Venus Ascending Pt. 08

Chapter 22

Lisa had butterflies every day about the show at the Aladdin room. She was afraid that she would not do well in the show. She had been practicing at least a couple of hours every night and the parts that John got to see said there shouldn’t be any soft man parts anywhere in the audience. While John was constantly mesmerized by Lisa’s incredible poise, grace and beauty, Lisa only saw her flaws. As a result, she constantly worked to improve all of her perceived imperfections.

She was worried her skin would not be lustrous enough or poisoned and slick enough for the veils to slide the way she wants them. So each night John helped her rub a combination of moisturizers and oils into her skin. She had also been taking tanning sessions every day since she applied for the job, so that Her skin will have a nice golden hue all over. Her normal four hour body sculpting sessions in the gym had moved up to five and sometimes even six hours.

Every morning she would inspect herself for a blemish in her skin or an ounce of fat in the wrong place, but all John ever saw was perfection. All the effort made Lisa even more stunning than she already was and that’s saying something. With her golden skin poisoned, glistening, and oh so silenty soft, stretched over her lithe, muscle toned body, she was a dazzling dream personified. While John found her to be perfect, every day she found a flaw that she needed to work on.

Lisa could not believe how her life had changed since she met John. She had worked all her life trying to get a starring role as a featured dancer. Growing up, her entire life revolutioned around ballet or modern dance lessons and in an early age she had been given the taste of being a featured dancer. However, when she blossomed all of that seemed to go away. At dance audiences she was either too short, her breasts were too large, and there were thousands of other excuses for not getting the role.

In order to earn a living shestarted nude modeling and striping. All of the flaws that kept her from being a lead dancer were suddenly an asset in this world. However, she still hung on to her dream of one day being a featured dancer. Now thanks to John she was getting her chance. John wasn’t just a chance for a featured dancer job, he was also her chance at love. She found more and more that she craved the role of John’s love more than a featured dancer.

John helped her every night with her dance of the seven veils. She had done extensive research and found that the dance was really subject to interpretation. There was no choreographed dance. There were the Hollywood versions, the stripper versions and even a biblical version, but none was the official dance of the seven veils. So Lisa took the most erotic and sensitive versions making up her own dance.

As John helped her refine her dance, they turned the dance into an elegant yet seductive masterpiece. There were elements of ballet combined with several sensuous stripper moves. It was indeed a dance like no other and only someone like Lisa could put all this together. Someone that was trained in classical ballet, schooled in modern dance and had grown up as a stripper, could put this dance together. As he saw her creating this dancing masterpiece, he wondered what the reaction of the gangsters would be. He worried that given the chance the ruling Council would pervert her dance into something sinister.

John hadn’t let Lisa know anything about the snuff films, the tissue samples or the ledger information that he was finding. He wanted her to be happy and he wanted to see nothing but joy and ecstasy on her face, so he hid all of his information from her.

John always had a healthy dose of skepticism and animus when it came to the ruling Council, but his findings in the sewer system was turning him into a full-blown cynic. The “Sewer Rats” documented another snuff film and in addition to their photography evidence, they gathered blood and tissue samples as well. So far they had evidence of the tortured death of a human being, but they knew this was the tip of the iceberg. Somehow, they needed to find evidence of how high this went and if this went all the way to the ruling Council. So far the only people they tied directly to the crimes were the two people that actually did the torturing and a cameraman.

John met with his fellow engineering managers to try and find how to stop this inhuman practice. The pervasive attitude among the managers thought there was maybe one other individual that helped in coordinating the smuggling of the victims. So the consensus among the managers was there were four criminals involved and that needed to be brought to justice.

John argued there was no way something like this could happen on Venus without the ruling Council’s knowledge and approval. However, most of the other managers resisted his notion and their motivation was obvious. For an engineer this wasa very lucrative gig and everybody had put their lives on hold for large amounts of money they received for being here. No one wanted to give all that up and no one wanted to think that they had been a fool to trust a bunch of gangsters.

