My Dark Goddess Ch. 01 Pt. 03

I stand before you as you look me up and down before returning to your locker chair and reclining. You look so elegant and sexy with your glass of Clicquot Veuve daintily between your fingers, legs folded as you type absently at your phone.


“Get out of those rags, I can’t have my slave looking like a homeless man”

I start to undo my belt.

“Why won’t you listen, I said strip, not undress!”

You turn your phone volume up, and I can’t help but giggle at your music choice, “Pour Some Sugar on Me,” by Def Leppard, a staple of every strip club I have ever been in.

“Something funny? No? Well, dance for me!”

I start swaying to the music, closing my eyes, and capturing the beat in my head, I start wiggling my hips and gyrating like girls I have seen dance to this song, turning, bending, and lightly slapping my butt at just the right time, turning back, ripping the buttons off my already shredded shirt and throwing it to the side.

I keepdancing, showing all the grace of a newborn giraffe as I unbuckle my belt and add it to the pile, making a little theatrical whipping motion as I go. I see you stifling your giggle and attempting to maintain your mistress-ness as I drop the remaining tattoos of my pants and continue to dance, naked now, my hard cock pointed at the ceiling as I do my best.

Returning to character you frown.

“Not good enough, you haven’t redeemed yourself so now you must be punished, on your knees.”

Suitable chastened I drop to my knees in front of you, naked, vulnerable as I await your command.

“You like to star at mistress?”

“No mistress.”

“Why not, what is wrong with her?”

Realising that there is no correct answer that will save me from being punished, I hang my head in resignation as I tell you.

“No mistress, I don’t like to stare however your beauty is irresistible and once I saw your womanhood in its glory I could not tear my eyes away, I am weak forNot being able to control my urges.”

You spit in my face.

“Naughty slave, you need practice controlling those urges… look… your cock is hard even after I spat on you. Now try to control yourself.”

You stand, walk towards me, and stop. Your pussy is right at my eye level, and I am unable to not look, the thin sheer fabric of the bodysuit barely covering your beautiful pussy, I can see the outline of those perfect smooth lips through the fabric, so close that I can smell your arousal. I struggle with my urges, resisting my carnal desire to pull you to me and bury my face in your gorgeous womanly folds.

You step back and turn, pushing your butt in my face.

“Hold still slave, enjoy this while you can.”

I can feel the soft fabric of your thong pressed against my nose, smell you, so close I want to taste, but knowing that any attempt to lick your holiest of holes will be met with more punishment I just manage to contain my lust.

You start to walk away, your hips swaying, the light coming through the sliding doors silhouetteing your gorgeous figure, your long plait swaying against your perfectly toned back as you tease me with that walk, the thong of the bodysuit accentuating the roundness of your beautiful ass. Mesmerizing, a few beams of sunlight hit you, highlighting the gap between your legs, and making my heart race.

Truly a Viking goddess, a Valkyrie that rides me to heights of lust and pure pleasure. You look cheesekily over your shoulder “How is your control going slave?”

“I am doing my best Mistress.”

“Well you need to do better.”

You turn, looking like a catwalk model, and walk back towards me, glancing down to see that my cock is now throbbing, standing hard and pointed at the ceiling, a small drip of pre cum at the tip.

“Mmm, what’s this, even your cock is drooling for me.. let’s see what we can do about that,” a pause, “I suppose you have been mostly a good slave, let me reward you, butyou must promise, do not move. Now stand up, arms behind your back.”

I do as I am told, standing as still as I can, feet slightly parted, wondering if my reward will be a strip show in return as you unclip the top 2 clasps on the bodysuit.

But no, even more shocking, you get to your knees in front of me, and cradle my balls in your left hand, your right encircling my engaged cock, pulling it down so the eye is directed straight at your face as you inspect it, touching the tip with your forefinger and creating a string of that precum that you twirl around your finger, taking your time to get to know every inch of me before spitting on it, wrapping your fingers around and stroking, long slow strokes with your hand, all the way to the tip, your thumb brushing over, causing it to jump, my cock stiffening Even more before your hand slides down again

“You like that slave?”

I moan in approval,

“Yes mistress, I hunger and ache for you to touch me like this.”

“Do not move.”

“Yes Mistress.”

You lean forward, another drool of your spit dripping right on the head of my cock running down and lubing your hand as it works up and down.

