Samantha heard the sound of her phone vibrating in the sand. Kind of hard to answer the phone when you can’t move your arms. Even if they weren’t tied behind her back to the chair that she sat in, it’d be impossible to say anything through the tape wrapped around her mouth.
“How does it feel? Are you comfortable?” Jason asked the question even though the look on his face suggested that he knew the answer. She felt the sand in her toes. That was the only comfortable part about it.
“Mrrrmphphh. Mrrrmmp!” Samantha moaned usefully. She felt the ropes holding her legs together and she desperately wanted them apart. They had become much tanker after a few days in the tropical sunshine.
Honeymoons are normally relaxing. They aren’t supposed to be terrifying.
“Good.” Jason seemed Pleased by his handiwork. “I’m gonna be right back. I want to get coffee first. Don’t go anywhere, Sam.” He seemed delighted. They had dragged the chair onto the beach. Jason said it’d be fun.
She could hear his footsteps but not see them in the angle that she was facing. Her hair bustled about her face and it had become obscenely annoying as it blocked her view of the ocean.
Super Bowl Sunday. Jason was right. She looked this way and that. The beach was deserted. Everyone was insiders. The game hadn’t even started yet. It wasn’t due to start for hours. Dammit, she Thought. Why does he always have to be right?
She made a few sexy moaning noises but it started to feel silly with no one there to hear them. Thoughts had begun to avalanche down her mind. What if he never came back? What if he tripped and had fallen unconscious heading up the bluff? The sounds of waves comfortable her worries a little bit.
She had to admit. It felt damn sexy to be tied up by Your new husband in a pink bikini and left there on the beach desperately waiting for his return. Jason had played football in college. She thought about the way his abs felt to pass the time.
She held her head down and flung some of her jet black hair out of her face. Her legs were waxed and flawless. She wondered if she’d get tan lines from the ropes. It’d be hard to explain them to people, she thought. After all, she was wearing nothing but a bikini.
But that would soon change.
Finally she heard the noises of rustlings up the bluff which she assumed was Jason.
The first thing that worried her was the shadow that crept behind her. It didn’t move like a Jason shadow.
The second thing that worried her was the voice. It wasn’t Jason’s voice.
“Pretty Asian girl. What are you doing tied up to a chair on a beach?” It sounded razor sharp and acidic in her ears.
She turned her head to face him, but couldn’t quite see. The rising sun was in her eyes.
First it was a hand on her right shoulder. Then it was another one on her left shoulder.
The first few noises that came out of her were squeaks and high-pitched shrinkings.
The voiceinvaded her left ear. “Sexy little Asian girl.” His hand went up her neck gently. “You didn’t answer my question.”
The hand ripped the tape off and her mouth was emancipated.
“Leave me alone! My husband’s going to be here any minute!”
“I don’t see him around. What kind of a husband leaves his wife tied up to a chair on the middle of a beach?”
“We’re just playing a game! Go away, he’ll be here any minute!”
“What’s your name?”
“Go away! I’m warning you!”
She felt him grab her hair and pull on it. It didn’t hurt. But it didn’t feel good, either.
“What’s your name?”
“Sam. How about you and I play our own little game, while we wait for your husband to get back.”
“No! No! Jason! Jaaaa-soooon! Help!”
He put the tape back onto her lips and it was utterings after that.
“The game that I want to play. It’s a two-player game.”
At least it wasn’t a three-player game.
“The name of the game is ‘twenty questions.’ And I have enough quarters for both of us.”
His hands gripped her should blades. She felt the bulge of his penis on the back of her head through his jeans. It feel massively invasive.
“Here is how the game works. I’m thinking of an object. And you have twenty questions to figure out what it is. If you guess it right, I let you go. And I give you the object. If you can’t figure it out – then you suck me off on this beach and I come on your face when I’m done.”
Samantha’s mind hadn’t even heard him. It was focused on Jason. And where was he? And what was taking him so long? And when would he come to rescue her?
“Question one.”
He pulled the tape off once more.
“Jason! Where are you, Jason!?”
“If you don’t play by the rules, something bad could happen. Could happen.” He didn’t need to repeat that last part but it was obvious what it implied.
“Question one.”
Sweat rolled down her browser. She struggled in the bonds. She didn’tIs it an animal, mineral, or vegetable?” She sputtered the sentence out in a mouse-voice.
That narrowed it down.
