He walked into an empty apartment as it was Sunday. He knew his rooms would be home later. Lukas went to his room and just sat in silence remembering his time this weekend with Steven. Again he took in everything Steven had taught him and told him to do. He remembered the things he had done wrong, what he had done correctly and the sex they had. He felt the pressure of the cage again at the last thought and new it would be difficult until he saw Steven again. Steven had said a few weeks before they would meet again. Lukas had gone almost two and a half weeks between orgasms and it had been frustrating to say the least. A few weeks meant he’d have to do that feat again somehow. He decided a run was in order to help clear his mind. He would return and start on some school work and determined that he would take breaks to practice his positions as Steven had told him too. He would practice position two the most so he could work on his tolerance for the position.
While he was in the shower he remembered that he had forgotten to take his payment from Steven’s place. Steven would be gone so he needed that money to survive the coming weeks. He needed food and he had bills to pay. He grabbed his phone and sent a text to Steven.
“Sir I forget to get my payment from your apartment when I left.”
The response was delayed in coming, but it did come, saying “Lukas your payment is already in your account. You can check and see for yourself. Your payments will be made weekly directly into your account.” Once again Lukas was taken aback. How had Steven gained his account information to make the payment? He knew he worked in tech and had gotten into his gmail account but banking was something entirely different. It was dawning on Lukas that Steven could get into Almost anything electronically, he’d have to remember that so he didn’t mess up there and leave something that Steven would find and be unhappy with. To help get off the thought he opened his banking app and sure enough just as Steven had said it would be, he saw the $2,000 electronic transfer deposit sitting there. He sat back with a smile on his face. He had more than enough money for everything for the week and he knew he’d have even more next week. He had started a journey with a man he was sexually attracted to and a man that was now his master. He had pleased Steven over all and thinking back to all of Steven’s cum on his chest, he had pleased him sexually as well. He was happy and felt content with where things were in life for him.
The rest of his Sunday went along as normal after his run. He worked on some school work and practiced his positions. Number two was still hard to maintain for any length of time. Dinner and beers with his rooms and then bed. The next week went by rather quickly for him and he Stayed busy with normal activities. School kept him mostly busy, and house chores, working out, and practicing filled in the rest of his time. When Friday finallyArrived he had started debating what to do. He normally had clients on Friday and Saturdays and his rooms would find it odd if he didn’t go out those nights. He had only one client and he wanted no-one to know he existed so how to cover this was eating away at him. He determined the best course of action would be to keep up appearances. So Friday evening he dressed nicely and headed out like it was a normal Friday. He went and grabbed some dinner, he could afford that now with Steven’s payment, strolled around for a bit and then headed back home. He repeated the same thing Saturday adding some time in the library to do some work before dinner and heading back home. It seemed to work as his rooms didn’t really ask questions outside of how the night had gone. He had brushed it off with saying “Well enough” which wasn’t a lie.
The second week was a repeat of the first and he had heard from Steven only a few times, asking how he was doing. He had been honest in saying everythinging was fine and he was staying focused on his tasks and obeying all the rules. When Saturday of that week rolled around, he realized he didn’t need to go to the library, he was so caught up on school work and ahead in some classes he wasn’t sure he’d have enough to do the next week to fill his time. So he took a long walk instead. It was nice and he had enjoyed it until he noticed his mind starting to drift towards sexual things. Fourthen days since he’d cum, well released some built up fluid and his sexual drive was peaking again. The familiar pressure building in his groin. It wasn’t the first time in two weeks that, that had happened but this time his dick was making it known that it needed attention. He wasn’t allowed attention, so he had to move on from thinking like that. Attention only came when Steven gave permission. He walked some more and tried to think of other things, his dick didn’t care. He headed home and went to his room and played games on his phone and laptop, to tryand pass the time and keep his mind occupied.
