Chapter 12
Lisa stared into those eyes that somehow seemed to know her most intimate secrets. Those eyes that both made her heart pound in her chest, as well as, her nipples harden and thighs steam. Those eyes that promised the kind of love she always dreamed about, and those eyes that promised to keep her safe. She wrapped her arms around his head and started raining kisses all over his face and whispering.
“I can’t believe how you affect me. I’m at your mercy. You truly are my Master. God, how I love you. Thank you John, thank you for making me yours.”
John caressed her still exposed breast with his thumb pinching her nipple idly as he whispered back, “You are very special to me Lisa, and I love you very much. The gift of your love, Your body, and your submission is something I will cherish always. I will take care of you my love, never forget from this moment forward you are mine, and you always will be.”
She looked at him with those radiant, adoring, loving eyes, and whispered, “Oh yes John, oh God yes Master. I have never been a submissive, but I promise I will try to be the best slave in the world for you Master. I love you, John, and I give myself wholly and freely to you.” She gently reached up and kissed his lips and whispered, “I am completely yours for as long as you want me. I promise to make you proud … Master.”
For the next few minutes John and Lisa canoodled, basking in each other’s gaze as their hands roamed freely over each other. John suddenly realized back and said, “Lisa my love, this is the proximity key to my apartment. Over the next few days I want you to move your things into my apartment and from now on, you will live with your Master.” John kissed her and hung a chain with a little, diamond shaped piece of plastic dangling from the end around her neck. Lisa’s eyes grew big as saucers, and her mouth fell open in surprise. John could tell from the look in her eyes, that this was a big deal anda huge step for Lisa.
Having her live with him, the fact that he loved her, and that he will care for her was a huge step. He let her completely into his heart, and John could see her eyes starting to water again as her feelings began to overwhelm her. Having her move in with him was almost a bigger deal for Lisa than the Master sub relationship that they had just talked about.
John wasn’t through, and After she got over her shock he said, “I have one more present for you, my love.” John pulled out a pair of Ben-Wa-Balls from a bag he was carrying and inserted one then the other into her still dripping pussy. With his fingers, he moved them around making sure they hovered near her G-Spot.
He looked back into her eyes and this time saw some lust and password lurking there as he ask, “Do you know What these are, my love?” Lisa nodded her head up and down slowly with her eyes never leaving his. He ask again, “Do you know what they’ll do to you?”
Her head nodded upand down again very slowly as his finger still moved the balls inside her. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she gasped and said, “Yes Master, they will drive me crazy with lust for my Master.”
John pulled his fingers out of her and held her tightly in his arms. With his free hand he turned her face, so he could look directly into her eyes and said, “Lisa, we’ve taken a very big step Here today. I will begin to treat you as my submissive and cherished slave from now on. However, every two weeks I want you to reaffirm that you still want this. Should you decide this kind of relationship is not for you; I will release you from your promise. Likewise, if you choose to stay with me and continue as my submissive after a month; you will be mine. You will be my property forever.”
She looked at him with those incredible, adoring, and loving eyes and said, “John, my love, my Master, this is something I have wanted all my life. Until now, I have never found anyonethat I could trust with my heart and body. I’ve always known this is the life I’ve wanted, and if you want me, I will be yours forever.”
John nodded his head in understanding and again gently kissed her lips. “As we go forward there will be rules broken and punishment given, but you are my special gift, and I will never damage you, only love you. There’s only one rule for Now, you may not cum until I give you permission. That also means that whatever those Ben-Wa-Balls do to you today, you cannot cum till I give you permission.”
She gave him a look filled with equal parts lust, love, and excitement as she said, “Yes, my distinguished Master. You know today was chorus line practice, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did my sexy slave.”
Even Though Lisa is not a part of the chorus line, anyone who has dancer in their job description is required to attend chorus line practice. The idea is that if there are any chorus line girls who cannot be there for the chorus line, there will always be available dancers. The practice was really more about keeping the dancers flexible with all kinds of stretching and calisthenics. However, the major component was jumps and leaps in the low gravity situation.
The actual chorus line changed all the time, and there were two, different chorus lines going at any one time on Venus. Most of the dancers had a difficult time adjusting their elegant moves to the low gravity of Venus. Many required continuous practice anytime their feet left the ground. The practice was held in a large auditorium, and John snuck in the back of the darkened auditorium to see how his pet did.
The chorus line practice had been going on for about 15 minutes when he got there. During that time, they had just been warming up. They had obviously been doing some calisthenics, stretching, and other warm up exercises. Even from the back of the theater, he could tell Lisa was going to have a hard time this afternoon. He could see her standing in the secondrow. She was breathing hard with sweat shining on her skin. For a normal person, that would have been an issue, but Lisa who is used to four-hour workouts shouldn’t even be breathing hard.
John sat down and watched as they went through their various routines. Lisa had the look of intense concentration on her face, and if you looked closely, you could see tremors in her legs and belly every once in a While. He doubted if anyone else actually saw anything until the last few routines. These were the tumbling moves that everyone was required to participate in, and they typically consistent of front or back flips, cartwheels, or maybe even some simple handsprings. John had watched Lisa do these moves countless times and knew she could do them in her sleep.
