Twelve Days a Slave Ch. 10

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourtheth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. In other words, the Constitution allows penal slavery.

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiation” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude.

This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book.

There are third chapters to This story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much better understand if the previous portions have been read. The complete story is full book length.

A description of the third chapters follows the end of each chapter. The eight day introduces a unique punishment- punishment by combat. There is also an undercard of slave wrestling with humiliation and pain in store for the loser.

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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal Territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2015 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter Ten – The eight day introduces a unique punishment- punishment by combat.

The morning smell of coffee and bacon brought missy out of her deep sleep. After her morning bathroom routine, she padded out to the front of the RV. Sitting on her towel across from William she ate her breakfast in silence. William hadn’t greeted her when she came into the kitchen. He now sat silently across the table from her carefully cutting up his egg and putting small pieces into his mouth. Something wasdefinitely wrong. He normally ate very rapidly, scooping up an egg whole and shoveling it into his mouth.

“Am I in trouble?” she asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

There was no answer.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked. Her voice was starting to sound desperate. William was the only one who seemed to care for her and treat her like a person.

William put down his fork and looked up at her. “It’s not you,” he said slowly. Then with rising anger in his voice he said, “I didn’t want this day. I didn’t set it up. It was forced on me. That damned Mistress Soo wanted it. And she either has something on Judge Atkinson or is fucking him… or both.”

“What happens today?” missy asked. Now she was truly scared and her voice showed it.

“Mistress Soo,” he began, “has a stable of female wrestlers. She bulks them up with steroids or just works the hell out of them to get them in top shape and then travels around the country presenting naked female wrestling. Her gimmick is that the loser of the match gets paid by the winner.”

He scooped up the rest of the egg on his plate and shoved it in his mouth before continuing. “She set it up so that you have to wrestle five of her best. At the end of the match- which everyone assumes you will lose- you get paid. She uses the standard girl’s school escalation of punishments. First match is for ten hand spanks. The second is ten with a slipper. The third is ten with a leather paddle. The fourth is ten with a wooden paddle. And the fifth is six with the cane.”

For the first time since she met him, missy thought that William looked desperate. “I can’t control this one ” he said quickly. “What happens in Soo’s ring is not part of my show. You could end up hurt in there.” His voice took on an overtone of anger, “I have a Suspicion that Mistress Soo, whoever in the hell she really is, is planning to be the fifth wrestler. And she is known to cut people all to hell with her cane.”

He throwhis fork down. “I don’t want that happening to you,” he spat out. After a long pause he said, “I’ve given this a lot of thought. Soo is a twenty-four carat Bitch, but like me, she is a showman. She has to please the crowd to make money. This is going out on all the vid channels and she is hoping it spikes the draw for her future appearances.”

He took missy’s hands in his own. “I know you can’t win, but you don’t have to. You just have to make a really good show of it. You have to get the crowd rooting for you. Then that Bitch will have to go easier on you in the last match. Play to your own strengths and take advantage of their weaknesses. Look them over real good before you even get into the ring. Figure out what will give you an advantage- any advantage- and then exploit the hell out of it.”

Missy looked up at him. It was obvious that she was afraid. “Do you think you can handle that?” he asked.

She nodded her head. It wasn’t really a choice. Not much was for her these days. She was going to wrestle well-built, muscled wrestlers and she was going to lose. Her only choice was how badly she lost. She would just have to handle whatever happened.

“On top of all that,” William continued, “you are your own undercard. The first match is at noon. Then there will be a match every half hour with the final match starting at two. Between matches you go back into your cage and hang over the ring.” He slammed his fist into the table, “This SUCKS!” he yelled. “I can’t help what is happening today, but by God I will get that bitch for this!”

Missy sat and stared at him. He wasn’t upset because the Mistress had out maneuvered him or because the bitch was calling the shots. He was upset because she might get hurt. He cared for her more than anyone had before. He was just her owner, but he treated her better than previous bosses, friends or even boyfriends.

William brought her out of her thoughts with a gruff, “Time to clean up, grease up, lock up, and mount up.”

Missy quickly cleaned up the few pans and dishes and then went outside to join William. As usual, he throw her the baby oil and baby gel for her to apply to her body while he got the ATV and trailers out of the utility trailer. She watched as he went back inside the big trailer to get the rolling sign.

The sign was different than before. Rather than just giving the time of the show, it proclaimed, “Come see Mistress Soo and her Stable of Wrestling Female Slaves” It then listed the times for each bout.

Also added on a small sign supported over the main sign by two small rods was a red sign with white lettering which said, “Lottery ends tonight at midnight. Winners will be notified immediately. Buy your tickets at Fairground or on line.” It then gave the Slave missy’s Punishment Tour website.

“What’s the lottery?” she asked William as she handed him the oil bottles so he could grease up her back.

