the scars of love and pain we get
through whipping girls for long made wet
the gentle tear of scream and moan
made crystal clear from stunning bone
tangled sheets on thee I wed
blistered skin made soft and red
from I to thee to we to you
I bid this dream for us who knew
Part 1
1- Incoming
And there, buckled between the past and the future stand my love. Her blonde hair laid playfully down her back as she searched for me. Her blue eyes sparkled in anticipation. I could see her mouth silently whisper her concerns. From my seat at the baggage claim I sat spellbound. Here I was the master, completely enthralled by the pet. Her firm legs carried her to the information desk, and after a brief conversation I was summoned over the airport PA system. Me, summoned. An offense she will pay for, but there was time for that.
As soon as I stood she saw me. I couldn’t trust myself to move, even as she started towards me, I remained motionless. My desires had been bottled for so long. My needs have gone unfulfilled for what seemed like ages. And there, moving towards me with all the faith, trust, and yes even love, of a new born child, was my demon’s yin.
Our embrace was fierce, and our kiss even fiercer, it had been such a long time coming, and I had forgotten how well our bodies fit together. Her warm body and soft breasts pressed against me, made me hunger for her. I reached to take her right then. It took all of my self control to stop. Her hands ran up and down my back, and my hands slide down to her big ass and squeezed it hard. The soft moan that escaped her lips caused my cock to get harder than it already was. She could feel it through my pants and pressed her body up against it.
“I can’t wait to play with that,” she whispered. “I I want to feel it deep inside of me, fucking me raw.” Her words didn’t shock me, it was what I wanted too. My love, my whore, my sweet sweet pet. Both of us could have stayed there forever, whispering the things we’ve been long to say, revealing in the things we needed to hear. But better is to do than to say.
After finally separating we held hands and walked over to the baggage claim carousel. There was a smile on my lips, one ever lived only by the one I had the last time I was in her presence. She leaned against me and held my arm. I kissed the top of her hair and breathed in her scent. How I had missed her. My sweet little whore.
She had left Seoul a year ago and I had missed her every day she was gone. Those were very dark days. Ones I had barely survived. The madness that crept into me nearly destroyed me. But after some time a peace settled over me like a cool rain on a humid summer day, and I knew what I had to do. I had to plan. I had to plan for her return. And during my planning I learned something else. Something I had spent many sleepless nights praying for, and finally, when I had stopped looking for it, it came to me. Patience. I had finally masterred patience. Something I didn’t have when my pet and I last met. But I planned to show her my new skill with this tool named patience, brutally and often.
After some time we realized that her bags had yet to come off the conveyor belt. We stood there awhile longer, hoping we could get her bags and be on our way. But no such luck. The baggage claim attended informed us that her bags were on the flight landing in about an hour and she could pick them up then. With nothing but the hotel room and the night’s activities in mind we were less than pleased.
Neither of us were hungry so we decided to walk around the terminal until her bags arrived. The entire time all we did was talk about our frustrations, and how we wanted to fuck each other senseless. But I had waited a year for this, one more hour wouldn’t hurt. Unless…
As we rounded a corner I noticed one of the men’s bathrooms was under construction. It looked like it was still accessible but there were warning signsposted all around it to keep people out. Walking over to it I found it unlocked. My pet looked at me curiously and asked me what I was doing. Without a word I grabbed her arm and pulled her in after me.
There were boxes of tile and tubes of caulking all over the counters and floor. Dust and plastic sheeting seemed to cover every inch of the place, and it was obviously deserted.
“What are we doing in here?” pet asked.
I turned her to face me and asked, “Why did they summon me over the PA system?”
“I was looking for you and couldn’t find you. I was worried that you didn’t make it-“
I slapped her, hard. “You didn’t answer me pet. Why did they summon me over the PA system?”
The slap had caused her hands to immediately go to her face. The fear and confusion in her eyes was delicious. “I- I- I-” she stammered. I could see the tears starting to well up in her eyes. I had let her training delay for far too long.
“Whore,” I said. “I asked you a simplefucking question, and I expect a simple fucking answer.” I grabbed her by her hair and forced her face to the wall. Holding her head there I reached my other hand in front of her and grabbed her throat. “This is the last chance you will have to answer the question. Refuse to answer, or give the wrong answer, and you will deeply regret it.”