His hands went down her collarbones and squeezed her breasts. The ropes caused them to bulge out in an exaggerated way. She knew she was hot. Well, a girl feels a little self-conscious in a bikini. Multiply that feeling times a billion as to how she feel now. Her heart was running its own sickly marathon.
“Is it something related to sex?”
“You’re pretty good at this game.”
She took it as a yes.
“Is it something that you’d find in a chest of sex toys?”
She couldn’t see his face but his hands were olive-colored. She guessed he might have been Persian.
She tried to pretend like it didn’t both her when the hands went down to her thighs and grabbed the sides of her ass.
She tried to pretend like it didn’t both her when the hands went down to her thighs and grabbed the sides of her ass.
“Is it something that you would use to stimulate a male?”
The hands stopped moving.
They came off of her. Thank God.
Then she nearly screamed her head off when she saw the pocket knife. He cut her bikini top off with it.
The remain of the bikini top were pulled off of her breasts. She was powerless to stop it.
“No. No, please.”
She felt his cock on her shoulder. He had unzipped himself and it rested on her shoulder like a warm throbbing parrot. She felt it slide and the moist tip of it kissed the side of her neck.
“Forgot to mention. Every ‘no’ will cost you the removal of a garment. And you only have one left.”
She didn’t want to find out what the penalty was for a third “no.”
Her voice quaked. She promised herself Jason would be back.
“Is – is it something that requires batteries?”
His right hand came up from behind with the knife. There goes the bikini. He pulled it off of her and throw it in the sand.
“Wait! Wait!”
His left hand went down, down, down. She shut her legs. She strained every muscle. A finger managed to slip through. She felt it. It grazed her pussy for the slightest of time increments before coming back up and off of her. When it came out it was wet. She couldn’t believe it. Some part of her brain was actually excited by what was going on. She’d probably need years of therapy to erase the memory if she made it out alive.
“Looks like you’re all out of garments.”
She was naked. She panted. Her mind went wild. Some part of it was fighting for survival. Another part was imagining what he’d do to her.
“Is it. Is it something that causes pain?”
“Is it something that you’d use to hurt a specific part of the body?”
“Yes.” The second yes was duller than the first. He seemed upset that she was getting so close.
“Is it – is it a set of nipple clamps?”
Then the penis came off of her shoulder. She heard a soundthat she didn’t like. She wished she hadn’t guessed it so quick.
She saw the first nipple clamp in front of her right breast. She’d definitely never had one attached to her before. She was hoping that it wouldn’t hurt much.
“Jason!! Jason!!”
He didn’t put it on her right away like she expected him to. Instead he let her see it. Who on earth walks around with nipple clamps in their pockets, anyway? She actually thought about asking him the question for a fraction of a second.
Then the tape was back on her mouth again.
He opened the clamp she watched helped as it near her right breast.
No. No. No.
Not this.
The sound was like a yelping coyote. But it didn’t come from her. It came from him. A bloody rock landed in the sand.
The hand flung itself horridly off of her.
“Leave her alone!”
The sound. The sound of Jason.
“What took you so long! Jason! Jason, help me!”
Jason must have thrown the rock at him.t’s what Samantha thought had happened.
“How come you’re not out cold? I spiked your coffee at Peets.”
The sound of Jason replied. “And I saw you. I followed you to your car. Wrote down your plate number. I watched you. I went back inside and contacted the local police. They should be here any minute now.”
“Jason! Thank God you’re Here!”
“And by the way. Zip up your God damn pants and get the hell away from my wife!”
“Jason! I love you! I’m so scared! Where were you?”
Samantha turned her head this way and that but couldn’t get a decent angle to see either of them. But it had become apparent that the attacker took off running when he realized that he was no match for Jason.
Jason seemed to have let the attacker go and ran instead to his bound wife.
“Jason! I’m so glad you’re here! Jason, you rescued me!”
She watched him cut the ropes off of her and she sprang into his arms as soon as humanly possible.
“I’m sorry, Sam. I had noidea. I should never have left you alone that long. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I just wanted to be a hero. Catch a bad guy.”
“I love you, Jason.”
She pressed herself into his chest. She hugged him as tight as her muscles would allow her to.
“All those years as quarter-back paid off.”
“Ha ha ha.” A tear in her eyes. She didn’t want to let him go.
“You are my hero. I love you so much, Jason.”
“You’re my wife. I love you too. I don’t know what to say, Sam. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t say anything. You don’t have to.”
Samantha buried her chin in his arm. Her hero had rescued her.
“How bout we play safe games going forward?”
“Like what, like football?” he joked.
“Anything but twenty questions.”
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