“Today’s troubles are enough for today,” he replied wearily. “Save tomorrow’s troubles for tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Yoda,” she said as she stepped into her cage, “I’ll have to write that down and remember it.”

William looked like he really wanted to say something, but instead he just shook his head slightly and climbed on the ATV. He drove the usual route, but instead of waving at anyone and everyone on the route, he stared glumly ahead.

“It looks he’s doing enough worrying for both of us,” she thought to herself. “Whatever is happening this afternoon must really be bothering him.”

Because William was so worried, missy also had trouble paying attention to the crowds, but she still remembered to turn regularly so everyone could see her full body.

William must have been driving a little faster than Normal because it was well before nine when they got back to the fairground. The stage crew was waiting, and as soon as missy was hoisted up into the air, they began setting up a ring directly beneath the cage. They also dragged an ornate wooden spanking bench onto the stage and placed it next to the ring.

Missy relaxed back against the bars of her cage. Her first bout was in three hours. She started to stroke herself as she usually did, but her mind was too occupied even for that.

“What are my strengths?” she said aloud to herself.

In answer to her own question, she began a list. “One, I’m smart.” After a very long pause she said, “Damn! There has to be more than that.”

She started over. “One, I’m smart.” She held up a second finger. “Two, I’m relatively young and healthy.”

After a short pause she added, “Three, I can handle a lot of pain… or pleasure.”

She was now holding up four fingers on her left hand while the pointer finger of her right hand violently tapped the fourth finger while she repeated over and over again, “Four… four… four…”

She gave a deep sight and said in almost a whisper, “Four, I have nothing to lose.”

A loud voice from beneath her interrupted her forlorn thoughts. It was Mistress Soo. She was walking across the stage with six naked young women. The fact that all of the women were totally hairless proclaimed them as slaves. The fact that all of them were extremely muscle and in perfect shape proclaimed them to be her wrestlers.

“Round one, round three, round four, and round six will be wrestling today,” the Mistress said harshly. “I expect you to win. If you don’t, you will be sold to the mines to pull ore carts. I can always give another slave your name.”

The slaves starred silently at her. She put her hands on her hips and snapped, “Is that understand?” All six women replied, “Yes, Mistress Soo, this slave understandings.”

The Mistress then looked up at missy and said, “Don’t worry,” in an overly sweet voice, “they have orders to not hurt you too badly.” She laughed heartily and then suddenly reverted to a very stern face before saying, “That’s for meto do in the fifth fight.” She laughed again, “… or shortly thereafter,” she said between chuckles.

Mistress Soo turned and walked off the stage, calling behind her, “Let’s get you worthless slaves properly oil so the audience will think you’re beautiful.” The six naked slaves hurried to catch up with her as she strode across the infield. Missy watched them until they disappeared into a trailer which was set up next to the grandstands.

“And what weaknesses do they have?” missy asked herself aloud. Again she answered herself. “None!” she almost yelled. Then she added in a very sad voice. “None at all!”

Missy closed her eyes. She wasn’t sleeping, she was trying to block out what awaited her. She knew that she was going to lose every match and she was going to be beaden by hand, with a slipper, with a rubber paddle, with a wooden paddle, and finally with a cane. By the end of the day, her ass would be beyond even William’s almost magical ointment.

Her eyes wereStill closed when a voice came over the speakers. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. to Day Eight of slave missy’s eleven days of punishment. I am Mistress Soo, and I and my stable of naked female wrestlers are presenting the program today. I am also taking personal responsibility for seeing that this worthless slave who claims to be a repentant terrorist is properly paid.”

Missy looked down from her cage. Mistress Soo was dressed in a long leather dress that nearly reached the floor. It somehow made her look even larger and more menuing.

The Mistress looked up at missy and then looked out at the crowd. “In this first match,” she explained, “one of my newer slaves, ’round one,’ will wrestle slave missy. The match is over when the winner pins the loser to the mat in any fashion and administrators ten swats with her hand.”

She chuckled in a very omino way and then added, “I think we all know who will win and whose ass is going to get paddled with the first ten swats ofthe required forty-six, but since I am refereeing these first four matches, I need to remain neutral.” She followed that statement with another deep laugh.

Missy’s cage slowly lowered into the center of the ring. William stepped through the ropes and unlocked the padlock. When missy stepped out, he removed the collar and chains. “I’m in your corner,” he said softly as he stood close to her. “Remember,” he added urgently, “play from your strength while you exploit her weakness.” He then stepped out of the ring.

Mistress Soo came to the center of the ring. She raised both her arms so that she was pointed at the two wrestlers who were standing in their corners. “You come out at the bell,” she said, “and you fight until missy- I mean, someone- gets her ass smoked ten times. Those are the rules.” She paused as she looked from missy to round one and back. Then she added slowly, “Those are ALL the rules.”

She rapidly brought her arms down and a bell rang loudly seVertical times. Round one immediately moved out of her corner to the right. Not really knowing why, missy mirrored her movements. They both slowly circled the ring, spiraling inward until they were no more than an arm’s length apart.