“Bitch that’s not my name. You do Remember my name don’t you?” There wasn’t any physical change, I know it had to be completely internal, but right there before my very eyes she became my pet again.
“Sir I’m so sorry,” she cried “You were summoned over the PA system because I asked them to. I’m sorry Sir I won’t do it again.” Her beautiful blue eyes glistened with the tears at the corners of her eyes, her chest was heaving and her legs were trembling. I hadn’t been that aroused in a very long time.
I released her hair and throat and stepped back away from her. “Turn around whore, and get on your knees.”
As she wascomplying she asked, “Sir? Right here? There’s so many people out there and if one of them comes in-” she cut her sentence short when she saw the look on my face. I do not like to repeat myself and I do not like excuses. She will obey, and that’s all there is to it.
On her knees she is a sight. Those beautiful blue eyes looking up at me obediently, that soft hair laying down her back, her breasts rising and falling with each breath, and those thick lips just aching to take a pounding.
“Unzip my pants and pull out my cock,” I ordered. With a shaky hand, I couldn’t tell if it was from lust or from fear, she reached up and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. When she reached in to pull out my cock her eyes got wide. I was already fully erect. Just the seeing her there on her knees is what did it to me. “Now whore, suck it.”
Slowly she wrapped her lips around the head of my dick and began to bob back and forth on it. I let her continue for a minute, praying she’d get it right but I was sadly disappointed.
I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her off of me, slapping her face I said, “Where the fuck did you learn to suck cock like that? Is that how those fairy fucks in Canada like their dick sucked? I know I taught you better than this pet. Now suck it right or I’m going to skull-fuck you until you puke all over yourself.”
She Immediately went back to sucking me in earnest. Her head flying furiously back and forth, her tongue licking my shake from the base to the tip. It feels so good. The way her lips wrapped around it and sucked it hard, the way her cheeks would expand as her mouth filled with my cock. But still, it wasn’t right.
“Hands behind your back and grab your wrists,” I ordered. “Now don’t you fucking move whore.” I grabbed the hair on the back of her head with both hands and began to fuck her mouth. The sloppy wet sounds filled the bathroom, and I wanted more. Slowly I inserted my cock all the way down her throat. The sounds ofher gagging bounced off the bathroom walls. The way her throat would tighten around my dick every time she gagged made it feel so much better. I held it there for a few seconds then pulled out, letting her catch her breath. While she was heaving I slapped her again.
“This is what you like isn’t whore?”
“Yes, yes Sir.”
“You want me to fuck your face don’t you?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Beg me to fuck your face whore. Beg to feel my cock deep in your throat.”
“Sir please fuck my throat. Fuck my face and make me gag on your dick.”
I rammed my dick home into her open mouth, causing her to instantly gag. Holding it there I grabbed her throat and began to squeeze. The air was being cut off from both ends and her face was starting to turn red. Again pulling out to let her breath, she inhaled big deep breaths. What a beautiful sight she was, kneeing there on the floor, saliva dripping out of her mouth and onto the floor and her pants.
“Stand up whore.” Slowly she stood, her legs ached from kneeing on the floor and she was slow to rise. Too slow. Grabbing her throat I said, “Get the fuck up bitch. I don’t have time for this.” I pulled her up by her throat and slammed her into the wall behind her.
“Take off your pants and your panties and turn around.”
“Sir, please no,” she waited. “Not here.”
“It’s not a suggestion pet.” Slowly she submitted and began taking off her pants and panties. When they were off she turned around.
“Now press your chest against the wall, reach back with both hands and spread your ass wide for me.”
When her ass was spread wide I took a couple of seconds to look at her dripping wet pussy and her tight little asshole. I wanted them both, I couldn’t decide which one to take. It had been so long since I had either that the decision was difficult. But if you’re going to fuck a whore in an airport bathroom, you have to do it right.
I stepped up behind her and said, “Beg me to fuck you whore. Beg me to fuck your tiny little asshole with my thick cock.”
“S- s- sir please fuck my tiny asshole with your cock. Please fuck me, please sir.”
I put the tip of my dick right at her asshole. Just barely moving forward I entered her. Only the tip at first, she’d have to beg for the rest.
