Twelve Days a Slave Ch. 12

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourtheth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. In other words, the Constitution allows penal slavery.

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiation” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude.

This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book.

There are third chapters to This story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much better understand if the previous portions have been read. The complete story is full book length. I debated publishing it with some of my other books at Fiction4all, but decided that I would rather serialize it and post it here.

A description of the third chapters follows the end of each chapter. This tenth day returns missy to old school punishment as she receives an old fashioned caning. There is also a conversation between slaves to see who can withstand the most strokes of the cane.

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2016 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Chapter Twelve – It is a fantasy boarding school, but the caning missy receives is very real.

Missy once again awoke to the smell of coffee. But something was different. At first she couldn’t quite place it, but something was definitely different. When she went up front, William was cooking eggs, but there was no bacon. Instead there were two thin steaks sizzling in the pan on the other burner.

“Steak and eggs,” he said as she stepped into the kitchen. He pointed to the table and said, “Have a seat.”

“I’ve got to go get my towel,” she started to say, but he cut her off with “I already put one out for you.”

“Oh,” she said as she sat down. William set the plates on the table and slid into his side of the bootth-like arrangement. Missy began eating her steak and eggs, but he merely pushed things around on is plate.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing,” was the immediate response. To which missy replied, “Bullshit! You cooked steak for breakfast which you say is for special occasions. You got out a towel for me instead of sending me back for one. Now you aren’t eating and you can’t look at me. Something is wrong!”

“Is that any way for a slave to talk to her Master?” he said softly. He tried to sound angle, but it came out more like disappointment or sadness.

“I thought you were more than my Master,” she replied. There were tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

“I am,” he said. The tone of his voice was now totally flat.

He huffed and looked up at her. “That’s why I’m so upset. You’ve got a really rough day set for today.” He paused and took in a deep breath before saying, “I thought I was just your Master back when I set it up.”

She reached over and placed her hand on his. “How bad?”

“Forty-six with a cane,” he answered. “Lucinda’s Schooltime Fantasies is sponsoring today” he explained. “They run several adult fantasy camps specializing in school fansies. Lucinda plans to present a series of schoolgirl/schoolboy role-play scenarios. At the end of each scene, the Master or Dominatrix playing the teacher disciplines the students… including you. I’m not sure what happens to the others, but by the end of the last scenario, you will have gotten forty-six of the best- probably all with a cane.”

“I took forty-six of that robot’s best,” she said firmly. “I can handle it.”

“But that was a machine programmed to hit just hard enough to raise a welt,” he said. Concern was evident on his face. “This will be someone playing teacher who’s swinging the cane.”

“But it is a professional playing a teacher,” she said firmly. “I would be willing to bet that most of their clients don’t want any permanent marks on their body. That would mean not cutting the skin with a whip or a paddle… or a cane.”

She laughed slightly to release her tension. “Don’t worry. I will be able to take it. If you remember, I came while that robot was whaling away on me and that was forty-six continuous strokes. I’ll be able to handle it and I will be thinking of you gently smearing my ass with that magic ointment of yours all the while I am getting caned.”

She smiled. It was a geneine smile. Then she said, “Finish your breakfast. We have to clean up, grease up, lock up, and mount up.” She giggled and said, “IWas hoping I would get the chance to say that at least once.”

William looked a little less upset as he drove the ATV into town for their morning mini-parade. Missy, on the other hand, was becoming more and more anxious. Although her bravado, she knew that forty-six strokes with a cane could be very unpleasant.

As they made their lap around the courthouse square, missy could feel a slight wetness between Her legs. She wasn’t sure if it was fear causing her to leak urine or arousal causing her to leak love juices. “I think I have a love-hate relationship with pain,” she said aloud. “I really hate it, but I love what it can do to my body.” She witnessed deeply and shook her finger in the air as if addressing a reccalcitrant small child, “Missy,” she said aloud, “you can get through this. Just concentrate on what you love and try to ignore what you hate.” She added silently, “… like forty-six strokes with a cane.”

As missy waited in her cage for showtime, she watched as the regular stage crew and an additional half-dozen or so men in dark blue coveralls with LSF embroidered in white, very ornate script set up two different classes on the stage. The wall between the two classrooms was actually two walls which came to a point near the front of the stage but widened out to about two meters at the back. This allowed someone to enter either classroom through doors that were about half-way out in the V-shaped wall.

The front wall of both classrooms had long, old-fashioned blackboards mounted on them. There was a stout, wooden teacher’s desk at the front of the classroom and five rows of chairs in each classroom. Missy counted the chairs and wondered to herself, “How are they going to fill thirty chairs in each room?”

Her question was answered when about twenty minutes before show time, William came out on stage and said, “It is time to announce the winners in our Be an Extra in Lucinda’s Show conversation. So, if you boughta ticket, listen up! There are twenty-five male winners and twenty-five female winners.”