However, there was one other motivating factor, fear. Most of the engineers were in good shape, but none could stand up to the security force. A few had served in the Armed Forces and had some combat experience. However, they had no weapons and nobody was skilled in hand and combat. So if the ruling Council was involved in all their lives were in danger, including those families that had come with the engineers.

The “Sewer Rats” had already shown that they were in this fight and they would do whatever was required. They’re the ones who had found and documented the only evidence that they had and he knew they would do more if he ask. So he asked them to keep a close eye on his precious Lisa. He wanted to know if she was ever in any potentialial danger and if so he needed to know immediately.

John understand the fear and reticence among all the other engineering managers. They had people that they loved that would be put in danger if they did anything and he understand that. However, he didn’t understand the people that feared the loss of a paycheck more than what was moral and right.

Meanwhile, John contacted the Brewster Texas County Sheriff to see the results of their forensic analysis. The Sheriff had been to whom they had sent the flash drive and tissue samples. He had in turn sent them on to the FBI crime lab. John hoped very soon they would have a complete analysis of this information and determine what it entailed. The information on the flash drives and specific banking information had been traced by the FBI to a corporation called Star Entertainment.

Star Entertainment seemed to be a nebulous holding company. However, the FBI had uncovered one very interesting, but not conclusive fact. Of all theMembers on their board of directors, all also had ties to Venus Ascending. The books contained the purchase of raw materials, transport and production costs. These costs were associated with the creation of some kind of product. Then there were marketing, distribution and sales of the item, but there was no definitive description of what the item was. Therefore, the accounting analysis continued.

As far as the tissue samples went, they were so far a dead end. They catalogued all the tissue and the DNA, but had found no matches in their database. Unfortunately, they did not have access to many of the international databases, including the DNA database that Venus Ascending held. So they had the information, but no one to link it too.

Feedback from the FBI requested the identity of the information that had given John the accounting information and tissue samples. John had no idea who that person was and had no idea how to find them. They had just found the information stashed inthe sewer system. The “Sewer Rats” were his counter surveillance unit and his secret weapon. They could reach any portion of Venus without anyone being aware that they were there. So he wanted to see if they could conduct surveillance on members of the accounting team and see if any of them was the possible informant.

John worked with the IT team to set up encrypted emails and ghost surfing capabilities to try to hide his investigation from the ruling Council and their security. Using his encrypted emails he let the FBI know what they had found so far and what he suspected. Unlike his fellow engineering managers John felt like the entire snuff film operation was being run from the very top. This had all the organization of any other cost center in the entertainment arena. John felt this couldn’t only be just the people they had seen so far.

John knew he was out of his league and asked the FBI for suggestions on where to look and what evidence they needed. He also asked them how they saw this ending, because with no legal or judicial system on Venus, how could the criminals be brought to justice? They told him they had already conceived a task force and were working on all of those various issues. In the meantime, they just wanted him to continue his survey.

The only person John cared about was Lisa and she was already neck deep in this. John’s only fear was that something would happen to Lisa. He didn’t know what he could do, but he was prepared to fight the death to save the woman he loved.

So far the one saving grace was that all the criminal behavior was still hidden behind closed doors. The council didn’t want anything out in the open for the world’s scrutiny. John figured this paranoia was his only saving grace. Lisa’s show and dancing was all in public, so he felt as if she was safe. As long as the consortium worried about public opinion, John felt like Lisa could go on with her dream dance.

Lisa’s whole dancing career wasriding on this one break. She hoped that this would be her breakout dance and everyone would be so mesmerized that her career would take off. However, as the time drew closer to her dance, she just thought of a life with John. Her career had been everything, even during her previous marriage, but now on the verge of her big break she only thought of John. Strange that when finally got what she wanted she realized something else is more important. John had been nothing if not supported and every day he demonstrated that her happiness was the most important thing to him. That fact made her want him even more.

