in cardboard and garbage, letting it hide me and my scents from the Scavengers. There was an attack on my planet months ago- large hideous beasts had taken over-consuming entire oceans and destroying forestry for some reason. When they left- All that was left was dying and all who remained living werebeing hnuted by other creativity let loose by the evil that left. My neighborhood was usually dormant, bt as of last night- it was overrun by scangers. I’m in this dark, disgusting dumpster hoping none of them will fi- *My thoughts are haulted. The sounds of crashing and alien like screams fill the ally way… They get closer.. and closer.. until now- one of what sounds like three other beasts, lands on the lid of my hide away* God no.. Not like this… Its cant be this way *I shut my eyes tightly and grip the closest thing near me- the lid begins to open slowly as the mimik sounds of taunting laughter mix with the blinding white light from the two sons* No! *My voice echos through the scene as I pull the mystery object from unuder me and am taken by a flash of crystal blue light*
DracMorair: ((Anndy, nice post, but whats your first action after ariving))
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would feel a new essence come into the rift as she looks to see this girl stand beforeThey she new this one came from a world far off from her’s and she was very hapy to see someone new come throw the rift~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: “W-whoah……” Her eyes widen- she is overcome by confusion and awe, finding herself in a large lotus flower- “Where a-am I…” She says looking up and around, not noticing the beings, but the surrounding lights and floating crystals”
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Haha was afk but Im here now))
DracMorair: ((welcome))
DracMorair: ~~Hearing the first crackle of Greed’s pull the rift materializing yet another being I take a long inhale of the essesne. Blinking I glean the last image from the mind, Grati, world scangers… the product of a world abandoned by any true creators. ~~
DracMorair: ((Creative liberty, you mind?))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Oh no- help yourself- you’re really interested))
DracMorair: ((I only nudge your own story, call me out on bullshit if it’s not something you wish to work with))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Sure thing~))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Amerillis turns to the woman with the glowing blue eyes, shocked to see so many people in a place she’s never known about- “Hello…” She crawls out of the flower and comes to her feet, this time with a blank look in her eyes, hoping she owuldnt have to defend herself
DracMorair: ~~Sensing her desire(lust by any other name) for self preservation I breath and hold up my hands in the universal gesture for no weapons here~~ Calm yourself, Welcome to the Lotus Rift.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would look to the new commercial she would smiles and say softly to her~ peace be with you new commercial please come and sit
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he looks at his wife and read her mind then he looks at amerillis and read her mind~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She covers her chest with one arm, flinching at the beings signal- Not being from any universee she was still very confused by their behavior- “Who are you? W-what are you?”… She takes a step back and looks at the three “Have I.. been abducted..?”
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would look back him knowing he could she smiles as her eyes glow a briter blue then looks to the lil one and giggles no lil one a rift has open and here we all are me and my husband are incubus and succubus we are demons of the night~
DracMorair: You went through a rift in your panic away from those world scangers. Aparently some higher force though it wise to bring you here. Count yourself lucky. And myself? I go by many names. Do you know the word Lust?
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~then look bk at his wife and keeps reading her mind he then would obviously laugh at his wife ~ i love to haunt u in our night mares
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She squints at them, “Demons..” She mutters.. Her human for begins to fade and her natural silver skin tone begins to show asher true form as a moon elf showed through her guise- “Lust.” She repeats, “I’m familiar with the word..” She says taking yet one more step back closer to the cliffs edge
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would smirk~ and i will haunt yours tonight seeing its far game and all her eyes glow briter sucking his own essence~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he laughs at his wife~
DracMorair: Pardon my progeny…… they are a product of Lust & Pride. They have there uses, more than the energy steelers they portray to be. Every Demon can also be an object of chaos. And life’s challenges, aka, pride and lust in this case have there uses to… pride in one’s self, desire and its product love create life.
DracMorair: Lust, Desire, yearning.