He held up a stiff sheet of paper and waved it as he said, “Before I announced the names, I want to remind you that being an extra doesn’t mean you get to deal out any punishments. But it doesn’t mean that you will be receiving any punishments either- unless, that is, you make special arrangements with Lucinda’s people in advance. What you are guaranteed to get, however, is the best seat in the house to watch a variety of naked and almost-naked asses getting set on fire.”

He lifted the sheet in front of his face and announced, “When I call your name, please go back stage to get changed into your costumes.” He then began calling out names. As he called the names, people began getting up and making their way down the grandstand and across the track. Most of the men stood up silently and started walking. Most of the women yelped with excitement as they curried down the steps and across the track.

“I have one more name,” William said loudly. “Those of you who are still holding on to your half of the tickets,” he continued, “please notice that it says very clearly in dark, bold print, that only one price can be claimed by any one person.”

He laughed. “What that means,” he said, holding up a half-dozen or so ticket stubs, “is that BobbyJo Kowalski can win only once despite having purchased a couple of hundreds entries, seven of which were drawn as a winner.”

The audience laughed as a young blond woman leaves to her feet with a loud “Yessss!”

“Miss Kowalski,” William continued, “be assured that I have forwarded to Headmistress Lucinda the request your wrote on each and every one of your two hundred and thirty-seven entries.” He held up one of the ticket stubs and read loudly, “I want you to spank my naked ass until it is beet red and then send me home naked and crying.”

She buried her face in her hands for a moment and than raced down the stepsand ran around behind the stage.

“Headmistress Lucinda,” he said with another laugh, “has promised me that she will do her best to honor such a heart-felt request.”

The audience hotted and cheered loudly as he walked back off the stage.

Fifteen minutes later it was two o’clock and William once again came out on stage. He began with his standard, “Ladies and gentleman, this day of Punishment for our repentant terrorist is brought to you by Lucinda’s Schooltime Fantasies. Whether you are male or female… whether you wish to experience a fantasy experience as a painfully punished student or a severe, punishing teacher Lucinda has a complete setting for you. Or, if you already have a classroom full of friends who want to join in the fantasy, Headmistress Lucinda can give you a group rate and orchestrate whatever scenario you have in mind.”

He pointed behind him and said, “As you can see, we have two classrooms set up today. Our teachers are HeadmistressLucinda, herself, and the co-owner of Lucinda’s Schooltime Fantasies, Herr Heinrich Berger.”

Both teachers walked out onto the stage and took their places behind the desks. “Herr Berger wants me to make it clear that his Germanic accent and demeanor is not an act or fantasy.” William said. “He is quite willing to discuss his background with you after the show… providing you speak fluent, proper Hoch Deutch- known to us English speakers as ‘High German.’”

The audience laughed lightly as the students began filing into the classrooms through the doors in the middle wall. William continued, “Lucinda’s class- the one on stage left- is a form five class. Herr Berger’s class- the one on stage right- is a form six class. In both classes there is one student who has been stripped of all privileges because of her bad behavior- including the privilege of clothing.”

BobbyJo Kowalski walked out of the door into Lucinda’s classroom and stood next to Lucinda’s desk facing the audience. She was totally naked except for a collar and chains similar to what missy was wearing. The golden down between her legs was already wet and glistening. The crowd clapped and screamed obscene comments as she stepped into the classroom. She turned pink as they hotted and then immediately became deep red when one loud voice cried out, “I’m going to post pictures of this on the company website, honeybunch. Your dad is going to love the publicity for his firm.”

William waited for the crowd to quiet slightly and then put his hand to his chin as if he were thinking deeply. “I wonder,” he said dramatically, “who will play the part of the badly-behaving student in the sixth form class?”

The audience began to laugh and applaud as missy’s cage began to slowly descend into Herr Berger’s classroom.

“Oh, that’s right!” William exclaimed. “We already have a badly-behaved young woman with us today who is custom made for the role.”

He met the cage as it settledonto the stage floor. He opened the door to allow missy to step out, but did not remove her collar, menacles or shackles as he normally did. He said something to her and she went to stand alongside Herr Berger’s desk. It was now obvious that both naked girls were wearing identical collars, chains, and restraints.

Both Headmistress Lucinda and Herr Berger spoke at the same time. They said exactly the same words and their voices blended as if in a duet with Herr Berger’s deep voice and Germanic accent creating a strange harmony with Lucinda’s crisp, almost British English. “Class,” they said, “this is what happens when you refuse to obey the rules. Before this extremely student takes her seat and joins us, she will receive three of my best while lying over my desk.”

They then both pointed at the front of their desks. Missy knew the drill and stood against the desk with her upper body laying on the hard wood. BobbyJo had to be moved into the proper position by the Headmistress.

“Count each stroke,” the two voices said. At first they were slightly out of sync, but by the time they said the word “stroke,” they once again had unison.