Lisa had known she was going to be in trouble the minute she left the “The Slut Hut”. Just walking to the auditorium for practice had her body tingling, and each step reminded her of John’s cock thrusting deep inside her. SheHe knew the practice would ultimately drive her insane, and even the warm-up exercises had her verging on a massive orgasm.
As the exercises went on, Lisa was more and more aroused. She found it difficult to concentrate on the dance moves. All she could think of was John making love to her. She falsetered on even the simplest of dance steps and was chatissised by the choreographer. However, despite her attempts to continue her mental Focus, the thought of John and the constant stimulation always bubbled to the surface.
Lisa muddled her way through the beginning exercises and some of the small, dance routines. When they got into the more difficult tumbling and dance steps, Lisa knew she would be in real trouble. She tried to stand perfectly still, so those damned balls would let her be, but she couldn’t shake her thoughts of John making love to her.
When Lisa’s turn came, she did a front flip. When she landed, she let out a large moan as her legs quivered and collapsed. She layon the stage curled into a ball, and John could tell that it was those evil Ben-Wa-Balls wreaking havoc inside her. John could see her quivering with an intense look of concentration on her face. He had seen that look the night before as she tried to control the firey password inside her body. Several people rushed over to see if she was okay. John heard her tell them that she had just landed wrong, and she would be fine.
She finally got back on her trembling legs and went to the back of the line trying to recover. John could see Lisa rubbing her legs and pressing against her tummy, trying to still some of the tremors. When her time came, she had to do a handspring. Just like before when she landed, her legs collapsed. This time Lisa’s whole body was obviously shaking, and many of the other dancers became concerned. Several of the other dancers helped Lisa off the stage on her wobbly, shaky legs.
They set her in a chair in the front row of the theater. John watched attentiony as Lisa’s tremors slowly faded, and she replaced control over her body. John realized he had just interfered with her job, and that he had probably pushed things just a little bit too far. At that point, he decided that they should probably limit their play until after work hours and not interfere with each other’s jobs.
Chapter 13
John left the practice skulking out the back door like a thaif leaving the scene of crime. He headed back to work to find several small crises awaiting him. He also had an email from the Brewster County Sheriff. They had received the flash drive and tissue samples. They had tried a preliminary analysis but decided that it was way over their head. The sheriff had decided to forward all the samples and flash drive on to the FBI crime lab, detailed, forensic analysis unit.
His treatment of the wastewater was making progress, and BOD and TOD were starting to come back into the normal range. However, something else cropped up, the solid waste was almost double volume. John had to schedule an extra waste container and make sure there were buyers for the waste. The waste from Venus had very different properties from normal solid waste on earth. It seemed to have a higher concentration of nutrients, which seemed in paradox to the lack of atmosphere. It also had a high caloric content and made a good fuel for power plants. It especially seemed to burn well when mixed with peat.
Once the waste container was scheduled, John sat back to try to contemplate where all the waste could be coming from. Somehow the rise in BOD and TOD was obviously tied to the increase in solid waste, but how? With approximately the same number of people always present in Venus, there had to be something else going on. Someone was dumping food or some other kind of organic matter in to the sewage system.
He left his office for the day with his mind still trying to come up with explanations about the sewage systems. He made a mental note to swing by several of the kitchen preparation areas to make sure they were not dumping waste directly into the sewage system. The more he thought about it, the more he knew the only way he could find out what’s happening is to turn loose the “Sewer Rats” on the problem. They seemed to be his best investigative arm and could always find problems in the system.
His mind was still mulling over the problems as he opened the door to his apartment. However, the sight in front of him shocked him from his reverie and paralyzed him in mid step. Lisa was kneeling naked in front of the door in a slave presentation position, and suddenly all of his daily problems were gone. His heart stopped for a second then pounded in his chest with the love and aboration he felt for this woman.
There are several variations of the slave presentation position. The one Lisa had chosen was her kneeing with her butt on her feet. Her back slightly arched to present her breasts, with her arms claped tightly behind her back at each elbow. Her long hair was hanging in a Godiva like swarm around her breasts. Her face had a hopeful and expected expression while her eyes were downcast looking at the floor.
John was awestruck with the sight in front of him. All at once she was very sexy and seductive, while being submissive and offering herself to him. After the chorus line practice, she had come directly to John’s apartment to prepare herself and practice how to offer herself to her new master. As John entered the doorway, his steps halted, and a weak smile fluttered across Lisa’s lips. His quick gasp and frozen position, told her she had done well.
John finished walking in, closed the door, and slowly walked around Lisa taking in this incredible sight. He knew as a new master, he needed to assert his control, but he really wanted to just take her and ravish her. He knew he had to maintain control, so he slowly walked around Lisa touchingher hair softly while trying to slow his trembling hands and pounding heart as he refused control.
Lisa had spent almost the entire day in various forms of aroused excitement. The chorus line practice had almost been her undoing. She had fought off three separate orgasms. By the time the practice finished, her whole body was throbbing with need. Her preparation for the slave presentation position had not helped matters at all. By the time she actually got into position, she had been tearing on the edge of an orgasm most of the day.