In the meantime John had his job to do and his efforts to stabilize the water chemistry seemed to have paid off. There were still massive swings in the chemistry, but they settled down fairly quickly. Once John Know where the problems were originating it was fairly simple to fight the water chemistry. However, the larger fight with the powers that be loomed ahead and seemed to occur his thoughts.

Chapter 23

The day of Lisa’s debug as a feature dancer had finally arrived and Lisa was glad it was finally here. She knew she had been distracted and had not given John the attention that she wanted. Lisa didn’t know that John was also distracted because she was so wrapped up in her dance preparation. The night before her dance debug Lisa had a hard time sleeping and John had given her massage to help her relax and get some sleep. However, she had hurt up somewhere around three in the morning and again had trouble sleeping.

It had been a while since she had roused John in his sleep in this morning might be a good time to do it again. Lisa shimmied under the covers and sucked John’s cock into her mouth. With her tongue she sensitively caressed his cock as Her lips stroked and coated his cock to life. In long slow strokes she took his hard cock into her throat making love to the man she loved, teasing herself as much as him.

Soon she could feel his hips lifting and squirming and she knew he was awake. Shortly after his hands tangled in her hair as he gently pushed his cock deeper into her throat. Very soon he was fucking her throat in a rhythm with his hips lifting and his hands pushing. Lisa felt tingles all over as she was forced to accept more and more of his cock. She had started it, but now her Master had taken control and that’s the way she loved it. There was something very erotic and at the same time primitively satisfying when John took control away from her. Then when he used her as his, her password rocketed into outer space.

John lifted her hips and put her dewy folds over his mouth where he began to drive her wild with his lips and tongue. Lisa redoubled her efforts passwordately making love to his cock and was soon rewarded with spurts of his seed in her mouth. There was a satisfied glow all over her body as she felt her Master feed her his cum, but the flush turned to fire as he sucked her clip in his mouth. She shattered around him, but he never softened as her moans and a passwordate ardor rippled down his cock.

John knew he would be able to last much longer now and flipped Lisa over underneath him driving his cock deep inside her hungry pussy. John’s hands are busy mauling her breasts and nipples as his lips and teeth thrilled her neck and ear. John made love to her in every way imaginable, driving her relentlessly from orgasm to orgasm. He very effectively drained off all of her nervous energy and replaced it with loving password.

By the time John finally finished Lisa was radiant. She positively glowed with love, password and satisfaction. Lisa snuggled into John’s arms with the taking almost another hour for quivering and twitching to subside. John lovingly saw to her aftercare, caresing and striving her body and head as she preened against him. They both fell asleep again napping until it was time to get up.

They lovingly showed each otherThen dressed casually as they had a late breakfast. John made sure Lisa had many types of food and protein, because she was unlikely to get another chance to eat until the next day. Lisa was still glowing with sensitive happiness and loving satisfaction as she left to go prepare for the dance. John watched her go nervously. This was her big debt, her big chance and he hoped everything would go well. The next time he saw her she would be dancing the dance of the seven veils.

Lisa kept glancing back and every time she did John was there still watching. The way he made love to her this morning banished much of her nervousness and the way he looked at her now filled her with love. In her mind this dance was a dedication to John. Without him she wouldn’t have the chance to try and without him she wouldn’t have the confidence to go forward.

Lisa felt like their love was a unique combination of physical and emotional support, combined with their dominant and submissive roles. Her hearth was over flowing with love this man in her body trembled with password that he ignored in her. He pushed her into things that would’ve made her uncomfortable before, but he stood behind her supporting her whole way. With him she could do things she only dreamed of before. Sometimes she felt as if she was living the most wonderful and incredible dream.