DracMorair: Any of these ring a bell?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: “Hm.. They sound like.. two of the seven capital sins..- I’ve spent many earth years on that planet before its destruction but have learned much about it as well.. What is it exactly you are trying to tell me..?” She’s now still and curious rather than confused
DracMorair: ~~making note as a world traveler in the earthly galaxy at the back of my mind I speak~~ This Lotus Rift is my womb. And in myself literally shoved a world stone, the ignot of the world smiths up me, They likely abandoned it due to the temporal shifts, to my gain. I intend to bridge All reality here.
DracMorair: And sins, down to its energy, violence and frequency is See IN.
DracMorair: you see?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I-I… do..
DracMorair: many stories speak of the “word” coming first.. what they don’t ell you is all words started then too… the 7 “See INs” I term as primary. From them spawn many other words.
DracMorair: ((POST ENTRANCE (3+ lines) New characters: what world, what were you doing, what did you see when the rift appeared, what got you curious to walk through…. and briefly your thoughts of who you are. In RP already: Reason for coming back in))
DracMorair: (( The story is ours to create… This little Lotus Rift is just the beginning. What we create from there is up to all of us. This is a rift between ALL Worlds. Temet Nosce : Know thyself. What ever your favourite lore is it will be accepted here. Come as you please, or commit to a character. Where we go from here, is a choice I leave to you. Unsure? Watch or Play Now, commit later! ))
DracMorair: (( ))
Guest_skylarlarson: I will jus watch
DracMorair: ((np sky, if you wish for details please let me know))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I am a runaway from Estra… a planitary moon where my elven people once lived before they were destroyed and over come by scanvangers… Who.. are you? ..
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would smack her tail against her hubbys head~
DracMorair: As I said lovely, I goby many names, I am the embodiment of the word Lust, Desire, the primary word, my siblings beeing the other 6.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he feels his wife tail hit me in the head as i hit her in the head with my tail ~
DracMorair: So tell me of your homeworld of Estra.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She comes closer- examining the being more. “M-my moon is now long destroyed.. but I used to be ..” Memories flood her mind and she bacomes unneasy
DracMorair: Come now love. Nothing to fear here, the past is the past, this is your present.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the the new commercial her eyes shine light blue sending a feeling of joy to the new commercial~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: My mother and father were royalty… they commanded the moon … they were overthrown by the larger beings who left the scavengers behind- …… they were killed and scavengers were sent after me to demolish my bloodline
Guest_AnndyJubJub: *Tears fill her eyes and her true form comes through
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: so your the last of your kind~she walks over to her pattiing her back~ please have a seat ~ she lays back down by her husband~
DracMorair: ~~nods calmly~~ Not to fill you with too much hope Anndy, but time and place do not exist here, if we are able to open a rift, you may be able to go back and deliver a message anomysouly to your parents about these beings in time to prepare before being destroyed.
DracMorair: ((pardsons (Andy = Princess))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Amerillis Delphie .. heh and she doesn’t consider herself one anymre))
DracMorair: ((let your imagination flow, its all our story :))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Oh whoops! I mean she never did- I cant multi task))
DracMorair: ((you can, just not efficiently hehe))
DracMorair: ((yet))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Bite me x3 – I’m here now))
DracMorair: ((good deal))
DracMorair: ((and careful what you wish for.. I’m the wish masterr and grant here))
DracMorair: ((Your post Anndy, lets continue))
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She lays down, now calm and burys her face in a pillow- confused in thought hoping there was some way she could one day meet someone from her past
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would nod her head at the convo~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Really?? She pushes her upper body off the ground and her eyes glisten at the being
DracMorair: ~~Letting the link in my mind open after one long meditative breath to my progeny succubus, ” Do me a favor and influence her desire to speak, you have it in you to do that.” Watching my eyes follow the newcomer with more than a milk intrest~~
DracMorair: ~~nodding sufficiently as she sits up~~ Its no guarantee, but I’m willing to assist. It may be a great expirment to lock a Rift to the time frame you desire.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would look to the new commercial as she smiled looking into her eyes she then would ask her~ whats in your hearts inner most want?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She thanks the being but kindly declines as she answers “My inner most want is adventure… and a new home..”