He slept restlessly that night. It seemed every twenty minutes his dick decided it needed to remind him of its desire. He had tossed and turned a lot, and when he did sleep it wasn’t long before his dreams had his dick growing again. Lukas did everything he could think of on Sunday to keep himself busy to stop thinking about his urges. Even to the point of going to watch a gymnastics meet. That had turned into a bad idea almost instantly, seeing those fit guys in their tight outfits hadn’t helped at all. Dinner had just been himself and one other roommate as school priorities started to take over.
Monday came almost as a relief and Lukas dove back into his classes. The week passed quickly, despite his urges making their presence known often. He got through Friday classes and realized he was starting to hate the weekends. He didn’t have a lot to do and he had to keep up the appearance of still working. His long evening walks weree nice but it allowed time for his mind to wonder except it didn’t really wonder, it just instantly went to sex. Sex in general but often sex with Steven. He hadn’t done much with Steven but the little he had, had been exhilarating and his mind began dreaming up other things he wanted Steven to do to him. During this thought process he realized he hadn’t heard from Steven all week. He had heard less and less from him and now he had heard nothing. He had hoped Steven would be back this week, as he was now 21 days from anything, and felt like he was burning. The little he did hear from Steven had helped focus him and give him determination to make it through the next few days. He wondered if Steven was ok, what if something had happened to him. He decided to text to make sure. He pulled out his phone,
“Good evening, is everything going well for you sir?” He hesitated, should he contact Steven? He hit send and continued his walk.
A short time later he felt his phone vibrate and looked at Steven’s response.
“Good evening Lukas, is there something you need?”
Lukas felt the coldness of the response as he read it.
“No, I just haven’t heard from you and wanted to make sure you were ok sir.”
“I am fine Lukas. You shouldn’t contact me unless you are in need of something. Checking on my status is not a need, 50 points.”
“Sorry sir.” Lukas hit send, 50 more points just from a simple text message. And he did have needs, just not ones Steven cared about right now. He’d have to move past this and accept his reality. He returned home late that night and went straight to bed and tried to sleep as best he could. His dick kept reminding him that it wanted contact and any kind of contact would satisfy it and he couldn’t and knew he wasn’t allowed so he had tossed and turned again that night.
He filled the rest of the weekend with pointless tasks. He did receive a comparison from his rooms, the apartment had never been so clean. OnceAgain Monday arrived to rescue Lukas from his weekend hell. He passed the days as normal and as much gym time as he had been putting in was starting to show their results. He had always been fit but now he had ab definition and he was quite proud of that fact. His build means he’d never be bulky but he kept himself toned as best he could. Once again Friday came and Lukas felt the dread of the weekend ahead. He couldn’t go on those long walks any more, they just left his mind to unoccupied. He decided to stay in and if his rooms asked he’d just tell them that most of his clients were away on business or vacation so he didn’t have any appointments. He decided to spend the evening in the living room with his rooms watching them play their game. They talked him into playing and had survived all of thirty seconds, he definitely wasn’t a gamer though he did like watching.
As it got later he retired to his bedroom and decided to try to find something to do for the days ahead. Hescrolled around the school’s website to see what was happening that he could attend. Another gymnastics meet, he had learned that lesson already. There was a wrestling match, no, that was not a good idea. There was a play being put on, and he decided it was the safest bet so he’d attend that to pass the time. It had been alright and the leads had actually been quite good. But he found that a few of the cast Members caught his eye and added to his frustration. Twenty eight days now, Lukas had never gone this long, almost a month of nothing, no release and the pressure was getting worse.
Once again he hadn’t heard a word from Steven. How much longer would he be away? How many more days did he have to go with nothing? He filled Sunday by cleaning again and going to the movies and working out. No one was available Sunday for their dinner so Lukas had cooked and eaten alone. He felt so alone right now, his rooms were all busy with their own school work, he had no clients and Steven seemed to have abandoned him. As he sat in his room, mind focused on sex and only sex. The need for release was overwhelming him. He opened his laptop and headed to some porn sites, maybe just watching something would help. Maybe just the visual stimulation would cause him to leak some fluids to relieve the pressure. He was on his third video and his cock was trying to push through the cage, it was painful but Lukas sank into the pain as he had with the nipple play. The two guys on the screen were going to town and Lukas was sure he’d shot hands free when they finally came. His phone began to ring, he hit pause and picked it up and saw Sir in the caller id. Shit he was in trouble.