Lisa’s preparation involved several oils and lotions that made Her skin exceptally silent, as well as, lustrous and sensitive. The silkiness was a necessity to make the veils slide off her skin the way she wanted. The lustrous and seductive glow of her skin was necessary for the sensitivity of the dance. Lisa knew her ultimate costume was her body and her skin; therefore, she spent a lot of time tending to her costume. The veils were only a temporary covering, but they had to slip from her body exactly the way she wanted or some of the sensitivity would be lost.

During her preparation backstage she oiled her skin with a special oil she had found called ‘the sensitivity oil’. She made sure her body showed with golden sensitivity. Tonight was the night and the oil was very expensive, so she was saving it for tonight’s show. The oil is supposed to awaken all the nerve endings in your skin. Lisa thought that extra little sensitive kick would allow her to come across as more alluring. Unfortunately, she did not read the fine print. It said the oil should not be used on erogenous zones that already have large bundles of nerves; this would result in hyper sensitivity. As she was becoming dressed she could tell she was going to be in trouble. The diaphanous sheets were like feathers teasing her skin especially her nipples.

Show time … As the eunuch escorts Lisa to the Sultan, the walk caused the diaphanous sheets to shift and float around her body. As the veils Start to rub against her nipples a deep throbbing pulse traveled through her body centering in her pussy. As she takes her first step, Lisa feels theveils caresing her entire body. The act of walking seems to have become a maddening torque. The veils on her skin and now her pussy lips squished against each other. All of this sensing starts to push Lisa to the edge of a massive orgasm, teetering waiting to exploit.

Chapter 24

John got to the Aladdin Theater about 30 minutes before the show starts. He got a drink at a table fairly close to the stage and sat back to watch the show. The show started with a few minutes of intro that had been filmed beforehand. It was designed to set the tone with a slave auction in which Lisa was the most stunning beauty there. They showed some scenes in which she was carried to the preparation area, washed, oiled and generally patpered. At the end of the film she was dressed to the seven veils and told to go dance for the Sultan.

Lisa’s entrance on stage was greeted by murmurs of appreciation from the audience. Lisa looked devastatingly gorgeous. All of her prepaRation work culminated in this look of sensitive beauty barely hidden behind the translucent veils. Lisa’s large breasts and hard nipples were trying to poke through the layers of fabric, and were giving hints of what lies beneath the veils. Everyone could feel the tension in the room start to grow as people feel as if they were going to see something very special.

The stage setting for the sheik’s opulent chambers included all the walls covered in satin. The sheik was lounging on a bed of large satin pillows, and he has two guards on each side of him. There was a low table to the side of the sheik with more pillows for setting.

As Lisa came through the door, the sheik sat up in anticipation. He gave the impression of someone who couldn’t wait to get his hands on the seemingly perfect breasts. Unfortunately, they were still hidden behind the veils, but her thrusting begging nipples tinted the veils letting everyone know the treasure that lay underneath. The Sheik’s hands itched in anticipation of being able to ravish this stunningly beautiful woman that now belonged to him.

Without any introduction the music began and seemingly of its own according to Lisa’s body started to shake and move. They were soft sensitive yet teasing movements with her hips seeming to swivel independent of the rest of her body. Every movement caused the veils to cares her sensitive skin fanning the erotic flames inside her. The amorous heat inside her fed her feverish red hot password. It could only be quenched by her desperately needed orgasm.

Lisa had studied various movies depicting the dance of the seven veils, but these were all Hollywood’s interpretation. She had tried to find real information on the dance but it was all very sketchy; so she put together her own version. She tried to emulate the harem girls dances she had seen on old movies. She thought she would throw in a few stripper moves as well, but it was all designed to be sensitive and seductive.

She stretchched her arms above her head and she began to shimmy around the room with the top of her body sensitively weaving to and fro. Her breasts wobbled exclusively on her chest, and her hard thrusting nipples were threatening to tears the fabric asunder. Her hips were moving independently from rest of her frame, as if they were being held by a lover as he was thrusting into her. The sensitive veils caresing her sensitive skin caused Lisa to let her head fall backwards in an open mouth moan.


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