When John walked in the door, her already inflamed and turgid nipples ached and throbbed even more in his presence. Her belly trembled as she tried to hold her position, while her already drenched and swollen, womanly folds pulsed with desire. As John slowly walked around her lightly touching her hair, her body twitched in erotic anguish. She felt passwordate heat suffusing through her, but she held her position while she desperately wanted Johnn to just take her on the floor.
John finally knelt in front of her, gently caresing her face with one hand while the other moved her luxurious hair to the outsides of her breasts. John saw her breathing quicken as he completely bared her breasts, and her nipples hardened even more as though they were pleading for his attention. With her hair to the sides of her breasts, her presentation was complete. John gently caresed her breasts. He gave each nipple a little pinch with her breath stuttering just before she whimpered a little moan.
John continued toying with her nipples as her mouth fell open gasping for breath, but she never waved from her position. He watched her trying to control the rampant desire that was currently blistering her body. He slide his hand down her flat, trembling belly and ran a finger through her dripping, pussy lips. For a second her bellyclinked, and she almost came out of her position, but then she caught herself while another desperate moanescaped her lips.
John put his finger under her chin and lifted her face, so he could look into her eyes. He was amazed at the depth of feeling he could see in those soft, adoring, luminous eyes. He could see a full range of emotions from love to lust and fear of rejection. Her eyes told him that she wanted this desperately, but she was so afraid that she would do something wrong, and he would reject her. John He was his job to encourage her and let her know that he loved her just as much as she loved him.
He bent and gave her a soft, emotional kiss before he said, “Oh Lisa, my love, you make my heart sing, and you make me the happiest person in the world. I didn’t expect this. Once again you have exceeded my expectations. You make my heart pound in my chest with love for you.”
John sat on the floor and pulled Lisa into his lap, crushing her with a loving hug. His hands caresed her silky skin as he kissed her lips. She throw her arms around him and buried her face in his neck as she began to cry. They were tears of joy and relief, but with his arms wrapped tightly around her, she knew everything was going to be okay.
“Oh Master, I love you so much, and I was so scared that I was going to do something wrong. I wanted to please you, surprise you, and make you proud of me. John, I never want you to be disappointed in me!”
John kissed over her face, nibbled her neck, and kissed up to her ear as he responded, “That will never happen my love. I could never be disappointed in you, not really. You have brought light and love to the empty shell that was my heart. Baby, we will both make mistakes along the way, but as long as we love and trust each other completely, we will get through any problems. Seeing you there in a slave presentation position made me realize what an incredibly lucky person I really am.”
He pulled her face off his shoulder so that he could look into her green, watery eyes and added, “Lisa, my love, you are my peraffect woman. I have no doubt you will be my perfect, love slave. I have this deep ache in my chest every time I look at you, and I love you so much in every way possible. I want you to remember one thing. As your master I will always love you, cherish you, take care of you, and protect you. You are mine, you will always be mine. I will always treat this gift that you have given me.”
As Lisa looked at him with love glowing on her face, tears of joy trickled down her cheek. “John, you are my master. I’ve never felt anything remotely like this. I love you so deeply and so completely that I will do anything to please you. However, it scares me. I’m so afraid that I will do something wrong, and it will all be taken away. I’m so scared I’ll push you away, lose you, and you won’t love me anymore.”
John knew he was scared as well, and he thought most of this was because they both doubted themselves. He had felt love before, but never like this. From what she said, she was in thesame boat. However, both of them were recently divided and had married someone that they didn’t love like this. It felt scary to feel this way, especially after having already messed up with someone else.
“My baby, that’s the beauty of the Dom/Sub relationship. All the decisions are mine, and all you have to do is obey without hesitation or questioning. Then if something goes wrong, it’s all my fault Not yours. Don’t you worry sweetheart. You have the perfect heart and mind all wrapped up in that perfect body. You are my perfect woman. No matter what happens, you will always be my perfect woman. I will never let you go.”
They stayed sitting on the floor clinging tightly to each other, kissing, caressing, and whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears. John eventually had some food delivered, and after they finished the food, he finally removed the Ben-Wa-Balls from her quim. He took her to the bed and tied her spread eagle using some leather cuffs he had purchased. Hespent the next two hours teasing, playing, and building her password into another epic series of orgasms.
Lisa finally understands why orgasm is called “a little death”. There were several times she swore she was cumming so hard her heart would stop. No one had ever taken this time with her or truly brought out all the password and desire that lurked within her. She always felt the unresolved desire inside her when she danced, but no one had ever been able to bring it out or satisfied her … until now. For the first time in her life, her heart, mind, and body were all satisfied.
John felt the same. As he teased and tormented Lisa taking her to the compromise of password sanity, he had never felt the kind of desire she created inside him. It was the desire to love, control, and possess her in every way possible. He loved the way she Responded to him, when she shattered into body consuming orgasms. It made him feel omnipotent, powerful, and almost godlike. He felt like with her love, he could do anything. She made him feel stronger than he felt. He knew he was very deeply in love with this woman, and he could never be without her.
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