DracMorair: And the offer of your homeworld back in one peice is not of intrest to you runnaway?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would turn to the wolf as nod her head~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: It is of extreme interest! She wipes the tears in her eyes with a warm smile-.. I just can’t live with myself watching them die all over again
DracMorair: Then, send a message through. And in the alternate time line, we watch as it plays out, you need not watch, if all goes well we’ll send you back.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: N-no.. please.. your offer is so wonderful, I just can’t go back one more time… I’ve lived multile lives … and I’ve gone back so many times… each time watching them die again… and a-again
DracMorair: ~~raises a browser~~ You’ve been here before haven’t you? product of the paradox?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Not here- exactly… but there have been other time rifts.. I carry this mystery object with me at all times … It takes me through time and has saved me four times..
DracMorair: ~~raises a browser opening my palm ~~ May I? it may be a part of this place
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She hands over the orange crystal vine- You may see, but this is a part of an alternate rift
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he pulls his wife closer to him as we cuddle~
DracMorair: ~~nods at her words though questiong every part of them at the same time as lay the peice flat in my hand as it does it responds to my being like a magnet, lifting off and hovering a few inches above my palm. It’s definatly part of this place, though the color I’m guessing is due to more infusion, I can sense all 7 primarys in it. ~~handing it back to her after graceping it before it driftsoff~~ If anything you just confirmed something for me. If I rush this project it may destroy me. And invite more world scavagers to more worlds.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she smiles as she bites his ear~
DracMorair: And explains why youre here as well….
DracMorair: Greed can be all consuming. A great black hole, swallowing worlds. Not in the literal sense but the effect is the same.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he feels her bite his ear as i kisses her lips ~
DracMorair: I just infused this place with the third primary, Greed.
DracMorair: And here you are
Guest_AnndyJubJub: What if the scanvengers are entering in to each time rift i reopen …. somehow… what if… -her eyes tear up- what if this is all my fault and my bloodline dies each time because of me?
DracMorair: If anything its me tampering with this place. I know there may be consequences. And for that I sincerly appology.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Ameril is shocked and gasps-..tears rush down her face- and she covers her mouth with her palm
DracMorair: Yet I’m willing to take responsibility and I will send a few beings able to give your world tech enough to fend for themselves from the invaders, well well well before they arive
DracMorair: It’s no gauranetee but at least give them a fighting chance.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She squints at the being- now furious and balls up her fists. They HAD tech- they HAD a flourishing empire…. They were in control of their own sector of the FUCKING universe!
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I want nothing from you! YOU are the one who has desttroyed me EACH and every time!
DracMorair: Then I’ll find the edge that was missing, perhaps an advisor with hidden store room of dangerous tech. Too much they can abuse it.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~looks to her huuby wide eyed~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~look bk at his wife~ o.o
DracMorair: ~~shrugs at the upstart princess~~ I’m willing to make amends and patch this mistaken that I haven’t made yet.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: come back princess
DracMorair: ~~ my ears flicking to the succubus wondering what’s going on in her head to show such compassion~~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She cries- jumps to her feet and leaps off of the edge- onto another floating platform
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the wolf just cause im demon dosesnt i cant have a heart~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: -Looking around thinking of a place to exit- she reaches for the orange, vine shaped crystal
DracMorair: ~~my eyes go wide returning the thought back to her, “Least my progeny grow a soul in my absense… do what you can, we still need a rift out of here.” ~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the new commercial~ please don go we are all here for some reason
Guest_skylarlarson: Except me..