You poke out your tongue, lifting my cock and preparing to lick me from the base of my shake to the tip… I don’t know how long I’ll be able to control myself if you engulf me in your mouth but there is no way I am telling you I need a break.

Just before your tongue touches me, you look up into my eyes, so sexy and hungry for me.

“Close your eyes, Babe, I want you to concentrate on how this feels.”

I close my eyes, completely at your mercy now, feeling your hand gently squeeze my balls, feeling how full you have made them as I wait the torturously long few seconds for your tongue.

Then a burst of age in my cock and a loud slap echoes through the room as you slap my cock with your hand. My eyes snap open as you deliver the backhander to the other side of my cock, the hand holding my balls tightening like a vice, rendering me unable to back away.

“haha, pathetic slave, did you really think that Mistress was going to pleasure you with her mouth?”

“Have you not yet realized that you are here for my pleasure not your own?”

You grab my lead again and drag me by both the lead and my balls to the locke.

“Bend over the arm of the locke you little bitch, I am not done with your ass yet.”

I proceed as commanded, kneeing on the floor beside the lounge and flopping forward, my hips on top of the arm so my face is buried in the cushion, my ass in the air.

I am nervous, after the sheer animalistic brutality that you showed when you raped me, I hope my poor little ass can cope, hope that I can continue to satisfy my mistress and not have to use the safe word.

I turn my head and make 3 observations.

You have removed the BBC, undone another clap on the front of the bodysuit, and, thirdly, omg, you are beautiful.

“Open your ass, right now Bitch!”

I again perform as commanded, using my hands to spread my cheeks wide for you, so you can see my poor abused asshole, red raw, and a little swollen, still slightly agape. I hear you pour more champione for yourself as you stand behind me, inspecting your handiwork.

“Is Slaves ass sore?”

“A little Mistress”

“Can slave takes more dick tonight?”

Yes, mistress, your ass can take more. Your ass is still hungry for you and wants to be owned by you again.”

“Very well.”

I hear you refill your glass then feel the soothing cold as you dribble it from your mouth over my ass. I gasp at the coldness, my ass thankful for the sweet relief that you allow me.

My hungry ass, aching and being administratored sweet care by a Viking angel, cooling the aches, preparing it for more.

I hear you giggle, then slap my ass with your hand, the noise reverberating around the room as I clnch my eyes tight, determined not to react,Knowing that I need to show you I can take your punishment.

You slap again… harder and on the other chef.. a small gasp escapes my lips and you laugh, “Maybe not as tough as you think ah?”

You step back, admiring the 2 perfect handprints, one on each chef, marking me as yours.

“Hmmm. I like those marks…”

You pick up your phone and start recording your handiwork, I hear the click of the camera so I turn my head away.. “hmmm wonder if Twitter loves your ass as much as I do?”

Your thumbs are a blur as you upload our exploits and I feel a wave of pleasure that you share me with your friends and the world… naked and owned by you in the sweetest way.

“Dave, the next pics are for my personal collection, turn to me”

So I prop myself on my elbows, looking over my shoulder posing for you, your imprints on my ass, and the smile that tells you I am going for more.

You drop your phone on the table, and I bury my face in the cushion,Knowing the look in your eye can only mean one thing.

You slap… I lose count, both chefs feeling the wrath of your palm.

“My hand grows sore”

And I feel a sharper sting, your paddle making the same beautiful slap that your hand does, but louder, and I can’t help but peek and watch you paddle me, the lust in your eyes as slap after slap echoes through the room.

The pain subsides as you paddle more, my ass loving the attention as I lift my hips, offering you my ass, the warmth building, losing count of the number.

Finally, you stop, “Mistress grows bored with this game.”

I feel a well-lubed object attempting to penetrate my ass as you croon, “Open for me, I want you to hold this plug for me.”

“Yes Mistress,” and I focus, breathing deep, relaxing the already distended muscles and pushing back, moaning as I am stretched wide again, the plug making a squelch as it seats itself securely in my ass and I feel at one with you again.

“Stand up!”

I stand, facing you

“Turn around!”

I turn and see your face light up as you get a better view of my ass cheeses in the sunlight streaming through the doors, all red and rosy from your hand and your paddle, both cheeses pink and raw and throbbing from your Nordic onslaught.

“Well done slave, you took that well, and Twitter approves too… 23 likes already!”

“You deserve a special gift… but you must not drop that plug…”

To be continued


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