To Pay Her Debts Ch. 02

Lisa rushed home from her first assignment and went to her bedroom wardrobe. Slipping off her dress and pants, she turned to look at the damage in the mirror. The cane or the crop had left red stripes on her backside and the whole area of ​​her bottom and lower back glowed red. Over the next few days she kept examining herself and after a short while, the red stripes turned to dark blue crueles. A few days more and these too had faded, leaving her with just the memory of her assignment. Still her bottom had not been too sore and with £400 off her debts already she thought she could tolerate more next time. But Tom had said he would concentrate on one area. What should she choose next time? Her bottom seemed to be recovering quite well. Her back had born a few blows – could she choose that? He had said ‘breasts, cunt or arse’. Also would the marks mean she would have to wear high backed tops for a few days.? The cane and crop had been very painful. Would they break through her tender skin? What about her breasts. They were not particularly large – a 34C bra fitted her well – but they stood up for themselves well without sagging and had quite large prominent nipples. If she chose these, what would Tom want to do? She had seen enough BDSM pictures to know that they could be tied up until they changed colour, or the nipples could be stretched with pegs or clips. What would this be like? She Always liked her boyfriends playing with her breasts and nipples. Would Toms treatment also be enjoyable? Finally she considered her cunt. It had quite prominent lips once excited …… and it had become excited during Toms treatment – ​​could she withstand up to an hour of concentrated action in this area? But it would be so embarrassing to expose herself so eventually. In her present situation £50 was nearly a weeks money, and if she could manage an hour … and with Tom being so generous last time….?

When a week had passed she made her decision. She texted the single word ‘breasts’ to Tom and awaited his reply. He arranged to meet her in the same place the following day, and gave no instructions as to what she should wear. So, the next day, she held her armpits and cunt as before. She also plucked a few straight hairs from the aureole around her nipples as she wanted them to look their very best. Dressing rather more casually this time, she prepared herself for her ordeal. She was still very nervous walking the few hundred metres to her pick-up, but her nervousness was tinged with excitement. She had already presented herself naked before Tom, so she was slightly more comfortable about exposing herself again. However, the last time she had expected, and received, a bottom tingling experience. This time she could only speculate about what was to occur.

Tom was waiting for her this time, and again wrapped a black scarf around her eyes as she fastened her seatbelt. They drove for a short way with many junctions so Lisa guessed she was still in the townSomewhere. She was asked to wait in the car, and heard a garage door being opened. Her seatbelt and blindfold were released and she was led by Tom into the garage before he quickly lowered the metal door. The garage had a high window down one side and a small door which she thought could lead into the house. The floor had carpet but the walls had various wooden frames and in the middle of the floor was a hard backed wooden chair.

‘So, today we are going to concentrate on your breasts’ said Tom. ‘Do you remember your safe words from last time? I will pay you at least £100 if you can withstand my treatment of them, but please stop me if it is too much – I want to enjoy giving you pain, not do any lasting damage. Please remove your shoes & trousers, and take your top and bra off. You can leave Your pants on if you prefer’ Lisa nodded and slowly raised her top over her head. She then bent and removed her shoes and her trousers. Finally she reached behind her back and unclasped herbra and added it to her small pile of clothes.

Tom produced a simple felt eye mask and placed it over her head.

‘Can you see anything?’ he asked.

Lisa Shook her head.

‘I’m going to tie you up so you won’t be able to move much’ Tom said. ‘If it gets too uncomfortable, just say “amber” and I will ease or release the ties, though I won’t stop the session unless you say “red”‘.

Tom gently pushed Lisa back towards a wall of the garage and took hold of one of her wrists, lifting it up and to the side of her head. He took a silky length of rope and wrapped it round her wrist and round a shadowle on the wall, before doing the same with her other wrist, so that her arms were now wide open above her head. He then took hold of her ankle and asked her to allow him to move her foot outward. This time he fastened the foot to a wooden bar which had a rope through a hole at each end. He eased her other foot outwards and looped the rope at the other end of the bar round herankle so that Lisa now had her legs spread wide in front of Tom.