Guest_AnndyJubJub: With confusion an irritation, she looks up to the rock- W-what?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the new commercial~ we all end up here in this rift foe some reason wether to watch or learn
Guest_AnndyJubJub: That would mean I’M here for a reason…
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would nod to the new commercial~
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Why am I here…
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: thats is a question only you can answer
DracMorair: ~~ Mentally smiling in our minds eye “Truth always works. Good job love”~~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he looks to the wolf~ wat is our reason of life n reason to live in this rift and the whole of live ????
Guest_AnndyJubJub: She ignores the present- thinking only about the trillions of lives lost
DracMorair: ~~Replying the masculine incubus, “Same reply… that is a question only you can answer.”~~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: u made this world wat for and y
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she flys to the new commercial and looks into her eyes~ we all lost our homes our families but yet we are here to help one another get therw it ~she smiles and flys back to her husband~
DracMorair: To explore possibles. I noticed my essence fading in the beings everywhere, not just on the earthly realm but everywhere. Love disaperaring. When that goes, Existance is done. Dead.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: and wat are the possiblesibilltes
DracMorair: True death. Back to the void.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Sadness washed over the elf and she becomes lost in dispair.. no longer angry at the being but at herself
DracMorair: Thats for us to discover darling son.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: and wat are the world
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: that we all comefrom
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she nods to her husband and calls the new commercial back over~ pinaise have a seat
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: was the possbilltes of lust
DracMorair: The word came first: Energy, Vibration, Frequency. From that, we wiped memory. Tobegin experiencing the project. Something I wager got in the program, and we forget how to wake up. But some are awakening up. Yet not enough.
DracMorair: So I started this project.
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Heavy with this dreadful feeling- she shakes her head- I’m too heavy to come hwere you are
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: wat is this projcet
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: to open up people mind
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she smiles as she flys to her picks her up as one of my skill are super stress and slys her to the pillows by me and my husband setting her down then kisses huan on the lips~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: from the different worlds
DracMorair: More like formatting the hard-drive with only one prime directive: Know you are gods.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~kisses his wife more password bk ~’=
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but wat if they dont want to know that lust
DracMorair: Then thats ok, you go on living
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: and the world n gods
DracMorair: Yet we need more to wake up to fix whatever broke
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: true but if they dont want to be fix
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: and they want to be broken
DracMorair: If they wish to go to the void, thats there choice
DracMorair: Energy is energy, they will be transmuted to something else
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she smiles at the new commercial calming her down~ i know how you feel like you me and my husband go throw many rifts
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: was that something else
DracMorair: with no memory of what they ever were.
DracMorair: Past and Future are frequencies that are illusion
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but how do u know wat they are
DracMorair: its the present, NOW that is
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: so they should live for the now ???
DracMorair: not a matter of should
DracMorair: its accept it
DracMorair: for it is what truly is. The journey
DracMorair: experience
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but wat if they dont want to
DracMorair: Thats the prime directive thus far
DracMorair: Then go to the void.
DracMorair: simple
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: and they wat to be more pride
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Lust?
DracMorair: The 7 primarys. We are just a few of many energies
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: lust after some one
Guest_AnndyJubJub: So all of you then have others to lust for..
DracMorair: So I’m using the 7 as a bridge
DracMorair: No more no less
DracMorair: When we can gather those awakened
DracMorair: we can patch whatever is causing the entropy
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but u only have two of them ???
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: i lust for my husband
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: noo my wife and i lust for each other
DracMorair: No, I have the seed of all 7.
