A first encounter in the bus

Hi, I am sunil, now aged 28, but not enjoying that much now. This is an incident which took place when I used to travel more on my official trips between Bangalore and Mysore. Once when I was not married yet, I was traveling from Bangalore to Mysore and had some time that day and made up to visit Brindavan Gardens. While returning, the bus would be always full as it is a mini bus, since it would be 8 pm and those were the last buses at that time. I somehow grabbed a seat at the aisle, third row from the front entrance. After some local stops in the area, one group of crowd boarded the bus and they some how could enter and reach the middle area that is slightly near me. Couple of women was standing next to me. I had a black leather bag with some drawings in them used in my work. Since the crowd was more, the women started slanting on me and the drawings in the bag started beending. So, I used my right hand to control them as I was at the left of the bus. When I started controling my bag, I was unknownly touching the thighs of a woman standing next to me. Then I started to realize that it’s a nice chance to enjoy for a while. It was almost a 1.30 minutes journey.

When touching the thighs, the road was very bad and the bus used to wobble and my hands also used to go little top. Then that woman realized and move little front, far from me and made space empty there and there was another middle aged woman aged about 40, good to look and attractive occurred the place and I again started the same work of controlling my bag and touching the thighs of the woman. She did not react to it and I was amazed to learn that she came closer to me. I took full advantage of this and slightly rouse my index finger so that it could touch her area. She started cooperating but still I had the fear in me that she may act different. Still, I continued this art hesitatingly and slowly moved little more up. There were lots of flits in her saree and she started moving the flits a side, making more convenient to feel. Then I understand that she is in need of this and I started massaging slowly. She was leaning down as if to see the place as where we were intentionally to touch her breasts on my head and face. Then the person sitting next to me got down at some stop nearing Mysore and that lady occurred the seat next to me. I kept quite for a while and folded my hands.

Then slowly more my left hand as it is folded and felt her hand, then her armpit and then the side part of her breast. She adjusted herself much closer and pallu so that it is covered and nobody can see. I got full control of her left breast and started squeeze them slowly. She enjoyed a lot. Then we reached Mysore and acted as if there was nothing between us. When reaching the Mysore bus stand to board bus to Bangalore, I saw this lady also was going to Bangalore and I got in the same bus which she boarded. She sat in the middle row of the Rajahamsa Bus and the seat next to her wasempty. When she saw me, there was a smile on her face which I could understand and preceded near her and asked her is anybody to come and sit next to her. She simply shook her head and sat properly on the seat giving me place to sit. Then the same thing continued till we reached Bangalore. As we started by 9.30 the bus reached Bangalore by 12 midnight. I asked her where she stays and she told me that she is in Malleswaram. I asked her whether her family is there. Then she told me that her husband was in Dubai and her kids were studying in Ooty and she stayed with her friend who is divided.

Then I told her it is not safe to travel alone and I told her that I would drop her as I was going the same way. She agreed and when reaching, she said that it was too late and invited me home so that I can stay there and go home in the morning. Meanwhile, she was talking to someone on her mobile phone and I was dumb struck when I reached her apt. The lady staying with her was more attractivee than this lady. This lady’s name was Radha and her friend’s name was Shobha. She introduced me to her and she made some comment in Coorgy language which I could not understand and both started laughing. I was confused. Then I told Radha that I would sleep in the hall on the sofa. Suddenly Shobha said “r u tired with the activities in the bus” Then I realized that she had told all that had happened by phone to her. I strongly said no, I am not tired. [email protected]

Then she told me that I can share the cot with them. As I was entering the room to the bed, thinking all that could happen the rest of the night, I was amazed to see that they were lesbians and already on the job. Rubbing, licking, kissing and sucking each other. Then Radha called me to join. I started like an innocent man and the way the cooperation by both were fantastic. When Radha was kissing me and was holding my hand on her breasts, Shobha started sucking my dick. It is not very big but still they were enjoying and the entire play went up to 5 am in the morning, we slept together nude and got up by 7 am, had our bath together and I continued to my home. Later I visited them whenever possible and enjoyed. After 1 year, Radha’s husband had come and took her to Dubai and Shobha married another man, her colleague and settled. No news from them till now. I am longing for such encounters again. As I am Not happy in my pleasures life, I am looking for women who r in need of such confidential relationship. If u r the one, then mail me to


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