“Is this what you wanted pet?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Just the tip? You only wanted the tip? I thought you were a bigger whore than that.”
“I mean no sir, please, I want it all in me. Please fuck my ass.” Her breathing was coming in short gasps. Her hands and fingers were straining at her ass, trying to keep it wide. She knows how I like it.
“Well which is it pet? Did you want it all or just the tip?”
“All of it Sir, fuck me with all of it.”
I began to slide my cock inside of her again, not fast, but not too slow. Steadily I pushed my dick deep in her ass, until it was buried up to the hilt. She had raised up on her toes to try to ease the pain, onceI was all the way in she said, “Ohmygodohmyfuckinggoditssodeep, so deep.”
I pulled slowly out of her until just the head was in, then slowly pushed it back in. Then again, then faster. I started building up a medium rhythm fucking her ass. I grabbed her hair and pulled her towards me. Painfully I pulled her hair, arching her back and causing her to cry out. “Is this what you wanted whore? My cock buried in your ass?”
“Yes- ugh, yes sir. Fuck my ass sir, fuck your whore.”
I began to slam into her ass hard. Brutally I fucked her. My hands in her hair pulling her head back to an astonishing degree, her ass spread wide by her own hands and me just hammering her asshole with all that I could.
Her screams and moans became louder and louder. My pet is one of Those rare creativity that can have an anal orgasm, and there was a big one building.
“Are you going to cum whore?”
“Yes, yes, yes sir.” She cried out as I slammed into her especially hard and kept it there.
“Oh you are? You don’t ask permission anymore slut? You just come whenever you want?”
“No sir I’m sorry, pleaseletmecum, oh god sir pleaseletmecum.”
“Ok pet, you can cum.”
I began to fuck her hard again. I dropped my hands to her ass and used it to pull her ass onto my cock while I hammered her as hard as I could. Her orgasm came quick and violently.
She let out a loud “OH GOD” as she came. Her whole body began to shake and convulse. She was barely able to stand, in fact the only thing holding her up was my dick still in her ass. She tried to slide down the wall but I pulled her back up by her hair and pressed her flat against the cold tile.
“Now now pet, don’t go running off.”
I could feel the pressure starting to build in my balls and I knew I was going to cum soon. Her asshole was milking my cock while she came. Contracting all around it, and the sensing was incredible.
“I’m going to cum in your ass whore.”
With one lastviolent thrust I came. Holding my cock deep inside her I pumped my hot load into her ass. I leaned my full weight against her and pressed my hips as far forward as I could to get as deep as possible. It seemed like every drop in me came out in that load. Even before I pulled out it was already starting to drip down her thighs.
Keeping my cock inside of her I tried to catch my breath. Our strained breathing echoed off the walls and came back to us. I could feel her hot skin against my chest and her hair ticked my face.
I leaned forward and put my mouth to her ear and said “I love you pet.”
2- Promises
We exited the bathroom quickly. No one was around and pet looked relieved. I wouldn’t let her clean up, I wanted her to feel my cum sliding out of her ass the whole ride to the hotel, so her walk to the baggage claim desk was awkward at best.
I loved watching her squirm and move from one foot to the other as she talked to the baggage attendant. She was beautifulful and completely mine.
The next flight had already landed and her bags were already on the carousel. After picking them up we headed out of the building.
The line for a taxi wasn’t too long but we still had to wait twenty minutes before we got into ours. The hotel wasn’t far so the ride was quick and uneventful. The whole time though we kept stealing glances at each other. Her face would get redder each time we made eye contact, and my smile would get bigger. She loves being dominated, in every sense of the word she loves it. And when I looked at her I not only saw a fuck-hole that bends and submits to my every whim, but also my love. How I had gone that long without her I still don’t know. Throughout the cab ride it was hard to believe that she was back, right there next to me. I could touch her legs and face. I could kiss her lips and smell her sweat. No more longing, no more sleepless nights laying in bed alone. My love, my pet was home.
During the cab ride my pet asked me, “Do you want to get something to eat first or just go to the hotel?” The way she rubbed her legs and stared at my crotch gave away her enthusiasm for the latter.