DracMorair: And as princess has confirmed I need to be careful
DracMorair: I tampered with greed so it wouldn’t consume this place
DracMorair: I just need to let it be
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: wat is our greed over powers u
DracMorair: no tampering
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: i only lust for one and that is my wife
DracMorair: It can be highly destructive. And that serves no beginning
DracMorair: Any of the primarys can be really
DracMorair: You know this more than most
DracMorair: your pride to be “something” feeding the desire to be “anything”
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but wat is the most
DracMorair: Thats the definition of a Ibus
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but i see our night mares
DracMorair: As is your essence
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: and the lust u have
DracMorair: Pride, The destructive force of it is nightmares… to be something you do not wish to be.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: but y dose pride come in
DracMorair: And on its postive side
DracMorair: Dreaming ~~pointing to the succubus~~
DracMorair: From 2 come 3
DracMorair: Nighmares, Dreams, Illusion
DracMorair: That is your true progeny
DracMorair: IB US
DracMorair: > the three
DracMorair: I B Us
DracMorair: you see the energy?
DracMorair: good.
DracMorair: Now, to our NOW
DracMorair: This journey must continue. For if it doesn’t we go back to the void, and this expirement fails.
DracMorair: The grand one.
DracMorair: To experience
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Where do we start to continue?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I just want to make it right again
DracMorair: Good question princess
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: u start by looking in ur mind lol
DracMorair: I’m uncorking each one to witness the effects as much as I can with my perceptiong
DracMorair: With more beings coming in
DracMorair: I’m guessing
DracMorair: here.. but
DracMorair: it makes sense
DracMorair: That I need your perspectives as well
DracMorair: So we can form a permanent bridge
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: wat about a bond
DracMorair: Thats the idea.
DracMorair: Your energies are needed to form the doorways.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: the sins that are made by us
DracMorair: an I C bus with a Soul… heart.. love… that is reason
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: the sinsof the world
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to her husband and chuckles~
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: ~he looks bk at his wife~ ilu bby
DracMorair: The See Ins are all part of we, me, you, I. I may be the embodiment but its not all I am, I have my brother’s in me too, and many other energies.
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: wat are the others wat form is ur brother
DracMorair: pardon, not brothers, they are Asexual… without sex, for they are primarys.
DracMorair: Though its the energy you absolutely them ass
DracMorair: As to there forms…
MRDJUNHOLYIMMORTUI: wait that is u ???
DracMorair: heh, Close A See Sea…. the ocean. From it all energy flows… thats what a primary is
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the new commercial and ask in a soft voice~ are you ok?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: -she looks up at her and plops back in a laying position- I am overcome by confusion
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she nods~ i see
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I am here for a reason but do not know why.. and I understand nothing as to what and what and what oyou are as demonstrations
DracMorair: Its all right princess.. most of this esoteric knowledge is building blocks of life. Just take putting intent back in to words.. you words for you are able to speak them, for you are able to form your reality
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: i will tell you of our organizations
DracMorair: Spell a spell.
DracMorair: most elves know this much
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Moon elves know many.. yes.. are you requesting me to prepare an enchantment..?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: a succubus is a demon that takes the form of a woman in order to have intercourse with a man in his dreams, AThe male counterpart of the succubus is the incubus, from the Latin incubo for “nightmare.” incubus was supposedly a male demon who would lie with sleeping human women in order to have sexual intercourse with them
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: we feed off essence of another hints i feed off husband he feeds off me
Guest_AnndyJubJub: I see
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: The Succubus is the female counterpart of the male night demon, the Incubus. Due to the fact that many of them are shapeshifters, the appearance of a Succubus is often varied. Some like to take a more human appearance, while others retain a fully democratic mien (horns, wings, tail, etc.). Some even combine the two natures.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: Element Air/Wind/Sky, Darkness/Shadow, Fire, Mind/Spirit/Psychic, Sleep/Dream/Nightmare
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: tat is what me and my husband are
DracMorair: what is an enchament, break down the energy of that word. In chant Mean (it)
DracMorair: You see you are a creator now yes?
Guest_AnndyJubJub: Mm… I see… -she turns upwards andlooks into the abyss above her, admiring the crystals and wiping the tears from her eyes
DracMorair: Temet Nosce… know thyself
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~we come from the abyss the darkness you see us in your dreams we haunt all being dreams
DracMorair: ((Session end)) Good place to leave it for today folks
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