“Lukas what you are doing is completely unacceptable!” Steven was almost screaming at him. “I gave you very specific instructions about activities like this. You will close your laptop right now. This is 100 points Lukas, and believe me when I say when I see you again you will start to repay those points!”
“I’m sorry sir.” Fuck Lukas had really messed up, he felt everything drain out of him. How could he have been so stupid he knew better. He closed the laptop.
“Your apology is not good enough Lukas! You must learn your lesson from this.” Steven ended the call.
Lukas put his laptop on his night stand and turned off his lights and just sat in the dark. “Fuck Fuck Fuck” he kept saying to himself, how had he been so stupid?, he knew better and now Steven was not only disappointed in him but clearly pissed. He had no idea what Steven would do to him for repayment but he knew it wouldn’t be pleasant. He also knew that he himself had brought this on and he would take the punishment as he deserved. Lukas laid the rest of the way down in bed and continued to beat himself up for is indiscretion.
His alarm went off for Monday without him realizing he had fallen sleep. He pulled himself out of bed and throw himself into school again feeling completely dejected by what had translated the night before. He filled his day as best he could and made sure to work out again. He tried not to dwell too much on how he had messed up and figured what was done couldn’t be undone, he could only move forward.
His Monday started to pass by as normal and he had started to get some papers and tests back. All A’s, he had always been a good student A’s and B’s a few C’s now and again, mostly B’s but they were all A’s now. When he saw he was getting all A’s and read some of the feedback from his professors he realized something. Steven had led him to those A’s. He had demanded that Lukas focus on school work and he had and it was showing. Steven had guided him the right direction the entire time, had made sure that Lukas was focused on the correct things. He also started to come to an understanding within himself, if Steven had led him here, where else could he take Lukas. Slowly an idea developed inside of Lukas the master/slave dynamic he had entered into with Steven was more than just sex. If he followed Steven’s orders, who knew where it may lead. Yes he would get amazing sex serving under Steven he knew that now, but where else could Steven take him. Like a switch flipping Lukas realized his place was under Steven, following his instructions and his guidance. It made what happened on Sunday feel all the more worse inside of him. He could change, he could fully take on his slave role, he could follow Steven’s orders, learn and grow from them. He would take what Steven gave him as a gift even his punishments he knew were truly a gift from Steven they were meant to help him grow, to correct his mistakes. He had no idea what the punishments would be, but he would gladly take them.
The good grades continued to come throughout the rest of his week. This lifted his spirits and made the week go by relatively fast for him. And then his dreaded Friday came around and dampened his good mood a little. He realized that he hadn’t been thinkingAbout sex as much, he was controlling his urges. Yes he still had them but not as often and yes he still felt like his balls were filled to bursting. But it hadn’t been his dominate thought throughout the week. He had focused on school as Steven had told him realizing Steven was leading him down a path that helped him. Mid-way through his last class he felt his phone vibrate. As soon as class was over he checked it and his heart skipped a beat, sir had texted.
“Go to the same store as last time and pick up your package. Same address at 7:45.” Short and to the point, typical Steven, Lukas thought. He also noticed his heart rate had picked up reading the message and he felt a familiar growth. He pushed the thought away and the growth stopped. Just because Steven wanted to see him didn’t mean he’d get release and he needed to control his urges. But still the idea of getting anything after 34 days was exciting. “Yes Sir.” He almost wanted to scream it as he typed it, finally after amonth he was getting to see Steven again.