There was a pause of several seconds then the canes came down quickly. The “Snap!” of the two canes were not quite exactly together. One sounded almost like an echo of the other. The two screams, however, were blended together as one from the beginning.

The second “Snap!” was exactly synchronized. The screams the second time began together, but one of the girls- probably BobbyJo- immediately took her scream into a very high soprano range.

The third “Snap!” was also done in unison. Again BobbyJo’s scream rose in pitch so that it became more of a screech before finally fading away.

“Show me your ass,” Both teachers commanded, and the girls rose from the desks and faced away from the teachers. The stage lights shining down on them both glistened slightly on the inside of their upper thighs.

“The propr way to display the marks of your punishment,” the teachers said in unison, “is to bend at the waist and place your palms on the floor about a meter in front of your feet.”

Both girls did so.

Headmistress Lucinda stared at BobbyJo’s ass impossible. Herr Berger reached out and traced each of the three welts with his finger, allowing his digit to follow the skin deep within the fold of the cream of her ass cheats.

“Now display yourself to the class,” both instructed.

BobbyJo and missy both turned and resumed their humiliating position with they asses pointed out towards the audience which thundered their approval. After several moments both teachers said, “You may now take your seat.”

BobbyJo and missy sat tenderly in the empty front row center desk in their respective classrooms. The ancient, hard, wood was immediately very uncomfortable. Missy responded with a slight yelp and a visible wince as she sat down. BobbyJo surprised and gave a very small moan of pease.

Both teachers now went to the blackboards and began to write in old-fashioned white chalk, “The lesson for today is…” That is as far as either of them got before loud yelling from behind the set caused them to set down their chalk and walk over to the door of the classroom. Headmistress Lucinda rushed into the “hallway” between the classrooms. More yelling could be heard which suddenly stopped when Lucinda’s voice snapped out, “Both of you! Come with me! Now!”

She marched back into sight through the door to the form six classroom with two young women dressed as teacher s trailing behind her. One of the women was a rather large blond with obvious Nordic heritage. The other was a slight, almost frail, Asian.

“What was so important,” the Headmistress began sternly, “that you felt it was appropriate to disrupt not only my class but also Herr Bergen’s?”

The petite Asian girl said, “We were arguing, Ma’am.”

“And what were you arguing about?” Herr Bergen interjected. His German accent made his voice sound very angry.

“This slant-eyed Peter Pan,” the Nordic blonde said derivatively, “thinks that she is better with the cane than I am.”

“That’s because,” the Asian said, “this Viking buffalo cow thinks that size and strength are all that is needed to mete out proper punishment.” She smiled out at the audience before continuing. “She’s wrong.”

“One of you is making false statements,” the Headmistress said, “and lies must be punished.”

“I’m the best,” said the blonde. “That’s not a lie. That’s the truth.”

The Asian girl huffed loudly and said, “She’s not telling the truth, but she doesn’t know yet that she is lying.”

“I guess we will have to test you both in some fashion,” Lucinda said. “We will have you give three of your best to one of the students and see who gives out the better punishment.”

“Who will be receiving the strokes?” Herr Berger asked.

The Headmistress looked at the front row and said, “Oh, I think I can find someone.”

“Slave missy!” she said loudly and missy jumped up from her chair. “Go into the other classroom and bring BobbyJo here.”

Missy walked out the door into the hidden hallway and shortly afterwards appeared in the other classroom. She stood in front of BobbyJo and raised her eyesbrows. Since she heard everything that was said on the other side of the stage, BobbyJo didn’t need any explanation. She stood up and walked with missy back to Herr Bergen’s classroom.

When they entered, the Headmistress ordered, “Both of you come here.” She was now standing forward of the classroom set near the front of the stage. “And one of you bring Herr Bergen’s chair with you.”

The six of them gathered around the chair at the front of the stage. “I think we need another chair,” Herr Bergen said. Turning to BobbyJo he ordered, “Bring the one from the other classroom.

BobbyJo padded across the stage and retrieved the chair from behind Lucinda’s desk. The audience chuckled slghtly when she entered the classroom through stage front rather than going back through the hallway doors.

Herr Bergen set the chairs near the front of the stage about three feet apart with the seats of the chairs inward. He then motioned for the two girls to stand facing the backs of the chairs. “After I blindfold you,” he said in his thick accent, “you will bend over the back of the chair and grab the front of the seat. You WILL hold that position until you are told that you may stand up.”

He then wrapped a black piece of clothes around their eyes and pressed his hand into the center of their backs pushing them over the top of the chair. Their asses were now forced prominently up.

Headmistress Lucinda handed a cane to the blonde and to the Asian. “You will each deliver three of your best to one of the girls and then switch. Afterwards we will ask them who was worse.”

The huge blond stood behind missy while the petite Asian stood behind BobbyJo. “One,” the Headmistress said and they both struck with the canes. BobbyJo and missy seemed to screech at about the same level.

“Two!” Missy’s feet were dancing beneath her as she attempted to stay still over the back of the chair.


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