“Hotel is fine. We can eat later. I want you all to myself for awhile love.”
She smiled, happy and careful she was. So beautiful sitting there next to me. Now exiting the cab and walking up the stairs to our room.
Before I could open the door she turned to me and hugged me tight. Still wearing her big grin she said to me, “Sir I promise this will be a night to remember.”
Hugging her back I said, “Pet I promise that you’re going to regret stepping foot in that room.”
Part 2
1- Pain
We were mauling each other and ripping at our clothes before the door to the room even closed. Her shirt, pants, bra and panties rested wherever I could throw them. My shirt had been removed but I had managed to keep my pants on.
She fell to her knees in the hallway and started working at the fly of my trousers. Finally we were alone, away from the eyes of the world and free to just explore, fuck and fantasize. I reached down and grabbed her hands and pulled her to standing saying, “Calm down my love, we have all the time in the world. I am here, you are here, and there’s nothing that can change that.”
With that I kissed her slow and deep. I did what I could to enjoy her smell and feel. Although my words had calmed her, they had not calmed me. I wanted to fold her in half and pound her pussy until my legs gave out or her screams grew hoarse, or both. But I had planned this for too long, I could not let that go to waste.
As we were kissing I started walking her towards the bed. Reaching down and wrapping my lips around her left nipple I sucked and nibbled on it and started squeezing her ass. I worked my mouth up her chest to her neck and ears. Giving loving kisses on her earlobes I whispered my many I love you. Her hands were on my back rubbing my shoulders and pulling me tighter to her. My flesh against her flesh, my heart beating in time with hers. I had never been so in love.
I stopped and laid her gently on the bed. I began running my hands up her thighs and stomach, gently flicking my fingers over her clip and swollen pussy. With every passing second she was becoming more aroused and I loved it. Her skin was so soft and so smooth. Not a mark or blemish anywhere. A fresh canvas of pure white skin just aching to be painted. Thick strokes of red and purple bruises would do perfectly on her thigh, the sharp welts of a whip would look beautiful across her stomach and breasts. I could see it all, and it was a masterpiece.
I moved my body between her legs and began kissing down her stomach. Her body shivered with every kiss. Every stroke of my hand brought waves of pleasure down her spine and thighs. Her body plays the most wonderful music. I positioned myself with my head between her legs, kissing the inside of her thighs and softly biting the skin next to her lips. I ran my tongue up the side of her pussy and slowly back down the other side, making sure to not touch her clip. Her body was responding more, and I could tell she wanted to feel my tongue buried in her, teasing, licking and sucking her to orgasm, but she would have to wait. All in due time.
Keeping my tongue away from her clip I started to trace long and slow circles inside of her. The sweet taste of her pussy filled my mouth and lit up my tongue. This, this was the taste I had been hungering for. So pure and so clean, her sweet pussy filled all of my senses and nearly drove me to end the charade and violently fuck her right then. The patience to do this was taking all of my willpower, but I would succeed, I had to.
Starting at the bottom of her lips I lightly drug my tongue up to her clip. I gave it a long slow lick before I started nibbling and sucking at it. Her clip responded, becoming thicker in my mouth. I loved the way it feltBetween my teeth, the way it caused her whole body to jump with just the slightest flick of my tongue.
She began moaning louder and holding my head in place. Her legs rose up and she tried to buck her hips up to get my tongue deeper into her. Slowly she was coming to orgasm. I could feel it. Like riding a bike I never forget the way her body looked when she got close. The way her breathing would catch, her thighs would shake, her stomach would contract and the way she almost always tried to sit up. She was getting there. So close. I got her right to the edge, right to the top of the wave and held her there. I stopped licking her continuously and would just lick her clip a couple of times and then nibble her tights. Never letting her cum, but never letting it back too far off.
Finally when she had almost had enough of being teased I moved up her body and positioned the bulge in my pants right at the opening of her wet vagina.
“I missed you so much my love.”
“Oh god I missed you too.” Her hands were kneeing and clenching my back, pulling me close and trying to feel every inch of me all at once.
“I love making you cum pet. With everything that I am I love it.”
“Sir I want to cum pet, I’m so close.”
“Do you want to cum pet? Do you want to feel my cock slide into you? Deep into you?”
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