He practically ran to the store and got his package and practically ran home to see what was in it. As soon as he was in his bedroom with the door closed he ripped open the package. He saw the pants on top, same style and cut as the last ones but these were a deep purple. He pulled them out and saw a shirt underneath, it was a dark blue. He pulled it out noticing it was a button down shirt and felt the fabric that was clearly velvet and as he looked closer he noticed it was mesh style with small holes. He thought he had gotten everything out of the box when he noticed a small package at the bottom. He pulled it out and flipped it around to see what it was and read the label, “Rick Majors Liquid Skin Thong.” He opened the package and took out the to, there was barely any fabric to the thing, he had no idea how it would even fit everything in it. The color was blue and shiny, he looked at the package again and saw that technically it was’Steel Blue.’
He decided that he would do the same thing as he did last time, go to the library, then hit the gym before meeting the car. He emptied his backpack throw his laptop in so he could finish his paper, the clothes Steven had sent and left for the library. He remembered not to pack anything additional this time. Time seemed to crawl at the library and he had a hard time focusing but somehow managed to finish his paper. He headed to the gym, worked out, showed and started to dress. The thong was tight and he felt everything firmly held in place, he had to admit it looked nice on him, at least from this angle. He also noticed he needed to trim and shake. He had tried as best he could to keep it as neat as he was able to, but the cage made it difficult. He pulled the pants on, followed by the shirt, it felt luxury on his skin and hoped he’d get more of them from Steven.
He headed out and started walking to the meeting spot. Luckily he only saw one person this time, but they were walking ahead of him and had turned down a different block. He rounded the corner and saw the car with Allen patiently waiting by the door. He climbed in the back and Allen got in the front. As he sat in silence his mind started to race with so many thoughts. What new adventures would Steven have for him this weekend? Did he enter and got naked and go to position three in his spot or go to the bathroom and shame first? Steven had sent him clothes so did he keep them on and go to the spot or take them off and go to the spot? Would Steven still be as pissed off as he was before for his indiscretion? Would he start receiving his punishments to start paying back his points? The last thought sent his heart racing, he’d forgetten how many points he had now. He new it was a lot and thought it was around 200 but he wasn’t sure on the exact amount. Shit what should he do?
He had little time to figure it out as they pulled up outside the building and he got out, said hishellos to Jeffery and got in the elevator. He still hadn’t figured out what to do about the points and hadn’t even gotten to the other questions of what he should do when he arrived. The elevator opened and he stepped out, throw his backpack in the closet after removing his gym clothes and removed his shoes. Then he turned saw Steven at his customary seat in the living room and he frozen up, not knowing what to do. His heart raced and he felt sweat building on his skin as he tried to determine what to do. After what felt like minutes to him but was probably no more than thirty seconds he heard Steven says,
“Is there an issue Lukas?”
“I don’t know what to do sir?” His heart hammering away inside his chest.
“In regards to what Lukas?”
“I don’t know if I should go trim and shake and return naked or get naked here or get into position fully clothed sir.”
“Well Lukas I am assuming that you are not trimmed and held due to the cage being in place and I have no desire to see your unkempt body. As long as the cage is on, you should arrive and go directly into position fully clothed until told other wise.”
Lukas hung his head, he felt he should have known that and walked to his spot and assumed position three. He sat there for a very long time in silence, Steven ignoring him like he wasn’t there as he worked on his laptop. Finally Steven closed the laptop, pulled something out of his pocket and turned to Lukas,
“Here is the key to the cage Lukas. I am allowing you a moment of trust that I hope you will not disappoint me in.”
“I won’t sir”
“I did not ask for a response Lukas, ten points. You will go to your bathroom take care of yourself, freshen up, dress and return here, is that understand?”
“Yes sir.”
Lukas stood, head still hung low and walked to his bathroom. The entire walk he felt like a failure. He hadn’t known what to do when he arrived but felt like he should have and had let Steven down. He sensed that Steven was still upset about his mistake with porn on Sunday and the short interaction had made Lukas feel like he had completely failed in living up to Steven’s standards, he would do better, so he hoped.
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