She was now very glad she had been blindfolded as she knew Tom would be getting a view of her freshly shaven cunt through her very thin silky thong.

‘So, today we are going to be enjoying your breasts? Let’s see just what they are like.’

Tom ran his hands gently over the soft flesh, and his fingers lingered over her nipples. They tightened until he was pinching the nipples quite hard, making Lisa wince in pain. At this Tom didn’t squeeze any harder, but continuing his grip, slowly pulled her nipples away from her body until each breast was quite conical in shape. This made Lisa gasp even more and cry out loud. Tom ignored her cries and held the breasts outwards for perhaps twenty seconds before he gently released his grip. His hands then gently stroked the breasts and nipples again, sufficiently hard to maintain the erect state of her nipples, but causing pleasure rather than pain.

Unseen by Lisa,Tom stopped handling her and reached for a short flail whip made with a number of silky strands with a wooden handle.

‘Let’s see how they can withstand a whipping, shall we?’ he said.

Lisa wanted to say no, but knew that this would reduce her earnings for the session – and she really did need the money.

Tom started gently stranding the strands of the whip across her flesh. Slowly, oh so slowly, he Increased the force of the whip so Lisa could hear the ropes of the whip as they hit her breasts. Now Tom added an occasional much harder stroke to the regular flailing. When these harder strokes hit her nipples, Lisa tensed and screamed in pain. After perhaps six or eight scream inducing hits, the whipping stopped and Lisa relaxed into her bonds again.

Once more Tom fondled her breasts and ran his fingers over her now much More tender nipples.

She now feel a clip being attached to each one. Nipple Clamps, she guessed. They feel tight, but bearable.

‘I’m going to whip the end of your breasts until each clamp gets knocked off’ said Tom. ‘Then perhaps we’ll try them on again and see how much weight we can add to make them really stretch’

The flailing started again, gently as before at first, before Lisa again experience the harder strokes, this time concentrated on her most tender flesh. It only took three hard strokes before her left nipple was freed from it’s clamp. As this occurred Lisa grunted in pain. The right nipple then received five blows, before it too was released and the clamp fell to the floor.

Lisa found her arms were getting tired and the bonds around her wrists very tight as they took some of her weight. Her nipples felt stretched and sore and she wandered whether to use a safe word, at least to get some respite. But Tom seemed to anticipate her needs because she Felt her wrist ropes being released, and then her ankle restraints. He also removed the eye mask and Lisa blinked as the unaccustomed light

‘Takea moment to rest’ said Tom. ‘You are really coping very well’

Lisa stretched and flexed her arms and straightened and flexed her legs and Tom guided her to sit in a hard wooden chair. Lisa rubbed her breasts to try and alleviate the pain in the nipples.

After all too few minutes rest, Tom asked Lisa to stand up. This time he leant her body forward, so that her head and shoulders were resting on the seat of the chair. Once more Tom attached the clamps. This time each clamp had an empty plastic bottle, hanging straight down from is on a short piece of string.

‘I’m going to slowly add water to each bottle’ said Tom. ‘You can stop the water being added at any time by saying “amber” but otherwise I’m going to continue adding weight until the clamps fall off. If you can manage that I’ll add £50 to the money you receive.’

Tom poured a small amount into each bottle, then slowly alternated between each one until there was almost two inches in each. The weight of this was just too much. Lisa gasped as the clamp pulled on her left nipple as the bottle fell. Her right nipple was now being really stretched, as Tom added more and more water. Lisa moved her body to swing the bottle and try and persuade the clamp to release – she really couldn’t take much more – but Tom stopped the bottle swinging. Why was this clamp so much tighter than the other? Tom trickled more water until the bottle was nearly half full. Suddenly it fell, and Lisa screamed again as the pain of the release scourged through her poor right nipple.

‘Well done,’ said Tom. ‘You should be very proud of yourself for withstanding that so well. You really are the most perfect masochist.’