At that point, round one moved like lightning and grabbed missy, pulling her down to the mat. Missy rolled so she was on her back. Normally that would not be a wise move for a wrestler, but missy wasn’t worried about her shoulders being pinned to the mat. She was worried about her ass being swatted by round one’s massive hands.

Round one slide sideways so that she was on top of missy from the side. She rolled missy slightly up onto her side and leaned in close over her. “When is your next show?” she asked in a whisper.

“Twelve-thirty,” missy answered softly.

“No,” round one replied, “not your next match, your next show.”

“Tomorrow,” missy whispered back. “It’s another day of punishment.”

“And Mistress knows that?”

“Yes,” answered missy.

There was a short silence as round one rolled missy over onto her other side. To the crowd it looked like missy was trying to fight back, but in reality, round one was just throwing her wherever she wanted her. “I’ll let the others know,” round one whispered before lifting missy into the air and flipping her over onto her stomach.

It happened so fast that missy wouldn’t have had a chance to react even if she knew what to do. She came down between round one’s legs. One leg was beneath her and the other was over her back locking her in place. She felt round one pull herself up to almost a sitting position and then the first swat rang out.

Missy cried out more in surprise than pain. It hurt. It hurt like mad, but it was nowhere near as bad as it sounded. A second “Smack!” restored through the arena and the crowd began to cheer.

“Scream… loud!” came the whispered command just before the third blow fell. Missy screamed very loud. It was only a little bit exaggerated. Even with her hand cupped so that it made the most noise, round one’s smacks hurt!

The fourth blow wasn’t as hard as the third, but missy intentionally increased her scream in pitch and volume. “It’s a show,” she said to herself. “The fights are fixed and the punishments are fixed! They might hurt each other, but it’s all a performance. They try not to harm each other.”

Somehow howling as if each smack were excitingly painful made it all- including the pain- unreal for missy. “Their weakness is that for them it is all a show,” missy told herself. “And my strength is that I can scream really loud.”

As soon as the last swat fell, round one rolled out from under missy and stood up in one graceful motion. Missy was left lying face down on the mat.

“Get up!” Mistress Soo’s stern voice ordered.

Missy pushed herself to her knees and then stood up. She looked slightly dazed as she wobbled back to her corner. “Are you OK?” William asked as she steadied herself against the ropes.

“Found their weakness,” she replied and then laughed slightly at his confusion.

“Let’s get you back in your cage.” he said as he stepped through the ropes. The cage was already at floor level by the time they got to center stage. Missy stepped inside. William put the padlock in place, but did not lock it, and the cage rose to its position above the ring.

Missy tenderly stroked her warm and swollen backside. “I’m probably already a pretty shade of red,” she thought to herself. “Might as well show it to the audience,” she added. “It’s what they paid to see.”

She then assumed her relaxed position with her back against the cage and her feet braced against the bottom of the bars on the other side. This time, however, she was facing away from the grandstands. She moved slightly so that one of the bars rested between the cheeses of her ass. That wasn’t the most comfortablertable position, but it did display her red ass most effectively.

“The show must go on,” she said softly to herself as she waited for the Mistress to call for the next match.

She didn’t exactly fall asleep, but she was started back from her hazy state to full wakefulness by Mistress Soo’s voice calling out. “Ladies and gentlemen. Our second match for the day pits my slave round three against Our supposed repentant terrorist, slave missy.” Slave round three stepped through the ropes and entered the ring.

Mistress Soo continued, “I don’t think the match itself is going to last very long, but the punishment will last exactly ten strokes with a leather slipper.” She laughed and said, “Sometimes the old-fashioned ways are best.”

Missy’s cage finally set down in the center of the ring. William opened the door for her and led her to her corner. The cage was quickly raised out of the way as Mistress Soo stepped to the middle of the ring. Again she pointed at both nakedgirls and said, “You come out at the bell, and you fight until missy gets her ass slippered. Those are the rules.”

She then snapped her arms down to her sides as the bell rang announcing the start of the match. Missy started to move sideways as she had done in the first fight, but round three did not move sideways. Instead, she walked straight across the ring and grabbed missy by the upper arms. Falling backward she Then pulled missy over herself in an arc, slamming her hard into the mat.

Missy’s loud “ooomph” was met with laughter from the crowd. She tried to get up, but was instead pulled to her feet by round three who hurled her across the ring so that she bounced off the ropes. When she flew back into the middle of the ring round three caught her and forced her to her knees on the mat.

The crowd was roaring and applauding as round three pushed missy’s head and shoulders between her legs and fall backward. The result was that missy’s breasts were slammed into themat with round three sitting on her back. Round three’s legs, however were around missy’s waist with her feet sticking up between missy’s legs and sitting firmly on her calves. The result was that missy’s ass was held up in the air slightly off the mat and spread wide.


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