Twenty-Five Of The Best

You lead me over to your weight benchmark, gently tugging my lean as we go. You tell me to straddle the benchmark, placing my head where your legs would normally go. I am very excited and the cool vinyl feels so good on my warm skin. You take my arms, handcuffing each one to the bars and move back to work on my lower half. Before I know it, my legs are pulled up and tied to the bars where the weights would normally rest. This leaves my lower extremes in quiet a vulnerable position.

“Wait right here,” you tell me, laughing.

“Smart ass,” I replied, getting a very threatening glance in return. When I am out of your site, I start to wiggle, testing my bonds. Hmm, pretty tight, no chances of escaping, I think to myself, knowing that even if I could escape I wouldn’t Even try. You come back into the room and my excitement grows. You reach down and lift up my head, looking deep into my eyes.

“What did you call me bitch,” you ask.

“Nothing Sir, I didn’t say anything,” Ireply, knowing I am in big trouble.

“Yeah that’s exactly what I thought,” you say as you place a wadded up pair of my panties in my mouth. I try to protect, keeping my mouth tight, but you manage to force it open as you always do. After making sure the panties are in place, you cover my mouth with a thick piece of duct tape.

“This should keep that smart mouth in control,” you mutter to yourself. I start to moan as I see the blindfold in your hand, and you quickly put a stop to my noise. “If I hear one more sound, I will tie you up and leave you in the closet, where no one can hear you whining.” I groan inwardly as you place the blindfold over my eyes. You know how much I hate that. Its not something I have had a lot of experience with, and it scares me a great deal. The fear of not knowing what is coming is something I don’t deal very well with. I trust you though, and no you would never overstep the boundaries we have set. I feel you walk away, but I can’t tell if you haveleft the room or not and I start to worry. I listen very carefully, not sure what I will hear. Will it be your voice? Will it be the sound of your belt rushing through the air? A few minutes pass and I feel the warmth of your body close to me. I jump slightly as I feel your hand begin to caress my back.

“You were very bad this morning young lady,” you began, “and you Haven’t hurt any of my marks for quite a while,” you continue on as you cares my back, moving down to my butt and tights. “I think we will just kill two birds with one stone today. Perhaps 25 strokes with four of my favorite implementations will remind you who is boss. You seem to have forgotten lately.” Oh man, I am in for it I thought to myself. This is going to be a long Afternoon. I hope you will go easy, or else I may end up in that close you mentioned. I feel you walk away again, and you return and begin probing my ass. Hmm this isn’t in the schedule I thought to myself, but I could like it. Or maybe not, I thinkas I feel you pressing a thick object into my ass. “I think we will just leave that there…it looks so nice,” you tell me. “Before we begin, I am going to warm you up with my hand, but remember what I said…. Not one word.”

All my hopes of you being gentle went right out the window as I feel the first smoke of your hand. Oh damn, I wasn’t that bad was I? The second smoke Hits squarely on the butt plug, sending jolts of pleasure and pain through my body. You continue on, not stopping until my ass is on fire. “A very lovely shade of red my love, you should see it.” I feel you leave again, grateful for the break. I am feeling weak and dizzy already. My mind starts swimming and I didn’t notice that you came back until I heard the swish of the air. Agghh. I attempt to scream as I feel your belt strike my back. All of a sudden my head is jerked back as you pull my hair. “I told you bitch, not one peep. If I hear one more sound before I tell you, we are done until you can shut up, and then we will start all over. You got it?”

I slowly nod my head as the tears began to build. You proceed to tell me that since I can’t follow your orders, that first stroke doesn’t count. Shoot, this is going to be mighty rough. I wait for the next blow, tightening my body. Three quick strokes land across my ass very fast. You reach down and adjust the butt plug, sending shifts Through my body. Hmm if he keeps that up, this might not be so bad, I think to myself. I hear feel the air move as you raise your arm and I wonder where the next one will land. I quickly find out as I feel your belt hit my tights. That once wasn’t so bad. Thank goodness I have extra padding down there, I think as I feel the sting of another blow. I feel your hand running along my back again and as quickly as you started, you stop.

You began your next attack, taking revenge on my back. Several strokes of your belt, so fast and so painful I can’t keep track of how many. I am doing my best to stay quiet, not wanting any punishment, but I can’t help the whimpers that escape. At least you have gagged me, maybe you won’t hear this way. The next blow lands on my ass, followed by two more on my thighs. I feel my cunt, your cunt, getting wetter as you go, my body betraying me. The next stroke lands high on my back, the tip of your belts reaching around and snagging the side of my breast. A few slower, much harder strokes on my ass and you stop. Thank you Goddess, he is done.

With the first 25 anyway. I feel your fingers reaching deep into my wetness. “Gee for someone making all those noises like she is in so much pain, you certainly are excited,” you say, chuckling. Damn, I thought I was being quiet, so much for this being over quickly. You continue to probing my cunt, moving deeper and harder. I try to move my hips to meet you, but you are quick to tell me to sit still. I feel empty as you pull your fingers out and leave me. A few minutes later, you come back and begin rubbing something on my ass. “Do you know what this is?” you ask me as if I could answer. I nod my head no, and you lift it up, bringing it down on my tender ass. It feels sort of flimsy, but it has a horrible biting sting to it. Again and again you hit me. The sting is almost more than I can take and I try to move, trying to escape the next blow. You continue on my ass, an occasional smack on my thighs, but thankfully avoiding my tender back. I tried to keep count, but lost track and my mind slipped away. I am sure it was more than 25 though. Oh well, it is your choice not mine…so evil, I think to myself.

Finally when I think my skin is ready to peel apart, you stop. I feel you very close to my head and your lips gently brush my head. “I am very proud of you slut, you made it through all that with not one sound. For that, I will remove your blindfold and gag, but you must stay quiet. Understand?” I nod my head. You take off the blindfold and I blink my eyes several times, trying to adjust to the light. Ahhhh, a flyswatter…I would have never guessed. I have such a creative Master. Being the devil that you are, you rip the duct tape of my mouth, having no mercy. You pull the now wet panties out of my mouth, and I lean my head towards you, reaching for your lips. Your tongue is in my mouth, you taste so wonderful. You make me so hot.

“Fuck me Sir, please,” I began to beg. “No such lucky my little whore, you still have 50 strokes left and you are not getting out of them.”

I groan, “I want you Sir,” I somehow manage to get out between your kisses. Mmmm. You stand up, leaving the room again, coming back with the cane. I began to beg you, I can’t take the cane, and you know it. Especially if I have to stay quiet. You ignore me, and begin on my ass. Over and over. I don’t think its ever going to stop. Moving down to my thighs, I slip into my own world. I can’t feel where the strokes stop and start again, and I am past gone. My eyes close and I lay, motionless and soundless. Only you can make me feel this way. I feel your lips on my neck and I moan.

“Shh, baby,” you tell me, “we’re almost done.” You reach down to the floor picking something, but keeping it out of my view. It takes several thuds before I realize it’s the wooden spoon. I feel the butt plug being pounded into my ass, as you hit it several times. I groan and you reward me by increasing the strength of your blows. Harder and harder. I can’t take it much longer. Before I can help it the scream escapes my lips, followed by a deep sob. Several more blows and I have no more screams, no thoughts, nothing, only tears running down my cheeks, any energy to fight gone. I feel you lifting me up holding me against your body. Your hands are on my Shoulders, pushing me to my knees, and I know what is expected. I take your beautiful cock out of your jeans and begin caressing it. “Good girl.”


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