‘Thank you’ said Lisa, as she straightened herself upright again, although really she wondered if her nipples would ever recover.

‘You can sit down in the chair now’ said Tom. ‘I wonder if you breasts are large enough to be bound? There’s only one way to find out’

He took a length of redcord and wound it tightly round her left breast. He was clearly dissatisfied with the result because it was unravelled again and wrapped it again more tightly before tying the two ends in a reef knot. He repeated the same process with her right breast, this time getting the tension right first time. Standing back to admire his handiwork Lisa noticed his look of admission as slowly her breasts turned to a darker red colour, Exacerbating the redness from the beating they had already received. By the time about ten minutes had passed, her breasts were turning purple. She watched as Tom struggled to notie the two knots and restore circuitry.

‘Considering your breasts are quite small they were still able to get knotted up very nicely. I love the look of your tightly bound breasts. We might return to this exercise on a future occasion, Perhaps with some extra exciting changes. For example, I wonder how far I can stretch them away from your body? We’ll leave that for now as I thinkThey have had enough stretching and beating for one day. There is one more thing I’d like to try befre we call it a day’

Lisa massed her breasts gently as she felt the blood tingling back through them again.

‘For your final experience today I’m going to cover your breasts in wax. You’ll be able to watch and hopefully anticipate the pain or pleasure that each droplet of wax will bring as it falls from the candle’ Tom explained.

He asked Lisa to lay on an old sheet covering part of the floor of the garage and reached for a pair of red candles on a neary shelf. Using a lighter, both candles flickered into life. Lisa watched as the flames on the candles grow higher. Tom took a cande in each hand and lifted then gently so they were above her chest. Whn a sufficient pool of wax had grown on each one, he tilted first one and Then the other, so that the wax droplets landed on Lisa’s chest. Tom waited as the wax pool grow on the candles again, then brought the candles lower, so they were only about a foot above her breasts. Aiming for the nipples, he poured the small pool of wax onto each in turn. This time the wax felt really hot. Lisa flinched, squealed and moved her body to avoid the worst of the assault, so some of the wax ran down her side onto the sheet.

‘Was that too much?’ asked Tom.

Lisa was surprised, as Tom never normally seemed too concerned about her reaction.

‘It was just the sudden shock’ said Lisa. ‘I’ll try and stay still for the next one’

Tom was equally surprised that Lisa was showing such fortune and seemed to be almost enjoying the experience.

Tom lifted the candles rather higher before pouring a third little message of wax onto her body with each candle. Either this was less painful or else Lisa was now getting accustomed to the hot droplets. So the waxing continued until almost the entire nipple and sides of each breast was covered in the cooling red candle wax.

Once it had completely hardened,Tom helped Lisa back to her feet, trying to keep the red covering intact.

‘It’s not part of the deal, but that looks fantastic. Can I take a picture of them? asked Tom.

Lisa paused for a moment, and then shook her head.

‘I don’t want anyone to know about this and I’m frightened somebody might see the picture and recognize me’ she said.

‘Not to worry’ Tom replied. ‘I’ll Just have to remember the fantastic sight of you with red tits. Leave the wax on them and get dressed. You can take it off at home as a reminder of your time with me.

Lisa eased on her bra and then the rest of her clothes. Tom took out his wallet and counted out five £20 notes.

‘This is for you, as you’ve done so well again. I’ll pay you another £200 into your debt account as agreed. If you are ready we’ll pop on the blindfold again and return you to the car park. I look forward to seeing you again. The bits we have left to work on mean that we’ll have to get more intimate next time.Send me a text next week when you are ready.’

Blindfolded, Lisa was helped into the car. She arrived back at the car park, and, released from her blindfold, she walked slowly home. What would Tom think of next? Getting more intimate? That could only mean one of two places. Still, with another £300 off her debts she was over a quarter of the way towards the £2500 that she owed. But Could she withstand whatever Tom would want to do next? Well, he did say she had a safe word to use if necessary, and Lisa had never used it yet. She would just have to wait and see.


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